Elect Progressive Democrat Jeff Hoehn, City Council District 6; Opponent Nichole Rogers Proven To Be Unfit For Office

The City Council District 6 runoff race between the two top vote getters of Progressive Democrat Jeff Hoehn and Progressive Democrat Nichole Rogers is scheduled for December 12.  District 6 includes Nob Hill, the International District, and other neighborhoods and is currently represented by Progressive Democrat City Councilor Pat Davis who did not seek a third term.

Based upon how the candidates have presented themselves, have conducted their campaigns and what has been revealed about them during the runoff, Progressive Democrat Jeff Hoehn is the clear candidate that voters in District 6 should vote to represent them in District 6 as their city councilor.  


Progressive Democrat Jeff Hoehn has a Master of Public Administration from the University of New Mexico, he is married to Charlotte Itoh and the couple have one child. He has lived in the district 21 years. He is the executive director of Cuidando Los Niños, a shelter and school for homeless children.  He has identified crime and homelessness as his top concerns for District 6.


Hoehn’s approach to the homeless would differ significantly from Mayor Keller’s large shelters at the Gateway Center and Westside Emergency Housing Center. To combat homelessness and the housing crisis in the city, he would fund smaller, population-specific shelters that are attractive and safe for those who want help. He agrees that the Albuquerque Community Safety Department should be a proactive force that is on the streets every day, all day actively encountering individuals who are homeless so that they accept help or choose to relocate.

Hoehn advocates short-term mobile APD command units in high crime areas. He advocates for a dedicated team of police officers that can embed with the community, build trust and make the area unfriendly to criminal activity.   His crime proposals lean heavily on police and policing technology to get that done. Hoehn told the League of Woman Voters this:

“I advocate instituting short-term APD mobile command units in high crime areas. …  We must be strategic so that officers can spend their time preventing and addressing crime. Technology such as speed cameras has a role to play also.”


City Council candidate Jeff Hoehn submitted the following guest column published on www.PeteDinelli.com on September 11:

“We all love Albuquerque.  We are all choosing to live here. 

 I am Jeff Hoehn, and I am running for City Council for District 6. I have lived in District 6 for over 20 years. I am Executive Director of Cuidando Los Niños, a nonprofit working to end homelessness, and I am President of the Nob Hill Neighborhood Association Board of Directors. My commitment to Albuquerque and to District 6 are proven in my work and volunteering.

District 6 is a large and diverse district stretching from Eubank to the east, I-25 to the west, Lomas to the north and Gibson to the south as well as Mesa del Sol. It holds so much potential, yet it bears a significant share of the problems that are holding our city back. The time for effective and genuine progressive leadership is now, for District 6 and for Albuquerque.

We find ourselves at a crossroads with respect to the future of our city. Albuquerque has so much opportunity and promise, but it is not being realized. More than five years ago, we entrusted the future of our city to our Mayor, Tim Keller. We trusted him to lead, and to make a real difference on major issues including homelessness and crime. This is why we elected him.

The Mayor has had more than enough time to effect the change that we all voted for. I do agree with many of the mayor’s policies, and I too am a Democrat. But I am independent of the party line, and I am independent of the Mayor. I hold deeply to the values of the Democratic party but question the strategies this administration has developed. A City Councilor must put people first, offering practical and realistic approaches that are achievable rather than seeking political gain.

Now that Pat Davis has decided not to run for another term, we have a unique opportunity to vote for leadership and to effect change. My love for this city has motivated me to run for office for the first time. My background, experience and leadership qualities set me apart from every other candidate in this race.

The son of a union construction worker, I worked my way through college as a student at UNM. I worked in kitchens to support myself, working my way up from dishwasher to prep cook, line cook and then kitchen manager and chef. Inspired to a career change after starting a family with my wife Charlotte, I once again worked my way through school, working full time at a nonprofit, while earning a Master of Public Administration. This degree has given me a broad base of knowledge about public policy, leadership, budgeting and much more.

I have put these skills to work for the betterment of our community, first as Executive Director of the Carrie Tingley Hospital Foundation, and for the past five years, as Executive Director of Cuidando los Niños. Cuidando is a pillar of our community of which we can all be proud. It is a five star preschool and day shelter for families experiencing homelessness.

For the past five years, I have seen the struggle and heartbreak these families endure, living on the edge of homelessness. But I have also seen the way that compassionate assistance and support can change lives. Cuidando now has a diversity of programs and assistance available to the families it serves, from housing assistance to a food program to transportation for the kids.

In fact, Cuidando has grown exponentially under my leadership. The budget has gone from $800,000 to $3,750,000 per year. We have grown the number of staff from 16 to almost 40, and increased pay and benefits for all employees. The number of homeless families served went from 40 a year to 225 a year. That is real community impact. This is all to say that I have the needed experience and leadership, and I am prepared for this job on day one.

Having thought about these issues for many years, I have policy positions that I intend to build coalitions around with residents and the City Council. 

With respect to homelessness, the Mayor’s legacy is an enormous homeless shelter the neighborhood did not want and that many people experiencing homelessness will not use. As we all know, it has been hugely expensive. It cost $15 million to acquire the site, and another $7 million has been spent getting it up and running. Yet it is not up and running even now. And the ambitions for its scope have been dramatically scaled back, the Mayor having announced that it will serve just 50 women when it opens. In yet another example of the City’s haplessness, we are facing a fine of more than three-quarters of a million dollars for the asbestos debacle. I know that we can do better. 

I believe that smaller, population-specific homeless shelters will be much more appealing to those experiencing homelessness. These can offer targeted wraparound services to their populations, and they will place a much lighter burden, if any on neighborhoods. We need to have compassion alongside pragmatism guiding our homelessness policy. We need to put real solutions before politics.

The mayor’s strategy on homelessness seems to stop at housing. Yet more housing alone will not solve homelessness. Our focus must be on preventing homelessness before it begins.  For example, a robust eviction prevention program that helps pay rent or a bill will prevent people from becoming homeless for very low cost. The city should also consider compassionate, safe environments for those who choose to sleep outdoors. A successful example of this exists in Las Cruces. We simply can’t be afraid to do what is right, and what has been proven to work elsewhere.

 With respect to crime, we must interrupt the cycles of crime and place much more focus on mental health and addiction treatment. We need to target the underlying drivers of crime. As a social scientist by training, I know that this can make an appreciable difference. We also need a functional justice system, and I applaud District Attorney Sam Bregman’s efforts to increase prosecutions and more importantly the efficiency and effectiveness of prosecutions.

 It is true that the city needs far more police officers. But we need well trained, dedicated officers who will engage in constitutional policing. We need to get out from under the DOJ consent decree but do so with integrity. Real culture change in APD is still needed. While rebuilding the culture to attract police officers, we must be strategic so that officers are maximizing their time spent preventing and addressing crime.

For example, I advocate short-term mobile APD command units in high crime areas. A dedicated team of officers can embed with the community, build trust and make the area unfriendly to criminal activity. I also know that ‘curb and gutter’ improvements in underserved areas of the city – such things as getting street lights working, building parks, adding trees and making sure basic city services are functioning – can have an impact on both crime and economic development.  Everyone in our city deserves a clean and safe neighborhood.

We must demand economic development in the International District. This area has been ignored for too long by politician after politician. As City Councilor I will ask every other Councilor to spend time with me in the International District. Then, I will work with City Council on developing a comprehensive plan for the International District that is informed by residents and business owners and not by policy makers from above.

It’s time to put people above politics. This is why I am the change we need on the City Council. Elect a proven leader in November. We can do better. Vote Jeff for District 6.

Visit jeff4d6.com to learn more about me and my specific policy proposals.”


There are four major areas that voters in District 6 need to be concerned about Progressive Democrat Nichole Rogers.  All 4  areas surfaced during the run off. Those 4 areas all taken together establish that Nichole Rogers  is simply not fit to be a city councilor.


Welstand Foundation is a one-person organization that was started by Nichole Rogers in 2019  and whose federal tax exempt status was revoked in 2022. Nichole Rogers failed to file required documents with the Internal Revenue Service, the New Mexico Attorney General and the New Mexico Secretary of State regarding her nonprofit Westland Foundation that she created and now manages. Rogers continued to fund raise while her nonprofit was not in “good standing” with the state and the corporation had lost its federal status as a 501 C 3 charitable organization. It was also reported that she failed to report income and account for monies she raised, including $15,000 in city funding she secured for her foundation and how the funding was spent. How much money the nonprofit received and where it went since its inception  is impossible to know based on the non-existent tax filings.

The link to the Albuquerque Journal article is here:



An extensive review of public records and court dockets revealed a disturbing history of civil litigation over debts and money due, failure to pay rent, evictions and property liens.  The total amount of judgments for debts and property liens filed were at least $25,726.47. It was also revealed misdemeanor traffic offense convictions by Nicole L. Rogers with times when bench warrants were issued for her arrest for failures to appear.  She did not disclose to the Albuquerque Journal her misdemeanor convictions in its candidate questionnaire.

A review of court dockets was conducted to determine the extent of litigation Nichole Rogers has been involved with over the years. A listing of 7 specific civil court and 4 metro court misdemeanor cases was compiled which are believed to be cases Rogers has been named the defendant. When confronted with the cases, Rogers declined to admit or deny if the cases were in fact her as a named defendant. She said NO in her Albuquerque Journal candidate questionnaire if she had ever been convicted of a misdemeanor which is false.

The links to look up the New Mexico court cases Nichole L. Rogers has been involved are as follows:


“Search NM”:  https://researchnm.tylerhost.net/CourtRecordsSearch/Home#!/home 


Confidential sources are alleging that Nichole Rogers has not lived in District 6 for the 6 years she has claimed and as she told the Albuquerque Journal in its candidate questionnaire. She has said at forums she has lived in the district for 6 years which is false and has raised her two children at the address she claims to be her home.  The home in District 6 is a rental she owns and has rented to others as she lived with her children.   It has been determined she has lived on the Westside in an apartment with others and is now using a District 6 residence that she owns but has rented to others in order to run for city council.


Confidential  sources have confirmed that Mayor Tim Keller was involved with Nichole Rogers candidacy from the get go. Jeff Hoehn was told in no uncertain terms by Mayor Keller’s political confidant and campaign manager Neri Holguin he should not run, he was told he could not win and that the Mayor would not support him and that the Mayor wanted another person.  Members of Keller  administration took and active roll in helping Nichole Rogers to secure nominating signatures to get her on the ballot and collecting $5.00 qualifying donations to secure $40,000 in public financing. Rogers herself has told progressive democrats that she is the Mayor’s candidate to replace City Councilor Pat Davis.

Mayor Keller’s political advisor, campaign manager and handler Neri Holguin  inserted herself into the City Council District 6 run off race between Progressive Democrats  Nichole Rogers and Jeff Hoehn with a political hit piece against District 6 City Council Candidate Jeff Hoehn. On December 5 a “politcal hit piece” mailer was sent to all District 6 registered voters. The  flyer  was from Real New Mexico Leadership, the measured finance committee supporting Nichole Rogers and that Neri Holguin solicited  $12,000 in donations  to produce and distribute.

The politcal hit piece says in part “Jeff Hoehns biggest backer has the kind of record we don’t need in Albuquerque. … With friends like these, we can’t count on Jeff Hoehn to stand with us.”  The politcal hit piece then goes on to make the inflammatory accusations of “Sexual harassment reports by multiple woman”, “Discrimination against people of Color trying to buy homes”, “Paid $1.8 Billion jury veredict for inflating the price of home sales commissions.” The politcal hit piece uses a unflattering photo of Jeff Hoehn positioned next to the accusations ostensibly to imply that Hoehn condoned the conduct or was guilty of the same conduct. The very, very fine print that strains they eye to read at the bottom offers as a Fact Checker and identifies the National Association of Realtors who was accused of the conduct.  The measured finance committee, or Political Action Committee, “Help ABQ and National Association of Realtors” is the real subject  of the hit piece. Looking at the hit piece at a glance you would think it was Jeff Hoehn who was accused of sexual harassment and discrimination.

Progressive Democrat  Nichole Rogers has never denounced the flyer nor distance herself from the Real New Mexico Leadership measured finance committee thereby giving her tacit approval of the hit piece and reflects she will do anything to win an election.


The city is facing any number of problems that are bringing it to its knees. Those problems include exceptionally high violent crime and murder rates, the city’s increasing homeless numbers, lack of mental health care programs and little to no economic development. It is City Council District 6 that has suffered the brunt of all the city’s ills with the highest violent crime and property crime rates, increased homelessness and the highest poverty rates in the city  with no economic development, all issues Jeff Hoehn knows about, has dealt with and knows what to do about.

The city and District 6  cannot afford any longer city councilors who makes promises and who offers only eternal hope for better times that result in broken campaign promises.  What is needed are city elected officials who actually know what they are doing, who will make the hard decisions without an eye on their next election, not make decisions only to placate their base and please only those who voted for them or the Mayor.

District 6 is entitled to a City Councilor who is ethical, who is above reproach, who knows how to manage finances both privately and in their private business dealings, who actually knows the problems of the district by actually living in the district for more than a few years.

Elect Jeff Hoehn City Councilor in District 6 on December 12.


Political Consultants Neri Holguin And Jay McCleskey Make “Big Bank” In 2023 City Council Races Charging Candidates Upwards Of 100% Of Taxpayer Public Financing; Holguin Behind “Political Hit Piece” In District 6 City Council Runoff Race; Public Financing Just Another Cash Cow For Political Consultants

The 2023 Municipal Races for City Council was highlighted by the fact that two of the most prominent political consultants in the business, one Democrat and one Republican, squared  off against each other, both having an element of contempt for members of their own party that do not fit their own personal agenda within their respective parties.  Review of campaign finance reports reveals that both charged essentially their candidate clients 100% of all that they raised or were given in public finance. The blog article is a summation of the what was paid to those consultants in the District 2, 4 and 8 City Council races followed by Analysis and Commentary. It also discusses how Mayor Tim Keller’s longtime political consultant and handler Neri Holguin inserted herself into the December 12 runoff election in the District 6 City Council race between Progressive Democrats Nichole Rogers and Jeff Hoehn with the use of a “politcal hit piece” in an effort to influence the election on behalf of Keller’s chosen candidate.


Political Consultant Neri Holguin is the owner and primary principal of Holguin Consulting, Inc..  Neri Holguin has been a political consultant since at least 2007. Holguin Consulting, Inc.’s web page lists campaigns Holguin has successfully managed including Mayor Tim Keller, Albuquerque City Councilors Pat Davis, Isaac Benton, Joaquin Baca, Ray Garduno, Bernalillo County Commissioners Barba Baca, Eric Olivas, Debbie O’mally, Maggie Hart Stebbins and  Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen.  Numerous State House Representatives and State Senator candidates are also identified.  What all of Holguin’s Democratic candidates have in common is that they are decidedly “progressive”, no moderate or conservatives Democrats need apply for her services.

Neri Holguin has an extensive history of being Mayor Tim Keller’s political advisor, confidant and campaign manager. Holguin managed one of Keller’s state senate races.  In  the 2017 Mayor’s race where Keller was first elected, she headed up the measured finance committee that raised $663,000 to promote Keller when he ran the first time. In  2021, Holguin was the paid campaign manager for Mayor Tim Keller’s successful re election bid against Bernalillo County Sherriff Manny Gonzales and radio talk show host Eddy Aragon.

In the 2023 City Council races, Political Consultant Neri Holguin and her firm Holguin Consulting, Inc. were  the politcal consulting firm in District 2 for Councilor Elect Joaquin Baca and in District 8 for Progressive Democrat Abby Foster who ran against and lost to Republican Incumbent Brook Bassan.

The link to Holguin Consulting, Inc.’s  web page that provides background on the services it provides and lists  clientele is here:


Political Consultant Jay McCleskey is the primary principal in the firm McCleskey Media Strategies. The firm  is a full services public relations and marketing firm. The company provides direct mail services for political candidates for office targeting voters. It also produces radio and television advertising. The most notable clients the firm has provided politcal consulting services over the years has been former Governor Susana Martinez, Republican Senate and NM Governor candidate Mark Ronchetti, former Mayor Richard Berry and former Bernalillo County Sherriff Manny Gonzales who ran for Mayor in 2021. McCleskey Media Strategies over the years has provided campaign consulting services to numerous Republican City Council candidates including current  Republican City Councilors Dan Lewis,   Renee Grout  and Brook Bassan and former and long time Republican City Councilor Brad Winter.

In the 2023 City Council races, McCleskey Media Strategies was the politcal consulting firm to Incumbent Republican City Councilor Brook Bassan who successfully ran for re election in City Council District 4  and to Republican City Councilor Candidate Daniel Champaign in District 8 who won the race defeating Democrat Idalia Lechuga Tena. Both Bassan and Champaign qualified for public financing by securing the necessary number of $5.00 qualifying donations.

The link to the firms web site is here:



Publicly financed candidates are required to solicit  qualifying donations of $5.00 to the city and those donations can only come from registered city voters in the City Council District. Qualifying publicly financed candidates for City Council are given a single lump sum of money from the city they can use to run their initial campaign and if they make it into a runoff election, they are given a significantly reduced lump sum amount in public financing for the runoff election.

All public finance campaigns and public finance candidates are required to agree to the spending caps in writing and are prohibited from soliciting and asking for any other cash donations.  Public finance candidates are normally at a distinct disadvantage to privately financed candidates when it comes to what can be raised and spent, unless they have a measured finance committee set up to promote their candidacy.

In the 2023 City Council races, candidates were required to collect $5  Qualifying Contributions from 1 percent of the registered voters in the district the candidate wishes to represent. The number of qualifying donations for each district was:

  • District 2: 381
  • District 4: 403
  • District 6: 333
  • District 8: 446

In the 2023 City Council races, the amount of public finance given to each of the candidates qualifying and the spending limits imposed were as follows:

  • District 2: $40,000.00
  • District 4: $40,262.00
  • District 6: $40,000.00
  • District 8: $44,577.00

EDITOR’S NOTE: The exact amounts varied slightly, either more or less, in each city council district dependent on the final count of registered voters in each of the 4 districts.  


In City Council District 2, Neri Holguin’s firm Holguin Consulting, Inc.’s was the paid political consultant for Progressive Democrat City Councilor Elect Joaquin Baca who prevailed over two other candidates to win outright without a run off. Baca was a public financed candidate and was successful in collecting the required number of $5.00 donations.

Campaign Finance Reports filed with the City Clerk reveal that on August 4, Joaquin Baca was given the sum of $37,865.73 by the City of Albuquerque in public finance to run his campaign.  City Councilor elect Joaquin Baca’s Campaign Finance Reports reveal that  Holguin Consulting, Inc. was paid a combined total of $35,791,19 (Final Financial Statement, Financial Statements 11,10,9,8,7,6, and 5) for “Consulting and Staffing Services” of the $37,865.73 Baca received in public financing from the city.

The link to the finance reports file by Joaquin Baca  with the City Clerk is here:



In the City Council District 4, Neri Holguin and her firm Holguin Consulting, Inc. and Jay McCleskey  and his firm McCleskey Media Strategies squared off against each other. It was Jay McCleskey’s candidate who won.

In City Council District 4, Neri Holguin’s firm Holguin Consulting, Inc.’s was the paid political consultant for Progressive Democrat Abby Foster who ran against and lost to Republican City Councilor Brook Bassan.  Bassan was a publicly finance candidate. Abby Foster, despite being a Progressive Democrat who supposedly embraces public financing of elections, did not seek public finance.

Review of Abby Foster’s  Finance Reports filed with the City Clerk reveals that Foster raised at least $63,117.78 in private financing  (Final finance report and finance reports 5,8,10 and 11)  and paid Holguin Consulting, Inc. at least $64,921.76 for consulting fees, staffing and mail services, more than the $63,117.78 she reportedly raised.

The link to the finance reports file by Abby Foster with the City Clerk is here:


Campaign finance reports for Republican City Council Brook Bassan reflects that Bassan on September 4, 2023 was given by the City of Albuquerque the sum of $39,697.70  in public financing to run her campaign. Campaign finance Report statements 6,8,9,10,11 reflect that Jay McCleskey and McCleskey Media Strategies was paid a combined total of $37,413,08 for campaign consulting and design services out of the $39,697.70 given in public finance.

The link to review the Brook Bassan campaign finance reports is here:



In City Council  District 8, Republican City Councilor Elect Daniel Champaign won the race defeating Democrat Idalia Lechuga Tena.

Campaign finance reports for Republican City Councilor Elect Daniel Champaign reflects that on September 4, 2023, the City of Albuquerque paid his campaign the sum of $44,102.75 in public financing to run his campaign. Campaign finance Report statements 5,8,10 and 11 reflect that Jay McCleskey and McCleskey Media Strategies was paid a combined total of $40,212.50 for campaign consulting and design services out of the $44,102.75 in public financing.

The link to review Daniel Champaign’s  campaign finance reports is here:



A political hit piece” is the lowest form and one of the  most unethical forms of negative campaigning used by bottom feeder political consultants to smear the reputation of an opponent with the use of lies, innuendo and guilt by association. It is often condemned by the public, especially by those who are the target, but used because negative campaigning works and it’s difficult to respond to by a candidate, especially at the end of a contentious campaign.

Political Consultant Neri Holguin inserted herself into the City Council District 6 run off race between Progressive Democrats  Nichole Rogers and Jeff Hoehn with a political hit piece against District 6 City Council Candidate Jeff Hoehn. On December 5 a “politcal hit piece” mailer was sent to all District 6 registered voters. The  flyer  was from Real New Mexico Leadership, the measured finance committee supporting Nichole Rogers and that Neri Holguin solicited  $12,000 in donations  to produce and distribute.

The politcal hit piece says in part “Jeff Hoehns biggest backer has the kind of record we don’t need in Albuquerque. … With friends like these, we can’t count on Jeff Hoehn to stand with us.”  The politcal hit piece then goes on to make the inflammatory accusations of “Sexual harassment reports by multiple woman”, “Discrimination against people of Color trying to buy homes”, “Paid $1.8 Billion jury veredict for inflating the price of home sales commissions.” The politcal hit piece uses a unflattering photo of Jeff Hoehn positioned next to the accusations ostensibly to imply that Hoehn condoned the conduct or was guilty of the same conduct. The very, very fine print that strains they eye to read at the bottom offers as a Fact Checker and identifies the National Association of Realtors who was accused of the conduct.

The political hit piece is a classic ploy used by Neri Holguin. It is referred to as a “guilt by association” political hit piece to disparage and align a political opponent. The measured finance committee, or Political Action Committee, “Help ABQ and National Association of Realtors” is the real subject  of the hit piece. Looking at the hit piece at a glance you would think it was Jeff Hoehn who was accused of sexual harassment and discrimination.

Under the City of Albuquerque’s campaign finance laws, a Measure Finance Committee is a political action committee (PAC), person or group that supports or opposes a candidate or ballot measures within the City of Albuquerque. Measure Financed Committees (MFA) are not required to get “permission or authorization” from candidates they support to spend money on their behalf, even if the candidate objects or tries to distance themselves from the MFA.

Pollical operative Neri Holguin knows full well what the truth is, what the law is, and knows when it comes to Measured Finance Committees or Political Action Committees such as “Help ABQ and National Association of Realtors”, candidates have no control over them nor what they do.  Holguin insists on promoting false narratives in her donation solicitation email as well as the politcal hit piece that because an endorsement has been given or a donation is made by a measured finance committee, that somehow Jeff Hoehn is affiliated with the PAC or donor, that he is relying on the PAC and he will do the donors bidding once elected which is simply a lie.


Holguin is known for making false and inflammatory allegations and smearing an opposing candidate not considered “progressive enough” to Holguin’s liking. The tactic she uses is “wedge politics” that pits her progressive candidates against any and all “moderate” or “conservative” Democrats, and where the opposition is progressive, she maligns them as not being true progressive.  This is the type wedge politics that is dividing the Democratic Party. Holguin has become the go to consultant for up and coming progressive Democratic Candidates for office.

Political Consultant Neri  Holguin is emulating the tactics when it comes to hit pieces historically used by Republican Political Consultant Jay McCleskey. Jay McCleskey perfected his campaign skills managing the campaigns of Republican Mayor Richard Berry and Republican Governor Susana Martinez and Republican House and Senate  candidates.  McCleskey had  no problem aggressively maligning Republican candidates who Republican Governor Susana Martinez felt got in her way.

Former Republican Governor Susana Martinez  was vicious in going after members of her own party who disagreed with her and she did that with McCleskey working for her.  Southern New Mexico rancher and Republican candidate for State Representative Scott Chandler settled a defamation lawsuit he filed claiming political consultant Jay McCleskey and the former Republican Governor’s political action committee circulated untruthful mailers about him during the 2016 campaign. The settlement agreement was reached 3 days after Chandler filed a motion asking a judge to add former Governor Susana Martinez as a defendant in the case. The motion was based on McCleskey’s statements in a  deposition that Martinez was critical in setting up the Advance New Mexico Now PAC and that she reviewed and approved its actions.

Chandler’s 2019 lawsuit alleged that McCleskey and Advance New Mexico Now PAC circulated two mailers about Chandler damaging his chances of winning a 2016 Republican primary election for House District 32. Chandler lost the primary by 16 votes. The lawsuit alleged that McCleskey and the PAC mailed fliers during the 2016 primary that asked, “How did a business accused of child abuse and torture AVOID government oversight?”

The fliers referred to a 2013 New Mexico State Police investigation of Chandler’s Tierra Blanca High Country Youth Program in Hillsboro, north of Deming. No criminal charges were ever filed as a result of the investigation. Chandler received legal settlements approaching $1 million from the state related to the investigation. The defamation suit against McCleskey also alleges that McCleskey advised then-Governor Martinez to execute the State Police search of Chandler’s ranch in October 2013.

The link to quoted source materials is here:



The city of Albuquerque has had public financing for the Office of Mayor and City Council since 2005. When it was first initiated, it was naively envisioned and believed that public financing would be used by the candidates themselves to run their campaigns.  It was never meant to create just another cash cow for political consultants to make a killing by grabbing as much taxpayer money as they can from the candidates over a 4 to 6 month period, but that’s what public financing has degenerated into.


Political consultant and Mayor Tim Keller confident Neri Holguin has become the Progressive Democrats version of what Republican political consultant Jay McCluskey is to the conservative Republicans. Over the years, Jay McCleskey  was twice the campaign manager for Mayor Richard Berry as well as numerous candidates for city council.

Both Holguin and McClesky have made very lucrative livings off of municipal candidates for public office getting their share of public financing, which is taxpayer money, for their political consulting services. Both engage in what is referred to as “slash and burn tactics” to disparage and malign the opposition.  Both represent what is so very wrong with politics in this day and age of Donald Trump.


Voters are  disgusted when it comes negative campaigning to smear the opposition.  The problem is that. although people condemn negative campaigning, it still works and is hard to overcome.

The influence of big money in elections allowed by the US Supreme Court decision in Citizens United is destroying our democracy. Many highly qualified candidates for office all too often do not bother to run because of the inability or difficulty raising the necessary money to run. Political campaign fundraising and big money influence are warping our election process. Money spent becomes equated with the final vote. Money drives the message, affects voter turnout and ultimately the outcome of an election.

Public financing has just become another cash cow for political consultants.


Mayor Tim Keller’s “Politcal Tool” Neri Holguin Involved  In 3 City Council Races; Controversy Surrounds Keller’s Interference With District 6 City Council Race; One Nasty Little Politcal Hit Piece; Candidate Nichole Rogers Under Scrutiny; High Paid Politcal Consultants Democrat Holguin And Republican McCleskey Use Identical Tactics Of Negative Campaigning  

It has now become abundantly clear that in the 2023 municipal elections for city council, Mayor Tim Keller, his politcal operative Neri Holguin and Keller supporters inserted themselves into the 3 city council races for City Council Districts 2, 4 and 6.  Keller took an active roll in trying to elect city councilors who would support his progressive agenda over the final 2 years of his second term to set himself up to run for a third term in 2025. Keller has already made it known to top aides he intends to run for a third term.


Neri Holguin is the owner and primary principal of Holguin Consulting, Inc. Neri Holguin has been a political consultant since at least 2007. Holguin Consulting, Inc.’s web page lists campaigns Holguin has successfully managed including Mayor Tim Keller, Albuquerque City Councilors Pat Davis, Isaac Benton, Joaquin Baca, Ray Garduno,  Bernalillo County Commissioners Barba Baca, Eric Olivas, Debbie O’mally, Maggie Hart Stebbins and  Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen.  Numerous State House Representatives and State Senator candidates are also identified.  What all of Holguin’s Democratic candidates have in common is that they are decidedly “progressive”, no moderate or conservatives Democrats need apply for her services.

The link to Holguin Consulting, Inc.’s  web page that provides background on the services it provides and lists  clientele is here:


Neri Holguin has an extensive history of being Mayor Tim Keller’s political advisor, confidant and campaign manager. Holguin managed one of Keller’s state senate races.  In  the 2017 Mayor’s race where Keller was first elected,  she headed up the measured finance committee  that raised  $663,000 to promote Keller when he ran the first time.  In  2021, Holguin was the paid campaign manager for Mayor Tim Keller’s successful re election bid against Bernalillo County  Sherriff Manny Gonzales and radio talk show host Eddy Aragon.


In City Council District 2, Neri Holguin’s firm Holguin Consulting, Inc.’s was the paid political consultant for Progressive Democrat Joaquin Baca  who prevailed over two other candidates to win outright without a run off. Baca was a public financed candidate and was successful in collecting the required number of $5.00 donations.

Campaign Finance Reports filed with the City Clerk reveal that on August 4, Baca was given the sum of $37,865.73 in city funding to run his campaign.   Baca’s Campaign Finance Reports also reveal that  Holguin Consulting, Inc. was paid a combined total of $35,791 (Final Statement, Financial Statements 11,10,9,8,7,6, and 5) for “Consulting and Staffing Services” of the $37,865.73 Baca received in public financing from the city.

The link to the finance reports file by Joaquin Baca  with the City Clerk is here:



In City Council District 4, Neri Holguin’s firm Holguin Consulting, Inc.’s was the paid political consultant for Progressive Democrat Abby Foster who ran against and lost to Republican City Councilor Brook Bassan.  Bassan was a publicly finance candidate. Abby Foster, despite being a Progressive Democrat who supposedly embraces public financing of elections, did not seek public finance.

Review of Abby Foster’s  Finance Reports filed with the City Clerk reveals that Foster raised at least $63,117.78 in private financing  (Final finance report and finance reports 5,8,10 and 11)  and paid Holguin Consulting, Inc. at least $64,921 for consulting fees, staffing and mail services, more than the $63,117.78 she reportedly raised.

The link to the finance reports file by Abby Foster with the City Clerk is here:



Confidential sources have confirmed that Rogers received significant help from at least 2 top aides of Mayor Tim Keller. Those Keller top aides assisted in collecting nominating petitions signatures and qualifying $5 donations Rogers needed to secure public financing of $36,917.30. It is unknown if the campaigning was done on city time.

Neri Holguin briefly consulted the Nichole Rogers campaign at the start of the regular election. Sources have confirmed that a falling out occurred between Rogers and Holguin over the extent to which Rogers was committed to do what was required of her and following Holguin’s instructions.



On December 5, City Council District 6 Candidate Jeff Hoehn in response to false and misleading accusations made by Neri Houlgin in the political blog “New Mexico Politics With Joe Monahan”, confirmed that Neri Holguin called him in April of this year to convey to him Mayor Tim Keller’s  message that he should not run for City Council.  It is understood that Neri Holguin told Jeff Hoehn in no uncertain terms that he could not win and not to run and that he would not be receiving the support of Mayor Tim Keller if he did run. In particular, Keller was said to want a “woman of color” to be elected and Nichole Rogers fit the profile.


Now that Nichole Roger’s has made it into the runoff, Neri Holguin has taken to  soliciting donations on behalf the measured finance committee that is supporting Nichole Rogers and has produced a  false and misleading political hit piece against Jeff Hoehn.

On November 29, Holguin sent out a campaign solicitation asking the question “Will you support Nichole Rogers for City Council District 6?  In her solicitation correspondence, Holguin proclaims $12,000 was needed to be raised but she  does not say what it will be used for.  The correspondence makes the  inflammatory accusations that “Jeff Hoehn despite being a Democrat, didn’t qualify for public financing and has relied heavily on a PAC funded by real estate/oil and gas/Republican donors to prop up his campaign.”  Holguin identifies the measured finance committee backing Jeff Hoehn as  “HELP ABQ & The National Realtors Association”

There is no way it can be said Jeff Hoehn is being propped up by oil and gas interests nor by  developers in that he has raised on his own over $47,000 and has spent upwards of $40,000 on his campaign to make it to the runoff.   No donations from oil and gas donors nor from major developers such as NAIOP can be found when you review his campaign finance reports. 

Progressive Democrat Jeff Hoehn has said repeatedly that he entered the race very late and consequently he had to go the private finance route. Hoehn’s campaign has been successful with private fund raising. Review of all Campaign Finance Reports filed with the City Clerk, which includes 3 Run Off Finance Reports, reflects Jeff  Hoehn has raised $47,261.61 in cash contributions and $39,773.39 in campaign expenditures to date with no loans reported as due and owing. $1,010,21 in “in-kind” contributions are reported.

When you study Hoehn’s campaign finance reports you find his donations are coming from District 6 residents and small businesses in District 6 with many coming from neighborhood activists in the District. Jeff  Hoehn’s campaign has raised money from neighbors, friends and family members.  

There are absolutely NO donations from people associated with oil and gas interests nor from major city developers. According to Hoehn’s 3rd and latest Runoff Financial statement he has a cash balance of $3,798.07.  Much more is expected to be reported in in the next report due after the December 12 election.

The link to review Jeff Hoehn’s Campaign Finance Reports is here:


Contact was made with City Council District 6 candidate Jeff Hoehn and he revealed he has in fact turned down donations from the likes of the National Association of Industrial and Office Parks (NAIOP) and developers and others he does not know nor major Real Estate Companies. He has not solicited any donations from the oil and gas industry, the real estate community nor Republicans as implied by Neri Holguin’s fund-raising effort for Rogers.


“political hit piece” is the lowest form and most unethical form of negative campaigning used by bottom feeder political consultants to smear the reputation of an opponent with the use of lies. It is often condemned by the public, especially by those who are the target, but used because negative campaigning works and it’s difficult to respond to by a candidate, especially at the end of a contentious campaign.

It did not take long to find out what the $12,000 was going to be used for which was a “politcal hit piece” on Jeff Hoehn.  On December 5 a “politcal hit piece” mailer was sent to all District 6 registered voters. The  flyer  was from Real New Mexico Leadership, the measured finance committee supporting Nichole Rogers and that Neri Hoguin solicited the $12,000 in donations for.

The politcal hit piece says in part  “Jeff Hoehns biggest backer has the kind of record we don’t need in Albuquerque. … With friends like these, we can’t count on Jeff Hoehn to stand with us.”  The politcal hit piece then goes on to make the inflammatory accusations of “Sexual harassment reports by multiple woman”, “Discrimination against people of Color trying to buy homes”, “Paid $1.8 Billion jury veredict for inflating the price of home sales commissions.” The politcal hit piece uses a unflattering photo of Jeff Hoehn positioned next to the accusations ostensibly to imply that Hoehn condoned the conduct or was guilty of the same conduct. The very, very fine print that strains they eye to read at the bottom offers as a Fact Checker and identifies the National Association of Realtors who was accused of the conduct.

The political hit piece is a classic ploy used by Neri Holguin. It is referred to as a “guilt by association” political hit piece to disparage and align a political opponent. The measured finance committee, or Politcal Action Committee, Help ABQ and National Association of Realtors” is the real subject  of the hit piece. Looking at the hit piece at a glance you would think it was Jeff Hoehn who was accused of sexual harassment and discrimination.

Under the City of Albuquerque’s campaign finance laws, a Measure Finance Committee is a political action committee (PAC), person or group that supports or opposes a candidate or ballot measures within the City of Albuquerque. Measure Financed Committees (MFA) are not required to get “permission or authorization” from candidates they support to spend money on their behalf, even if the candidate objects or tries to distance themselves from the MFA.

Pollical operative Neri Holguin knows full well what the truth is, what the law is, and knows when it comes to Measured Finance Committees or Political Action Committees such as “Help ABQ and National Association of Realtors”, candidates have no control over them nor what they do.  Holguin insists on promoting false narratives in her donation solicitation email as well as the politcal hit piece that because an endorsement has been given or a donation is made by a measured finance committee, that somehow Jeff Hoehn is affiliated with the PAC or donor, that he is relying on the PAC and he will do the donors bidding once elected which is simply a lie.


On December 5, the online news agency NM Sun published the following news article:

HEADLINE: “Controversy surrounds ABQ Mayor Tim Keller’s alleged political assistance in District 6 race; Candidate Nichole Rogers under scrutiny”

“In the run-up to the Dec. 12 runoff election for District 6, Mayor Tim Keller is facing allegations of backing specific candidates through his political apparatus and influencing city employees to support his chosen contenders.

While Keller is accused of supporting several candidates behind the scenes, the focus has intensified on the District 6 race, where progressive Democrat Pat Davis is stepping down.

Sources reveal that Keller has been actively involved in the campaign of Nichole Rogers since its inception, with suggestions that his support may extend into the runoff.

Rumors have been circulating that Rogers has privately informed progressive Democrats in District 6 that she is Keller’s chosen candidate to succeed Pat Davis, who is known to be an ally of the mayor.

The alleged interference in the race has raised concerns about the impartiality of the electoral process and the extent of Keller’s influence over the candidate selection.

Sources confirmed that Keller’s team reached out to candidate Jeff Hoehn even before he officially announced his candidacy. Hoehn was reportedly informed unequivocally that he could not win and should refrain from running, as he would not receive the support of Keller.

Confidential sources have identified Joaquin Baca, Abby Foster and Rogers as Mayor Keller’s favored candidates for Districts 2, 4 and 6, respectively.

Keller’s campaign did not respond to an interview request from the New Mexico Sun.

Early voting began Nov. 21 and will continue until Dec. 9, with Election Day on Dec. 12, and voters can utilize either option, while absentee voters should request applications by Nov. 28.

Rogers’ background has received extra attention from blogger Pete Dinelli.

In a post, Dinelli dug into the background of Rogers revealing a history of civil litigation involving debt collections, evictions and property liens.

Dinelli also highlighted undisclosed misdemeanor convictions, failure to file required documentation for her nonprofit and questions about Rogers’ residency in District 6.

Dinelli uncovered misdemeanor traffic offense convictions that Rogers did not disclose in her candidate questionnaire to the Albuquerque Journal, and questions have been raised about her residency in District 6, suggesting she may have lived on the Westside while using a property she owns in District 6 for candidacy purposes.

Dinelli’s review of court docket records shows 7 civil litigation cases involving nonpayment of rent, judgments and garnishments linked to a person believed to be Rogers.

Despite being provided with the list of cases, Rogers declined to verify her involvement in them in a November 24 email.

A review of Bernalillo County Clerk records reveals that two liens were filed on a residence owned by Rogers, the address she provided as her residence for City Clerk records.

The liens, filed by the City of Albuquerque for delinquent water, sewer and solid waste charges, totaled $591.75 and $1,457.52, respectively, with the latter lien released on Aug. 11, 2022.

Rogers’ claim of residing in District 6 for six years, a requirement for candidates, was also challenged by Dinelli as county records show she purchased the home in question five years ago in 2018.

Confidential sources and neighbors suggest that the property may have been rented out, and concerns are raised about Rogers’ actual occupancy due to reports of disrepair, neglect and the recent cleaning up of the front yard.

Rogers faced scrutiny from the Albuquerque Journal over her nonprofit, Welstand Foundation, which has raised funds despite being delinquent in paperwork with the AG’s Office, Secretary of State and the IRS.

Rogers, who says the foundation effectively disbanded in 2021, acknowledged oversights and is working to get paperwork up to date, including IRS and AG submissions.

The foundation’s solicitation of donations has raised concerns, prompting the AG’s office to look into the matter, while Rogers views the situation as a learning experience.

The New Mexico Sun also touched on the issue noting IRS revoked the foundation’s tax-exempt status in May 2022, while the Secretary of State listed it as “active” but “not in good standing” and that Rogers faces questions about the foundation’s operations and fundraising activities while not in compliance with state and IRS requirements.”

The link to the New Mexico Sun article is here:



Neri Holguin in a fund-raising plea for the benefit of Nichole Rogers and on behalf of a political Measured Finance Committee sent correspondence where she smears Hoehn by saying this:

“We can elect Nichole, the clear progressive choice for this election, but we need your help. …  We need Nichole because we can not afford a more right-towards tilt on the City Council!”

There will be no so called “more right-towards tilt on the City Council”  as Holguin implies if Jeff Hoehn is elected given the fact he is a decidedly Progressive Democrat.  Jeff Hoehn has been Democrat all of his life, and works with nonprofits and works directly with progressive organizations and elected officials on many levels.

Holguin calling Nichole Rogers the clear progressive choice for District 6 is so very laughable and so very wrong on so many levels.   Rogers’ campaign has been severely damaged as a result reports of a disturbing history of civil litigation involving debt collections and evictions, property liens, misdemeanor convictions, failure to file state and federal documentation for the non-profit she runs and questions if she has really lived in the district for 6 years as she claims or if she is living in an apartment on the West side with her family.  She has admitted to the mismanagement of her nonprofit.

When the news reports first broke on Roger’s problems relating to her nonprofit, Rogers admitted that she mishandled her charitable non-profit, which benefited from both private contributions and COVID relief money from the city. Rogers claimed her conduct was not disqualifying.  Rogers said this:

“I am a person who has had successes and has had failures. But I really believe in failing forward. When you know better, you do better and I’m someone who can teach folks to watch out for these pitfalls.” 

When confronted with her history of litigation and legal problems and asked to confirm if she was the named defendant in the cases, she declined to do so and said this:

“I have discussed a lot of this openly during my campaign, I have TRUE lived experience with being unable to pay rent on time, with poverty, and with navigating systems. … I would love to talk about how my own experience with poverty has led me to be where I am today.  As a victim of identity theft, I do not share personal information via email or over the phone.”

Nichole Rogers boldly proclaims that she “really believe[s] in failing forward” and that  she has “TRUE lived experience. How about just not failing by following the law, knowing better, taking full responsibility for your mistakes and not repeating them and not deflecting the truth. How about paying your debts, securing mandatory car registrations and car insurance, and attending scheduled court hearings to avoid bench warrants being issued for your arrest.

The blunt truth is Nichole Rogers has not been forth coming.  Her credibility is in serious doubt because of falsehoods and failures to disclose. She has failed to be completely transparent when it comes to her litigation history and her residence.


Neri Holguin and her politcal consulting firm  Holguin Consulting, Inc. are not the only ones that have made a buck from public financing which is taxpayer money.  Political Consultant Jay McCleskey is the primary principal in the firm McCleskey Media Strategies. The firm  is a full services public relations and marketing firm. The company provides direct mail services for political candidates for office targeting voters. It also produces radio and television advertising. The most notable clients the firm has provided politcal consulting services over the years has been former Governor Susana Martinez, Republican Senate and NM Governor candidate Mark Ronchetti, former Mayor Richard Berry and former Bernalillo County Sherriff Manny Gonzales who ran for Mayor in 2021. McCleskey Media Strategies over the years has provided campaign consulting services to numerous Republican City Council candidates.

The link to the firms web site is here:


In the 2023  City Council races, McCleskey Media Strategies was the politcal consulting firm to Incumbent Republican City Councilor Brook Bassan who successfully ran for re election in City Council District 4  and to Republican City Councilor Candidate Daniel Champaign in District 8 who won the race defeating Democrat Idalia Lechuga Tena. Both Bassan and Champaign qualified for public financing by securing the necessary number of $5.00 qualifying donations.

Campaign finance reports for Republican City Council Brook Bassan reflects that Bassan on September 4, 2023 was given by the City of Albuquerque the sum of $39,697.70  in public financing to run her campaign. Campaign finance Report statements 6,8,9,10,11 reflect that McCleskey Media Strategies was paid a combined total of $37,413,08 for campaign consulting and design services out of the $39,697.70 given in public finance.

The link to review the Brook Bassan campaign finance reports is here:


Campaign finance reports for Republican City Councilor Elect Daniel Champaign reflects that on September 4, 2023, the City of Albuquerque paid his campaign the sum of $44,102.75 in public financing to run his campaign. Campaign finance Report statements 5,8,10 and 11 reflect that McCleskey Media Strategies was paid a combined total of $40,212.50  for campaign consulting and design services out of the $44,102.75 in public financingx

The link to review Daniel Champaign’s  campaign finance reports is here:



Political consultant and Mayor Tim Keller confident Neri Holguin has become the Progressive Democrats version of what Republican political consultant Jay McCluskey is to the conservative Republicans. Over the years, McClusky was twice the campaign manager for Mayor Richard Berry as well as numerous candidates for city council. Both have made very lucrative livings off of municipal candidates for public office getting their share of public financing, which is taxpayer money,  for their political consulting services. Both engage in what is referred to as “slash and burn tactics” to disparage and malign the opposition.  Both represent what is so very wrong with politics in this day and age of Donald Trump.

Holguin is known for making false and inflammatory allegations and smearing an opposing candidate not considered “progressive enough” to Holguin’s liking. The tactic she uses is “wedge politics” that pits her progressive candidates against any and all “moderate” or “conservative” Democrats, and where  the opposition is progressive, she  maligns them as not being true progressive.  This is the type wedge politics that is dividing the Democratic Party. Voters are also so disgusted when it comes to measured finance committees misleading people and negative campaigning to smear the opposition.

The problem is that although people condemn negative campaigning, it still works and is hard to overcome. The influence of big money in elections allowed by the US Supreme Court decision in Citizens United is destroying our democracy. Many highly qualified candidates for office all too often do not bother to run because of the inability or difficulty raising the necessary money to run.

Political campaign fundraising and big money influence are warping our election process. Money spent becomes equated with the final vote. Money drives the message, affects voter turnout and ultimately the outcome of an election.

Links to related Dinelli blog articles are here:




City Council District 6 Progressive Candidate Jeff Hoehn  Responds To Mayor Keller’s Political Operative Neri Holguin; Reveals Holguin Was “Politcal Tool” Used By Keller To Try And Force Hoehn From Running; Roger’s Failing Forward Candidacy  

On Monday November 27, politcal columnist Joe Monahan on his political blog “New Mexico Politics With Joe Monahan” posted the following headline and reported in part as follows:

HEADLINE: “Veteran Dem Consultant Predicts Rogers Victory In ABQ City Council Run-off”

If longtime progressive Dem political consultant Neri Holguin has it right Nichole Rogers should have a smooth path to victory in her December 12 run-off election with Jeff Hoehn for the District 6 ABQ City Council seat in the liberal SE Heights. [Holguin said this]

“I think Jeff is in trouble because of the considerable financial support his campaign has received from the PAC associated with commercial real estate interests. It is primarily made up of Republicans and as that word circulates the majority Democrats in the district will recoil from supporting him.” 

… .

Rogers has come under fire for failing to comply with state registration regulations for a nonprofit she founded but Holguin says the mistake lacks sting and she does not expect Rogers to be upended by any more ethics charges.

By her count Holguin has now consulted some 100 state political campaigns. She briefly consulted the Rogers campaign at the start of the regular election. She is not involved in the run-off.”


Just two days after the Monahan report, political consultant Neri Holguin sent out a fundraising email for a measured finance committee supporting Nichole Rogers contradicting what she ostensibly told Joe Monahan that she was not involved with the District 6 run off. In her email she asks “Will you support Nichole Rogers for City Council District 6?”

In her email, Holguin makes the false assertion that Hoehn is relying on a measured finance committee “funded by real estate/oil and gas/Republican donors to prop up his campaign.” This is false in that Hoehn did  not need propping up and has been successful at fund raising.

Hoehn has been able to raise more in private financing than the $36,917.30  Roger’s was given in city public funding for her initial campaign to get into the runoff.  Review of all Campaign Finance Reports filed with the City Clerk  reflects Jeff  Hoehn has raised $47,261.61 in cash contributions and $39,773.39 in campaign expenditures to date with no loans reported as due and owing. $1,010,21 in “in-kind” contributions are reported. The problem for Hoehn now is that Rogers has  been given $20,000 by the city in public finance for the run off.

All candidates, including Jeff Hoehn, have absolutely no control over third party measured finance committees. Notwithstanding,  Neri Holguin insists  on promoting the false narrative in her solicitation email that because  donations are made to a measured finance committee,  somehow Jeff Hoehn is affiliated with the donors, that he is relying on the PAC and the candidate will do the donors bidding once elected which is not the case.

Holguin proclaims “Rogers is the clear progressive choice for this election.”  What has happened  is that voters are reacting to news that has come out since the October 7 election.  Nichole Rogers candidacy has been seriously undermined and damaged by reports of a disturbing history of civil litigation involving debt collections and evictions, property liens, misdemeanor convictions, failure to file state and federal documentation for the non-profit she runs and questions if she has really lived in the district for 6 years as she claims or if she is living in an apartment on the West side with her family.  She has admitted to the mismanagement of her nonprofit.


On December 3, 2023, Jeff Hoehn issued the following statement to rebut Neri Holguin’s analysis of the race given to political blogger Joe Monahan:

“I respectfully take issue with your blog post of November 27, “Veteran Dem Consultant Neri Holguin Predicts Nichole Rogers Victory Over Jeff Hoehn In ABQ City Council Run-off.” Of course, Neri Holguin is predicting that Nichole Rogers will beat me in the December 12 runoff election. Nichole is her candidate, through and through. Yet Neri Holguin’s opinions are presented in the post as if she is simply a wise and neutral political professional. This is not accurate.

Neri Holguin was instrumental in getting the mayor elected, and Tim Keller continues to rely on her implicitly. Neri Holguin was the very person who called me in April to convey the mayor’s message that I should not run for City Council. The blog post states, Neri Holguin “briefly consulted the Rogers campaign at the start of the regular election [but] she is not involved in the run-off.” In fact she is involved in the runoff, albeit now on behalf of a PAC. Neri Holguin is openly raising money for the Real New Mexican Leadership PAC, one of five (5) PACs that are currently helping Nichole try to get elected to City Council. Neri Holguin is working hard to ensure that my opponent gets elected, in order to smooth the way for the mayor’s plans for the rest of his second term and, they hope, his third term.

Nichole Rogers has repeatedly touted the fact that she is publicly financed, and yet she is willing to accept PAC money all day long. No wonder people are turned off by politics. I am supported by a single PAC, HELP NM. This PAC has chosen to support me, having assessed Nichole Rogers as being hostile to commercial and real estate development. I myself do see a role for real estate development in District 6, particularly in the economically distressed areas east of San Mateo. I also see a role for development in addressing our city’s affordable housing crisis. But I am the only candidate pushing to eliminate the “in lieu of” rule that currently allows developers to essentially avoid building affordable housing for a nominal one-time fee.

Those who know me from the Nob Hill Neighborhood Association and from my longtime career in the nonprofit community can attest that I have the highest reputation for integrity and honesty. I will not be ‘in the pocket’ of developers, Republicans, the mayor or anyone else but my District 6 constituents.

Your November 27 post alludes to the fact that Nichole Rogers is struggling with a simmering ethics fiasco involving her one-person nonprofit, Welstand Foundation.  This story was covered in both the Albuquerque Journal and the New Mexico Sun. Your post states, “Rogers has come under fire for failing to comply with state registration regulations for a nonprofit she founded but Holguin says the mistake lacks sting and she does not expect Rogers to be upended by any more ethics charges.” The issue is about more than mere regulation compliance though. Welstand Foundation’s failure to file Form 990s with the IRS means that no one can know where any of the nonprofit’s money was spent.

On Monday Nov. 27 at a campaign forum hosted by the South San Pedro Neighborhood Association, Nichole Rogers said that she would have financial documents for Welstand Foundation up on her website by the end of the week, which didn’t happen. Let’s all keep her honest in following up on that promise.  Contrary to Neri Holguin’s prediction, more ethics charges have arisen for Nichole Rogers. Another political blog has asserted, with evidence, that Nichole Rogers lied about not having multiple misdemeanor charges, and about having lived in District 6 for six years, when by all accounts she reclaimed her home from a tenant in January in order to run for City Council. Voters should do their research about both candidates before this very important City Council runoff election.

I have specific, detailed information on my website jeff4d6.com about policy positions and my experience, as well as two letters dated Oct. 24 and Nov. 3 responding to criticisms regarding private financing and the HELP PAC. I am a pro-choice, progressive Democrat and the only honest, qualified candidate in this race. Neri Holguin, Tim Keller and Nichole Rogers are working hard to mischaracterize me and my campaign in order to get a safe vote for the mayor on Council. Voters should decide for themselves and vote for an independent voice for District 6, for the change we need to get our city back on track.”

 Thanks for letting me contribute to your blog to set the record straight.

Jeff Hoehn


The real news revealed in the “dust up” exchange  between Mayor Keller’s politcal operative Neri Olguin and City Council Candidate Jeff Hoehn is the extent of involvement of Mayor Tim Keller has had in the 2023 City Council races.

Confidential sources have confirmed that Joaquin BacaAbby Foster, and Nichole Rogers were indeed Keller’s anointed candidates to replace Progressive Democrat Isaac Benton in District 2, Republican Brook Bassan in District 4 and Progressive Democrat Pat Davis in District 6 respectively.

Hoehn is the first and only candidate that has confirmed publicly the extent to which Mayor Tim Keller attempted to influence the 2023 city council races by the use of his politcal operative and campaign manager Neri Holguin.


It is clear now that in the 2023 municipal elections for city council, Mayor Tim Keller, his politcal operative Neri Holguin and Keller supporters inserted themselves into the 3 city council races in City Council Districts 2, 4 and 6.  Keller took  an active roll in trying to elect city councilors who would support his progressive agenda over the final 2 years of his second term to set himself up to run for a third term in 2025. Keller has already made it known to top aides he intends to run for a third term.

Neri Holguin has an extensive history of being Mayor Tim Keller’s political advisor, confidant and campaign manager. Holguin managed one of Keller’s state senate races.  In  the 2017 Mayor’s race where Keller was first elected,  she headed up the measured finance committee  that raised  $663,000 to promote Keller when he ran the first time.  In  2021, Holguin was the paid campaign manager for Mayor Tim Keller’s successful re election bid against Bernalillo County  Sherriff Manny Gonzales and radio talk show host Eddy Aragon.

Neri Holguin is the owner and primary principal of Holguin Consulting, Inc.  Holguin has been a political consultant since at least 2007. Holguin Consulting, Inc.’s  web page lists campaigns Holguin has  successfully managed including Mayor Tim Keller, Albuquerque City Councilors Pat Davis, Isaac Benton, Joaquin Baca, Ray Garduno,  Bernalillo County Commissioners Barba Baca, Eric Olivas, Debbie O’mally, Maggie Hart Stebbins and  Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen.  Numerous State House Representatives and State Senator candidates are also identified.  What all of Holguin’s Democratic candidates have in common is that they are decidedly “progressive”, no moderate or conservatives Democrats need apply for her services.

The link to Holguin Consulting, Inc.’s  web page that provides background on the services it provides and lists  clientele is here:



In City Council District 2, Neri Holguin’s firm Holguin Consulting, Inc.’s was the paid political consultant for Progressive Democrat Joaquin Baca  who prevailed over two other candidates to win outright without a run off. Baca was a public financed candidate and was successful in collecting the required number of $5.00 donations.

Campaign Finance Reports filed with the City Clerk  reveal that on August 4, Baca was given the sum of $37,865.73 in city funding to run his campaign.   Baca’s Campaign Finance Reports also reveal that  Holguin Consulting, Inc. was paid a total of $19,922.42 for “Consulting and Staffing Services” or well over half of the $37,865.73 Baca received in public financing from the city.

The link to the finance reports file by Joaquin Baca  with the City Clerk is here:



In city Council District 4, Neri Holguin’s firm Holguin Consulting, Inc.’s was the paid political consultant for Progressive Democrat Abby Foster who ran against and lost to Republican City Councilor Brook Bassan.  Bassan was a publicly finance candidate. Foster, despite being a Progressive Democrat,  did not qualify for public finance.

Review of Abby Foster’s  Finance Reports filed with the City Clerk reveals that Foster raised at least $63,117 in private financing and paid Holguin Consulting, Inc. at least $37,268 for consulting fees, staffing and mail services, well over half of the $63,117 raised by Foster in private financing.

The link to the finance reports file by Abby Foster with the City Clerk is here:



Confidential sources have confirmed that Rogers received significant help from at least 2 top aides of Mayor Tim Keller. Those Keller top aides assisted in collecting nominating petitions signatures and qualifying $5 donations Rogers needed to secure public financing of $36,917.30. It is unknown if the campaigning was done on city time.

Neri Holguin  briefly consulted the Rogers campaign at the start of the regular election. Sources have confirmed that a falling out occurred between Rogers and Holguin over the extent to which Rogers was committed to do what was required of her and following Holguin’s instructions.

Now that Nichole Roger’s is in the runoff, Neri Holguin is soliciting donations on behalf the  measured finance committee Real New Mexico Leadership which is supporting Nichole Rogers. In her solicitation correspondence on behalf of the Real New Mexico Leadership, Holguin says $12,000 is needed to be raised but does not say what it will be used for, which is likely to disparage Jeff Hoehn.  Holguin fails to disclose in the solicitation if she or her firm Holguin Consulting, Inc.’ are being paid to do the fundraising and to what extent will she will benefit. High paid political consultants such as Holguin are known to charge anywhere between 20% to as much as 50% of what they raise on behalf of their clients.


City Council District 6 Candidate Jeff Hoehn has now confirmed that it was Neri Holguin called him in April of this year to convey to him Mayor Tim Keller’s  message that he should not run for City Council.  It is understood that Holguin told Hoehn in no uncertain terms that he could not win and not to run and that he would not be receiving the support of Mayor Tim Keller if he did run. In particular, Keller was said to want a “woman of color” to be elected and Nichole Rogers fit the profile.

Confidential sources have confirmed that Rogers received significant help from at least 2 top aides of Mayor Tim Keller. Those Keller top aides assisted in collecting nominating petitions signatures and qualifying $5 donations Rogers needed to secure public financing of  $36,917.30.  It is unknown if the campaigning was done on city time.


Holguin in her fund raising email sent on behalf of Nichole Rogers, she smears Hoehn by saying this:

“We can elect Nichole, the clear progressive choice for this election, but we need your help. …  We need Nichole because we can not afford a more right-towards tilt on the City Council!”

There will be no so called “more right-towards tilt on the City Council”  as Holguin implies if Jeff Hoehn is elected given the fact he is a decidedly Progressive Democrat.  Jeff Hoehn has been Democrat all of his life, and  works with nonprofits and works directly with progressive organizations and elected officials on many levels.

Holguin calling Nichole Rogers the clear progressive choice for District 6 is so very laughable and so very wrong on so many levels.   Rogers’ campaign has been severely damaged as a result reports of a disturbing history of civil litigation involving debt collections and evictions, property liens, misdemeanor convictions, failure to file state and federal documentation for the non-profit she runs and questions if she has really lived in the district for 6 years as she claims or if she is living in an apartment on the West side with her family.  She has admitted to the mismanagement of her nonprofit.

When the news reports first broke on Roger’s problems relating to her nonprofit, Rogers admitted that she mishandled her charitable non-profit, which benefited from both private contributions and COVID relief money from the city. Rogers claimed her conduct was not disqualifying.  Rogers said this:

“I am a person who has had successes and has had failures. But I really believe in failing forward. When you know better, you do better and I’m someone who can teach folks to watch out for these pitfalls.” 

When confronted with her history of litigation and legal problems and asked to confirm if she was the named defendant in the cases, she declined to do so and said this:

 “I have discussed a lot of this openly during my campaign, I have TRUE lived experience with being unable to pay rent on time, with poverty, and with navigating systems. … I would love to talk about how my own experience with poverty has led me to be where I am today.  As a victim of identity theft, I do not share personal information via email or over the phone.”

Nichole Rogers boldly proclaims that she “really believe[s] in failing forward” and that  she has “TRUE lived experience. How about just not failing by following the law, knowing better, taking full responsibility for your mistakes and not repeating them and not deflecting the truth. How about paying your debts, securing mandatory car registrations and car insurance, and attending scheduled court hearings to avoid bench warrants being issued for your arrest.

The blunt truth is Nichole Rogers has not been forth coming.  Her credibility is in serious doubt because of falsehoods and failures to disclose. She has failed to be completely transparent when it comes to her litigation history and her residence.


Political consultant and Mayor Tim Keller confident Neri Holguin has has become the Progressive Democrats version of what Republican  political consultant Jay McClusky is to the conservative Republicans.  Both represent what is so very wrong with politics in this day and age of Donald Trump.

Holguin is known for making false and inflammatory allegations and smearing an opposing  candidate not considered “progressive enough” to Holguin’s liking. It’s this type campaigning  that people are so disgusted with when it comes to measured finance committees, misleading people and negative campaigning to smear the opposition.

The influence of big money in elections allowed by the US Supreme Court decision in Citizens United is destroying our democracy. Many highly qualified candidates for office all too often do not bother to run because of the inability or difficulty raising the necessary money to run.

Political campaign fundraising and big money influence are warping our election process. Money spent becomes equated with the final vote. Money drives the message, affects voter turnout and ultimately the outcome of an election.

Mayor Keller’s Political Operative Neri Holguin Fund Raises For Discredited District 6 City Council Candidate Nichole Rogers; False And  Misleading Attacks On Progressive Democrat Jeff Hoehn; “Follow The Money” To Get To The Truth By Reviewing Campaign Finance Reports 

On Monday November 27, politcal columnist Joe Monahan on his political blog “New Mexico Politics With Joe Monahan” posted the following headline and reported in part as follows:

“Veteran Dem Consultant Predicts Rogers Victory In ABQ City Council Run-off

 If longtime progressive Dem political consultant Neri Holguin has it right Nichole Rogers should have a smooth path to victory in her December 12 run-off election with Jeff Hoehn for the District 6 ABQ City Council seat in the liberal SE Heights.

I think Jeff is in trouble because of the considerable financial support his campaign has received from the PAC associated with commercial real estate interests. It is primarily made up of Republicans and as that word circulates the majority Democrats in the district will recoil from supporting him. 

… .

Rogers has come under fire for failing to comply with state registration regulations for a nonprofit she founded but Holguin says the mistake lacks sting and she does not expect Rogers to be upended by any more ethics charges.

By her count Holguin has now consulted some 100 state political campaigns. She briefly consulted the Rogers campaign at the start of the regular election. She is not involved in the run-off.”

EDITOR’S NOTE: The postscript to this blog article provides a detailed  background history of political consultant Neri Holguin, her firm and lists candidate clientele and  outlines experience with Measured Finance Committees.


Just two days after the Monahan report, political consultant Neri Olguin sent out a fundraising email contradicting what she ostensibly told Joe Monahan that she was not involved with the District 6 runoff. Below is the email:

From: Neri Holguin
Date: Wed, Nov 29, 2023 at 2:07 PM
Subject: Will you support Nichole Rogers for City Council District 6?

“Hi Friends:

I’m emailing today about the upcoming District 6 City Council runoff election on December 12, 2023 with an urgent request for a contribution to the MFC (or PAC) backing Democrat Nichole Rogers TODAY.

Background on the race and why it matters: 

The City Council District 6 (Nob Hill/International District) Runoff Election is between Democrats Jeff Hoehn and Nichole Rogers.

Jeff Hoehn despite being a Democrat, didn’t qualify for public financing and has relied heavily on a PAC funded by real estate/oil and gas/Republican donors to prop up his campaign. 

Nichole Rogers is a publicly financed candidate and has $20K for her runoff election. She is endorsed by traditional Democratic organizations that we know and trust—labor, Planned Parenthood Votes ABQ, Moms Demand Action, etc. Backing her are electeds like US Rep Melanie Stansbury and Sheriff John Allen and others. 

The PAC backing Jeff, called “HELP ABQ & The National Realtors Association,” helped his campaign with mail and digital advertising (including negative ads against Nichole) to get him to the runoff. HELP ABQ are the deep-pocket interests who worked to defeat Democrat Abby Foster (by 154 votes earlier this month), and elect Republican Dan Champine to the Council. The PAC’s consultants help elect Republicans to office in NM.

This year, and to date, HELP ABQ has raised and spent over $200K for the 2023 City Council races and are hoping for a “pick up” with Jeff’s candidacy.

We can elect Nichole, the clear progressive choice for this election, but we need your help. The PAC helping Jeff is already raising tens of thousands of dollars to get him over the line. 

 We need Nichole because we can not afford a more right-towards tilt on the City Council!

Our polling shows a clear path forward, but the Real NM Leadership PAC must raise another $12K by next Monday, December 4. 

Will you let me know if you are able to help with a contribution? Any amount helps and I really appreciate it! 

Thanks, Neri

EDITOR’S NOTE: Neri Holguin was the paid political consultant for progressive Democrat Abby Foster who she referred to above who ran against and lost to Republican City Councilor Brook Bassan who was a publicly finance candidate. Foster, despite being a Democrat also did not qualify for public finance, something Holguin objects to with Jeff Hoehn in her email. Review of Abby Foster’s  Finance Reports filed with the City Clerk reveals that Foster raised at least $63,117 in private financing and paid Holguin Consulting, Inc. at least $37,268 for consulting fees, staffing and mail services.

The link to the finance reports file by Abby Foster with the City Clerk is here:



Under the City of Albuquerque’s campaign finance laws, a Measure Finance Committee is a political action committee (PAC), person or group that supports or opposes a candidate or ballot measures within the City of Albuquerque.

Measure Finance Committees (MFA) are not bound by the individual contribution limits and business bans like candidates. Measure Financed Committees are not required to get “permission or authorization” from candidates they support to spend money on their behalf, even if the candidate objects or tries to distance themselves from the MFA.  Measure Financed Committees are not allowed to coordinate their activities with the individual candidates running for office, but this is a very gray area as to what constitutes coordination of activities and it is difficult to enforce.

There are 10 Measured Finance Committees (MFC) registered with the City Clerk for the 2023 city municipal election. All give as their purpose to oppose or support candidates for Albuquerque City Council. Review of the 10 MFC’s financial reports  reveals they have raised, expended and have the following remaining balances:

  1. ABQ Firepac (This is the Firefighters MFA): Cash donations $6,350, $2,125 in expenditures with remaining balance of $4,225.
  2. ABQ Workers First: Cash donations $2,953, remaining balance -0-.
  3. El Centro PYA, MFC: Cash donations $3,385 and $1,708 in expenditures.
  4. Help ABQ and National Association of Realtors: Cash donations $145,568, expenditures of $95,549.98 and remaining balance of $73,018.
  5. Native American Advocacy Fund ABQ, MFC: Cash donations and remaining balance: $5,000.
  6. No Corporate Council,  MFC (Supports only progressive candidates): Cash donations $5,480, expenditures of $804.04, balance of $4,675.
  7. Progress Now New Mexico, MFC: Cash donations $2,698, expenditures $723.97, cash balance of $1,974.51.
  8. Real New Mexico Leadership: Cash donations $37,500, expenditures of $20,503.82, remaining balance $7,507.
  9. Safer Communities ABQ: Cash donations $1,500 with -0- remaining balance remaining
  10. Sierra Club ABQ, MFC: Cash donations $3,000 with $1,407.73 in expenditures.

The link to review all Measured Finance financial reports filed with the city clerk is here:



Ostensibly, Neri Holguin told political blogger Joe Monahan that she was not involved in the District 6 runoff, otherwise he would not have reported it as a fact.  Monahan’s article was seeking her analysis of the District 6 City Council race, she gave her opinion and Monahan published it without question. Holguin’s assertion that she  was not involved in the District 6 runoff race proved to be false when two days later Holguin sent out the campaign solicitation memo for Rogers specifically asking the question  “Will you support Nichole Rogers for City Council District 6?”


Nichole Rogers is a publicly finance candidate and was given $36,917.30  in city funding for her initial campaign to get into the runoff  and her campaign has  been given another $20,000 in city funding for the run off.  Rogers finance reports reflect the entire $36,917.30 she was initially given has been spent with a lion’s share of least $29,999 (two payments: $18,161 and $11,838) in funding going to a firm identified as Semilla Strategies for “campaign management services” which is believed to be an out of state politcal consulting firm.   Rogers 3rd RUNOFF STATEMENT Campaign Finance Report which was due November 27, 2023 reports the $20,000 of city public finance for the reporting period of November 18, 2023 to November 24, 2023 with a closing balance of $19,113, remaining available for campaign spending in the runoff.

The link to Nichole Rogers campaign finance reports is here:


Notwithstanding the $56,917.30 in public financing given to Nichole Rogers, the Holguin solicitation email boldly proclaims:

Our polling shows a clear path forward, but the Real NM Leadership PAC must raise another $12K by next Monday, December 4.”

Note  above that Real New Mexico Leadership PAC has had cash donations $37,500, expenditures of $20,503.82 with a remaining balance $7,507.

Holguin does not disclose the results of the polls she is referring to nor what the additional $12,000 she wants  is going to be used for which is likely to smear Jeff Hoehn.  Holguin fails to disclose in her email solicitation if she is being paid to do the fundraising and to what extent will she will benefit. Polls are costly as is political fundraising by political consultants. High paid political consultants such as Holguin are known to charge anywhere between 20% to as much as 50% of what they raise on behalf of their clients.

According to the Real New Mexico Leadership measure financed committee (MFC) registration with the city clerk, its purpose is to TO SUPPORT OR OPPOSE ALBUQUERQUE CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATES”. According to Campaign Finance Reports filed by Real New Mexico Leadership,  monetary contributions it has raised is $37,500.   A $10,000 contribution to Real New Mexico Leadership was from the New Mexico Building and Construction Trades Council reported to oppose Jeff Hoehn and to support Nichole Rogers. Another $10,000 contribution from AFSME Council 18, Local 110, was made to Real New Mexico Leadership to  oppose Jeff Hoehn and to support Nichole Rogers.  Both US Congresswoman Melanie Stansbury and NM State Senator Michael Padilla campaigns each contributed $1,000 to Real New Mexico Leadership.

The 11th financial statement for Real NM Leadership filed  on November 27, 2023 for the reporting period of November 18, 2023 to November 24, 2023 reports $22,500  cash contributions with a remaining balance of $7,507. The 3rd RUNOFF STATEMENT for Real NM Leadership filed on November 27, 2023 for the reporting period of November 18, 2023 to November 24, 2023 reflects the identical remaining balance of $7,507.

The link to Real NM Leadership campaign finance reports is here:



Holguin in her solicitation letter fires off more than a few nasty little broadsides she is so well known for at Progressive Democrat Jeff Hoehn.  The first broadside is:

“Jeff Hoehn despite being a Democrat, didn’t qualify for public financing and has relied heavily on a PAC funded by real estate/oil and gas/Republican donors to prop up his campaign.”

Olguin’s statement that Hoehn “has relied heavily on a PAC funded by real estate/oil and gas/Republican donors to prop up his campaign” is simply FALSE. It is a classic politcal smear used by progressive politcal operatives such as Holguin to smear other Democrats, even progressive Democrats, they perceive as not progressive enough for their liking.

There is no way it can be said JEFF HOEHN is being propped up by oil and gas interests nor by  developers in that he has raised on his own over $47,000 and has spent upwards of $40,000 on his campaign   No donations from oil and gas donors nor from major developers such as NAIOP can be found when you review his campaign finance reports.  

Progressive Democrat Jeff Hoehn has said repeatedly that he entered the race very late and consequently he had to go the private finance route. Hoehn’s campaign has been successful with private fund raising. Review of all Campaign Finance Reports filed with the City Clerk, which includes 3 Run Off Finance Reports, reflects Jeff  Hoehn has raised $47,261.61 in cash contributions and $39,773.39 in campaign expenditures to date with no loans reported as due and owing. $1,010,21 in “in-kind” contributions are reported.

When you study Hoehn’s campaign finance reports you find his donations are coming from District 6 residents and small businesses in District 6 with many coming from neighborhood activists in the District. Jeff  Hoehn’s campaign has raised money from neighbors, friends and family members.  

There are absolutely NO donations from people associated with oil and gas interests nor from major city developers. According to Hoehn’s 3rd and latest Runoff Financial statement he has a cash balance of $3,798.07.  Much more is expected to be reported in in the next report due after the December 12 election.

The link to review Jeff Hoehn’s  Campaign Finance Reports is here:


Contact was made with City Council District 6 candidate Jeff Hoehn and he revealed he has in fact turned down donations from the likes of the National Association of Industrial and Office Parks (NAIOP) and developers and others he does not know nor major Real Estate Companies. He has not solicited any donations from the oil and gas industry, the real estate community nor Republicans as implied by Neri Holguin’s fund-raising effort for Rogers.


The Holguin donation solicitation email for Roger’s states in part:

“The PAC backing Jeff, called “HELP ABQ & The National Realtors Association,” helped his campaign with mail and digital advertising (including negative ads against Nichole) to get him to the runoff.”

On November 3, Jeff Hoehn on his campaign web site aggressively  distanced himself from “HELP ABQ & The National Realtors Association” by issuing a statement that reads in part as follows:

“I’ve learned that a Measure Finance Committee … called Help ABQ has sent out negative messages. I am disappointed in this, since this PAC has chosen to support me in this election. Voters may think that I sent it or endorsed it. I didn’t authorize these communications and I have no control over this PAC. It’s more than unfortunate that they are tying my campaign to negative messaging.

The HelpABQ PAC and Rival Strategies put out a message that contradicts the values and commitment to positivity that has brought our campaign this far. The message suggested that “liberal extremist groups” are trying to influence this race. That is not true.

I reject HelpABQ’s message that organizations like Planned Parenthood or the Sierra Club are extremist groups. I stand with Planned Parenthood and I am strongly pro-choice. My wife and I have donated to Planned Parenthood, and I have personally taken actions to protect a woman’s right to choose.

Planned Parenthood is by no means an extremist group. Same for Sierra Club. I sought these two endorsements, and I came close to getting both of them. My campaign has never engaged in negative messaging.”

… [T]he voters, deserve better. I urge voters to take a close look at each D6 candidate’s background and experience before making the very important decision of who to vote for.”


On October 24, Hoehn issued a statement that reads in part:

“As we get close to Election Day, I have heard that there is some misinformation circulating about me and my campaign. Don’t buy it. Let me tell you who I am. I am a lifelong progressive Democrat. I am not “in the pocket” of developers or businesses. I run a nonprofit that is helping Albuquerque families break the cycle of homelessness. My campaign has gained broad community support while being privately financed. I entered the race late at the urging of my neighbors, and had to focus all my energy on qualifying for the ballot and did not qualify for public financing. That said, I am proud to be running a clean, transparent, grassroots campaign.”


When you examine the campaign finance reports of “HELP ABQ & The National Realtors Association” it is clear as day the donations are dedicated to help or support or oppose  4 candidates for city council  or  ballot measures, and not just Jeff Hoehn.  Jeff Hoehn has disclosed that he contacted the City Clerk’s office to object to donations made by oil and gas interest to “HELP ABQ & The National Realtors Association” where they identify him as one of 4  candidates and ballot initiatives they are supporting or opposing.

The city clerk in no uncertain terms told Jeff Hoehn that there was nothing he could do about the donations and his name appearing on the measured finance committee report because of the Supreme Court Case of Citizens United. Hoehn has also condemned the commercial by the same PAC that attacked progressive organizations such as the Sierra Club.

The blunt truth is that all candidates, including Jeff Hoehn, have absolutely no control over third party measured finance committees such as “HELP ABQ & The National Realtors Association” and donations made nor how they can be used.  The candidates are strictly prohibited by law from coordinating campaigns and communicating with them.

Pollical operative Neri Holguin knows full well what the truth is, what the law is, and knows when it comes to Measured Finance Committees and Political Action Committees candidates have no control over them.  Yet she insists on promoting the false narrative in her solicitation email that because a donation was made  somehow Jeff Hoehn is affiliated with the donor, that he is relying on the PAC and the candidate will do the donors bidding once elected which is not the case.


What is very disgusting  is that there is  false and inflammatory accusation being made by a  Progressive Democrat  that a $10,000 donation has been made by Yates Petroleum to Jeff Hoehn.  The Progressive Democrat in an email said “Jeff is being financed by Harvey Yates and friends. He is not progressive or will not be on council.” The person was told in no uncertain terms to “knock it off” and that the accusations were a lies. The person making the false accusation failed to disclose that the donation was made to a Measure Finance Committee, dedicated to oppose or support 4 candidates for city council and Hoehn had absolutely nothing to do with the donation.


Holguin continues with her smear of Hoehn and says this in her email solicitation:

“We can elect Nichole, the clear progressive choice for this election, but we need your help. The PAC helping Jeff is already raising tens of thousands of dollars to get him over the line.  …  We need Nichole because we can not afford a more right-towards tilt on the City Council!”

There will be no so called “more right-towards tilt on the City Council”  as Holguin implies if Jeff Hoehn is elected given the fact he is a decidedly Progressive Democrat.  Jeff Hoehn has been Democrat all of his life, and  works with nonprofits and works directly with progressive organizations and elected officials on many levels.

Holguin calling Nichole Rogers the clear progressive choice for District 6 is so very laughable and so very wrong on so many levels.   Rogers’ campaign has been severely damaged as a result reports of a disturbing history of civil litigation involving debt collections and evictions, property liens, misdemeanor convictions, failure to file state and federal documentation for the non-profit she runs and questions if she has really lived in the district for 6 years as she claims or if she is living in an apartment on the West side with her family.  She has admitted to the mismanagement of her nonprofit.

When the news reports first broke on Roger’s problems relating to her nonprofit, Rogers admitted that she mishandled her charitable non-profit, which benefited from both private contributions and COVID relief money from the city. Rogers claimed her conduct was not disqualifying.  Rogers said this:

“I am a person who has had successes and has had failures. But I really believe in failing forward. When you know better, you do better and I’m someone who can teach folks to watch out for these pitfalls.” 

When confronted with her history of litigation and legal problems and asked to confirm if she was the named defendant in the cases, she declined to do so and said this:

 “I have discussed a lot of this openly during my campaign, I have TRUE lived experience with being unable to pay rent on time, with poverty, and with navigating systems. … I would love to talk about how my own experience with poverty has led me to be where I am today.  As a victim of identity theft, I do not share personal information via email or over the phone.”

Nichole Rogers boldly proclaims that she “really believe[s] in failing forward” and that  she has “TRUE lived experience. How about just not failing by following the law, knowing better, taking full responsibility for your mistakes and not repeating them and not deflecting the truth. How about paying your debts, securing mandatory car registrations and car insurance, and attending scheduled court hearings to avoid bench warrants being issued for your arrest.

The blunt truth is Nichole Rogers has not been forth coming.  Her credibility is in serious doubt because of falsehoods and failures to disclose. She has failed to be completely transparent when it comes to her litigation history and her residence.


The November 29 fundraising memo sent by Neri Holguin to donors is so very wrong with false and inflammatory allegations smearing a candidate not considered “progressive enough” to Holguin’s liking. It’s this type of fundraising that people are so disgusted with when it comes to measured finance committees, misleading people and negative campaigning to smear the opposition.

Neri Holguin has become the Progressive Democrats version of what political consultant Jay McClusky is to the conservative Republicans.  Both represent what is so very wrong with politics in this day and age of Donald Trump.

The influence of big money in elections allowed by the US Supreme Court decision in Citizens United is destroying our democracy. Many highly qualified candidates for office all too often do not bother to run because of the inability or difficulty raising the necessary money to run.

Political campaign fundraising and big money influence are warping our election process. Money spent becomes equated with the final vote. Money drives the message, affects voter turnout and ultimately the outcome of an election.



 Neri Holguin is the owner and primary principal of Holguin Consulting, Inc.  Holguin has been a political consultant since at least 2007 when she managed the successful campaign of Albuquerque City Council District 6 Rey Garduno.

Holguin Consulting, Inc. is a paid political consulting firm based in Albuquerque, New Mexico, that manages political candidate campaigns. According to its web page, the firm provides services in the areas of political “strategic consulting”, “message development”, “issues” and candidate opposition research, campaign “field service work”, “get out the vote services”, “targeting”, polling, direct mail and TV and Radio production services.

In 2009, Holguin was the paid political consultant or campaign manager for former Progressive Democrat State Senator Richard Romero who ran against moderate Democrat Mayor Marty Chavez that resulted in splitting the Democratic vote and ensuring the election of Conservative Republican Mayor Richard Berry.

The 2017 Mayor’s race provides an insight into how influential Measured Finance Committees are in elections and how well-versed political consultant Neri Holguin is on how they operate.  In the 2017 Mayor’s Race, then NM State Auditor Tim Keller qualified for a total of $506,254 in public financing which included the run off funding.  Notwithstanding Keller qualifying for public financing, there were 3 measured finance committees that promoted Keller: ABQ Forward, ABQFIREPAC and ABQ Working Families. Neri Holguin headed up the  Measured Finance Committee  ABQ Forward Together that raised upwards of $1 Million used towards the election of Mayor Tim Keller. Broken down, at least $1,169,254 minimum was  spent on Tim Keller’s campaign for Mayor ($506,254 public finance money + $663,000 ABQ Forward = $1,169,254 total).  Broken down further, $1,358,254 was actually spent on Tim Keller’s campaign for Mayor ($506,254 public finance money + $663,000 ABQ Forward + $67,000 ABQFIREPAC + $122,000 ABQ Working Families = $1,358,254.)

In the 2021, Holguin was the paid campaign manager for Mayor Tim Keller’s successful re election bid against Bernalillo County  Sherriff Manny Gonzales and radio talk show host Eddy Aragon. Keller again qualified for public financing and was  given increased public financing of  $640,000 for his reelection bid by the city. It was Holguin who spearheaded and challenged the $5  qualifying donations submitted by Manny Gonzales alleging fraud in the collection of qualifying donations that was eventually upheld by the City Clerk appointed by Mayor Tim Keller and forced Gonzales to privately finance his campaign.

In the 2023 races for city council, Holguin was the campaign manager and consultant for Progressive Democrat  Joaquin Baca in City Council District 2, who won, and for Progressive Democrat Abby Foster in City Council District 4 and who lost to incumbent Republican Brook Bassan.  In the District 4 race, Holguin and Foster alleged wide spread voter fraud by Bassan, as was alleged against Sherriff Gonzales, when it was reported that Bassan’s legislative aide had resided with Bassan for a period of time and changed her registration to be able to vote for Bassan and made a $5.00 donation.

Holguin Consulting, Inc.’s  web page lists campaigns Holguin has  successfully managed including Mayor Tim Keller, Albuquerque City Councilors Pat Davis, Isaac Benton, Joaquin Baca, Ray Garduno,  Bernalillo County Commissioners Barba Baca, Eric Olivas, Debbie O’mally, Maggie Hart Stebbins and  Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen.  Numerous State House Representatives and State Senator candidates are also identified.  What all of Holguin’s Democratic candidates have in common is that they are decidedly “progressive”, no moderate or conservatives Democrats need apply for her services.

The link to Holguin Consulting, Inc.’s  web page that provides background on the services it provides and lists  clientele is here:


Vetting Of City Council District 6 Candidate Nichole Rogers Reveals Disturbing History Of Civil Litigation, Evictions, Property Liens, Misdemeanor Citations, Failure To File Non-Profit State And Federal Documentation; Rogers Residency In District Disputed; District 6 Voters Should Say No To Nichole Rogers “Failing Forward” Candidacy And Vote Jeff Hoehn City Council

Questions Rise Over Nichole Rogers’ Candidacy: ‘District 6 is entitled to a City Councilor who is ethical’

On  the online news agency “New Mexico Sun” published the following article written by one of its staff reporters:

It was recently revealed that Nichole Rogers, Albuquerque City Council candidate for District 6, failed to file required documents for her nonprofit to the IRS and certain New Mexico state agencies. As a result of these findings, her campaign has drawn criticism from various parties, including Albuquerque attorney Pete Dinelli.

“District 6 is entitled to a City Councilor who is ethical, who is above reproach, who knows how to manage finances both privately and in their private business dealings, who actually knows the problems of the District by actually living in the District for more than a few years, something that cannot be said of Nichole Rogers.”, said Pete Dinelli.

To better understand this controversy it’s crucial we first look at Rogers’ political scenario.

Rogers is running for election as a Democrat in Albuquerque’s 6th District, which covers the International District. None of the four candidates received over 50% of the votes, so it is heading to a runoff election between Rogers and the other top vote-getter, Democrat Jeff Hoehn. According to KRQE, the 6th District was previously represented by Pat Davis, who served two terms and therefore cannot run again. [DINELLI NEW MEXICO SUN ARTICLE CORRECTION: THERE ARE NO TERM LIMITS FOR CITY COUNCILOR NOR MAYOR AND DAVIS ELECTED NOT TO RUN FOR A THIRD TERM.]

Notably significant questions are being raised concerning Rogers’ handling of her non-profit organization called Welstand Foundation.

A lot of this scrutiny is aimed towards Rogers’ nonprofit organization the Welstand Foundation, a one-person organization that was started by Rogers in 2019 and whose federal tax exempt status was revoked in 2022. Rogers had never filed federal forms on income and expenses during the Welstand Foundation’s existence. In a blog post, Dinelli questions how much money the nonprofit received and where it went since it is impossible to know based on the non-existent tax filings.

Adding to the complexity of the situation, there are discrepancies regarding when Rogers claimed she closed her foundation.

Rogers has stated that she closed the Welstand Foundation, but hasn’t been consistent with when she did. Dinelli, in his blog, points out that on different occasions on the internet, she has said she closed it in 2020, as well as 2021.

Past records have shown that Rogers’ foundation received substantial funding from city resources.

As stated in a previous story in the New Mexico Sun, the Welstand Foundation received $15,000 from the city of Albuquerque through the city’s Coronavirus Community Support and Recovery Funds in 2020. This was ostensibly to help fund Welstand Village, a group home for children of color that was supposed to open in the summer of 2021, and never did.

The legitimacy of Rogers’ non-profit organization further came into question due to its inconsistent standing status.

It also appears that the foundation was still accepting donations in 2022 after they were supposedly shut down. On Oct. 20, 2023, the Welstand Foundation was listed by the New Mexico Secretary of State as “active” but “not in good standing.” However, as of Nov. 1, it’s now in good standing.

Dinelli goes further to assert connections between Rogers and current Mayor Tim Keller which could potentially influence District 6 policy decisions.

Dinelli also claims that Rogers is particularly close to Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller who appointed Rogers as the City of Albuquerque African American Community and Business Liaison with the Office of Equity and Inclusion in 2021.

This is in contrast with the other District 6 candidate, Jeff Hoehn, who differs from Keller on certain issues, including approaches to fighting the homeless issue in Albuquerque. Keller seems keen on having a few, large shelters for the homeless population, while Hoehn said he would want to fund smaller, population-specific shelters. Hoehn is the executive director of Cuidando Los Niños, a shelter and school for homeless children. It is also noted that Hoehn has lived in the district for 21 years, while Rogers has lived there for six.

Meanwhile, as these controversies unfold, the upcoming District 6 run-off election remains scheduled as planned.

Early voting for the District 6 run-off election goes through Dec. 9. Election day is Dec. 12.

The link to the New Mexico Sun article is here:



Aside from the Welstand Foundation, there are 3 other areas that call into question the candidacy of Nichole Rogers.


An extensive review of public records and court dockets revealed a disturbing history of civil litigation over debts and money due, failure to pay rent, evictions and property liens.  The total amount of judgments for debts and property liens filed were at least $25,726.47. It was also revealed misdemeanor traffic offense convictions by Nicole L. Rogers with times when bench warrants were issued for her arrest for failures to appear.  She did not disclose to the Albuquerque Journal her misdemeanor convictions in its candidate questionnaire.

A review of court dockets was conducted to determine the extent of litigation Nichole Rogers has been involved with over the years. A listing of 7 specific civil court and 4 metro court misdemeanor cases was compiled which are believed to be cases Rogers has been named the defendant. When confronted with the cases, Rogers declined to admit or deny if the cases were in fact her as a named defendant. She said NO in her Albuquerque Journal candidate questionnaire if she had ever been convicted of a misdemeanor which is false.


Confidential sources are alleging that Nichole Rogers has not lived in District 6 for the 6 years she has claimed and as she told the Albuquerque Journal in its candidate questionnaire. She has said at forums she has lived in the district for 6 years which is false and has raised her two children at the address she claims to be her home.  The home in District 6 is a rental she owns and has rented to others as she lived with her children.   It has been determined she has lived on the Westside in an apartment with others and is now using a District 6 residence that she owns but has rented to others in order to run for city council.


Confidential  sources have confirmed that Mayor Tim Keller was involved with Nichole Rogers candidacy from the get go and that Jeff Hoehn was discouraged from running and he was told he could not win.  Members of Keller  administration took and active roll in helping Nichole Rogers to secure nominating signatures to get her on the ballot and collecting $5.00 qualifying donations to secure $40,000 in public financing. Rogers herself has told progressive democrats that she is the Mayor’s candidate to replace City Councilor Pat Davis.


The city is facing any number of problems that are bringing it to its knees. Those problems include exceptionally high violent crime and murder rates, the city’s increasing homeless numbers, lack of mental health care programs and little economic development.

It is District 6 that has suffered the brunt of what plagues the city the most with the highest crime rates in the city, including property crime, violent crime and drug trafficking, distressed minority communities, the proliferation of the homeless and service providers and little or no economic development.

District 6 can no longer afford a city councilor who makes promises and offers only eternal hope for better times, better results and who is indebted to Mayor Tim Keller and who wants to make a living off of the taxpayer for herself and her nonprofit. Eight years of poor representation by the current city councilor has been more than enough.

What is needed is a City Councilor who is independent, actually knows what they are doing, who will make the hard decisions without an eye on their next election, not make decisions only to placate their base and please only those who voted for them and who will not just do what Mayor Tim Keller wants them to do and who will just rubber stamp what Mayor Tim Keller wants. Hoehn represents now the type of leadership needed by District 6.

District 6 is entitled to a City Councilor who is ethical, who is above reproach, who knows how to manage finances both privately and in their private business dealings, who actually knows the problems of the District by actually living in the District for more than a few years, something that cannot be said of Nichole Rogers.

Given what has been reveal about Nichole Rogers and what is at stake, voters of District 6 should have no reservations voting for Jeff Hoehn for City Council.

The link to a related blog article is here:

ABQ City Council District 6 Runoff Scheduled December 12; Early Voting starts November 21; Nichole Rogers “Failing Forward” Candidacy; Endorsements By Other Candidates Announced; Voter Turn Out Will Be Biggest Challenge For Two Candidates