Federal Judge Unseals Court Filing Outlining New Evidence Against Trump In The January 6 Election Interference Case; Herculean Task Mandated To Conform With US Supreme Ruling Giving Trump Immunity From Prosecution For “Official Acts”

On October 3, U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is presiding over the case brought by Special Counsel Jack Smith against former President Donald Trump for his efforts trying to overturn the 2020 election results, unsealed a 165-page “GOVERNMENT’S MOTION FOR IMMUNITY DETERMINATIONS” outlining  new evidence against Trump.  Special counsel Jack Smith provides the most detailed description of evidence against Trump outlining his efforts  to interfere with the 2020 presidential election and that his actions were done in his private capacity and not in his official role as president.

A link to review the entire 165-page court filing is here:


The filing comes after the United States Supreme Court ruled that presidents enjoy broad immunity for “official acts” while in office, but not for “unofficial acts” as a candidate or a private citizen. Smith’s court filing  claims Trump actions were done  as a political candidate and not as a president and that therefore he is not entitled to immunity from prosecution for the conduct.

The court filing includes new details of Trump’s frayed relationship with former Vice President Mike Pence, FBI evidence of Trump’s phone usage on January 6, 2021, when rioters overtook the US Capitol,  and conversations with family members and others where the then-president Trump  was fighting his loss to President Joe Biden.

The court filing delineates what witnesses told a federal grand jury and the FBI about Trump, along with other never-before-disclosed evidence investigators gathered about the former president’s actions leading up to and on January 6.  New detail is given about special counsel Jack Smith’s investigation into the former president’s efforts to lean on state officials and paint a narrative of widespread fraud that prosecutors say Trump knew was untrue.

Special Counsel Smith wrote in part:

“When the defendant lost the 2020 presidential election, he resorted to crimes to try to stay in office.  … At its core, the defendant’s scheme was a private one. … He extensively used private actors and his campaign infrastructure to attempt to overturn the election results and operated in a private capacity as a candidate for office.”

The court filing is broken into four main sections:

The first section lays out the case prosecutors said they would attempt to prove at trial, including a summary of evidence.

The second section gives Judge Chutkan a roadmap for how to assess which actions are official, and potentially covered by immunity, and which are not.

The third section identifies how the principles should apply in Trump’s case.

The fourth section is a brief conclusion that asks Judge Chutkan to rule that the actions described are not protected by immunity and that Trump “is subject to trial on the superseding indictment.”

The court filing adds new details of what happened on January 6, 2021, including sensitive testimony from witnesses and notes taken by former Vice President Mike Pence.

In one section, the filing details what Trump was doing on January 6, 2021, as a violent mob of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol. It alleges that Trump settled into the dining room off the Oval Office around 1:30 p.m. and spent the afternoon reviewing TWITTER feed on his phone while Fox News played in the background.

At one point, a staffer rushed into the dining room to tell Trump that Pence had been rushed to a secure location because of the rioters. The staffer hoped that Trump would do something to ensure Pence’s safety. Instead, Trump looked at him and said only, So what?

The court filing provides a closer look at Trump’s interactions with his former political aide, podcaster Steve Bannon, including a phone call the two men had the day before the Capitol riot. Just a couple of hours later, Bannon told his podcast audience that “all hell” would break loose the following day.

The link to the quoted and relied upon news source is here:



On October 2, the national news agency CNN published a succinct article summarizing the contents of the 165 page “Government’s Motion For Immunity Determinations”.  The  article is  entitled  Special counsel Jack Smith provides fullest picture yet of his 2020 election case against Trump in new filing” written by staff reporters  Katelyn PolantzTierney SneedJohn FritzeHannah RabinowitzDevan ColeHolmes Lybrand,  Marshall Cohen, Kate Sullivan.  The article has been edited herein for brevity to be posted on www.PeteDinelli.com.  Following  is the summary of the major points contained in the 165-page court filing:


“FBI experts have mapped out what Trump was doing on his phone while the US Capitol riot unfolded.

An FBI Computer Analysis Response Team forensic examiner can testify about “the news and social media applications” on Trump’s phone, Smith wrote in the filing, “and can describe the activity occurring on the phone throughout the afternoon of January 6.”

Those logs show that Trump “was using his phone, and in particular, was using the Twitter application, consistently throughout the day after he returned from the Ellipse speech.”

Smith said that three unidentified witnesses are also prepared to testify that on the afternoon of January 6, the television in the White House dining room where Trump spent much of the day was “on and tuned into news programs that were covering in real time the ongoing events in the Capitol.”

That testimony would allow prosecutors to show a future jury what Trump saw unfolding on TV while he made comments and posted online that afternoon.”


“Even as they face a high bar for introducing evidence from Pence, Smith’s team [seeks] to do so by framing a series of interactions between the two as conversations between “running mates,” where Pence tried to convince Trump he needed to accept his electoral defeat.

They include a November 7, 2020, conversation where Pence allegedly told Trump that he should focus on how he revived the Republican Party, as well as Pence’s recollection of a Trump meeting with campaign staff, during which Trump was told the prospects of his election challenges looked bleak.

At a November 12 lunch, Pence told Trump that he didn’t have to concede but he could “recognize process is over,” prosecutors said, and during a November 23 phone call, Trump allegedly told Pence that one of his private attorneys were skeptical about the election challenges.

As part of those private conversations, prosecutors say, Pence “tried to encourage” Trump “as a friend” after news networks called the election for Biden. In other interactions, Pence encouraged Trump to consider running for reelection in 2024. Those interactions, prosecutors argued, were not at all related to Trump’s official duties as president. The Motion states:

“The content of the conversations at issue – the defendant and Pence’s joint electoral fate and how to accept the election results – have no bearing on any function of the Executive Branch.”


 “Trump personally posted the tweet that Pence “didn’t have the courage” to overturn the election results, prosecutors say.  The revelation comes as part of Smith’s argument as to why the tweet, posted after the riot began, should be considered a private act and therefore not protected under presidential immunity.

The post targeting Pence was “a matter of intense personal concern to the defendant as a candidate for office,” Smith writes. At the time he posted the tweet, prosecutors say Trump “knew his request for Pence to block the Electoral College votes was illegal; knew that his supporters gathered in Washington, DC, believed his lies during his speech at the Ellipse that the election had been stolen; and knew that those supporters had now breached the Capitol building.”

Smith wrote “It was at that point — alone, watching news in real time, and with knowledge that rioters had breached the Capitol building — that the defendant issued the 2:24 p.m. Tweet attacking Pence for refusing the defendant’s entreaties to join the conspiracy and help overturn the results of the election.”

The tweet communicated “to his angry supporters that Pence had let him — and them — down,” Smith wrote, adding that it was “not a message sent to address a matter of public concern and ease unrest; it was the message of an angry candidate upon the realization that he would lose power.”

One minute after the tweet was posted, Smith wrote, the Secret Service was forced to evacuate Pence to a secure location in the Capitol.”


 “Prosecutors allege they have a witness who will testify that Trump told family members, “It doesn’t matter if you won or lost the election. You still have to fight like hell.”

The witness, Smith’s team said in the filing, will testify that he was aboard Marine One when then-President Trump made the statement to his wife, Melania Trump, his daughter Ivanka Trump, and his son-in-law Jared Kushner.

Prosecutors did not name the official in the filing, but they said he was the director of Oval Office operations. Prosecutors wrote “He witnessed an unprompted comment that the defendant made to his family members in which the defendant suggested that he would fight to remain in power regardless of whether he had won the election.

At the time, Ivanka Trump and Kushner were White House employees, serving as advisers to the president, and Melania Trump was first lady.  Prosecutors claim that the conversation aboard Marine One was “plainly private” and had nothing to do with the Trump family’s official government responsibilities. Prosecutors wrote “The defendant made the comment to his family members, who campaigned on his behalf and served as private advisors (in addition to any official role they may have played).”


 Prosecutors say that Trump was told by advisers that the 2020 vote likely would not be finalized on Election Day and that he could misleadingly look ahead in the ballot count on election night only to fall behind once all of the ballots were counted. Nonetheless, Trump told his advisers that he would claim victory before the ballots were fully counted, prosecutors say.

One private political adviser, three days before Election Day 2020, described Trump’s plan as: “He’s going to declare victory. That doesn’t mean he’s the winner, he’s just going to say he’s the winner.”  That adviser, not identified by name by prosecutors, also described the Democratic lean of the mail ballot vote as “a natural disadvantage” and said, “Trump’s going to take advantage of it. That’s our strategy.”


“Smith’s office stressed the private and political nature of Trump’s actions around the 2020 election. Prosecutors wrote:

“The executive branch has no authority or function to choose the next president.”

That argument appeared designed for federal appeals courts, including the Supreme Court, that have placed a heavy emphasis in recent years on the historical understanding of the separation of powers. In other words, Smith argues  that Trump’s effort to overturn the election was necessarily private because the Constitution gives a president no official authority for choosing his successor. The motion reads:

“The defendant’s charged conduct directly contravenes these foundational principles. … He sought to encroach on powers specifically assigned by the Constitution to other branches, to advance his own self-interest and perpetuate himself in power, contrary to the will of the people.”


 “Prosecutors focus in particular in the filing on what Trump learned from a White House staffer referred to in the filings as “P9,” as they try to show that Trump was well aware he had lost the election as he pressed on with the reversal schemes.

The person, identified only as “P9,” appears to have personally had discussions over the phone about the fake electors strategy with Trump, and had repeated text conversations with other people in the campaign about how the strategy was “crazy” or “illegal,” according to the filing.

When Trump told the staffer he would not pay the private lawyer spearheading his legal challenges unless the challenges were successful, the staffer told Trump that the private attorney would never be paid. That prompted a laugh and a “we’ll see” from Trump, the filings said. The private attorney is identified by prosecutors as co-conspirator 1, who CNN has previously identified as Rudy Giuliani. Ted Goodman, a spokesman for Giuliani, told CNN Wednesday night that the brief was “blatant election interference by Jack Smith, a person with a long track record of weaponizing the law for political gain.”

In a follow up conversation, the White House official told Trump that Giuliani would not be able to prove his false claims in a court and Trump told the staffer “The details don’t matter.”

The brief lays out several other interactions between the White House staffer and Trump in which Trump was told that the election fraud claims wouldn’t hold up in court.”


 “In the filing released, prosecutors identify witnesses they hope to call at a trial to testify against Trump – including election officials in battleground states and his White House deputy chief of staff.

The prosecutors say they also want to show a jury at trial Trump’s campaign speech on January 4, 2021, in Georgia, and his campaign speech on the Ellipse on January 6, 2021, just before the riot at the US Capitol.

And, they’d like to show the jury tweets that they say can prove Trump was driving the public campaign of fraud in the election, as he knew there was none that was widespread enough to overturn his loss. They argue those tweets weren’t part of Trump’s official work as president.

At trial, prosecutors say they would like to call the only other adviser to Trump who had access to his Twitter account to testify that Trump was sending tweets on January 6 that would put pressure on Pence to stop the counting of the electoral votes at the Capitol. The person is described as White House deputy chief of staff.

The motions states “The Government will elicit from Person 45 at trial that he was the only person other than the defendant with the ability to post to the defendant’s Twitter account, that he sent tweets only at the defendant’s express direction, and that person 45 did not send certain specific Tweets” – specifically a tweet Trump sent that said Pence didn’t have the courage to block the certification of the vote.”

That type of testimony would allow prosecutors to assert in court they have evidence of a moment like this:

“At 2:24 p.m., Trump was alone in his dining room,” prosecutors write in the filing, “when he issued a Tweet attacking Pence and fueling the ongoing riot: ‘Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!’”


 “According to prosecutors, the Secret Service was warned about Trump threatening to criticize Pence if he failed to overthrow the election results.

On January 5, 2021, Trump once again met with Pence to allegedly try to pressure him not to certify the Electoral College votes. In that meeting, the special counsel wrote that Trump threatened to criticize him publicly.

Smith says that Pence told someone identified only as “P8” about that comment, and that P8 was so concerned by the prospect that he alerted Pence’s Secret Service detail.

Prosecutors allege Trump tried again to pressure Pence on the morning of January 6, shortly before driving to deliver his speech at the Ellipse. Pence, however, again refused and Trump “was incensed,” the filing says. [The motion alleges]  it was then that Trump “set into motion the last plan in furtherance of his conspiracies: if Pence would not do as he asked, (Trump) needed to find another way to prevent the certification of Biden as president”So on January 6, (Trump) sent to the Capitol a crowd of angry supporters, whom the defendant had called to the city and inundate with false claims of outcome-determinative election fraud, to induce Pence not to certify the legitimate electoral votes and to obstruct the certification.”

According to prosecutors, Trump also showed his “desperate conduct as a candidate rather than a President” when rioters stormed the Capitol, forcing Pence to be moved to a secure location.  An unnamed White House aide, according to the filing, ran to Trump when he received a phone call that Pence had been taken to a secure location “in hopes that (Trump) would take action to ensure Pence’s safety.”  Trump, according to prosecutors, looked at the aide and simply replied “So what?”


 “Smith is again using the Hatch Act – which limits the political activities of federal employees – to bolster the 2020 election subversion charges against Trump. Prosecutors said in the filing that the Hatch Act allows White House staffers to “wear two hats,” separating out their official conduct to serve the public from their political conduct to help a candidate.

Therefore, even if some of Trump’s alleged wrongdoing occurred on White House grounds and in front of White House staff, he doesn’t have immunity because that fell under the “political” umbrella, Smith’s team wrote. [Prosecutors argue]:

“When the defendant’s White House staff participated in political activity on his behalf as a candidate, they were not exercising their official authority or carrying out official responsibilities. … And when the President, acting as a candidate, engaged in Campaign-related activities with these officials or in their presence, he too was not engaging in official presidential conduct.”


 “Prosecutors describe an effort by Trump operatives to “create chaos” in the immediate aftermath of the 2020 election when the voting looked to be going for Biden.

In Philadelphia, prosecutors allege campaign operatives sought to create confrontations at polling places and then “falsely claim that his election observers were being denied proper access” as a predicate to claim fraud.

Prosecutors also raised the fracas at the Detroit Counting Center, pointing to evidence that a campaign staffer, upon learning a heavy incoming batch of votes leaned Biden, asked for “options to file litigation” even if [it] was [baseless].”

The same campaign operative said “make them riot” when told that protests at the counting center were heading in the direction of the so-called Brooks Brothers Riot that disrupted the 2000 Florida count between Al Gore and George W. Bush.”


“Then-Attorney General Bill Barr decided in 2020 to publicly rebut Trump’s false claims that the election was rigged after watching Trump spread these lies on Fox News, prosecutors say. Prosecutors write:

“On November 29, [Barr] saw the defendant appear on the Maria Bartiromo Show and claim, among other false things, that the Justice Department was ‘missing in action’ and had ignored evidence of fraud.”

They continued, “[Barr] decided it was time to speak publicly in contravention of the defendant’s false claims, set up a lunch with a reporter for the Associated Press, and made his statement.”

This was the December 1, 2020, statement in which Barr infamously said the Justice Department had looked into potential election irregularities but didn’t find any widespread fraud that could’ve tipped the results. This was a major move by Barr, a lifelong Republican who at the time was a staunch Trump ally.

Barr’s name is redacted in the filing, and he is referred to as “P52.” But P52 is described as the “attorney general,” and Barr was the attorney general at that time.

Barr resigned just before Christmas 2020.”



With the landmark presidential immunity decision by the United States Supreme Court, the Trump 6 Supreme Court disciples of John G. Roberts, Jr., Clarence Thomas, Samuel A. Alito, Jr. Neil M. Gorsuch, Brett M. Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett the United State Supreme Court have done whatever they could do to undermine our federal criminal justice system and attempt to ensure that former President Trump returns to power. The 6 do so at the expense of our democracy.

All six Supreme Court Justices know full well that no one is above the law, yet they carved out a special  exception to benefit Donald Trump claiming the decision is for the benefit of all  future Presidents. They know if the two federal criminal cases against Trump proceed to trial after the election, and he is elected, he will order the Justice Department to simply dismiss the cases or simply pardon himself. They also know if Trump is not elected, he will likely be tried,  convicted and do jail time on the Federal charges.

The 6 appointed Republican Justices have already made a profound difference with their right wing Republican Judicial Activism. The 6 Republican United State Supreme Court Justices have issued 6 major decisions that confirm it has become a far right wing activist court.

The 1st was the court’s  considering an attempt to empower legislatures with exclusive authority to redraw congressional districts without court intervention. The 2nd  struct down decades of affirmative action in college admissions. The 3rd ruled that a Christian business owners can discriminate and withhold services to the LGBTQ+ community based on religious grounds.  The 4th  invalidated President Joe Biden’s student loan debt relief plan. The 5th strips federal government agencies of all regulatory power and mandates court approval of rules and regulations. The 6th and most controversial  is the Supreme Court reversing Roe v. Wade and 50 years of precedent and denying a woman’s right to choose an abortion and leaving it up to the state’s.

As the saying goes, elections have consequences. The 2024 presidential election is again shaping up to be one of the most consequential elections in our history where Supreme Court decisions will be on the ballot as well as the control of congress, not to mention our basic right to vote in an election and the Presidency.

A story has been told and retold about founding father Benjamin Franklin. Franklin was walking out of Independence Hall after the Constitutional Convention in 1787, when someone shouted out, “Doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?” To which Franklin supposedly responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

What we have now is a Republican “politcal judicial monarchy” consisting of 6 conservative Republican Justices all dressed up in their black ropes with gavels replacing scepters and a courtroom replacing a royal thrown room as they render their decrees of justice to carry out the will of Donald Trump and his Trump Republican Party

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Pete Dinelli was born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He is of Italian and Hispanic descent. He is a 1970 graduate of Del Norte High School, a 1974 graduate of Eastern New Mexico University with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and a 1977 graduate of St. Mary's School of Law, San Antonio, Texas. Pete has a 40 year history of community involvement and service as an elected and appointed official and as a practicing attorney in Albuquerque. Pete and his wife Betty Case Dinelli have been married since 1984 and they have two adult sons, Mark, who is an attorney and George, who is an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). Pete has been a licensed New Mexico attorney since 1978. Pete has over 27 years of municipal and state government service. Pete’s service to Albuquerque has been extensive. He has been an elected Albuquerque City Councilor, serving as Vice President. He has served as a Worker’s Compensation Judge with Statewide jurisdiction. Pete has been a prosecutor for 15 years and has served as a Bernalillo County Chief Deputy District Attorney, as an Assistant Attorney General and Assistant District Attorney and as a Deputy City Attorney. For eight years, Pete was employed with the City of Albuquerque both as a Deputy City Attorney and Chief Public Safety Officer overseeing the city departments of police, fire, 911 emergency call center and the emergency operations center. While with the City of Albuquerque Legal Department, Pete served as Director of the Safe City Strike Force and Interim Director of the 911 Emergency Operations Center. Pete’s community involvement includes being a past President of the Albuquerque Kiwanis Club, past President of the Our Lady of Fatima School Board, and Board of Directors of the Albuquerque Museum Foundation.