Gov. MLG Seeks To Relocate Expo NM; Request For Proposal Issued For Master Plan To Create Mixed Use Development Using 236 Acre State Fair Location For Economic Development, Entertainment Venues And Affordable Housing; New Arena To Replace Tingly Coliseum Proposed; No New Location Identified For Expo New Mexico

On December 3, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham and state officials held a news conference at Expo New Mexico to announce that the state intends to find a new location and move the NM State Fair grounds known as  Expo New … Continue reading Gov. MLG Seeks To Relocate Expo NM; Request For Proposal Issued For Master Plan To Create Mixed Use Development Using 236 Acre State Fair Location For Economic Development, Entertainment Venues And Affordable Housing; New Arena To Replace Tingly Coliseum Proposed; No New Location Identified For Expo New Mexico