ABQ Journal Dinelli Guest Column: “Keller’s shanty town of casitas, duplexes, encampments”; ABQ Journal Column “What’s Behind ABQ’s Skyrocketing Rents?”; Casitas And Duplex Additions Will Be Affordable Only To Developers

On Sunday, May 7, the Albuquerque Journal published the below Dinelli Guest Opinion Column on page C3 of its editorial pages. On the same day, the paper published on its front page an in depth article with the bold print banner headlines “WHAT’S BEHIND ABQ’S SKYROCKETING RENTS? Out-of-state investment could be a boon to city’s apartment scene, but tenants face rent hikes and other issues”.

HEADLINE: “Keller’s shanty town of casitas, duplexes, encampments”



 A shanty town is loosely defined as an area of improvised buildings known as shanties or shacks of poor construction that lack adequate infrastructure including proper sanitation, safe water supply, electricity and street drainage and parking. Mayor Tim Keller wants enactment by the City Council of two major amendments to the zoning laws that will transform the city into a shanty town. The amendments will allow the construction of 750 square-foot “casitas” and “duplex” additions in the backyards of all 120,000 residential lots that have existing homes. The City Council has voted to allow 18 city-sanctioned Safe Outdoor Space tent encampments for the homeless to help with the “shanty town ambiance.”

The casita and duplex amendments are part of Keller’s Housing Forward ABQ Plan. It is a “multifaceted initiative” where Keller has set the goal of adding 5,000 new housing units across the city by 2025 above and beyond what private industry normally creates each year. Keller has proclaimed the city is in a major “housing crisis” and the city immediately needs 13,000 to 28,000 more housing units.

The zoning code amendments would make both casitas and duplex additions “permissive uses” and not “conditional uses” as they are now and have always been historically. A “conditional use” requires an application process with the city Planning Department, notice to surrounding property owners and affected neighborhood associations and provides for appeal rights. A “permissive use” would give the Planning Department exclusive authority to issue permits for construction without notices and hearings and with no appeal process. Objecting property owners and neighborhood associations to the permissive casita and duplex uses would be relegated to filing lawsuits to enforce covenants and restrictions.

Reclassification zoning of all single-family lots to allow residential duplex development and casita development will encourage large private investors and real estate developers, including out-of-state corporate entities, to buy up distressed properties to lease and convert whole blocks into rental duplexes with substandard rental casitas. This will dramatically degrade the character of neighborhoods and the city as a whole.

To put the argument in perspective, an individual investor will be able to purchase single-family homes to rent, add a 750-square-foot two-family home addition and build a separate 750-square-foot free-standing casita. The result is a one-home rental being converted into three separate rental units. Such development will increase an area’s property values and property taxes. It will also decrease the availability of affordable homes and raise rental prices even higher. It will increase gentrification in the more historical areas of the city as generational residents will be squeezed out by the developers and increases in property taxes.

The housing shortage is related to economics, the development community’s inability to keep up with supply and demand and the public’s inability to purchase housing and qualify for long-term housing mortgage loans. There is also a shortage of rental properties resulting in dramatic increases in rents.

Keller is using the short-term housing “crunch” to declare a “housing crisis” to shove his Housing Forward ABQ Plan down the throats of city residents and property owners. Keller is advocating transformative zoning changes to increase density by severely relaxing zoning restrictions to favor investors and the developers that will destroy entire neighborhoods.



On May 7, the Albuquerque Journal published on its front page an in depth article written by Journal staff reporter Alaina Mencinger spread out over 3 pages with the bold print banner headlines “WHAT’S BEHIND ABQ’S SKYROCKETING RENTS? Out-of-state investment could be a boon to city’s apartment scene, but tenants face rent hikes and other issues”. Major highlights of the Albuquerque Journal article that are worth noting are as follows:

“More outside investors are buying multifamily properties around the metro area — which could be a boon for Albuquerque’s aging housing stock, with many investors promising renovations and updates post-purchase. But tenants from several buildings around the city have reached out to the Journal over the past months, detailing rent hikes, problems with maintenance and unexpected lease non-renewals after ownership changed hands.

Maria Griego, director of economic equity at the New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty, said the center frequently receives calls from tenants after their building are bought.

“I’d say it’s one of our more common calls that we get,” Griego said. “More and more, we’re hearing from folks who are surprised to know that their lease is not going to be renewed, or that it will be renewed, but, they have to pay a huge increase in rent.”

So what’s causing the changes in the Albuquerque rental scene? And what’s the impact on the city’s thousands of renters?

The vast majority — about 88% — of the 8,000-odd multifamily rental properties in Albuquerque are locally owned, mom-and-pop operations, said New Mexico Apartment Advisors CEO Todd Clarke.

But a growing number of real estate investors are entering the market.

According to data from Clarke, there are currently 1,999 investors looking in the Albuquerque multifamily market — a number that has increased sixfold since before the pandemic.

There are a number of factors that have made Albuquerque appealing to outside investors, Clarke said. Pre-pandemic, he saw many investors come from markets that had rent control, unlike New Mexico, and were attracted by the low square-footage cost.

Clarke said Albuquerque’s economic growth over the past few years has been boosted by the FAANG effect — the relocation of major tech companies including Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google to an area. And investors started to take more notice, Clarke said.

“I feel like if not for the global pandemic, and kind of crazy national and global politics, that the headline news every day would have been this phenomenal economic success that Albuquerque is having,” Clarke said. “Investors like to go to markets where you see some strong job growth, because it speaks well about your future prospects for the community.”

Outside investment could increase and update Albuquerque’s housing stock. There are several thousand new units either under construction or newly opened, Clarke said. But before those units came on the market, the average age of an apartment in Albuquerque was 58 years — significantly older than housing in similar markets.

Cynthia Meister, vice president of Albuquerque’s branch of real estate company Northmarq said when she first moved to Albuquerque, she found the condition of the housing stock “embarrassing” — and said investors also noticed how out-of-date many properties were.

“There were some developers that came in and they bought up some of these properties that were just dilapidated, and they put in outside lighting … they put in new cabinets, etc,” Meister said. “And yes, there is going to be a rent increase. Absolutely, there is going to be a rent increase.”

Meister noted that tenants don’t necessarily want to move out of their current apartments into renovated units — and thus either pay higher rents for unrenovated or have to move entirely at the end of a lease.

Clarke said many Albuquerque residents have put up with “substandard housing,” in exchange for lower rents. Over the past decades, Clarke said, rents have remained somewhat stagnant — until now, as the city reckons with a rental shortage of about 13,000 units. In Northmarq’s Q4 2022 report, data indicated that low vacancy and high rents had prompted more housing development, but Meister noted that enduring supply chain issues could push back opening dates.

A pressure cooker of high demand and the cost of renovating outdated buildings has led to the citywide rent spikes, giving a “heart attack” to residents as prices increase all at once, Clarke said. And, mortgages are now harder to afford, he continued, so there are fewer housing options available, putting additional pressure on the rental market.”

… .”

The link to read the full May 7 Albuquerque Journal article with accompanying graphs is here:



Home Builder Digest is a national online magazine dedicated to the residential housing industry. According to Homebuilders Digest, the United States market rate to build is at $207 per square foot.  Home builders serving the Albuquerque area estimate the cost to build in Albuquerque between $175 to $275 per square foot.

The Homebuilder’s Digest has also addressed the hard costs of construction and affordable housing in the city as follows:


Hard costs cover everything from materials to the actual home construction. In Albuquerque, a value-based custom home would start around $175 per square foot. This is a home that would have builder-grade finishes, such as ceramic tile, laminate flooring, basic cabinets, level one granite or quartz, aluminum or builder-grade vinyl windows, value series appliances, and basic plumbing and electrical fixtures.

A mid-range home would start at around $225 per square foot. Mid-range finishes would include porcelain tile, engineered wood, mid-level cabinets with soft close, level two or three granite or quartz, and a moderate budget for plumbing and electrical fixtures. It would also have premium vinyl or fiberglass windows and higher-end appliances.

A high-end custom home would start at around $275 per square foot. This home would have all high-end custom finishes, fiberglass or wood windows, and professional appliances.

A home with energy efficiency features would range between $200 to $400 per square foot depending on selections for mechanical systems, windows, plumbing and lighting fixtures, cabinets, appliances, flooring, and more.


 “Many in the city believe Albuquerque should develop a more comprehensive housing strategy that will include provisions for homeless programs, transitional living programs, low-income rental, market-rate rental, and homeownership programs. Zoning policies enabling greater density, such as allowing for more accessory dwelling units (ADUs) on properties and encouraging high-rise condominiums can also help. Even new developments at higher price points can make a difference, as a family moving into a condominium can put their single-family house on the market and create an opening for a step-up buyer, and then consequently a first-time homebuyer.  … 


Home builders serving the Albuquerque area estimate the cost to build residents in Albuquerque is between $175 to $275 per square foot. It’s a cost that equally applies to casitas and  duplex development. To build and construct a 750 foot casita or duplex at the $175 foot construction cost would be $131,425 (750 sq ft X 175 = $131,421) and to build both $262,848. To build and construct a 750 foot casita or duplex at the $275 foot construction cost would be $206,250 (750 sq ft X $275 = $206,250) and to build both $412,500.  These are just actual construction costs.  The addition of plumbing, sewer,  electrical and gas hook ups and permits  will likely add and additional $30,000 to $50,000 to the final construction costs bring the actual total cost to $180,000 for a single unit or to perhaps $256,000 for both a casita and a duplex.


The Dinelli Journal guest opinion column and the Albuquerque Journal front page column complement each other.  Both identify that what is occurring in Albuquerque is major outside investors are coming to the city and buying up residential properties.

The casita and duplex amendments to the city zoning code are part of Keller’s Housing Forward ABQ Plan. At all 5 public meetings held in March and April, and the two City Council Land Use Planning and Zoning committee meetings on the zoning changes, the Keller Administration repeatedly said that casita and duplex development are needed to increase density, create affordable housing and to get away from “urban sprawl”.  They repeatedly made the misleading representation that many within the community want additional housing for extended families making reference to “mother-in-law quarters”.  Calling casitas “mother-in-law quarters” is nothing more than a ploy by the Keller Administration to make the proposal palatable to the general  public.

Not once has the Keller Administration ever discussed the actual cost of construction of 750 square foot casitas and duplex remodeling nor who will be able to afford such remodeling and construction.  They simply presume property owners will be able to afford to do it themselves which is not at all likely given the high cost of construction and materials. The truth is very few people have the financial ability to invest another $130,000 to $250,000 in homes they already own. The casitas and duplexes will be used predominantly by developers and investors as rental units, either for housing or business use.

The blunt truth is that outside investors are the only ones that will likely be able to afford and undertake increasing the city’s density with casitas and duplex development.


Governor MLG Suggests Behavioral Heath Civil Commitment Process; Create “Behavioral Health And Addiction Treatment Court” Under Direction Of Supreme Court; Build Hospital For Civil Commitments; Fund City Attorney, District Attorney And Public Defender For Dedicated Resources

Throughout her public service career as the New Mexico Cabinet Secretary for Health,  Bernalillo County Commissioner, United State Congresswoman and now Governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham has paid special attention to the state’s  mental health care system.  One of the biggest accomplishments Governor Lujan Grisham can be proud of is the fact that she cleaned up the absolute mess and destruction of the state’s mental health care system brought on by the vindictiveness and incompetence  of her predecessor Governor Susana Martinez.


The cruelest thing that Governor Susan Martinez did as Governor was order an “audit” of mental health services by nonprofits in New Mexico which devastated New Mexico’s behavioral health care system.  At the time, more than 160,000 New Mexicans received behavioral health services, with most of those services funded by Medicaid.

In June 2013, under the direction of Governor Martinez, her Human Services Department cut off Medicaid funding to 15 behavioral health nonprofits operating in New Mexico. The Martinez Administration said that the outside audit showed more than $36 million in overbilling, as well as mismanagement and possible fraud. The Martinez Human Services Department agency brought in 5 Arizona providers to take over.

In early 2016, at least 13 of the 15 nonprofits that were shut down were exonerated of fraud by New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas.  Even though AG Balderas found no fraud and cleared the nonprofits of fraud the damage had been done to the nonprofits and many just went out of business

Three of the five Arizona providers brought in by Governor Susana Martinez’s administration in 2013 to replace the New Mexico nonprofits pulled up stakes in the state and the mental health system as yet to fully recover.


Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham was left with the task of restoring the states mental health care system and including  settling all the civil lawsuits brought on by the Martínez Administration’s nefarious conduct.


On September 30, during the first debate between Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham and TV Weatherman personality Republican Mark Ronchetti  both found common ground on the issue of the  homeless.  Both said they would crack down on certain activities while expanding services to those willing to utilize them.

Governor Lujan Grisham said the state was working to expand substance abuse treatment programs in the state but pointed out some homeless reject treatment options. Lujan Grisham had this to say about those homeless who refuse treatment options:

“We’re going to need to do a little tough love and that’s going to mean probably more options for mandatory treatment.  …  I plan to propose in the next legislative session restrictions on panhandling and trespass for this population.”

The 2023 New Mexico 60 day legislative began on January 17 and  came to an abrupt end on March 18 at 12 noon. No legislation was introduced restricting panhandling and trespassing by the unhouse nor mandatory treatment.


Friday, April 7, was the last day Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham had to sign into law or veto legislation enacted by the 2023 New Mexico legislature. By the end of the day, the Governor had veto 36 major legislative initiatives including most of the massive tax reform and reduction package but leaving intact rebates.

At the conclusion of the bill signing the Governor took the opportunity to discuss crime and gun measures for the 2024 legislative session.  The governor  also said she wants to explore proposals that would require people who need behavioral health care to enter treatment.  She said the civil commitment concept may not be scheduled for next year’s session, given the legal complexity. The Governor said this:

“We’re going to have to revisit, I believe, appropriate placements and potential temporary commitments for folks who have significant behavioral health issues and also drug addictions. … The due process requirements are critical, but they can also blindly get in the way of getting people the care and treatment they need.”



Each year the “Point in Time” (PIT) survey is conducted to determine how many people experience homelessness and to learn more about their specific needs. The PIT count is done in communities across the state. The PIT count is the official number of homeless reported by communities to the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to secure federal funding.

According to the 2022 PIT annual report, there were 1,567 sheltered and unsheltered homeless people living in Albuquerque. Of the 1,567 homeless in Albuquerque, 30.19% of the homeless  self-reported as having a serious mental illness and  25.5% self-reported as substance abusers. There is an overlap with homeless suffering both mental illness and substance abuse.  In other words, a whopping 55.69% combined total of those surveyed self-reported as having a serious mental illness or were substance abusers.

The 2022 Point In Time Report provides what it referred to “balance of the state” statistics where the Albuquerque’s homeless numbers were excluded. The total estimated number of households experiencing homelessness in Balance of State on January 31, 2022 were reported are as follows:

Totals of HOUSEHOLDS with one child, without children and with only children:

Emergency Shelters:  574

Transitional Housing: 70

Unsheltered: 366

TOTAL: 1,010

Of the 391 unsheltered, 43% were identified as adults with serious mental illness and 40% were identified as adults with substance use disorders or a staggering 83% combined figure.

The PIT report is 40 pages long and includes graphs and pie charts outlining the statistics reported.  You can review the entire report at this link:




There are two existing “Specialty Courts” that a exist to deal with the drug addicted, the mentally ill and with the homeless. Those specialty courts are the Metropolitan Court’s Outreach Court and the “Metro Community Veterans” court.


A number of years ago, the Bernalillo Court Metropolitan Court established the specialty court known as “Drug Court” that dealt with those charged with misdemeanors and who suffered from drug addiction. A few years later, the Drug Court evolved into what is now  the “Metro Outreach Court.” The Outreach Court program is a collaborative effort between the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court, the Office of the District Attorney, the Law Offices of the Public Defender, the Private Defense Bar, the Bernalillo County Attorney’s Office and community providers. The court follows the American Bar Association’s (ABA) seven guiding principles for Homeless Courts and is modeled after the San Diego Homeless Court.

The Metro Court Outreach Court provides the following description of the court and how it operates:

“The Court model is based around local community service providers being the gateway for participants to enter into programs voluntarily. Outreach Court is a specialty court program aimed at a segment of the population that has limited means of complying with conditions of the court, and faces challenges in obtaining legal representation. As a result, misdemeanor charges are often ignored until the defendant is incarcerated.

Outreach Court is unique from all other specialty courts as it is designed to work with individuals already engaged with treatment providers and give them an opportunity to resolve outstanding misdemeanor cases and warrants. This is accomplished by collaborating with community providers that are already providing services to these individuals.

Outreach Court provides a progressive diversionary program, allowing alternative resolutions in lieu of custody, fines, and fees for most misdemeanor charges. Participants may engage in life skills activities, substance abuse group meetings, literacy classes, and training, or search for employment, counseling, and programming aimed at improving their situations under the guidance of their community provider. The court acknowledges these endeavors in order to satisfy the courts’ requirements.

The prospective participants are referred to court staff to determine eligibility by their community advocate. If approved for participation, court staff will notify all involved parties. The participant will work with their client advocate at their chosen program to design a plan to move towards self-sufficiency prior to appearing in court.

This initiative shows a participant’s willingness to seek justice and to reconcile their past by their continued efforts to reclaim their future. Providers will write letters of advocacy on behalf of the participant and their efforts in the program. This is symbolic of the relationship between the client and the program, and outlines their accomplishments, providing the court with insight into their efforts. The court will review the letter of advocacy and determine the graduation time of the participant to be held at a community provider’s location.

Outreach court enables homeless and precariously housed individuals who are actively engaged in the program to address their outstanding legal obligations, freeing them to reclaim their lives and return to the community as valued members.”



In 2012, Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court partnered with the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Albuquerque Veteran’s Medical Center to implement a Veterans Program.

The Veteran’s Court web page provides the following description of the court and how it operates

“A team of criminal justice, treatment, and Veteran’s Affairs professionals were assembled that meet on a monthly basis to discuss Veteran defendants in Bernalillo County who were facing criminal charges or were struggling to meet their probation requirements.

The team soon learned first-hand how partnering with the VA and Veteran community resources was necessary in the effort to break down barriers and improve the identification and meeting the specialized needs of Veterans.

The Community Veterans Court began admitting participants in May of 2016. … [This] Court leads a multidisciplinary team consisting of two probation officers, an assistant district attorney, a public defender, and the Veterans Justice Outreach Coordinator from the New Mexico Veterans Administration Health Care System. To be eligible, defendants must be veterans of military service from any era regardless of discharge status, in the National Guard, or in the Reserves. Additionally, they must have been charged with a misdemeanor in Bernalillo County and volunteer to join the Court. Treatment services for any substance use disorder or mental illness, such as PTSD, are obtained primarily from the Veterans Administration Hospital or local Veterans Clinic.

Participants meet with the judge for status hearings one or more times per month, undergo frequent and random drug and alcohol testing, meet with an assigned probation officer, engage satisfactorily in treatment, and satisfy other conditions of the Court. Each participant is paired with a mentor, who is also a veteran. The unique camaraderie of the veteran’s group is a vital component in each participant’s recovery.



The Veterans Court has the following 6 eligibility criteria for participant:

  1. 18 years of age or over

    2.  Charged with a misdemeanor offense in Bernalillo County

    3.  Must have served in the U.S. Armed Forces or the corresponding reserve branches and/or members of the National Guard. Less than honorable discharges are reviewed on a case by case basis

   4.  Eligibility for CVC is not determined by eligibility for benefits from the Veterans Administration

   5.  An identified treatment need/issue substantially related to the offense

   6.  Consent of the prosecuting authority for pre-plea referral to the CVC or post plea if a presumptive commitment to prison/ jail exists.

Acceptance in the program is contingent upon meeting the full eligibility criteria of the program and approval of the CVC Presiding Judge.





Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham was absolutely correct when she had this to say on April 7 about New Mexico’s mental health commitment process:

“The due process requirements are critical, but they can also blindly get in the way of getting people the care and treatment they need.”

There are complicated state laws on the books that deal with when and under what circumstances formal civil commitment hearings can be initiated for 3-day, 7-day and even 30-day observation and diagnostic evaluations for the mentally ill and the drug addicted.  Such processes and procedures can be utilized to deal with the homeless who are drug addicted or who suffer from mental illness and to ensure that they get the medical treatment and counselling services they need.

The New Mexico laws dealing with mental illness commitment hearings are very technical  reading for a layperson but do provide a succinct outline of how the process works. For that reasons the statutes are quoted herein but  have been heavily edited with deletions to assist the reader.

NM Statute §43-1-1 (2019)

It is Chapter 43 of the New Mexico Statutes that deals with mental illness commitment procedures and mental health evaluations of criminal defendants and to provide court ordered treatment.

NM Stat § 43-1-1 (2019) provides in part as follows:

Whenever a district court finds it necessary to obtain an evaluation of the mental condition of a defendant in a criminal case, the court shall order an evaluation from a qualified professional available to the local facilities of the court or from a qualified professional at a local mental health center designated by the secretary of health. …

[The following civil commitment procedures are to be followed:]

The Secretary of Health shall arrange for a qualified professional furnished by the state to visit the defendant in local facilities available to the court or shall designate suitable available facilities. If the secretary of health designates a local mental health center or a state facility for the defendant’s evaluation within forty-eight hours of service of the evaluation order, the secretary of health shall notify the court of such designation.

If the Secretary of Health elects to have the defendant retained at the district court’s local facilities, the qualified professional furnished by the state shall visit the local facilities not later than two weeks from the time of service of the court’s evaluation order upon the secretary of health … .

 If the Secretary of Health elects to have the defendant transported to the facilities designated by the Secretary of Health for the purpose of evaluation, the evaluation shall be commenced as soon as possible after the admission of the defendant to the facility, but, in no event, shall the evaluation be commenced later than seventy-two hours after the admission.

The defendant, at the conclusion of the evaluation, shall be returned by the county sheriff to the local facilities of the court upon not less than three days’ notice. After the evaluation is completed, the qualified professional furnished by the state shall be available for deposition to declare his findings. The usual rules of evidence governing the use and admissibility of the deposition shall prevail.

Documents reasonably required by the secretary of health to show the medical and forensic history of the defendant shall be furnished by the court when required.

After an evaluation and upon reasonable notice, the district court may commit a dangerous defendant charged with a felony … or may dismiss the charges without prejudice and refer the defendant to the district attorney for possible initiation of proceedings under the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code.

A defendant so committed under the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code shall be treated as any other patient committed involuntarily.

Whenever the Secretary of Health determines that he does not have the ability to meet the medical needs of a defendant committed … the secretary or his designee shall serve upon the district court and the parties a written certification of the lack of ability to meet the medical needs of the defendant.

The court shall set a hearing upon the certification within ten days of its filing and shall, after the hearing, make a determination regarding disposition of the criminal case.

When deemed by the Secretary of Health to be medically appropriate, a dangerous defendant committed pursuant … may be returned by the county sheriff to the custody of the court upon not less than three days’ notice. The secretary shall provide written notification to the court and parties within three days of the defendant’s discharge.   … .”

NM STATUTE § 43-1-11 (2020)

In 2020, the New Mexico Legislature enacted 43-1-11 providing for and outlining a process for the civil commitment of adults for mental health evaluations and to provide medical help.

NM Stat § 43-1-11 (2020) provides in part as follows:

“ Every adult client involuntarily admitted to an evaluation facility … has the right to a hearing within seven days of admission unless waived after consultation with counsel.

[The following hearing process is to be followed:]

If a physician or evaluation facility decides to seek commitment of the client for evaluation and treatment, a petition shall be filed with the court within 5 days of admission requesting the commitment.

The petition shall include a description of the specific behavior or symptoms of the client that evidence a likelihood of serious harm to the client or others and shall include an initial screening report by the evaluating physician individually or with the assistance of a mental health professional or, if a physician is not available, by a mental health professional acceptable to the court.

The petition shall list the prospective witnesses for commitment and a summary of the matters to which they will testify. … .

At the hearing, the client shall be represented by counsel and shall have the right to present evidence on the client’s behalf, including testimony by an independent mental health professional of the client’s own choosing, to cross-examine witnesses and to be present at the hearing.

… .

A court-appointed guardian for an adult involved in an involuntary commitment proceeding shall have automatic standing [or right] to appear at all stages of the proceeding … .

The court shall include in its findings the guardian’s opinion regarding the need for involuntary treatment … .

Upon completion of the hearing, the court may order a commitment for evaluation and treatment not to exceed thirty days if the court finds by clear and convincing evidence that:

(1) as a result of a mental disorder, the client presents a likelihood of serious harm to the client’s own self or others;

(2) the client needs and is likely to benefit from the proposed treatment; and

(3) the proposed commitment is consistent with the treatment needs of the client and with the least drastic means principle.

 Once the court has made the findings set forth … , the court shall hear further evidence as to whether the client is capable of informed consent. If the court determines that the client is incapable of informed consent, the court shall appoint for the client a treatment guardian … .


An interested person who reasonably believes that an adult is suffering from a mental disorder and presents a likelihood of serious harm to the adult’s own self or others, but does not require emergency care, may request the district attorney to investigate and determine whether reasonable grounds exist to commit the adult for a thirty-day period of evaluation and treatment.

 The applicant may present to the district attorney any medical reports or other evidence immediately available to the applicant but shall not be required to obtain a medical report or other particular evidence in order to make a petition.

The district attorney shall act on the petition within seventy-two hours. If the district attorney determines that reasonable grounds exist to commit the adult, the district attorney may petition the court for a hearing.

The court may issue a summons to the proposed client to appear at the time designated for a hearing, which shall be not less than five days from the date the petition is served.

If the proposed client is summoned and fails to appear at the proposed time and upon a finding of the court that the proposed client has failed to appear, or appears without having been evaluated, the court may order the proposed client to be detained for evaluation … .”



A glaring reality is that much more must be done with the initiation of civil commitment hearings to deal with the mentally ill and the drug addicted who are homeless and to ensure that they get the medical and mental health treatment and counselling services they desperately need. In Albuquerque, both the City Attorney and the Bernalillo County District Attorney can and should dedicate resources in the form of attorneys that will assume the filing of civil mental health commitment pleadings for such hearings as prescribed by law. The New Mexico Public Defender should also be called upon by the Court to provide a defense where and when needed.

A greater emphasis must be made to get those who are  homeless and the drug addicted who may or may not be in the criminal justice system the medical care and assistance they need without criminal prosecution and warehousing in the county jail. There is a critical need for a civil mental health commitment court for the homeless suffering from mental illness or drug addiction and who  pose a threat to themselves, their family and the general public. There is an even bigger need for the construction and staffing of a mental health facility or hospital to provide the services.


One single specialty “Behavioral Health Treatment Court” under the direct supervision of the New Mexico Supreme Court should and can  be created as an outreach and treatment court for the drug addicted and the mentally ill with an emphasis on the homeless.  The Metropolitan Court’s “Outreach Court” and Metro “Community Veterans” Court should be consolidated with a District Court Judge appointed by the Supreme Court designated  to organize and preside over the consolidated court.   The consolidated court would deal exclusively with mental health commitment hearings with the help of Metro Judges and magistrate judges.

Both the Albuquerque City Attorney and the Bernalillo County District Attorney could dedicate resources in the form of attorneys that will assume the filing of civil mental health commitment hearings as allowed by law. A program of cross deputization of City Attorney’s by the Bernalillo County District Attorney to allow them to file civil mental health commitment petitions in State District Court in misdemeanor and felony cases needs to be created. The New Mexico Public Defender must be called upon by the Courts to provide a defense and ensure due process of law.


As it stands now, there exists less than adequate facilities where patients can be referred to for civil mental health commitments and treatment. There is glaring and absolute need for a behavioral health hospital and drug rehabilitation treatment facility.  New Mexico is currently experiencing historical surplus revenues and this past legislative session the legislature had an astonishing $3.6 Billion in surplus revenue. It likely the state will continue to see historic surpluses. Now is the time to dedicate funding for the construction of  behavioral health hospital and drug rehabilitation treatment facility the courts can rely upon for referrals.


If Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham is truly concerned about making sure those who are unhoused and who are suffering from drug addiction and mental health issues, the 2024 New Mexico legislative session is the ideal time to finally do something about.   It is the 30 day legislative session which by law deals with appropriations and budgetary matters.  The legislative agenda is limited to what is called the “Governor’s Call” and only legislation she places on the agenda can be can be considered. The Governor should place on the call the creation of a “Behavioral Health And Addiction Treatment Court” and the construction of a mental health treatment  hospital for civil commitments to complete the task of rebuilding the state’s mental health system destroyed by her predecessor.



City Council LUPZ Committee Votes To Send Zoning Amendments Allowing Casitas And Duplex Development To Full City Council; Contact Your City Councilor To Oppose

On April 12 and then April 26 the Albuquerque City Council Land Use and Zoning Committee held meetings on the yearly amendments to the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO). The committee of 5 consists of conservative Republicans Trudy Jones, Dan Lewis and Renee Grout, and progressive Democrats Isaac Benton, and Tammy Fiebelkorn with FIebelkorn appointed as chair of the committees by progressive Democrat City Council President Pat Davis

Among the more controversial amendments considered was 0-22-54 which is Mayor Keller’s proposed zoning code changes to allow the construction of 750 square foot casitas and 750 square foot duplex additions on every single existing residential lot that already has single family house in order to increase density.   According to city officials, there are  120,000 residential lots that have existing homes.  With the construction of “casitas” and “two family home” additions, density could double to 240,000 with casita structures alone or triple to 360,000 with both casitas and duplex home additions.

The zoning code amendments would make both casitas and duplex additions “permissive uses” and not “conditional uses” as they are now and have always been historically.  A “conditional use” requires an application process with the city Planning Department, notice to surrounding property owners and affected neighborhood associations and provides for appeal rights. A “permissive use” would give the Planning Department exclusive authority issue permits for construction without notices and hearings and with a no appeal process. Objecting property owners and neighborhood associations to the permissive casita and duplex uses would be relegated to filing lawsuits to enforce covenants and restrictions. City officials have said that restrictive covenants and building set backs in property deeds are a private property  matter between landowners that the city does not enforce.

 The amendments are part of Mayor Tim Keller’s “Housing Forward ABQ Plan.” Keller proclaims the city is in a major “housing crisis” and the city has an immediate demand for 13,000 to 28,000 housing units including rental units.  Keller wants to allow “different forms of multi-unit housing types” on existing residential properties.  It is a “multifaceted initiative” where Mayor Keller has set the goal of adding 5,000 new housing units across the city by 2025 above and beyond what private developments and the construction industry normally creates each year.


The April 12 LUPZ Committee allowed for the first-time public comments on the IDO updates.  People were required to sign up an hour and a half before the meeting began. People were given a maximum of 2 minutes each to address the committee, a limitation strictly enforced with a timer and the ringing of a bell by committee chair Fiebelkorn requiring people to rush through their comments.  Comments were made for and against Keller’s “Housing Forward ABQ Plan.”

The majority of the speakers stated they had affiliations with neighborhood associations and they argued against the changes. The consensus amongst the neighborhood association representatives is that the zoning proposal is a rush job.  Many of the speakers voiced concern that the changes would alter neighborhood character or invite developers to buy up single family homes and replace them with duplexes and casitas to maximize value. Established neighborhood association leaders said their quality of life would be negatively impacted by increasing the population, diminishing their privacy, and creating more parking problems if ADUs became permissive uses.

Not at all surprising, many developers spoke in favor of the zoning changes to allow casita and duplex developments on all residential lots in the city.  The argument made by the developers to solve the city’s housing shortage was to simply build more, ignoring the economics of supply and demand and financing and assuming rents and market values will go down by simply building more housing.

The 2 most prominent speakers representing the commercial real estate development community who spoke in favor of the amendments and Keller’s Housing Foreword ABQ Plan were Jim Strozier, the President of the New Mexico Chapter of the National Association of Industrial and Office Parks (NAIOP), and NAIOP’s Executive Director Rhiannon Samuel.  Both Strozier and Samuel proclaimed the city was in a housing crisis and the only way to solve it is to build more housing.  NAIOP is considered the most influential business organizations in the city boasting membership of upwards of 300.  NAIOP membership consistently bids on city construction contracts.

Also speaking in favor of “Housing Forward ABQ Plan” during the April 12 LUPZ committee hearing were people who work with low-income and homeless populations, homeowners interested in building casitas to keep their own family members close by, and college students and young people who said the changes could help make housing more affordable.  College students and young people wanting casitas and duplex developments were particularly eloquent describing their struggles to make a living, often having to work two jobs and share housing with others to afford rent. They argued that  Accessory Dwelling Units and duplexes in R-1 residential neighborhoods would help them.

EDITORIAL COMMENT: The idealistic argument of simply building more and having more housing units will reduce rents is not reality nor free market based. Historically, rents and housing pricing increase or stabilize, they do not ever decline.  Property owners and landlords always charge what the market will bear and they get it

During the April 12 LUPZ committee meeting former City Councilor, State Senator and progressive Democrat Eric Griego with the Mayor’s office made an identical presentation to the LUPZ Committee city officials made at 5 public hearings using the same slides and arguments made to the public on Keller’s “Housing Forward ABQ Plan” and the amendments to the Integrated Development Ordinance.

After the presentation by Eric Griego, Republican Councilor Renee Grout spent time questioning Griego.  The Grout line of questioning of Griego included asking what stakeholders, neighborhood associations, developers and charitable organizations were involved with the process of developing the Mayor’s Housing Foreword ABQ Plan. She asked to what extent had the Keller Administration conferred with neighborhood associations and property owners on the plan.  The line of questioning included to what extent had the Keller Administration incorporated, modified or changed the Housing Foreword ABQ Plan to reflect changes asked for at the 5 public forums.

EDITORIAL COMMENT: Eric Griego’s responses to Councilor Renee Grouts line of questioning were totally inadequate bordering on being misleading as he hesitated, stammered and deflected answering her questions.  Griego was not able to identify a single stakeholder, neighborhood association, developer or charitable organization involved with the process of developing the Housing Foreword ABQ Plan. There exists in the city upwards of 250 various neighborhood associations, yet Griego could not identify even one that was conferred with to develop the Housing Forward ABQ Plan.   What was most disappointing is that Griego was not able to say to what extent the Keller Administration incorporated, modified or changed the Housing Foreword ABQ Plan to reflect the desired changes asked for during the 5 public forums. Eric Griego said repeatedly the Keller Administration wants to work with the community and stakeholders to come up with a plan through communication and compromise, but he gave the unmistakable impression that the Keller Administration had changed absolutely nothing and has no intentions of changing anything.

After all public comments, Councilor Renee Grout attempted to amend what was being offered by the Keller Administration on casita and duplex developments.  Grout repeatedly said she was trying to represent “neighborhood association” interests with her amendments, but she was given no support from the other 4 committee members. When Grout offered her amendments for discussion and input, she was not given the courtesy of a second by her colleagues to allow public discussion, not even by fellow Republicans Dan Lewis and Trudy Jones.

Councilor Grout unsuccessfully tried to amend  the bill so property owners asking for a permissive use would have to undergo a public hearing process before building a casita and to require that casitas be at least 5 feet away from a property’s rear and side lot lines.  To add insult to injury, the LUPZ Committee ignored Grout and extended the casita allowance to include the city’s residential agricultural zone.

Grout also wanted to strike Keller’s duplex allowance from the legislation entirely.   Grout said this when she sought to strike Keller’s duplex allowance from the legislation entirely:

“I think that it would be odd in a regular neighborhood to all of the sudden have a duplex in the middle of the neighborhood. … When somebody spends their hard-earned money on a single-family home that was their biggest investment they ever made and (then), for the neighborhood to change, it scares some people.”


The April 26 City Council LUPZ committee meeting was simply a continuation of the April 12 meeting.  People were allowed to speak on 0-22-54 allowing construction of Casitas and duplexes.  The meeting again featured neighborhood association representatives and coalition leaders. Also testifying were a few past officials saying that the casitas, also known as Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) should be conditional uses in R-1 neighborhood thereby giving neighbors and neighborhood associations a chance to be notified of the construction development and have a say on it.

Those speaking in favor of not changing the housing proposal from conditional use to permissive use were mostly commercial business owners. One speaker was an elderly woman who wanted a casita to be allowed on her daughter’s property.  One hotel builder thought Casitas would negatively affect  a project  on the west side.


The April 26 hearing once again had District 9 City Councilor Renee Grout asking Eric Griego with the Mayor’s Office to what extent stakeholders, neighborhood associations, developers and charitable organizations were involved with the process of developing the Mayor’s Housing Foreword ABQ Plan.  Eric Griego admitted that no neighborhood associations were consulted when the city drew up the change in zoning proposal to allow casitas and duplexes as permissive uses.  Griego also admitted that the Keller Administration has not incorporated any of the changes proposed at the 5 public hearing believing there was no need for changes.  What Griego did say is that the Keller Administrations simply reviewed what other major cities in the country are doing to increase density and developed the Housing Foreword ABQ Plan and the Keller Administration essentially  “cherry picked” what they thought would work in Albuquerque.

A District 6 Coalition (the SE Heights  International  District) leader testified  citing studies that showed Austin, Texas allowing the ADUs everywhere in hopes of increasing the affordable housing supply had not done so that and the opposite happened.  She said older homes had been torn down to make way for smaller multiple dwellings on lots and rents had risen.

The Secretary of District 7 Coalition said that members had expressed the opinion that making the casitas Accessory Dwelling Units conditional use was a possible compromise and that, while District 7  had no objection to the city’s plans for converting hotels into low-cost housing units, they thought it was a temporary solution.  According to the District 7 representative, the long term solution is to encourage and aid developers in building more apartments


At the conclusion of the Aril 26 public comments, City Councilor Renee Grout offered and moved for  an amendment that would keep  casitas and duplexes a conditional use mandating that notice and hearing be required by the Planning Department. City Councilor Dan Lewis seconded the motion. When City Councilor Grout asked for the Administrations position on the amendment, Deputy Chief Administers Bob White said the Administration opposed it. Grout was surprised and became noticeably irritated and said she had conferred with the Keller Administration earlier and was told the Administration had no problem with it. White conferred with Eric Griego and after words told Grout the Administration had no position and could not support the amendment at the time. Realizing she did not have the votes to pass the amendment in committee, Grout withdrew her amendment knowing she could still introduce it  to the full council at a later date.

City Councilor committee members Tammy Fiebelkorn, Isaac Benton and Trudy Jones ignored all objections by the public to send  0-22-54  to the City Council with a “do pass recommendation.” Councilor Grout and Councilor Lewis voted against voting it out of committee with the “do pass recommendation”. Councilor Fiebelkorn then attempted to “fast-track” 0-22-54  to be heard at the next Council meeting for immediate action sidestepping further full city council hearings on all the amendments.  Councilor Lewis objected strenuously, saying that such a “sweeping” change to the R-1 zone should not be pushed toward rapid Council introduction and a final vote at the same meeting. Councilor Fiebelkorn withdrew her fast-track proposal. Notwithstanding Mayor Keller’s housing changes as embodied in 0-22-54 will likely go before the full Council on May 15 for some discussion but not a final vote.


The City Council with enactment of 0-22-54 wants to  empower  the Planning Department to unilaterally issue “permissive uses” for “casitas” and “two family duplex development” on existing structures.  The Planning Department will be allowed to exclude the general public from the permissible use application and deny adjacent property owners the right to object and appeal casitas and duplex remodeling. It essentially will require property owners to sue adjoining property owners to enforce covenants and restrictions, pitting individual neighbors against entire neighborhoods.

Reclassification zoning of all single-family lots to allow residential duplex development and casita development will encourage large private investors and real estate developers, including out-of-state corporate entities, to buy up distressed properties or lease and covert whole blocks into rental duplexes with substandard rental casitas. This will dramatically degrade the character of neighborhoods and the City as a whole.

To put the argument in perspective, an individual investor will be able to purchase single family homes to rent, add a 750 square foot two family home addition and build a separate 750 foot free standing casita.  The result is a one home rental being converted into 3 separate rental units.  Such development will increase an areas property values and property taxes. It will also decrease the availability of affordable homes and raise rental prices even higher. It will increase gentrification in the more historical areas of the city as generational residents will be squeezed out by the developers and increases in property taxes.

The housing shortage is related to economics and the development community’s inability to keep up with supply and demand and the public’s inability to purchase housing and qualify for long term housing mortgage loans. There is also a shortage of rental properties resulting in dramatic increases in rents.  Mayor Tim Keller is using the short-term housing “crunch” to declare a “housing crisis” to shove his “Housing Forward Abq Plan” down the throats of the city residents and property owners. Keller is advocating transformative zoning changes to increase density by severely relaxing zoning restrictions to favor investors and the developers that will destroy entire neighborhoods.

Voters and residents are urged to contact and voice their opinion and tell all city councilors to vote NO on the 0-22-54 amendments.

CITY COUNCIL PHONE: (505) 768-3100




Sanchez and Grout’s Power Grab Of Striping Mayor Of Executive Powers And Creating Council Appointed City Manager Not Vetted By Charter Review Task Force; A Failure Of Leadership, Not Of Government Continues To Plague City

On April 27, first term City Councilors Democrat Louie Sanchez and Republican Renee Grout announced legislation proposing a City Charter amendment for a public vote that will make the Mayor of Albuquerque a member of the City Council.  They want to transfer all the mayor’s executive and city management duties to a city manager chosen by the city council. According to the proposed legislation, the mayor would be recognized as the head of the City government for all ceremonial purposes”.  It turns out the legislation has never been vetted, researched or recommended for approval by the City Charter Review Task Force responsible for making recommendations for charter amendments.

Under the proposed legislation, a “professional city manager would be selected by the City Council to oversee and manage all 27 city departments and directors. The city’s existing Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) already serves this function and presumably would be abolished. The city manager would administer the city’s personnel rules and regulations for the over 7,000 city employees.  The City manager would be responsible to prepare and formulate the city’s annual operating budget for city council review and adoption.  This year’s 2023-2024 proposed budget is $1.4 Billion.

The mayor would preside over council meetings, but would only be allowed to vote in case of a tie vote. The mayor would have no administrative duties, nor hiring authority, and be allowed to vote at council meetings only in the event of a tie. The mayor would have no veto power over enacted legislation and would have less power than a city councilor on pending and enacted legislation.


The City of Albuquerque has enacted a code of ordinances that deals with the interpretation and enforcement of all city ordinances.  Among the city ordinances enacted are those that create 22 permanent standing committees, advisory councils and task forces.  Among the more notable permanent standing committees, advisory councils and task forces are the following:

  • 2-1-3 Financial Planning Board.
  • 2-1-4 Goals Commission.
  • 2-1-11 Capital Improvements Advisory Committee.
  • 2-1-14 Task Force on Governmental Efficiency and Results.
  • 2-1-15 Program and Budget Planning Task Force.
  • 2-1-16 Redistricting Committee.

On September 28, 1998 the Albuquerque City Council enacted city ordinance § 2-1-7 creating the Charter Review Task Force. It is a seven-member task force appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council to review and evaluate all areas of the City Charter, including those sections which have been challenged in court or otherwise as well as unchallenged sections.

According to the ordinance the task force “shall be a blue ribbon group, whose members are well respected in the community. Among the members shall be citizens who are knowledgeable as to municipal government organization in Albuquerque and/or in general. Membership shall include attorneys respected in the area of municipal and constitutional law.”

The charge of the Charter Review Task Force is to examine any and all articles, sections, and provisions of the City Charter for the purpose of recommending any amendments to the Charter deemed appropriate.  The Task Force is required to hold one or more public hearings at which the citizens of the city shall be encouraged to give their views on the Charter. The Task Force is required to present its recommendations to the Mayor and the Council in the form of a final report.


The convening of an individual Charter Review Task Force is done by the passage of a city council resolution where members are appointed and selected by all City Councilors and the Mayor and the Chair of the Task Force is selected by the Council. The Task Force is then required to hold public meetings, allow public comment and the public is invited to offer suggestions or comments. The task force after completion of its work is required to confer, deliberate and formulate a final report to the Mayor and city council who the ultimately decide if Charter Amendments are in order.

The last time a Charter Review Task Force Charter Report with recommendations was issued was on May 1, 2009.



Democrat City Councilor Louis Sanchez and Republican Renee Grout have pretty much made fools of themselves by proposing a City Charter amendment for a public vote that will make the Mayor of Albuquerque a member of the City Council and creating a city council appointed city manager without it being vetted by the Charter Review Task Force. What they have done smacks of pure political hackery motivated by frustration on their part and caused by sure ignorance of the process used and relied upon for decades to evaluate the city’s form of government.

Both Democrat City Councilor Louis Sanchez and Republican Renee Grout were elected on November 2, 2021 having never been elected nor served before in any other elective office. They have served a mere 16 months as city councilor having been sworn into office on January 1, 2022.  Both now proclaim the city needs a complete and dramatic restructuring of city government with a 50 year throwback to the past city commission-city manager form of government  without offering any substantive evidence that the current Mayor-Council form of government is failing or not working.  All they offer is political rhetoric. They both prefer to sponsor legislation amending the Charter without the convening of the Charter Review Task Force which was created in part to prevent this sort of nefarious conduct by city councilors.

What they do offer is pure political rhetoric showing their sure ignorance of how Albuquerque City government works.

City Councilor Louis Sanchez had this to say:

“I think this is something the citizens have needed for a long time and deserve. … What we’re simply doing is making sure that the council can vote on putting it on the ballot. … It’s time to let the citizens decide if they’ve been impacted at all by safety, security issues. … We hear people always talking from Rio Rancho, ‘Man I don’t want to go to Albuquerque, because Albuquerque’s dangerous’. … I think it’s a great opportunity for our citizens to chime in [and] make Albuquerque  a little more efficient, more stable, more fiscally responsible and transparent over time. …  [The Mayor] …  would still bring a lot to the table [in a council-manager structure]. There is a lot of things that every one of the other mayors [in this form of government] bring to the table, so it’s a very important job.”

What is downright laughable is when City Councilor Louis Sanchez says “this is something the citizens have needed for a long time and deserve”  when it was the citizens of Albuquerque who actually created the Mayor-Council form of government by adopting a city charter and it has worked for over 50 years.  It laughable when he says the mayor could still propose legislation and policy, but does not say the Mayor would be prohibited from voting on it or vetoing it. What is embarrassing is when he says  there is a need for people to “chime in about public safety and security issues.”  His comment is reflective of being totally ignorant as an elected official to what has been going on for the last 8 years with the Department of Justice (DOJ) consent decree reforms.

The DOJ consent decree was brought on by citizens’ complaints and findings of excessive use of force and deadly force and a “culture of aggression” within APD. The city council has proven to be an absolute failure in overseeing APD and dealing with reducing crime but Sanchez says people need to “chime in” on the city’s crime problems. The public has  repeatedly chimed in with complaints of our crime rates through neighborhood associations, the police oversight commission and the community policing councils and with the city council who have the reputation of just not listening and not doing anything meaningful about crime let alone police reform.

City Councilor Renee Grout said this:

“It makes for a government that’s more responsive and better balanced between different interests. …  Under the council-manager system, the mayor is included on the council and part of all policy decisions with citizens and other councilors. The mayor is still the head of the city government and he represents the city at public junctions, and I should say he or she. …  I am learning that city government, or government, works very slowly and to get anything done takes forever. … If you’re having to start over again [with a new mayor and new priorities], no wonder we’re not making ground. … City managers are selected based on their experience and qualification for this job. They have no guaranteed term of office, they are accountable to the entire council for the quality of their performance on the job. …  Dallas and Phoenix  both …  have this form of government and they are thriving and they are excelling. You see they’re vibrant and I think we’re getting left behind. When a new mayor comes in and that mayor doesn’t like what the previous administration was doing they change everything up.”

Albuquerque is not Phoenix, Arizona,  Dallas, Texas  nor Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  like Grout would like everyone to believe to be when she refers to those cities and their city manager form of government. Albuquerque is in no way as wealthy, but far more unique and diversified in its people and neighborhoods. Grout expressed concern over major projects not carrying over from one mayor to another.  There are times a previous Mayor’s legacy projects need to be stopped. Grout has forgotten the disastrous ART bus project started by Mayor Berry but finished by Mayor Keller with council support. When Grout says she is learning that city government … works very slowly and to get anything done takes forever”  she acts like that’s wrong and that the city council is not part of the problem.  There are times government needs to go slow down, such as with major zoning changes that affect people’s property rights and major expenditures. Grout also ignores the fact the city council is considered by many as the biggest problem and impediment to getting things done and all the delays in drafting and enacting legislation.

When Grout says “[City managers] have no guaranteed term of office, they are accountable to the entire council for the quality of their performance on the job” she must think this a good thing.  It is based on the false presumption that  9 city councilors with very different priorities and politcal philosophies will agree on the quality of job performance. What you will have is a city manager jumping to the every little  whim and demand of each city councilor to keep them happy. With no “guaranteed term of office”, no professional  in their right mind would want the job and would likely demand  a contract with a lucrative buy out provision.

There is very little doubt, despite what they are saying publicly, with a straight face no less, what is motivating Sanchez and Grout. It is their sure dislike for Mayor Tim Keller and his progressive policies and the fact he has repeatedly out maneuvered the City Council with his veto.  In the last 16 months, Sanchez and Grout have tried and have failed to override at least 5 Keller vetoes.  Thus far, they have failed to stop Keller’s “Housing Forward ABQ Plan” which will allow 750 square foot casitas and duplexes in all residential back yards, and motel conversions, where the city buys motels to convert to low-income housing.  They have failed to hold  Mayor Keller accountable to any real extent for impropriety, such as the violation of the anti-donation clause with the $236,622 purchase of artificial turf for the Rio Rancho Events Center for the benefit of the privately owned New Mexico Gladiators.

Their solution is simply get rid of Keller’s power as Mayor in case he runs again, which is likely, for another term, and wins, which is highly questionable.

Links to quoted news sources are here:






What Sanchez and Grout are saying with their proposed legislation is that there is a “failure of government” when in fact it is a “failure of leadership.” What the city has been plagued with over the last 14 years is a “failure of leadership” by two term Republican Mayor Richard Berry and now two term Democrat Mayor Tim Keller. The failure of leadership has been augmented by a failure of leadership of City Councils to deal with spiking violent crime rates, failure of police management, failure of police oversight that enabled excessive use of force and deadly force and a “culture of aggression”, and a failure to deal with the city’s ongoing homeless crisis.

Simply put, the Sanchez/Grout proposed charter amendment is nothing more than one great power grab by the two freshman councilors not satisfied with the power they already have.  They do not recognize the need for division of power and a system of checks and balances that exists now.  Both show at best sure ignorance of city government, how it works, what authority and role they should play as city councilors, especially when they sponsor legislation that has not been properly researched and vetted and based on political rhetoric.

The City Council should reject in no uncertain terms, City Councilors Sanchez and Grout’s power grab and their attempt to establish a city manager form of government at city hall.

Freshmen City Councilors Sanchez and Grout Seek To Gut Mayor’ Office With Ultimate “Borg” Power Grab; A Referendum On Keller’s Job Performance; 2025 Candidates For Mayor Already Being Mentioned

On April 27, first term City Councilors Democrat Louie Sanchez and Republican Renee Grout announced they will introduce legislation proposing a City Charter amendment for a public vote that will make the Mayor of Albuquerque a member of the City Council and transfer all the mayor’s executive and city management duties to a city manager chosen by the city council.

According to the proposed legislation, the mayor would be recognized as the head of the City government for all ceremonial purposes”. The Sanchez/Grout proposal is commonly referred to as a “weak mayor-council” structure of city government relegating the mayor to mere ceremonial functions.  It exists in the much smaller New Mexico communities of Rio Rancho and Las Cruces. The postscript to this blog article outlines the two major types of mayor-city council forms of government.

Sanchez and Grout are seeking to place a charter amendment on the November 7, 2023 municipal ballot that will restructure city government and it would ultimately be up to Albuquerque voters.  On the November ballot will be the 4 even numbered city council positions as well as $200 Million in voter approved bonds.

Under the proposed legislation, a “professional city manager would be selected by the City Council to oversee and manage all 27 city departments and directors. The city’s existing Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) already serves this function and presumably would be abolished. Just a few of the major departments the city manager would oversee would include the APD and Fire Departments, the City Attorney, the City Clerk, the Planning Department, the Solid Waste Department, Transit Department and the Family and Community Services Department.   The city manager would administer the city’s personnel rules and regulations for the over 7,000 city employees.  The City manager would be responsible to prepare and formulate the city’s annual operating budget for city council review and adoption.  This year’s 2023-2024 proposed budget is $1.4 Billion.

The mayor would preside over council meetings, but would only be allowed to vote in case of a tie vote. The mayor would have no administrative duties, nor hiring authority, and be allowed to vote at council meetings only in the event of a tie.  In practice, ties votes cannot occur given the fact that there are 9 members of the city council. With 9 members, tie votes are extremely rare if not unheard of and only occur if at least one of 9 members is absent or recuses themselves from a vote.

As it stands now, there are no term limits for Mayor nor City Council. The Mayor of Albuquerque is the only citywide elected official. City Councilors are elected by specific council districts representing upwards of 90,000 residents per district. The mayor would have no veto power over enacted legislation and would have less power than a city councilor on pending and enacted legislation.


Both Democrat City Councilor Louis Sanchez and Republican Renee Grout commented on their proposed legislation.

Sanchez had this to say:

I think this is something the citizens have needed for a long time and deserve. … What we’re simply doing is making sure that the council can vote on putting it on the ballot. … It’s time to let the citizens decide if they’ve been impacted at all by safety, security issues.We hear people always talking from Rio Rancho, ‘Man I don’t want to go to Albuquerque, because Albuquerque’s dangerous’. … I think it’s a great opportunity for our citizens to chime in [and] make Albuquerque  a little more efficient, more stable, more fiscally responsible and transparent over time. …  [The Mayor] …  would still bring a lot to the table [in a council-manager structure]. There is a lot of things that every one of the other mayors [in this form of government] bring to the table, so it’s a very important job.”

Sanchez disputed the notion that the system would diminish the mayor, saying the mayor could still propose legislation and policy. Sanchez also argued the council could work to expand city council membership so that there are an even number of councilors, as is the case in Rio Rancho and Las Cruces.

EDITOR’S COMMENTARY  What is downright laughable is when City Councilor Louis Sanchez says the mayor could still propose legislation and policy, but does not say the Mayor would be prohibited from voting on it or vetoing it. What is also laughable is when he says  there is a need for people to “chime in about public safety and security issues”.  Sanchez is a retired APD police officer and former head of Mayor Martin Chavez’s security detail, and is now an insurance salesman. His comment is reflective of being totally ignorant as an an elected official to what has been going on for the last 8 years with the Department of Justice (DOJ) consent decree reforms.  The DOJ consent decree was brought on by citizens’ complaints and findings of excessive use of force and deadly force and a “culture of aggression” within APD. The city council has proven to be an absolute failure in overseeing APD and dealing with reducing crime but Sanchez says people need to “chime in” on the city’s crime problems when they have repeatedly done so especially with the city council who have the reputation of just not listening or doing anything meaningful.

Grout for her part said the proposal is not about “one person” referring to Mayor Keller, but rather the city’s overall performance.  Grout said new mayors can terminate at will department directors and shelve existing programs and initiatives. Grout cited the Rail Trail, a planned multimodal path connecting the Rail Yards and Downtown to other key Albuquerque attractions, as a prime example.  Keller has made it one of his legacy initiatives but Grout noted that its development may span future administrations. Grout said she supports the project but would hate to see it die with a change in mayor.

Grout contends the council-manager system would lend more stability to operations, ideally limiting the upheaval that currently occurs when a new mayor takes office. It’s something she says could improve accountability, collaboration, and productivity. She listed as examples the much larger municipalities Dallas, Texas and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and Phoenix, Arizona  and the much smaller New Mexico municipalities of  Rio Rancho and Las Cruces.

Grout said this:

It makes for a government that’s more responsive and better balanced between different interests. …  Under the council-manager system, the mayor is included on the council and part of all policy decisions with citizens and other councilors. The mayor is still the head of the city government and he represents the city at public junctions, and I should say he or she. …  I am learning that city government, or government, works very slowly and to get anything done takes forever. … If you’re having to start over again [with a new mayor and new priorities], no wonder we’re not making ground. … City managers are selected based on their experience and qualification for this job. They have no guaranteed term of office, they are accountable to the entire council for the quality of their performance on the job. …  Dallas and Phoenix  both …  have this form of government and they are thriving and they are excelling. You see they’re vibrant and I think we’re getting left behind. When a new mayor comes in and that mayor doesn’t like what the previous administration was doing they change everything up.”

EDITOR’S COMMENTARY:  Grout expressed concern over major projects not carrying  over from one mayor to another.  There are times a previous Mayor’s legacy projects need to be stopped. Grout has forgotten the disastrous ART bus project started by Mayor Berry but finished by Mayor Keller with council support. When Grout says she is learning that city government … works very slowly and to get anything done takes forever”  she acts like the city council is not part of the problem when in fact it is the biggest problem and impediment to getting things done and all the delays in drafting and enacting legislation. When Grout says “[City managers] have no guaranteed term of office, they are accountable to the entire council for the quality of their performance on the job” she must think this a good thing.  It is based on the false presumption that  9 city councilors with very different priorities and politcal philosophies will agree on the quality of job performance. What you will have is a city manager jumping to the every whim and demand of each city councilor to keep them happy. With no “guaranteed term of office”, no professional  in their right mind would want the job and would likely demand  a contract with a lucrative buy out provision.


Mayor Tim Keller’s spokesperson Ava Montoya wasted no time in issuing a written statement condemning the idea as an “empty threat from Sanchez, who has long criticized the Keller administration.”  According to the statement:

“[The] proposal would turn back the clock 50 years to the dark ages of city government, and is the opposite direction of where American cities are heading.”

Links to quoted news sources are here:






Under the New Mexico constitution, the city of Albuquerque is classified as a “home rule” municipality that can create its own form of government by enacting a charter with a public vote, it must be non-partisan by law and it has limited taxing authority.

For many decades, the City of Albuquerque had a 5 member city commission with an appointed city manager. The city commission chairman served as “honary mayor” for ceremonial purposes. The most notable City of Albuquerque “honary mayors” who chaired the city commission were Democrat Mayor Clyde Tingly who went on to be elected Governor of New Mexico and Republican Pete V. Domenici who became a 6 term United States Senator after being defeated for Governor by Bruce King.

The blunt truth is the City Commission-City Manager did not serve the city well, it  was not considered reflective of the city’s diverse population, it did not serve the needs of a growing population and city hall was riddled with cronyism, disfunction and politcal operatives.  There was a major movement to expunge city hall and have a fresh start and to make city hall more professional with a full-time paid Mayor and paid City Council.

It was on June 29, 1971 by special election that the City of Albuquerque created the existing Mayor-Council form of government by enacting a new City Charter. The 1971 enacted city charter created a “strong Mayor-City Council” form of government.  The postscript to this blog article outlines Articles IV and V of the City Charter and delineates the duties and responsibilities of the city council and the mayor.

In 1971, the original salary of the Mayor was set at $50,000 a year and city councilors salaries were set at $7,500 a year. Today the Mayor is paid $125,000 a year and city councilors are paid $34,000 a year with salaries determined by a citizens’ independent salary commission.

On March 24, it was reported that the Citizens Independent Salary Commission responsible for making recommendations for compensating city elected officials voted to recommend increasing the pay of city councilors by 87%.  If approved, city councilor pay would go from the present $33,600 to $62,843 a year.  The City Council president would get an equivalent increase going from $35,860 to $66,928 a year. The commission also voted to increase the mayor’s salary going from $132,500 to $146,081 a year.


The City Council is the legislative governing body of the city responsible for establishes and implementing overall city policy. The Council has the power to adopt all ordinances, resolutions or other legislation conducive to the welfare of the people of the city. The council has the exclusive authority to establish or change zoning laws that affect property rights.

The city council’s oversight authority over all city departments cannot be understated. The city council has “advise and consent” authority over the Chief Administrative Officer, the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the Chiefs of Police and Fire and the council can remove them with a two thirds vote of no confidence. The city council has direct control of all departments by virtue of the annual city budget they must approve and must approve all expenditures in excess of $50,000 by the departments thereby controlling the purse strings of city  government.

The Mayor is the chief executive officer with all executive and administrative powers of the city and the official head of the city for all ceremonial purposes. The Mayor’s powers fall short of the overall authority of the City Council.  The Mayor controls and directs the executive branch and is authorized to delegate executive and administrative power within the executive branch.

It is the Chief Administrative Office (CAO) of the City, appointed by the Mayor with “advice and consent”  of the City Counsel, that runs the day to day operations of the city and administers the City’s personnel rules and regulations. The Mayor is strictly prohibited from being involved with the enforcement of the  personnel rules and regulations.   The CAO is like the conductor of a train that keeps things running on time with the delivery of services.  The CAO for all practical purposes is akin to a City Manager, something Sanchez and Grout ostensibly do not understand.


Both Democrat City Councilor Louis Sanchez and Republican Renee Grout were elected on November 2, 2021 having never been elected nor served  before in any other elective office. They have served a mere 16 months as city councilor having been sworn into office on January 1, 2022.  Both now proclaim the city needs a complete and dramatic restructuring of city government and their true motivation is very suspect and is easily identified by their own failures at oversight.  Further, they simply do not know what they are talking about and do not understand the full extent of their authority but they want more power by gutting the office of the Mayor.


The Sanchez/Grout proposal is to have the Mayor essentially “absorbed”, what  the one mind cybro colony Borg do in Star Trek, by the 9 member City Council. It is a recipe for disaster and failure given how divisive and partisan the Council has become over the last 5 years. Sanchez/Grout want the 9 member city council to select and appoint a City Manager. They want the City Council to become involved in the day to day operations of the city and minutia of personnel management.

Simply put, the Sanchez/Grout proposed charter amendment is nothing more than one great power grab by the two freshman councilors not satisfied with the power they already have.  The do not recognize the need for division of power and a system of checks and balances that exists now. Both show at best sure ignorance of city government, how it works, what authority and role they should play as city councilors.

Both  do not understand that the City Council is the policy and legislative body of the city. They do not understand the Mayor is the executive officer of the city responsible for the day to day operation of the city. It’s the voters who already have the ultimate say to decide if they are doing a good job and should continue doing it with no term limits for the jobs of city council and mayor.


Albuquerque is not Phoenix, Dallas nor Oklahoma City like Grout would like everyone to believe to be when she refers to those cities and their city manager form of Government. Albuquerque is in no way as wealthy, but far more unique and diversified in its people and neighborhoods.

There is very little doubt, despite what they are saying publicly, with a straight face no less, what is motivating Sanchez and Grout. It is their sure dislike for Mayor Tim Keller and his progressive policies and the fact he has repeatedly out maneuvered the City Council with his veto. Their solution is simply get rid of Keller’s power as Mayor in case he runs again, which is likely, for another term, and wins, which is questionable.

In the last 16 months, Sanchez and Grout have tried and have failed to override at least 5 Keller vetoes.  Thus far, they have failed to stop Keller’s “Housing Forward ABQ Plan” which will allow 750 square foot casitas and duplexes in all residential back yards, and motel conversions, where the city buys motels to convert to low-income housing.  They have failed to hold  Mayor Keller accountable to any real extent for impropriety, such as the violation of the anti-donation clause with the $236,622 purchase of artificial turf for the Rio Rancho Events Center for the benefit of the privately owned New Mexico Gladiators.

The verry timing of the proposed city charter amendment is very suspect. Both Sanchez and Grout know full well that placing it on the November 7 municipal ballot will be akin to it being a referendum on Mayor Tim Keller’s job performance over the last 5 years, and that is what they really want. Those supporting creating a city council, city manager form of Government will no doubt say that Tim Keller has done such a lousy job as Mayor and it’s evidence we need to change and dilute the powers of the mayor and give it to the city council.  Keller for his part will likely campaign heavily against it.

Sanchez and Grout fail to understand that the general public’s opinion of the current city council is not that all great.  There are real reasons why Democrats Isaac Benton and Pat Davis and Republican Trudy Jones are not well liked and are stepping down at the end of the year.  The fourth city councilor up for re election is Republican Brook Bassan who will likely have strong Republican opposition because of her advocacy and then reversal of city sanctioned homeless tent encampments know as Safe Outdoor Spaces.


In 2017 and then again in 2021 Mayor Tim Keller was elected twice by sizable margins considered landslides.  Keller beat Dan Lewis in 2017 with 62.2% to 37.8%.  In 2021 Keller again won with 56% beating Bernalillo County  Sherriff Manny Gonzales who garnered 25.6% of the vote and right wing talk show host Eddy Aragon who garnered 18.4% of the vote.

There are no term limits for mayor. Mayor Tim Keller is already saying privately to his supporters and some staff members he is running for a third term.  Notwithstanding, his popularity is wanning and is declining dramatically.  On November 3, the Albuquerque Journal released a poll on the job performance of Mayor Tim Keller. The results of the  showed Keller has a 40% disapproval rating,  a 33% approval rating an with 21% mixed feelings. The low approval rating was attributed to Keller’s continuing failure to bring down the city’s high crime rates despite all of his promises and programs, his failure to deal with the homeless crisis and his failure to fully staff APD after promising to have 1,200 sworn police during his first term. Today, APD employs 856 sworn police.


The fact that Keller is already saying he wants a third term is likely attributed to the fact his ambition for higher office has been deflated because of his low approval poll numbers.  Keller has said privately to others he feels he has no other state wide or federal office he can run for and win.  Keller knows he is vulnerable and knows that at least 5 others who  already saying they want to run for Mayor in 2025.

In addition to Tim Keller, the other 5 potential candidates for Mayor are:

Republican City Councilor Dan Lewis.  Then 2 term City Councilor Dan Lewis ran for Mayor in 2017 and was among 8 candidates that year.  Lewis and Keller made it into the runoff to run against each other. Keller won by a landslide securing 62.2% of the vote to Dan Lewis at 37.8% of the vote.  Lewis returned to the City Council when he was elected on  November 2, 2021 after defeating first term Democrat City Councilor Cynthia Borrego. Soon after being elected to city council, Lewis made it known privately to many of  his supporters he is running for Mayor in 2025. He is champing at the bit to have a rematch with Keller so much so that he has gone out of his way to be one of the main critics of Keller on city issues.

Bernalillo County District Attorney Sam Bregman.  Sam Bregman was appointed Bernalillo County District Attorney by Governor Mitchell Lujan Grisham on January 4 to serve out the remaining two years of the 4 year term of Raul Torrez who was elected Attorney General in 2022. After being appointed DA, Bregman made it known he would serve only 2 years and not run for reelection. Bregman disclosed to more than a few within the legal community when he was applying for DA, it was his intent to run for Mayor in 2025.  Bregman is a well-known and highly respected former criminal defense attorney. He is also a former Albuquerque City Councilor.  Bregman unsuccessfully ran for Commissioner of Public Lands and Mayor of Albuquerque He is a former State Chairman of the Democratic Party.

Two Term Democrat Bernalillo County Clerk Linda Stover.  Stover has been elected twice to 4 year terms as Bernalillo County Clerk with very comfortable margins.  She is term limited and she is well like within the Democratic party. She has not at all been shy on FACEBOOK indicating she wants to run for Mayor and billboards with her image encouraging people to vote only stoked speculation she wants to run for Mayor.  She has made it known to more than a few county employees she is running for Mayor.  Keller is ostensibly concerned over her candidacy having admonished his constituent services liaison officer Alan Armijo and others from taking photos with her that could wind up in her campaign materials.

First Term Democrat City Councilor Louis Sanchez. Sources within APD are saying he is eyeing running for Mayor. Democrat Councilor Sanchez, along with Dan Lewis, has become the media go to city councilor to object to all things Tim Keller.  Since commencing his term on the City Council on January 1, 2021 Louie Sanchez has aligned himself with all 4 Republicans on major Republican sponsored resolutions calling for the repeal of past Democrat initiatives. Sanchez has voted for the Republican sponsored repeals of Democrat sponsored legislation including the city policy mandating project labor agreements, the emergency powers given to the Mayor to deal with the pandemic and voted to repeal the ban on the use of plastic bags at businesses. Sanchez raised more than a few eyebrows in 2022 when it was reported on March 14, 2022 he had established a political action committee called the Working Together New Mexico PAC that was formed to back “moderate” Democrats in a host of contested Democratic Party primary races.

First Term Republican City Councilor Brook Bassan.  Bassan’s name as potential candidate for Mayor in 2025 began to circulate 1 year ago. However, her initial support and then withdrawal of support of city sanctioned safe outdoor space tent encampments resulted in loss of support of many of her constituents. Bassan’s District 6 City Council seat is one of 4 council seats that will be on the November 7 ballot and she has yet to announce if she is running for a second term, but Republican opposition is expected.


The 2025 Mayor’s race is 2 years and 7 months away and in the public’s mind that is a long time especially given the fact that next year is a presidential election year.  Keller will use that time to try and shore up his sagging polls numbers which is a tall order. Others will lay or are laying  the ground work for their own campaigns with more than one already having made up their minds that they are running and still others not mentioned thinking about running for Mayor.

In the meantime, the City Council should reject in no uncertain terms, City Councilors Sanchez and Grout’s power grab and their attempt to establish a city manager form of government at city hall.




“Mayor-council government is one of the five major types of municipal government found in cities and towns throughout the United States. The other four are council-managercommissiontown meeting and representative town meeting.

Mayor-council governments generally feature an elected executive officer called a mayor and an elected legislative body that is most often known as the city council.

Depending on a city’s history or its relationship with it community, the legislative body might go by another name such as an urban-county council, a common council, a board of supervisors or a metro council.  Similarly, the number of city council members varies widely. The Madison Common Council, for example, consists of 20 members, while the New York City City Council consists of 51 members.

In a mayor-council government, the mayor and city council work together to balance and pass a budget, draft and enforce legislation and oversee city departments and appoint departmental heads. But the dynamics of how the mayor and city council work together depend on the type of mayor-council government that a city uses.

Today’s city of Albuquerque form of government is classified as a strong mayor form of city government.  Mayor-council government can be broadly divided into 2 major types: strong and weak. The difference centers on the scope of the mayor’s executive authority and legal power.


Strong mayor-council governments reflect the organization of most city governments in the United States. The mayor is designate as  the city’s chief executive, while the council is the city’s primary legislative body.

The general characteristics of strong mayor-council governments are as follows:

The mayor is not a member of city council.

The mayor may appoint city department heads.

The mayor drafts an proposes the city budget to the city council.

The mayor possesses veto or line-item veto power over legislation enacted by the city council.

The mayor officially represents the city on the state, national and international levels as the need arises,

The mayor exercises oversight of the city’s day-to-day operations.

The mayor enforces city laws and ordinances.


In a weak mayor-council government, the executive authority of the mayor is less expansive and more power is shared with the council. The general characteristics of the mayor-council governments are as follows:

City council appoints and approves departmental heads.

City council, usually in consultation with the mayor or an appointed administrative officer, drafts a budget.

The mayor possesses limited or no veto power.

The mayor officially represents the city on the state, national and international level

The mayor shares oversight of the city’s day-to-day operations with city council, an appointed administrative officer or both.

The mayor works together with city council, an appointed administrative officer or both to enforce laws and ordinances.

The mayor may be a member of the city council or the presiding member of the city council.”

The link to quoted source material is here:



It is Article IV of the City of Albuquerque  City charter that outlines the powers and duties of the City Council.  It is  Article V that outlines the powers a duties the Mayor. Both  provide in part as follows:



The legislative authority of the city shall be vested in a governing body which shall constitute the legislative branch of the city and shall be known as a Council, consisting of nine members from separate Council Districts, each member to be known as a Councillor. Each of the Council Districts shall elect one Councilor, who shall be a qualified voter of the District.

…  .


The Council shall have the power to adopt all ordinances, resolutions or other legislation conducive to the welfare of the people of the city and not inconsistent with this Charter, and the Council shall not perform any executive functions except those functions assigned to the Council by this Charter.


The Council shall:

(a)   Be the judge of the election and qualification of its members;

(b)   Establish and adopt by ordinance or resolution five-year goals and one-year objectives for the city, which goals and objectives shall be review and revised annually by the Council;

(c)   Consult with the Mayor, seek advice from appropriate committees, commissions and boards, and hold one or more public hearings before adopting or revising the goals and objectives of the city;

(d)   Review, approve or amend and approve all budgets of the city and adopt policies, plans, programs and legislation consistent with the goals and objectives established by the Council;

(e)   Preserve a merit system by ordinance;

(f)   Hire the personnel necessary to enable the Council to adequately perform its duties;

(g)   Perform other duties not inconsistent with or as provided in this Charter; and

(h)   Faithfully execute and comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations and resolutions of the city and all laws of the State of New Mexico and the United States of America which apply to the city.



The Mayor shall be a registered qualified elector on the date of filing of the declaration of candidacy for the office of Mayor. The Mayor shall be elected by the registered qualified electors of the city.


The executive branch of the city government is created. The office of Mayor is created. The Mayor shall control and direct the executive branch. The Mayor is authorized to delegate executive and administrative power within the executive branch. The Mayor shall be the chief executive officer with all executive and administrative powers of the city and the official head of the city for all ceremonial purposes. The Mayor shall devote full time and attention to the performance of the duties of office and shall hold no other paid public or private employment.


The Mayor shall:

(a)   Organize the executive branch of the city;

(b)   Exercise administrative control and supervision over and appoint directors of all city departments, which appointments shall not require the advice or consent of the Council except as provided in (d) of this Section;

(c)   Be responsible for the administration and protection of the merit system;

(d)   With the advice and consent of the Council, appoint the Chief Administrative Officer, any deputy administrative officers, the Chief of Police, and the Fire Chief. Appointees requiring the advice and consent of the Council shall be presented to the Council for confirmation within 45 days after the Mayor takes office or after a vacant appointed position is filled. When an appointee is presented to and not confirmed by the Council, the Mayor shall, within 60 days thereafter, nominate another person to fill the position, and the Mayor may continue to nominate until confirmation;

  1. The Police Chief or Fire Chief may be removed for cause by a vote of two-thirds of the entire membership of the Council.

(e)   Select and remove the City Attorney only as follows:

  1. The City Attorney shall be selected and appointed through an open and competitive hiring process conducted by the Mayor with the advice and consent of two-thirds of the entire membership of the Council.
  2. The City Attorney’s appointment shall be for a term that coincides and terminates with the term of the Mayor making the appointment unless sooner removed as provided herein.
  3. The City Attorney may only be removed from office for cause by the Mayor with the concurrence of two-thirds of the entire membership of the Council after cause has been determined by the Director of the Office of Internal Audit and Investigations.

(f)   Select and remove the City Clerk only as follows:

  1. The City Clerk shall be selected and appointed through an open and competitive hiring process conducted by the Mayor with the advice and consent of two-thirds of the entire membership of the Council.
  2. The City Clerk’s appointment shall be for a term that coincides and terminates with the term of the Mayor making the appointment unless sooner removed as provided herein.
  3. The City Clerk may only be removed from office for cause by the Mayor with the concurrence of two-thirds of the entire membership of the Council after cause has been determined by the Director of the Office of Internal Audit and Investigations.

(g)   Except as otherwise provided for by ordinance, with the prior advice and final consent of the Council appoint the members of city committees, commissions and boards;

(h)   Formulate the budgets of the city consistent with the city’s goals and objectives, as provided in this Charter;

(i)   Establish and maintain a procedure for investigation and resolution of citizen complaints;

(j)   Prepare a written state of the city report annually, within thirty days after final approval of the operating budget of the city, which report shall be filed with the City Clerk, made a part of the permanent records of the city and available to the public;

(k)   Perform other duties not inconsistent with or as provided in this Charter; and

(l)   Faithfully execute and comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations and resolutions of the city and all laws of the State of New Mexico and the United States of America which apply to the city.

The link to review the entire City of Albuquerque Charter is here:


Another Anti Abortion Ordinance Enacted By Small New Mexico Rural Community; Extreme Anti-Abortion and Texas Agitators Seek To Deprive Woman’s Reproductive Rights In New Mexico; Attorney General Needs To Seek Removal Of Elected Officials Enacting Illegal Ordinances Violating New Law

On April 25, after 8 and a half hours of contentious and emotional hours of testimony, the Edgewood Town Commission voted 4 to 1 to pass an ordinance restricting the operation of abortion clinics. Edgewood is a small rural community of about 6,000 residents separated by the Sandia Mountains East of Albuquerque.

The debate included more than 2 hours of executive session while officials consulted with attorneys and 3 hours of public comment lasting into the early morning hours of April 26.  Well over 200 people packed the Edgewood Town Office commission chambers until there was standing room only and spilling over to an overflow room.

Edgewood’s ordinance is based on the Comstock Act which is federal legislation from the 1870s that prohibits the mailing of “obscene material,” including medication or equipment used in abortions. Edgewood’s ordinance states that a private citizen can sue anyone, with some exceptions, if they believe the person has violated the Comstock Act. The town of Edgewood itself does not have any enforcement powers under the ordinance.  Under the ordinance, a  plaintiff  could be awarded at least $10,000 as well as costs and attorney fees with damages capped at $100,000. The Edgewood ordinance is essentially plagiarized from Texas law and another ordinance enacted by another New Mexico rural community.

Edgewood Town Commissioners Brennan, Jerry Powers, Sterling Donner, the sponsor of  the ordinance, and mayor Audrey Jaramillo voted for the ordinance. Commissioner Phil Anaya voted against it.   Edgewood commissioners acknowledged themselves that the ordinance will be difficult to enforce and that legal challenges will be very costly after the New Mexico Municipal League insurance pool refused coverage to Edgewood. The Edgewood Town commission agreed to accept free legal representation from Texas-based attorney Jonathan Mitchell who is known as the architect of the anti-abortion legislation in Texas and local government restrictions on abortion within several states. But how long that will last is unknown, until of course he leaves town.

Governor  Michelle Lujan Grisham signed two abortion-rights bills that override local ordinances aimed at limiting access and shield providers of abortions from prosecution by out-of-state interests.  It was the first time a local governing body had debated what supporters call a “de facto abortion ban” after state legislators passed House Bill 7, which prohibits municipalities from restricting access to reproductive health care. That bill goes into effect in mid June.


There were roughly 30 Edgewood residents who attended out of the more than 200 in attendance who spoke.  About half of the Edgewood residents were in favor of the ordinance and half were against it. Among those from other communities around the state, the majority spoke in favor.

Supporters of the ordinance urged commissioners to send a message with their vote that keeps out local abortion providers including pharmacy chains. Impassioned speeches equated abortion with murder. Opponents of the ordinance accused commissioners of overstepping their authority and threatening access to medication used not only in abortion but also used to treat miscarriages.

Edgewood Mayor Audrey Jaramillo repeatedly warned the crowd to “stay respectful”.  She noted the commission chambers were too crowded for many people to enter.  She read her concerns into the record and said this:

“Someone has to stand up for the defenseless babies. May we all agree — pro-baby.”

Edgewood Town Commissioner Sterling Donner was very defiant in his support of the ordinance and had this to say:

“What this does is it paints a picture to anybody who is thinking about possibly moving to Edgewood, painting this as not a friendly place for them to be. … That we do not want them here . That’s what this does. This has teeth. … We want to join our allies in the state that are doing the same things. …  It’s time to rise up, it’s time to fight … for the rights of these unborn children.”

Edgewood Commissioner Jerry Powers said lawsuits seem almost inevitable. He said  it’s important that the ordinance is ultimately supported by community members and put it this way:

“ I don’t think it’s the smart move to jump in like this. I just want the people to understand that the consequences of this that have been laid out by the attorneys, of jumping into this battle and not waiting it out for a couple of months for the [NM] Supreme Court, could be serious to Edgewood.  …  When I say serious, I mean serious.  It will tie up a lot of the staff time, it will time up a lot of our attorney time”

Edgewood resident Elvira Maxwell said she has been to commission meetings before but this was the “hottest issue” she has ever seen it. Maxwell said this:

“You can’t be in the middle, you can’t say ‘It’s my body, I should have a choice, it’s my body.’ Well, God didn’t design us like that. … You say ‘This is right this is wrong.”

Edgewood resident Linda Burke said she did not think the crowd of supporters of the ordinance was representative of how residents of the town feel.  Burke said this:

“Why put us through this? Why cause the legal turmoil it’s going to cause? Why cause the distraction away from all of the work that needs to be done. … All of our staff, if they’re distracted from finding funding and making sure things are happening, how does that bode well for our town?” 

Edgewood resident Erika Anderson said the ordinance threatens to pit neighbors against each other in lawsuits and tear the community apart.  She said this:

“It’s really unnerving to see such a divisive ordinance trying to pull apart our community and our neighbors. … I would really, really want you to consider … the risk you are putting our town at by trying to be a leader or make a stand in this type of thing.”

After the vote was taken, loud applause ensued. Commissioner Ken Brennan warned that it was setting up the town for a costly and time-consuming legal fight.

“This is going to be a long battle, it’s going to be a long fight and it’s going to be expensive. … I’m holding everybody who has already said it today and in the last meeting that we had that they’re going to support us with their voices and their checkbooks. This is going to be difficult and it’s going to be hard. I pray to God that we all survive and that we make this a better place for everybody.”


Santa Fe area Democrat State Representative Andrea Romero attended the meeting in support of those who are in opposition to the ordinance. She was one of the sponsors of House Bill 7  that passed the 2023 Legislature. House Bill  7 prohibits municipalities from restricting access to reproductive health care. Romero said she attended the meeting to promote  “understanding of the laws that we have [on]  the books and the protections that we have in place for choice.”

Romero believes the Edgewood ordinance violates New Mexico law.  Romero said this:

“This has been very clear throughout the meeting that this law was proposed by someone who has been proposing these laws in Texas and now he’s brought them to Edgewood. … They’re coming from out of state and they’re playing out these very litigious wars in our own state.” 


Many out-of-town agitators went to the meeting to show their support for passage of the Edgewood ordinance, including members of the Coalition of Conservatives in Action (CCA). The Coalition of Conservatives in Action is Las Cruces based citizen’s activist organization.

Quoting the Coalition of Conservatives in Action  web page, its MISSION STATEMENT is as follows:

“CCIA’s mission is to challenge, engage and hold accountable elected and appointed officials, – City Council, School Board, County Commission, State Senators and Representatives, by educated and informed citizens through civil discourse in order that effective change is realized. We believe that all change begins at the local level.  Through the Will of God and by critical thinking and merit, not by race, ethnicity, or victimhood, CCIA shall advocate for and empower citizens at every level of the political process for the advancement and quality of life of our local communities and state.”

Quoting the Coalition of Conservatives in Action  web page, its VISION STATEMENT is as follows:

“Over time, we have allowed ourselves to be enslaved by a corrupt government.  Our civic duty is to challenge government overreach, hypocrisy, and injustices through civil discourse. CCIA envisions a community where all citizens embrace the duty to ensure that candidates reflecting core American values of freedom, equality and justice are elected to office and hold them accountable and responsible for those values.”

Quoting the Coalition of Conservatives in Action web page, its VALUES STATEMNT provides as follows:

“CCIA is an American 1st, grassroots, IN-ACTION advocacy organization. We are a coalition of independent citizens who are non-partisan, non-denominational, color- and identity blind.  All are welcome to join our ranks toward a common goal to IMPROVE or CHANGE OUR COMMUNITY.  As “We the People”, we stand firm in upholding our God-given freedoms and rights through engaging in all aspects of the political process regardless of party affiliation. At CCIA’s core and foundation is Faith, Family and Freedom. We hold steadfast the core bedrock American beliefs  … .”

The coalition is decidedly and  supports anti abortion initiatives. According to its web page the CCIA has 4 Focus Action Committees.  These committees, or action teams, are the “spear heads” of CCIA.  The 4 committees are listed as follows:

  1. Election Integrity
  2. Faith Outreach
  3. Education
  4. Crime and Public Policy
    1. Pro-Life Initiative

The link to the Coalition of Conservatives in Action web page is here:

CCIA – Who We Are

Tanya Watkins and her husband John from Rio Rancho who are  members of the Coalition of Conservatives in Action expressed disappointment that their own Rio Rancho city government wasn’t taking up a similar ordinance and had this to say:

“We decided to come and support them. We love what they’re doing, I would like to see this ignite little fires all over the state of New Mexico. … I think that for the most part New Mexico does have conservative values and I think that our government is not representing our values.”


Mark Lee Dickson, the Director or the Right to Life of East Texas, also attended the meeting and spoke during public comments before leaving to depart to Lubbock, Texas. Dickson is an the anti-abortion activist  who travels  the country helping jurisdictions with similar ordinances.  Dickson disclosed to the Albuquerque Journal he was simultaneously monitoring a city council meeting debating the issue in Illinois.  Many others from Rio Rancho, Clovis, Tijeras, Cedar Crest, Moriarty and elsewhere attended with even more participating via Zoom.


New Mexico abortion laws are among the most liberal in the country. In 2021, the Democratic-led New Mexico Legislature repealed the dormant 1969 statute that outlawed most abortion procedures as felonies, ensuring access to abortion after the U.S. Supreme Court last year rolled back guarantees.

Similar ordinances have been adopted by two counties and three municipalities across eastern New Mexico. But most of those ordinances have been blocked by the New Mexico Supreme Court while it considers a challenge by Democratic Attorney General Raúl Torrez who  says the ordinances violate constitutional rights to equal protection and due process and threaten the state’s status as a safe haven for women seeking abortions.

The U.S. Supreme Court last week preserved women’s access to a drug used in the most common method of abortion, rejecting lower-court restrictions while a lawsuit proceeds.

Links to quoted news source material are here:






Governor  Michelle Lujan Grisham’s office had this to say in a statement about the enactment of the Edgewood ordinance:

“Abortion remains legal and accessible to every New Mexican. The governor recently signed into law HB 7, which prohibits local governments from enacting abortion bans. It is clear the Town of Edgewood’s ordinance will be unenforceable in light of the passage of HB 7. We will take whatever action is needed to ensure that the laws of New Mexico are upheld in every community, including those seeking to strip women of their reproductive rights.”

Attorney General Raúl Torrez’s had this to say in a statement about the enactment of the Edgewood ordinance:

“The ordinance passed … in Edgewood is yet another example of Texas based lawyers misleading local communities and enlisting them in their effort to bring about a national abortion ban. The New Mexico Constitution and state statutes prohibit local communities from regulating access to healthcare or infringing on a woman’s fundamental right to make the most personal decision regarding her body and her future. Attorney General Torrez is closely monitoring these unlawful actions and looks forward to resolving these important issues in the action currently pending in the New Mexico Supreme Court.”

The link to the quoted news source is here:



New Mexico abortion laws are among the most liberal in the country.  It was on February 26, 2021, that Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham signed a bill repealing the long dormant 1969 criminal abortion ban. The 1969 law criminalized abortion to end a woman’s pregnancy except in certain circumstances, such as rape and incest. The repeal of the 1969 law was done in anticipation of the United Supreme Court reversing the land mark decision of Roe v. Wade that guaranteed a woman’s right to choose.

On June 22, 2021 the United States Supreme Court released its decision in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization wherein the Supreme Court  overruled and reversed the cases of Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey and 50 years of constitutional law precedence ruling  that a woman does  have  the  constitutionally protected right to an abortion.  The US Supreme Court ruled the authority to regulate abortion was returned to the individual states and their elected representatives.

As a direct result of the Supreme Court’s Dobb’s decision, abortion and woman’s reproductive rights became a defining issue in New Mexico’s 2022 Gubernatorial race between incumbent Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham and Republican Mark Ronchetti. Ronchetti made abortion and imposing limits on a woman’s right to choose a center piece of his campaign and suggested a “reasonable policy” that proposed banning abortion after 15 weeks of gestation.  Lujan Grisham for her part aggressively pushed back and said abortion was a woman’s decision and must remain legal in the state.


New Mexico is increasingly seen as a destination for abortion patients traveling from other states, especially Texas that have banned abortion, or those imposing major restrictions.

In response to the Dobbs decision, the cities of Clovis and Hobbs and Lea and Roosevelt counties passed anti-abortion ordinances that impact abortion clinics’ ability to apply for licenses in those political subdivisions and also place restrictions on medication abortion.

On November 4, 2022 it was reported that the City Commission of Clovis, New Mexico put off a vote on an ordinance designed to ban abortions within the New Mexico town fearing challenges to the move in a state where the procedure remains legal. Clovis was set to become the first town to pass a so-called “sanctuary city for the unborn”.


On November 8, it was reported that the Hobbs City Commission unanimously passed an ordinance designed to ban abortions, despite the procedure being legal in the state. The so-called “sanctuary city for the unborn” ordinance blocks abortion clinics from operating.  At least one nearby county has approved an anti-abortion resolution.  The ordinance will surely be challenged in court and set aside.



On March 16, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham signed House Bill 7, the Reproductive and Gender-Affirming Health Care Act.  House Bill 7 prohibits discrimination in reproductive healthcare and gender-affirming healthcare services.  It prohibits municipalities and counties from passing ordinances that directly or indirectly discriminate against either reproductive and gender-affirming care.

House Bill 7 empowers the attorney general or district attorneys to sue an entity responsible for a violation. The court could apply remedies, including monetary damages. The court can also apply a $5,000 civil penalty or actual damages against the entity responsible for the discrimination.  House Bill 7  was  sponsored by State  Representatives Andrea Romero,  Linda Serrato, Charlotte Little, Kristina Ortez, Janelle Anyanonu and  House Majority Whip Reena Szczepanski.

The Governor said this about the legislation:

“New Mexicans in every corner of our state deserve protections for their bodily autonomy and right to health care. …  I’m grateful for the hard work of the Legislature and community partners in getting this critical legislation across the finish line.”  



On January 22, 2023 New Mexico Attorney General Raúl Torrez filed an emergency petition with the New Mexico Supreme Court asking the New Mexico Supreme Court for a declaratory judgement ruling to prohibit Lea and Roosevelt Counties and the cities of Hobbs and Clovis from enacting their own ordinances on woman’s reproductive care. The grounds alleged were that they violate the civil rights guaranteed by the state Constitution and infringe on the state’s authority to regulate health care. Torrez is asking the New Mexico Supreme Court strike down the ordinances, arguing they violate civil rights guaranteed by the state Constitution.

The legal challenge was filed as a direct result of the cities of Hobbs and Clovis, and the counties of Lea and Roosevelt passing local ordinances targeting abortion. According to the lawsuit filed the city and county ordinances infringe on the state’s authority to regulate health care.  Democrat Attorney General Torrez contends in the lawsuit that the city and county ordinances misinterpret the 19th-century federal law known as the Comstock Act on the mail and conflict with state law regulating the practice of medicine.  He also argues the ordinances violate the state Constitution’s guarantees to equal rights, liberty and privacy which he said are more robust than what’s outlined in the U.S. Constitution

Late last month, the New Mexico Supreme Court issued a ruling temporarily blocking the ordinances while it considers the case. It specifically asked the parties to address the impacts of House Bill 7. The city of Eunice passed its own ordinance on the same day the Attorney General filed his case against the other local governments and consequently Eunice was not named in the case filed by the Attorney General. But last week, Eunice it filed suit against Torrez and Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, claiming that the federal Comstock Act trumps the state’s law. That lawsuit will be heard in state district court in Lea County.

In response to questions about Edgewood’s ordinance, the Attorney General’s Office said that once the state Supreme Court resolves the “outstanding legal questions” it is prepared to take formal legal action to prevent jurisdictions from adopting ordinances restricting access


On August 29, 2022, the Albuquerque Journal published the results of poll taken on the issue of abortion rights for the November 2022 general elections.  The link to read the full unedited Journal column is here:


The poll found thar New Mexico voters are 3 times more likely to say abortion should always be legal than they were to say it should always be illegal.  According to the poll, 35% of statewide voters surveyed said abortion should always be legal, 22% said the procedure should be legal, for a combined total of 57%.

The poll found that 25% felt there should be some limitations and said it should be illegal except in cases of rape, incest or when a mother’s life is in danger.  Just 12% of voters surveyed said abortion should always be illegal, while 4% would not say and 2% said they did not know.

According to the Journal poll results, Democrats are firmly behind a woman’s right to choose with 55% of Democrats saying abortion should always be legal and 24% of Democrats said it should be legal with some limitations for a whopping 79% combined percentage.

Republicans’ opinion are dramatically opposite with 8% saying abortion should always be legal, while 24% said it should be banned and 41% said it should be illegal with exceptions for cases of rape, incest and to save a mother’s life, with a 65% combined total to make it illegal or illegal with the exceptions of rape, incest or threat to the life of the woman.

The difference by party affiliation shrinks to a 6% difference when it comes to how voters they felt if abortions should be legal with some limitations.  Interestingly, more Democrats, 24%, felt that there should be some limitations while fewer Republicans, 18%, felt there should be some limitations.

The Journal Poll did not find a big difference in attitudes on abortion between New Mexico voters based on their gender, ethnicity and age.  There was little difference in voters’ views on abortion based on their education level with one exception, voters with graduate degrees were far more likely than other groups of voters to say abortion should always be legal.

The link to read the full unedited Journal column on the poll is here:



There is no getting around it. It is pretty damn sickening when small rural community elected officials such as those in Edgewood and Eunice, rural  counties such as Lea and Roosevelt Counties and small towns such as Hobbs and Clovis allow themselves to be preyed upon and made fools of by out of state agitators and anti-abortion extremists who are only interested in the headlines and be damned the consequences to the community. What was particularly egregious is that the Edgewood commission gave more than equal time to outsiders over their own constituents.

It’s unconscionable when elected officials take it upon themselves to impose their own personal morals and extremist politcal agenda believing only their point of view counts, even when it violates state law, with no respect for a woman’s healthcare reproductive rights. If those elected officials were really concerned about what their constituents wanted, they could have just as easily put their ordinances on the ballot. But no, they decided to act irresponsibly and nefariously and be damn the final cost in litigation to the community.

The actions of these 4 communities is a clear proof that Republicans will do anything they can to oppose any efforts by Democrats to protect a woman’s right to choose and to expand woman’s health care rights in the state. New Mexico Republicans have every intent to do what they can to deprive a woman of their right to choose and to deprive a woman from making her own decision on reproductive rights.

New Mexico Attorney General Raúl Torrez needs to seek an expedited hearing on his case pending in the NM Supreme Court. In addition, Torrez should seek removal actions against the elected officials who enacted ordinances that violate New Mexico law and make an effort to hold them personally and financially responsible for their actions.

Simply put, in New Mexico, no person, no candidate, no elected official, no voter and no local government has any right telling a woman what she must do when it comes to abortion and what she must do when it comes to her own body.