City Council District 6 Progressive Candidate Jeff Hoehn  Responds To Mayor Keller’s Political Operative Neri Holguin; Reveals Holguin Was “Politcal Tool” Used By Keller To Try And Force Hoehn From Running; Roger’s Failing Forward Candidacy  

On Monday November 27, politcal columnist Joe Monahan on his political blog “New Mexico Politics With Joe Monahan” posted the following headline and reported in part as follows:

HEADLINE: “Veteran Dem Consultant Predicts Rogers Victory In ABQ City Council Run-off”

If longtime progressive Dem political consultant Neri Holguin has it right Nichole Rogers should have a smooth path to victory in her December 12 run-off election with Jeff Hoehn for the District 6 ABQ City Council seat in the liberal SE Heights. [Holguin said this]

“I think Jeff is in trouble because of the considerable financial support his campaign has received from the PAC associated with commercial real estate interests. It is primarily made up of Republicans and as that word circulates the majority Democrats in the district will recoil from supporting him.” 

… .

Rogers has come under fire for failing to comply with state registration regulations for a nonprofit she founded but Holguin says the mistake lacks sting and she does not expect Rogers to be upended by any more ethics charges.

By her count Holguin has now consulted some 100 state political campaigns. She briefly consulted the Rogers campaign at the start of the regular election. She is not involved in the run-off.”


Just two days after the Monahan report, political consultant Neri Holguin sent out a fundraising email for a measured finance committee supporting Nichole Rogers contradicting what she ostensibly told Joe Monahan that she was not involved with the District 6 run off. In her email she asks “Will you support Nichole Rogers for City Council District 6?”

In her email, Holguin makes the false assertion that Hoehn is relying on a measured finance committee “funded by real estate/oil and gas/Republican donors to prop up his campaign.” This is false in that Hoehn did  not need propping up and has been successful at fund raising.

Hoehn has been able to raise more in private financing than the $36,917.30  Roger’s was given in city public funding for her initial campaign to get into the runoff.  Review of all Campaign Finance Reports filed with the City Clerk  reflects Jeff  Hoehn has raised $47,261.61 in cash contributions and $39,773.39 in campaign expenditures to date with no loans reported as due and owing. $1,010,21 in “in-kind” contributions are reported. The problem for Hoehn now is that Rogers has  been given $20,000 by the city in public finance for the run off.

All candidates, including Jeff Hoehn, have absolutely no control over third party measured finance committees. Notwithstanding,  Neri Holguin insists  on promoting the false narrative in her solicitation email that because  donations are made to a measured finance committee,  somehow Jeff Hoehn is affiliated with the donors, that he is relying on the PAC and the candidate will do the donors bidding once elected which is not the case.

Holguin proclaims “Rogers is the clear progressive choice for this election.”  What has happened  is that voters are reacting to news that has come out since the October 7 election.  Nichole Rogers candidacy has been seriously undermined and damaged by reports of a disturbing history of civil litigation involving debt collections and evictions, property liens, misdemeanor convictions, failure to file state and federal documentation for the non-profit she runs and questions if she has really lived in the district for 6 years as she claims or if she is living in an apartment on the West side with her family.  She has admitted to the mismanagement of her nonprofit.


On December 3, 2023, Jeff Hoehn issued the following statement to rebut Neri Holguin’s analysis of the race given to political blogger Joe Monahan:

“I respectfully take issue with your blog post of November 27, “Veteran Dem Consultant Neri Holguin Predicts Nichole Rogers Victory Over Jeff Hoehn In ABQ City Council Run-off.” Of course, Neri Holguin is predicting that Nichole Rogers will beat me in the December 12 runoff election. Nichole is her candidate, through and through. Yet Neri Holguin’s opinions are presented in the post as if she is simply a wise and neutral political professional. This is not accurate.

Neri Holguin was instrumental in getting the mayor elected, and Tim Keller continues to rely on her implicitly. Neri Holguin was the very person who called me in April to convey the mayor’s message that I should not run for City Council. The blog post states, Neri Holguin “briefly consulted the Rogers campaign at the start of the regular election [but] she is not involved in the run-off.” In fact she is involved in the runoff, albeit now on behalf of a PAC. Neri Holguin is openly raising money for the Real New Mexican Leadership PAC, one of five (5) PACs that are currently helping Nichole try to get elected to City Council. Neri Holguin is working hard to ensure that my opponent gets elected, in order to smooth the way for the mayor’s plans for the rest of his second term and, they hope, his third term.

Nichole Rogers has repeatedly touted the fact that she is publicly financed, and yet she is willing to accept PAC money all day long. No wonder people are turned off by politics. I am supported by a single PAC, HELP NM. This PAC has chosen to support me, having assessed Nichole Rogers as being hostile to commercial and real estate development. I myself do see a role for real estate development in District 6, particularly in the economically distressed areas east of San Mateo. I also see a role for development in addressing our city’s affordable housing crisis. But I am the only candidate pushing to eliminate the “in lieu of” rule that currently allows developers to essentially avoid building affordable housing for a nominal one-time fee.

Those who know me from the Nob Hill Neighborhood Association and from my longtime career in the nonprofit community can attest that I have the highest reputation for integrity and honesty. I will not be ‘in the pocket’ of developers, Republicans, the mayor or anyone else but my District 6 constituents.

Your November 27 post alludes to the fact that Nichole Rogers is struggling with a simmering ethics fiasco involving her one-person nonprofit, Welstand Foundation.  This story was covered in both the Albuquerque Journal and the New Mexico Sun. Your post states, “Rogers has come under fire for failing to comply with state registration regulations for a nonprofit she founded but Holguin says the mistake lacks sting and she does not expect Rogers to be upended by any more ethics charges.” The issue is about more than mere regulation compliance though. Welstand Foundation’s failure to file Form 990s with the IRS means that no one can know where any of the nonprofit’s money was spent.

On Monday Nov. 27 at a campaign forum hosted by the South San Pedro Neighborhood Association, Nichole Rogers said that she would have financial documents for Welstand Foundation up on her website by the end of the week, which didn’t happen. Let’s all keep her honest in following up on that promise.  Contrary to Neri Holguin’s prediction, more ethics charges have arisen for Nichole Rogers. Another political blog has asserted, with evidence, that Nichole Rogers lied about not having multiple misdemeanor charges, and about having lived in District 6 for six years, when by all accounts she reclaimed her home from a tenant in January in order to run for City Council. Voters should do their research about both candidates before this very important City Council runoff election.

I have specific, detailed information on my website about policy positions and my experience, as well as two letters dated Oct. 24 and Nov. 3 responding to criticisms regarding private financing and the HELP PAC. I am a pro-choice, progressive Democrat and the only honest, qualified candidate in this race. Neri Holguin, Tim Keller and Nichole Rogers are working hard to mischaracterize me and my campaign in order to get a safe vote for the mayor on Council. Voters should decide for themselves and vote for an independent voice for District 6, for the change we need to get our city back on track.”

 Thanks for letting me contribute to your blog to set the record straight.

Jeff Hoehn


The real news revealed in the “dust up” exchange  between Mayor Keller’s politcal operative Neri Olguin and City Council Candidate Jeff Hoehn is the extent of involvement of Mayor Tim Keller has had in the 2023 City Council races.

Confidential sources have confirmed that Joaquin BacaAbby Foster, and Nichole Rogers were indeed Keller’s anointed candidates to replace Progressive Democrat Isaac Benton in District 2, Republican Brook Bassan in District 4 and Progressive Democrat Pat Davis in District 6 respectively.

Hoehn is the first and only candidate that has confirmed publicly the extent to which Mayor Tim Keller attempted to influence the 2023 city council races by the use of his politcal operative and campaign manager Neri Holguin.


It is clear now that in the 2023 municipal elections for city council, Mayor Tim Keller, his politcal operative Neri Holguin and Keller supporters inserted themselves into the 3 city council races in City Council Districts 2, 4 and 6.  Keller took  an active roll in trying to elect city councilors who would support his progressive agenda over the final 2 years of his second term to set himself up to run for a third term in 2025. Keller has already made it known to top aides he intends to run for a third term.

Neri Holguin has an extensive history of being Mayor Tim Keller’s political advisor, confidant and campaign manager. Holguin managed one of Keller’s state senate races.  In  the 2017 Mayor’s race where Keller was first elected,  she headed up the measured finance committee  that raised  $663,000 to promote Keller when he ran the first time.  In  2021, Holguin was the paid campaign manager for Mayor Tim Keller’s successful re election bid against Bernalillo County  Sherriff Manny Gonzales and radio talk show host Eddy Aragon.

Neri Holguin is the owner and primary principal of Holguin Consulting, Inc.  Holguin has been a political consultant since at least 2007. Holguin Consulting, Inc.’s  web page lists campaigns Holguin has  successfully managed including Mayor Tim Keller, Albuquerque City Councilors Pat Davis, Isaac Benton, Joaquin Baca, Ray Garduno,  Bernalillo County Commissioners Barba Baca, Eric Olivas, Debbie O’mally, Maggie Hart Stebbins and  Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen.  Numerous State House Representatives and State Senator candidates are also identified.  What all of Holguin’s Democratic candidates have in common is that they are decidedly “progressive”, no moderate or conservatives Democrats need apply for her services.

The link to Holguin Consulting, Inc.’s  web page that provides background on the services it provides and lists  clientele is here:


In City Council District 2, Neri Holguin’s firm Holguin Consulting, Inc.’s was the paid political consultant for Progressive Democrat Joaquin Baca  who prevailed over two other candidates to win outright without a run off. Baca was a public financed candidate and was successful in collecting the required number of $5.00 donations.

Campaign Finance Reports filed with the City Clerk  reveal that on August 4, Baca was given the sum of $37,865.73 in city funding to run his campaign.   Baca’s Campaign Finance Reports also reveal that  Holguin Consulting, Inc. was paid a total of $19,922.42 for “Consulting and Staffing Services” or well over half of the $37,865.73 Baca received in public financing from the city.

The link to the finance reports file by Joaquin Baca  with the City Clerk is here:


In city Council District 4, Neri Holguin’s firm Holguin Consulting, Inc.’s was the paid political consultant for Progressive Democrat Abby Foster who ran against and lost to Republican City Councilor Brook Bassan.  Bassan was a publicly finance candidate. Foster, despite being a Progressive Democrat,  did not qualify for public finance.

Review of Abby Foster’s  Finance Reports filed with the City Clerk reveals that Foster raised at least $63,117 in private financing and paid Holguin Consulting, Inc. at least $37,268 for consulting fees, staffing and mail services, well over half of the $63,117 raised by Foster in private financing.

The link to the finance reports file by Abby Foster with the City Clerk is here:


Confidential sources have confirmed that Rogers received significant help from at least 2 top aides of Mayor Tim Keller. Those Keller top aides assisted in collecting nominating petitions signatures and qualifying $5 donations Rogers needed to secure public financing of $36,917.30. It is unknown if the campaigning was done on city time.

Neri Holguin  briefly consulted the Rogers campaign at the start of the regular election. Sources have confirmed that a falling out occurred between Rogers and Holguin over the extent to which Rogers was committed to do what was required of her and following Holguin’s instructions.

Now that Nichole Roger’s is in the runoff, Neri Holguin is soliciting donations on behalf the  measured finance committee Real New Mexico Leadership which is supporting Nichole Rogers. In her solicitation correspondence on behalf of the Real New Mexico Leadership, Holguin says $12,000 is needed to be raised but does not say what it will be used for, which is likely to disparage Jeff Hoehn.  Holguin fails to disclose in the solicitation if she or her firm Holguin Consulting, Inc.’ are being paid to do the fundraising and to what extent will she will benefit. High paid political consultants such as Holguin are known to charge anywhere between 20% to as much as 50% of what they raise on behalf of their clients.


City Council District 6 Candidate Jeff Hoehn has now confirmed that it was Neri Holguin called him in April of this year to convey to him Mayor Tim Keller’s  message that he should not run for City Council.  It is understood that Holguin told Hoehn in no uncertain terms that he could not win and not to run and that he would not be receiving the support of Mayor Tim Keller if he did run. In particular, Keller was said to want a “woman of color” to be elected and Nichole Rogers fit the profile.

Confidential sources have confirmed that Rogers received significant help from at least 2 top aides of Mayor Tim Keller. Those Keller top aides assisted in collecting nominating petitions signatures and qualifying $5 donations Rogers needed to secure public financing of  $36,917.30.  It is unknown if the campaigning was done on city time.


Holguin in her fund raising email sent on behalf of Nichole Rogers, she smears Hoehn by saying this:

“We can elect Nichole, the clear progressive choice for this election, but we need your help. …  We need Nichole because we can not afford a more right-towards tilt on the City Council!”

There will be no so called “more right-towards tilt on the City Council”  as Holguin implies if Jeff Hoehn is elected given the fact he is a decidedly Progressive Democrat.  Jeff Hoehn has been Democrat all of his life, and  works with nonprofits and works directly with progressive organizations and elected officials on many levels.

Holguin calling Nichole Rogers the clear progressive choice for District 6 is so very laughable and so very wrong on so many levels.   Rogers’ campaign has been severely damaged as a result reports of a disturbing history of civil litigation involving debt collections and evictions, property liens, misdemeanor convictions, failure to file state and federal documentation for the non-profit she runs and questions if she has really lived in the district for 6 years as she claims or if she is living in an apartment on the West side with her family.  She has admitted to the mismanagement of her nonprofit.

When the news reports first broke on Roger’s problems relating to her nonprofit, Rogers admitted that she mishandled her charitable non-profit, which benefited from both private contributions and COVID relief money from the city. Rogers claimed her conduct was not disqualifying.  Rogers said this:

“I am a person who has had successes and has had failures. But I really believe in failing forward. When you know better, you do better and I’m someone who can teach folks to watch out for these pitfalls.” 

When confronted with her history of litigation and legal problems and asked to confirm if she was the named defendant in the cases, she declined to do so and said this:

 “I have discussed a lot of this openly during my campaign, I have TRUE lived experience with being unable to pay rent on time, with poverty, and with navigating systems. … I would love to talk about how my own experience with poverty has led me to be where I am today.  As a victim of identity theft, I do not share personal information via email or over the phone.”

Nichole Rogers boldly proclaims that she “really believe[s] in failing forward” and that  she has “TRUE lived experience. How about just not failing by following the law, knowing better, taking full responsibility for your mistakes and not repeating them and not deflecting the truth. How about paying your debts, securing mandatory car registrations and car insurance, and attending scheduled court hearings to avoid bench warrants being issued for your arrest.

The blunt truth is Nichole Rogers has not been forth coming.  Her credibility is in serious doubt because of falsehoods and failures to disclose. She has failed to be completely transparent when it comes to her litigation history and her residence.


Political consultant and Mayor Tim Keller confident Neri Holguin has has become the Progressive Democrats version of what Republican  political consultant Jay McClusky is to the conservative Republicans.  Both represent what is so very wrong with politics in this day and age of Donald Trump.

Holguin is known for making false and inflammatory allegations and smearing an opposing  candidate not considered “progressive enough” to Holguin’s liking. It’s this type campaigning  that people are so disgusted with when it comes to measured finance committees, misleading people and negative campaigning to smear the opposition.

The influence of big money in elections allowed by the US Supreme Court decision in Citizens United is destroying our democracy. Many highly qualified candidates for office all too often do not bother to run because of the inability or difficulty raising the necessary money to run.

Political campaign fundraising and big money influence are warping our election process. Money spent becomes equated with the final vote. Money drives the message, affects voter turnout and ultimately the outcome of an election.

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Pete Dinelli was born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He is of Italian and Hispanic descent. He is a 1970 graduate of Del Norte High School, a 1974 graduate of Eastern New Mexico University with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and a 1977 graduate of St. Mary's School of Law, San Antonio, Texas. Pete has a 40 year history of community involvement and service as an elected and appointed official and as a practicing attorney in Albuquerque. Pete and his wife Betty Case Dinelli have been married since 1984 and they have two adult sons, Mark, who is an attorney and George, who is an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). Pete has been a licensed New Mexico attorney since 1978. Pete has over 27 years of municipal and state government service. Pete’s service to Albuquerque has been extensive. He has been an elected Albuquerque City Councilor, serving as Vice President. He has served as a Worker’s Compensation Judge with Statewide jurisdiction. Pete has been a prosecutor for 15 years and has served as a Bernalillo County Chief Deputy District Attorney, as an Assistant Attorney General and Assistant District Attorney and as a Deputy City Attorney. For eight years, Pete was employed with the City of Albuquerque both as a Deputy City Attorney and Chief Public Safety Officer overseeing the city departments of police, fire, 911 emergency call center and the emergency operations center. While with the City of Albuquerque Legal Department, Pete served as Director of the Safe City Strike Force and Interim Director of the 911 Emergency Operations Center. Pete’s community involvement includes being a past President of the Albuquerque Kiwanis Club, past President of the Our Lady of Fatima School Board, and Board of Directors of the Albuquerque Museum Foundation.