Dinelli Journal Guest Column: “Safe outdoor spaces not the answer to homeless crisis”

Below is my guest column published by the Albuquerque Journal on Octobern18:

HEADLINE: Safe outdoor spaces not the answer to homeless crisis



For five years, Mayor Tim Keller has made the city’s homeless crisis a major priority and now proclaims an “all-the-above approach.” It’s an approach that is costing millions and it is failing. Keller has done the following:

  • Over two years, budgeted $33,854,536 for homeless emergency shelters, support, mental health and substance abuse programs and $60,790,321 for affordable housing programs for the low-income, near homeless.
  • Established two 24/7 homeless shelters, including purchasing the Gibson Medical Center for $15 million to convert it into a homeless shelter.
  • Established a “no arrest” policy for violations of the city’s camping, trespassing and vagrancy laws with an emphasis on citations.
  • For five years, allowed Coronado Park to become a “de facto” city-sanctioned homeless encampment, which he was forced to close down because of drugs and violent crimes.
  • Advocated and funded city-sanctioned safe outdoor space (SOS) homeless tent encampments. The Environmental Planning Commission is recommending the City Council repeal this land use.

SOS encampments are not just an issue of “not in my back yard,” but one of legitimate anger and mistrust by the public against city elected officials and department employees who have mishandled the city’s homeless crisis and who are determined to allow SOS despite strong opposition. SOS tent encampments will destroy neighborhoods and make the city a magnet for the homeless. The general public has legitimate concerns that SOS homeless tent encampments will become crime-infested nuisances; such was the case with Coronado Park. The homeless crisis will not be solved by the city but must be managed with permanent housing assistance and service programs, not nuisance tent encampments.

The 2022 “Point In Time” homeless survey reported the number of homeless in the city is 1,311 with 940 in emergency shelters, 197 unsheltered and 174 in transitional housing. The survey found there are 256 fewer homeless in 2022 than in 2021. During the last 12 years, PIT yearly surveys have counted 1,300 to 2,000 homeless a year. The PIT survey statistics have never supported city or charitable provider claims the city has upwards of 5,000 homeless. When PIT survey results are released, the city and providers quickly dismiss them as an “undercount,” likely because fewer homeless means less funding for the Family Community Services Department.

The homeless have reached crisis proportions with them becoming far more visible and aggressive by illegally camping in parks, on streets, in alleyways and in city open space whenever they want. When it comes to the “homeless crimes” of loitering, panhandling, illegal camping and criminal trespassing, Mayor Keller implemented a “no arrest” policy where arrests are the last resort and citations are to be issued. APD is allowed to make arrests only when circumstances endangering public safety warrant an arrest. This policy is ill-advised.

Being homeless is not a crime. The city has a moral obligation to help the homeless, mentally ill and drug addicted and is doing so with millions spent each year. Homeless squatters who have no interest in city shelters, beds, motel vouchers and who want to live on the streets and camp in city parks, in alleys and trespass as they choose give the city no choice but to make it inconvenient for them to “squat” and force them to move on or be arrested by the Albuquerque Police Department.


Chief Harold Medina’s “Bait And Switch” Game Of Diverting State Funding For “Recruitment And Hiring” Of Cops To Pay 19 Year APD Veterans $18,000 More In Incentive Pay;   Their Incentive Pay Will Total $34,380; Increase New Cadet Hiring Bonuses To $25,000 To Attract New Generation Of Cop

On October 7, APD Chief Harold Medina  announced at a news conference new incentive pay  bonuses for   police officers who have been on the force 19 years or more,  and who are eligible for retirement. They  will  be paid as  much as $18,000 more per year, or $1,500 more a month.   In addition, the department will pick up 100% of the officers’ medical benefits.

The additional $18,000 more a year in incentive pay for 19  year  veterans will be paid in addition to the $16,380 annual longevity pay already being paid to police officers with 18 years or more of police service. According to APD Chief Medina  the incentive pay is  necessary to stop the number of officers resigning or retiring which cannot be offset by the number of new recruits entering the department.

APD  has  also extended existing hiring bonuses for incoming police officers through January 6, 2023.  Those include $10,000 extra for police cadets, $15,000 for lateral officers, and $1,500 for police service aides.   City employees can also be paid a bonus  if they recruit new officers. The city is paying a “finders fee” of $2,500 to people who bring a police cadet on board, $2,500 for those who find a successful lateral hire, and $1,000 for employees who help bring on a public service aide.

It was on February 4 that that the Mayor Tim Keller administration announced that it has negotiated a new union contract with the Albuquerque police union that raised APD sworn officer pay after one year of probation to over $68,000 per year.   The new 2-year contract raised police pay across all ranks by 8% and increased “longevity pay” by 5%.  Under the new police contract announced in February, APD’s wages are well above cities and law enforcement agencies of comparable size including Tucson, Arizona at $54,517, and El Paso, Texas at $47,011. The new APD contract keeps APD starting wages slightly higher than the New Mexico State Police.


According to APD Chief Medina the incentive pay is necessary to stop the number of officers resigning or retiring which cannot be offset by the number of new recruits entering the department.  Under the state’s Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA), the retirement program for law enforcement is one of the best in the country.   Police officers can retire after 20 years earning as much as 75% of their average high 3 wage years pay and with 25 years, 90%.   APD is having a very difficult time keeping police officers past 20 years of service, with most just retiring and starting new careers or going to work for another law enforcement agency. The goal of the latest incentive is  to keep employing the more experienced APD officers.

APD also has extended existing hiring bonuses for incoming police officers through January 6, 2023. Those include $10,000 extra for police cadets, $15,000 for lateral officers, and $1,500 for police service aides. City employees can also earn extra money if they recruit new officers. The city is paying a “finder’s fee” of $2,500 to people who bring a police cadet on board.  $2,500 is also paid to those who find a successful lateral hire, and $1,000 for employees who help bring on a public service aide.

According to APD officials, the department has seen fewer resignations and fewer terminations in 2022.  Last year 97 officers retired from the department. Through September 2022, 45 APD officers have resigned in 2022 compared with 58 in 2021. There have been 44 retirements through Oct. 3, 2022, compared with 91 in 2021. With respect to terminations, APD has fired 5 people this year, as opposed to 8 in 2021.

When Mayor Tim Keller first ran for office in 2017, he campaigned on the promise that he would increase the number of APD sworn officers from the then 850 to 1,200.  During the last 5 years Keller has been in office, the number of sworn officers has never exceeded 1,000 and has now dropped to the current 857.

During the October 6, 2022 press conference, Medina said the goal of 1,200 sworn police remains the same but “given the current environment” of recruitment, the focus now is providing comprehensive services with the current roster of 857 officers, as well as boosting the number of people enrolled in the Public Service Aide program and the number of professional staff who support the officers in the field.

APD Chief Harold Medina had this to say about the reasons for the new incentive pay:

“I know when the Mayor took office, we talked about our goal is 1,200 officers. We still would love to get to 1,200 officers, but I’m here today to say that it’s going to be very difficult. … We’re going to do our very best to get to 1,200 officers, and that is our goal, but the reality of it is, in this environment, we may not. And we’re going to take ownership if we don’t, but we’re not just going to talk about we can’t do this, we’re talking about how we’re going to get the job done still. …

We know that officers have a value beyond their 20 years [and] they want to work  … We’re trying to find ways to incentivize [them to continue working.]  … We’ve had members here with our recruiting team that said [the new benefits] made a different for them, and they’ve decided to stay on the department past 20 years because they see the financial benefit. … It seemed to make a difference the first month, and at the end of the year, we’ll be gauging, we’ll be releasing to the community whether we saw a reduction.”

APD is giving officers who have resign a window of 90 days in which they can ask to be reinstated to their original positions.


Chief Medina said during the October 8 news conference that APD has seen an increase in recruiting since it announced it increased its compliance with the court-mandated settlement agreement with the Department of Justice.  Medina said he worked with the DOJ to change policies and processes so as to see a reduction of discipline handed out to officers.

Medina said this:

“You know, departments under a consent decree are not easy places to work for, and I personally try to recruit laterals from surrounding agencies on a consistent basis. … The No. 1 thing that deters them is the fear of our settlement agreement, and we have been working to reduce those fears. …Bottom of FormWe remain committed to reform and trying to find the most sustainable way to move forward and fight crime at the same time.”


The APD announced $18,000 to be paid to 19-year veterans on the force comes as the state pours millions of dollars into a law enforcement recruitment fund, of which some of that funding is going to APD.  In early September, New Mexico announced it would award $8.75 million to the Albuquerque Police Department for recruitment efforts. According to the Governor’s Office, the money was expected to fund upwards 67 new officers at APD.  Money for the program comes from a bill passed by New Mexico lawmakers during the 2022 regular session. Earlier the Governor’s Office said roughly $8.5 million remains available in the state fund. Law enforcement agencies who want the money need to apply.

It was on September 9 Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham announced how much money each participating law enforcement agency would receive to boost their staff. The Albuquerque and Las Cruces Police Departments received the largest share of the funds. Those departments each got $8.75 million, enough for about 67 new officers per department.  Lujan Grisham had this to say:

“Every New Mexican deserves to feel safe in their community, to know that law enforcement is coming when they need help. … That’s why we are continuing our priority investments in public safety, funding new officers that will make a real difference in communities both small and large across the state.”

Links to quoted news sources are here:




The Albuquerque Police Department (APD) is the largest city budget out of 27 departments. The fiscal year 2023 approved General Fund budget is $255.4 million, which represents an increase of 14.7% or $32.8 million above the fiscal year 2022 level. The approved General Fund civilian count is 665 and the sworn police count is 1,100 for a total of 1,765 full-time positions.

APD’s general fund budget of $255.4 provides funding for 1,100 full time sworn police officers, with the department fully funded for 1,100 sworn police for the past 3 years. However, as of October 7, there are  857 sworn officers in APD. The APD budget provides funding for 1,100 in order to accommodate growth. During APD’s budget review hearing, APD Chief Medina acknowledged that the department will likely not meet that staffing level and the personnel funds will help cover other operating costs.

The APD’s budget was increased to accommodate for an immediate 8% in police pay and another 5% in police pay to begin in July because of the new police union contract. The APD budget provides for a net total increase of $1.2 million in overtime pay to accommodate the police union contract hourly rate increase that went into effect on January 1, 2022.

During the October 7, 2022 news conference, it was reported that APD has 857 sworn officers.  This is down from the 917 sworn police number reported on December 6, 2021 to the Federal Court overseeing the consent decree.

As of October 2022, APD has 514 civilian professional staff, 40 public safety aides, 73   911 operators, 23 dispatchers, 41 retired officers that have returned to the department with more than 50 retired officers on contract work for the department.  The latest APD cadet class has 26 people in training to become police officers. The upcoming next cadet class is likely to see between 50 to 60 people.


During the last 4 years, the APD high command that works directly out of the Chief’s Office went from 3 to 10 full time sworn staff. Those positions are Chief, Superintendent Of Police Reform, Deputy Superintendent of Police Reform, 6 Deputy Chiefs, 1 Chief of Staff. Although APD abolished the ranking of Major that existed 4 years ago, which there were only 4, it has created the new position of “Deputy Commanders” which there are 16. The 16 “Deputy Commander” positions create a whole new level of bureaucracy and management between Commanders and Lieutenants that is highly questionable as to duties and responsibilities other than “assisting” commanders, perhaps as the commander’s drivers and escorts around town.

The hourly pay rate for APD Lieutenants is $45.36 an hour starting July 1, 2022 or $94,348.60.  Commanders and Deputy Commanders are at will employees paid upwards of $98,000 a year in base salary and with overtime they can easily earn well over $100,000 a year and as much as $120,000 as evidenced by those listed in the top 250 wage earners for the city.

Eight of 10 APD Chief executive command staff are listed in the top 250 city wage earners.  At least 6 of those in the executive command staff have at least 20 years or more service with APD.  8 of the positions are considered “at will employees” and serve at the pleasure of Mayor Keller and are not paid overtime. All 8 are reported to have a received a pay increase upwards of 8% beginning January 1, 2022.

Following are the 8 with pay listed for the full 2021 calendar year:

Medina, Harold, Police Chief Of Police, $177,562.68
Smathers, Michael Jay, 1st Deputy Chief, $149,881.56
Garcia, Eric, 2nd Deputy Chief, $147,444.20
Barker, Cecily, Deputy Chief, $147,201.70
Griego, Jon J , Deputy Chief $144,228.47
Brown, Joshua Deputy Chief, $134,608.38
Lowe, Cori Deputy Chief, $128,409.85
Stanley, Sylvester, Superintendent of Police Reform/DCAO , $123,219.28 (8 months with city and retired and the end of 2021)


APD has one of the most lucrative retirements programs in the country under the Public Employee Retirement Association (PERA) plan for municipal police where both city and employee pay into the retirement program. Yearly retirement pay is determined with a formula of age, years of service, and averaging the salaries high 3 years. A percentage of yearly pay is given for each year of service with an age requirement to collect the pension.   A sworn police officer with 20 years of service can retire at any age and be paid  75% of their average “high 3 years” of pay.  A sworn police officer with 25 years of service can retire  at any age and be paid  95% of their average “high 3 years of pay.” 



 On February 4, it was reported that that the  Mayor Tim Keller’s administration negotiated a new union contract with the Albuquerque police union that raised starting APD sworn officer pay to over $68,000 per year.  The new 2-year contract raised police pay by 8% and  increased “longevity pay” by 5%.  The new contract also  created  a whole new category of “incentive pay”.


Under the new contract, APD’s starting wage is well above cities and law enforcement agencies of comparable size including Tucson, Arizona, $54,517, and El Paso, Texas, $47,011. The new APD contract keeps APD starting wages slightly higher than the New Mexico State Police. The 48-page APOA police “Collective Bargaining Agreement” (CBA) is for 1 year and 6 months period. It is effective January 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023.

The new CBA can be downloaded as a PDF file at this link:


Under the new contract terms, longevity pay increases by 5% starting on July 1, the beginning of the new fiscal year starting at $2,730 per year with those who have 5 years of service and with incremental service years up to 17 years or more who will be paid $16,380.


First year probationary officers are not covered by the union contract in that they are not union. Starting pay for an APD police officer graduating from the academy and for the officers first year of probation remains the same. They are paid $21.27 an hour for a 40-work week, 52 weeks a year or $44,241.60 yearly.

The cost of training each APD cadet is upwards of $60,000. As it stands, there is no minimum commitment of years for a cadet to work for the city after graduation, meaning they could move on to another law enforcement agency their first year of employment with the city if they want.

“Rank and File” police officers are generally recognized as sworn police officers under the rank of sergeant. Under the union contract sergeant and lieutenants are allowed to join the police union. “RANK AND FILE” HOURLY PAY.

The normal workweek under the contract is defined as 40 hours comprised of either 5 eight hour or 4 ten-hour days. (Page 19 of contract)

Page 6 of the new collective bargaining agreement (CBA) outlines the new hourly wages negotiated for both rank-and-file officers and sergeants and lieutenants.


Under the union contract, the classification of Police Officer 1C is an officer in the bargaining unit who has completed probation up through 4 years of service as an APD Sworn Officer.

The classification of Senior Police Officer 1C is an officer in the bargaining unit with 5 through 14 years of service as an APD Sworn Officer.

The classification of Master Police Officer 1C is an officer in the bargaining unit with 15 or more years of service as an APD Sworn Officer.

The definition of serve and service is “actual time worked”.

2 TO 4 YEAR SERVICE PAY WENT  FROM $60,320 TO $68,411.20 A YEAR

Hourly pay for a Police Officer 1/C (first class) after completing one year of probation and then up through 4 years with the department under the new contract went from $29 and hour or $60,320 yearly to to $32.89 and hour or $68,411.20 a year starting July 1, 2022 until the expiration of the union contract on June 30, 2023.

5 To 14 YEAR SERVICE PAY WENT  FROM $62,400 TO $70,761 A YEAR

Hourly pay for a Senior Police Officer 1/c (first class) with 5 to 14 years of service goes under the new contract went  from $30 an hour or $62,400 a year  to $34.02 an hour or $70,761.60 a year starting July 1, 2022 until the expiration of the union contract on June 30, 2023.


Hourly pay for a Master Police Officer 1/c (first class) with 15 years and above of service went from $31.50 an hour or $65,520 a year to $35.72 an hour or $74,297 a year starting July 1, 2022  until the expiration of the union contract on June 30, 2023.


Hourly pay for APD Sergeants under the new contract went from $35 an hour or $72,800 a year to $39.69 an hour or $82,555.20 a year starting July 1, 2022 until the expiration of the union contract on June 30, 2023.


Hourly pay for Lieutenants under the new contract went from $40 an hour or $83,200 a year to $45.36 an hour starting July 1, 2022, $94,348.60 a year until the expiration of the contract on June 30, 2023.


APD sworn police officers are paid “longevity pay” in addition to their yearly pay. On page 9 of the new police union contract, longevity “years” is defined as the completed years of service identified by the City and documented by an officer that an officer has served as a sworn public safety officer in any United States jurisdiction in good standing, excluding military police, and for time with APD shall be complete year(s) from the date an officer achieves P2C status or if a higher rank as a lateral. Special circumstances under the contract does create exceptions to this rule. The definition of serve and service is “actual time worked”.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Under the union contract, lateral transfers from other departments are given credit for their years of service to the other department and are paid the longevity pay as if they had worked for APD. APD also pays lateral transfers “sign on” bonuses of $15,000 in an effort to attract experienced police officers.

APS sworn qualify for longevity pay in their fifth year of service. Under the new contract terms, longevity pay starts at $2,730 per year and increases topping of at $16,380 annually for those who have served 17 or more years.


The negotiated longevity pay under the new union contract deals with the overlap of 3 fiscal years. A fiscal year begins on July 1 of any given year and ends on June 30 of the following year. The longevity pay rates can be found on page 8 and 9 of the new union contract.

For fiscal year 2022 – 2023 that began on July 1 the  longevity pay scale bi-weekly annual amounts are as follows:

Beginning Year 5 through 5, $105 paid bi weekly, $2,730 annually
Beginning Year 6 through 6, $131 paid bi weekly, $3,406 annually
Beginning Year 7 through 9, $236 paid bi weekly, $6,136 annually
Beginning Year 10 through 12, $315 paid bi weekly, $8,190 annually
Beginning Year 13 through 15, $368 paid bi weekly, $9,568 annually
Beginning Year 16 through 17, $473 paid bi weekly, $12,298 annually
Beginning Year 18 and above, $630 paid bi weekly, $16,380 annually



Under the union contract, sworn police are entitled to overtime compensation at the rate of time-and-one-half of their regular straight-time rate when they perform work in excess of forty (40) hours in any one workweek. Time worked over 40 hours per week is compensated at time and a half of the officer’s regular rate of pay, or in the form of “compensatory time.” There is no contract provision placing a cap on the amount of overtime any officer can be paid. Compensatory time is the award of hours as already worked to be paid and is calculated at the rate of 1-1/2 times the hours actually worked. The maximum accrual of comp time for any officer is 150 hours.

At the beginning of each calendar year, City Hall releases the top 250 wage earners for the previous year. The list of 250 top city hall wages earners is what is paid for the full calendar year of January 1, to December 31 of any given year.

Review of the 2019, 2020 and 2021  top paid 250 highest paid wage earnings employed by the city reveals 160 of 250 top paid city hall employees were APD  sworn  police who were paid between $107,885.47 to $199,666.40.

For the calendar year of 2021, 126 of the top 250 city hall wage earners were APD sworn police officers ranging from the rank of patrol officer 1st class to the rank of Lieutenant. In 2019, there were 70 APD patrol officers in the list of 250 top paid employees earning pay ranging from $108,167 to $188,844. There were 32 APD lieutenants and 32 APD sergeants in the list of 250 top paid employees earning pay ranging from $108,031 to $164,722.

In 2020, there were 69 patrol officers paid between $110,680 to $176,709. There were 28 APD Lieutenants and 32 APD Sergeants who were paid between $110,698 to $199,001 in the list of the 250 top paid city hall employees paid between.

The City of Albuquerque updated the list for the year 2021. According to the list of the top 250 city hall wage earners, they were paid between $119,356.16 to $211,144.75.   146 of those 250 listed positions are  assigned to APD.

The lopsided number of APD sworn police officers listed in the top 250 paid city hall employees is directly attributed to the excessive amount of overtime paid to sworn police officers.



On April 10, 2014, the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice (DOJ), issued its report of the 18-month civil rights investigation of the Albuquerque Police Department (APD). The DOJ reviewed excessive use of force and deadly force cases and found that APD engaged in a “pattern and practice” of unconstitutional “use of force” and “deadly force” and found a “culture of aggression” within APD. On November 27, 2014, the City and the Department of Justice entered into the Court Approved Settlement Agreement (CASA) mandating 276 reforms. APD is one of 18 municipalities in the United States under a Federal Court consent decree for excessive use of force and deadly force. The link to the CASA is here:


Within months after being sworn in on January 1, 2018, Mayor Tim Keller affirmed his commitment to implement all the DOJ mandated reforms agreed to under the CASA. Mayor Keller began implementing an $88 million-dollar APD police expansion program over a four-year period over increasing the number of sworn police officers from 898 positions filled to 1,200, or by 302 sworn police officers. The massive investment was ordered by Mayor Tim Keller to full fill his 2017 campaign promise to complete all the CASA reforms, increase the size of APD and return to community-based policing as a means to reduce the city’s high crime rates.


APD Chief Harold Medina diverting legislative funding APD applied for and which was specifically allocated by the New Mexico legislature for “recruitment” and hiring of 67  APD Cops and then turning around and using it to pay APD 19 years of service veterans and additional $18,000 in incentive pay is so very wrong on so many levels.  It does not pass the smell test and it is akin to a “bait and switch” scam tactic by APD.  Medina did not disclose if he will benefit himself financially.

In all likely, Chief Medina has abused his authority or discretion by violating the spirit and intent of the state funding allocation.  APD had to apply for the funding and in doing so likely made the representation it would be used for “recruitment and hiring” with no mention that it would be used to pay incentive bonuses.  Incentive bonuses of $18,000 paid to 19-year APD veterans are not “recruitment and hiring”.


In February when the new 2-year APD contract was announced, the 8% pay raise and  the increased “longevity pay” of 5% was justified by saying APD needed to be more competitive to attract and retain new sworn police officers.   All other city employees received meager pay raises of 2.5% under the enacted 2022-2023 city budget.

It is difficult to understand and to justify paying 20-year law enforcement veterans an additional $18,000 more a year plus paying 100% of the officers’ medical benefits when those officers are also being paid $16,380 annually in longevity pay on top pf 8% pay raises resulting in a whopping $34,380 of incentive pay in one year


APD Chief Harold Medina and all of his deputies are listed in the 250 top paid city hall employees and are paid between $128,409.85 to $177,562.68 a year.  Medina did not disclose if he and his high command will be paid the $18,000 in additional incentive pay.  Medina has retired before from APD and has upwards of 30 years of service years.  At least 4 of the Deputy Chiefs also are eligible to retire with over 20 years of service or more and Medina did not disclose if they will be given the additional $18,000.

APD Chief Harold Medina did not disclose exactly how many APD police officers who have 19 years of experience will actually qualify for the additional $18,000 in incentive pay.  Paying so much more to 20-year veterans is an attempt to keep employing an older generation of officer when what the city and APD really needs is a new, younger generation of police officer do the work and who have their entire law enforcement career ahead of them.

Since 2014,  APD has been under a Federal Court Order after the Department of Justice found APD had engaged in excessive use of force and deadly force and finding a culture of aggression within APD.   The 2013 DOJ investigation essentially found it was “experienced police officers”, which would include APD management and APD Chief Harold Medina, that created, participated and was aware of or who did not stop the culture of aggression within APD. Now Chief Medina wants to pay those very same  officers and additional $18,000 a year to keep them from retiring when they should probably just move on.

Simply put, police work is a young person’s profession that is both mentally, emotionally and physically demanding.   APD needs a new, younger generation of police officer who accept and are trained on constitutional policing practices and who do not resist the reforms mandated by the Court Approved Settlement Agreement (CASA).


The fiscal year 2023 approved General Fund budget for APD is $255.4 million, which represents an increase of 14.7% or $32.8 million above the fiscal year 2022 level. The APD approved budget fully funds 1,100 sworn police in order to accommodate growth, yet the department currently employs only 857 sworn police. In other words, APD has  243 full time positions that are fully funded that are vacant.

Starting pay for an APD police officer graduating from the academy and for the officers first year of probation is $21.27 an hour for a 40-work week, 52 weeks a year or $44,241.60 yearly. Therefore 243 vacant starting pay salaries for sworn police at $44,241.60 translates into $10,750,708 of potential unused salary funding.

During APD’s 2022-2023 budget review hearing, APD Chief Medina acknowledged that the department will likely not meet the 1,100-staffing level and said personnel funds for unfilled potions will cover other operating costs.  During the April 28 budget hearing, Republican City Councilor Dan Lewis questioned APD for more information on its budgeting strategy on using unspent sworn police officers’ salaries for other priorities. Lewis said this:

“I think it’s good for us to understand this is not a budget that [actually] funds 1,100 police officers. … We’re going to give you [funding for] 1,100 officers this year. We’re going to fund [the amount] just like we did last year. We’re continuing to do that, but I think at the very least what this council is going to need and want is a very specific breakdown of where those salary savings went because we didn’t hire those officers.”

The approved 2022-2023 APD budget of $255.4 million covers the continuation of the 8% pay increase that went into effect in January and then covers the additional 5%, for a total of 13% in APD sworn police raises that starts on July 1. 2022.


After working a full 20 years, police officers who usually continue to work do so out of sure love of the job and their dedication to public service.  Medina wants to pay additional incentive on the “back end” of police officer careers who are eligible for retirement.  Incentive pay should be paid “on the front end” of a career to attract and keep a new generation of police officer.

It costs the city upwards of $60,000 a year to fully train a new police officer in the academy.  Once trained, there is no minimum number of years that an officer must work.  APD and recruiting efforts would be better served if more is offered as sign on bonuses.  As it stands, APD is paying $10,000 for new police cadet sign on bonuses. What should be offered are $25,000 in new cadet bonuses with a 5-year minimum service commitment.


Simply put, APD is awash in excessive unused personnel funding.  There is no reasonable excuse for Medina to divert funding given to the city by the state for recruitment and hiring of police officers and then to turn around and dole it out to pay $18,000 more in incentive pay to 19-year veterans, not when millions of vacant personnel funding is available. It’s Medina’s gross mismanagement of human resources at best and his incompetence at worse with an element of sure greed thrown in for good measure.

“Insults And Jabs” Highlight Second And Final 2022 Governor’s Debate; Ronchetti Looks Desperate, Governor Looks Annoyed; Outcome A Draw; Most Expensive Race For Governor In State History

The second and final debate of the 2022 Governor’s race between Democrat Governor  Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham and Republican TV weatherman Mark Ronchetti  is now in the history books.   It will likely be forgotten after a one-day news cycle but if it is remembered, it will be for the personal insults and harsh jabs.  Ronchetti accused the governor of being a “hypocrite” and making “a blizzard of excuses” for her failed policies.  Lujan Grisham cast the former television weatherman as an inexperienced “TV personality” whose only real plan is to ban abortion in New Mexico.  Lujan Grisham addressed Ronchetti’s accusations head-on and said “He talks about a blizzard. This is a blizzard of nonsense.”

The final debate occurred on October 12 on KOAT TV 7, lasted 60 minutes, it was sponsored by the KOAT, TV, the  Albuquerque Journal and KKOB Radio. It was  moderated by KOAT anchors Shelly Ribando and Doug Fernandez with a few questions asked by  Journal Capitol Bureau chief Dan Boyd and Bob Clark of KKOB Radio.  The candidates were also allowed to ask each other one question.  As was the case with the Channel 4 debate, Libertarian candidate Karen Bedonie was not invited to participate.

The link to view the final debate is here:


Following is a summary of the highlights of the debate.


Ronchetti was the first to speak and said in part:

“The cops know that this governor doesn’t back them up. She catches criminals and releases them. She appoints judges that catch and release them. She regularly appoints people to the parole board that catch and release them.”

Ronchetti pledged New Mexico can do better regarding crime and education by choosing “a different path.”  Ronchetti severely criticized the Governor for New Mexico’s high violent crime rates and poor academic outcomes, arguing it’s time for new leadership at the Capitol.  Ronchetti said spending isn’t making a meaningful difference in the lives of ordinary New Mexicans and said in part:

“The government in Santa Fe has never been bigger, never been richer.”

The Governor for her part highlighted her accomplishment while in office and mentioned recent job growth, job creation as well as expanding education opportunities like Pre-K.  She also mentioned the power of the state government to fix some local problems plaguing cities.  Lujan Grisham also reassured abortion rights to remain in place if reelected and said abortion is still legal in New Mexico because of her.  Lujan Grisham acknowledged challenging times including the pandemic and the largest wildfire in state history, but she said New Mexico is recovering. The unemployment rate, she said, had fallen to its lowest level in 14 years and she said:

“I inherited a government that had 425 less officers in Albuquerque, let alone the hundreds of officers lost because of Republican budget cuts in New Mexico statewide. Progress isn’t promised. … The threat of going backward is real.”


Not at all surprising, abortion was a big topic of discussion with the historic Supreme Court decision to reverse Roe v. Wade.

Lujan Grisham highlighted her signing of a bill that repealed New Mexico’s 1969 criminal abortion law outlawing abortions  and  she said:

“Women have a choice in New Mexico today because I’m governor”.

The Governor made it clear that she continued to stand and support the medical procedure and women having a choice. She also pointed out how Rochetti in private confessed to his pastor Steve Smothermon that his intent was to ban all abortions. Lujan Grishman made it clear that there was no need for a public vote on abortion and it was already decided.

Ronchetti for his part was clearly on the defensive. Ronchetti regurgitated his TV ads to say it was a very personal topic and that a state amendment would let the voters choose.   He said he does not want to ban all abortion but late term abortions but says he is pro-life. Ronchetti described himself as “pro-life” but said voters should decide the issue through a constitutional amendment and said:

“The values of the people in the state of New Mexico have to be taken into account.”


On the topic of rising crime in New Mexico, Ronchetti brought up the “soft on crime” approach the state has taken with violent offenders. He asserted that  there are “10% less” state police officers than when Lujan Grisham entered office 4 years ago and that the population of criminals in prison is 20% less that when Lujan Grisham took office. Ronchetti said the FBI seizure of over 1 million fentanyl pills was proof that that criminals are here due to the laxed policing.  Rochetti ignored the fact that the seizure occurred under Lujan Grisham’s watch with local authorities in fact assisting the FBI.

Lujan Grisham for her part cited millions invested in police departments across the state and other resources provided to them under her leadership.  The governor also brought up GOP actions that cut the state budget affecting law enforcement. Governor Lujan Grisham also pinning a significant amount of blame for the state’s rising crime rates on former GOP Governor Susana Martinez who she called Ronchetti’s “mentor”.  She noted that it was Martinez who “destroyed” the state’s behavioral health system and which in turn led to more drug abuse and crime.  Lujan Grisham said this:

“The Governor Martinez administration, my opponent’s mentor and campaign supporter illegally eradicated all mental health services in the state of New Mexico. And it has had catastrophic impacts right here in Albuquerque.”

She also noted failed prosecutions of high-profile cases by Republican District Attorneys.


The candidates were asked about New Mexico’s Public Education system.

Ronchetti asserted that his plan focuses on public education rather than private like Lujan Grisham has asserted. He cited the state’s low proficiency numbers and stated that there are several problems plaguing the state’s youth in education that must be addressed.  Ronchetti said he wants to get back to the basics in education of math, reading, science.

Governor Luan Grisham responded by reminding the public of the landmark public education decision of Yazzie v. State of New Mexico that ruled under the prior Republican Governor, the state of New Mexico violated the constitutional rights of at-risk students by failing to provide them with an education.  Govern Lujan Grisham undertook to fully fund the state’s efforts to reform the State’s public education system and she was highly successful by securing over $1 Billion dollars for the state’s public education system raised the base pay for teachers by upwards of 20%.


Lujan Grisham said she’s happy that the rate for unemployment is lower than it has been in 14 years. She also stated we are the 12th ranked economy in the nation.

Ronchetti says she never gave anyone a raise in the state and that ranking does not apply to all New Mexicans. Also stated the governor has been hard on small businesses.


The Power New Mexico shut down of the San Juan Generating Station was asked in terms that the state may not have enough energy in the coming years.

Rather than addressing the energy question, Ronchetti used the opportunity to simply attacked Lujan Grisham for paying PNM $300 million to shut down the San Juan generating station.

Lujan Grisham for her part said Ronchetti did not understand the Energy Transition Act. She then argued that New Mexico is becoming one of the highest producers in hydrogen energy and doing well in solar energy costs.


The border and the crime caused was another hot topic.

Ronchetti renewed his call for the New Mexico National Guard to be placed at the border to interrupt the flow of illicit drugs and ensure a secure border that is safe for local residents.

Lujan Grisham called his statements “political theatre” and said she spoke with those guards who worked the border during President Trump’s order and they told her their job duties were not border security. The Governor also said the national guard has no power to enforce immigration law and such a posting would leave the state without them if they were needed to assist with fires or floods.


The rising homeless population in Albuquerque was also a topic of questions.

Lujan Grisham said there is a need to have affordable housing to address the problem and that has been done under leadership.  Lujan Grisham has said previously that her administration is working to address the affordable housing shortage in the state and plans are underway to build 6,000 new houses around New Mexico.

Ronchetti said the population for homeless has grown and is now out of control, especially because of the policies of Mayor Tim Keller and that mental health resources need to be utilized for them. He went on to call for a ban on tent cities in Albuquerque and would commit to signing a bill supporting it.


Health care services in New Mexico were also bought up in the debate.

Ronchetti said that the governor has put more of an emphasis on lawyers than doctors leading to more lawyers and less doctors for the state.

Lujan Grisham responded by deflecting the accusation citing price decreases for several procedures, as well as supporting the Inflation Reduction Act that allows negotiating prescription costs directly.  Ronchetti opposed the Inflation Reduction Act.


When asked about reinstating the state’s food tax, Lujan Grisham pointed out a food tax is the most regressive tax there is affecting the poor the hardest and said  she would “absolutely not” support it if it wound up on her office desk to sign.

Ronchetti also opposed any more taxes going to the government. He stated if you make less than six-figures, you’d see tax cuts under his tax plan.


Climate change and wildfires that have plagued the state and continue to affect wildfire victims were brought up.

Lujan Grisham said she believe in climate change and pointed out that Ronchetti does not. She said the state will have enough renewable energy to power all of New Mexico.

Ronchetti said the best way to avoid wildfire threats is by having quality procedures to prevent them. He also brought up non-updated logging that worsened the wildfire situation this year.


The candidates were allowed to asked each other a question.

Rochetti asked the Governor about the $150,000 settlement with a former campaign spokesman who had alleged she grabbed his crotch while laughing in a 2018 campaign meeting. He accused Lujan Grisham of hypocrisy for saying she supports and believes the victims of sexual harassment and said:

“You’ve never come clean. … You are a hypocrite.”

The governor did not answer the question directly but said her campaign has been transparent about the issue. The governor’s campaign has contended the allegations are false and at one point characterizing that they were bizzare, and that the case was settled to avoid the expense and distraction of a lawsuit.

The Governor in response called the accusation a “false attack”  and said her campaign disclosed the settlement publicly.  She said the settlement was reached to avoid the cost and distraction of litigation at the apex of the pandemic. The Governor pivoted and said:

“You have spent your entire campaign attacking my character and my integrity.. They’re baseless attacks. … You’re a TV personality with no experience.”

When the Governor  asked her question of Ronchetti, she asked him  “What is misoprostol?” Misoprostol is used for elective medical abortion, and the question was obviously asked to test Roncheiit’s knowledge of a woman’s reproductive rights.  He lashed out with a smart-ass response and said:

“This is what 25 years in government gets you. . . a Governor who wants to play Jeopardy. … People have had enough of the political games. It’s garbage at this point.”

In a rebuttal response to Ronchetti, the Governor said this:

“Let me tell you what misoprostol is.  … It is a lifesaving drug for women often required for medical abortions that now women can get to treat cancer. If you don’t know what that is and … you don’t know the importance of providing comprehensive health care access, you don’t deserve to be governor.”

In the summer, Albuquerque Mega Legacy Church pastor Steve Smothermon told his Sunday congregation that after talking to Ronchetti for hours, Ronchetti said he was committed to doing away with all abortions, and Ronchetti could not say so publicly because it would damage his election chances.

During the debate, Ronchetti was asked about the comments made by Smothermon and he  reponded “You’ll have to ask the pastor about thatdeclining to say if Pastor Steve Smothermon lied about what Ronchetti said to him in private.

Links to quoted news sources are here:







As of October 13, there have now been a total of 5 polls conducted by the news media in the 2022 race for New Mexico Governor. All 5 polls have Democrat Governor Lujan Grisham leading Republican Mark Ronchetti by as low of only 3% and as high as 16%.

October 9, KOB 4  Survey USA poll:

Democratic Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham: 53%

Republican Mark Ronchetti:  37%

Libertarian Karen Bedonie:  3%

Undecided: 7%

On October 9  NM Political Report “Public Policy Polling” poll:

Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham: 48%

Republican Mark Ronchetti: 40%

Libertarian Karen Bedonie: 7%

September 15, KRQE NEWS 13  Emerson College Poll:

Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham   48%

Republican Mark Ronchetti:  43%

Undecided: 5.2%

September 14, KOB  “4 Investigates Poll” Survey USA poll:

Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham: 48%

Republican Mark Ronchetti: 36%

Libertarian Karen Bedonie: 5%

Undecided: 11%

August 28, the Albuquerque Journal poll:

Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham: 47%

Republican Mark Ronchetti: 40%

Libertarian Karen Bedoni: 5%

Undecided: 8%

Averaging out all 5 of the polls reflects that Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham polling average is 48.8% compared to Ronchetti’s 39.2%. Ronchetti has yet to surpass 40% to 43% in any of the polling which is essentially the Republican base in New Mexico. Lujan Grisham has busted the magic 50% plus one in only 1 poll but that will likely change during the last month of the campaign in that Ronchetti has stalled and the momentum is clearly on the Governor’s side. The Albuquerque Journal is scheduled for release on October 30 its final poll and it will likely predict Governor Lujan Grisham winning with the margin being the only mystery.


On October 11, it was reported Republican Mark Ronchetti outraised Democrat Michelle Lujan Grisham during the latest four-week reporting period, leaving him with a heftier campaign war chest to continue his negative attacks on Governor Lujan Grisham.  The campaign finance reports filed with the Secretary of State on October 11 reflect that for the four-week period that ended October 3, Ronchetti reported nearly $1.5 million in contributions compared to roughly $1.1 million for the governor.

The reports filed Tuesday by both candidates reveal this year’s race for governor will be the most expensive in state history with Ronchetti having raised more than $7.8 million for his campaign while Lujan Grisham has raised in excess of $11.1 million.



The second and last debate on Channel 7 was clearly better than the first debate on Channel 4.  A redeeming quality of the debate was that is covered a plethora of issues including abortion, crime, homelessness, health care, education, taxation, energy, climate change, and gun control. The candidates dedicated their time to contrasting their policy ideas and plans with personal and negative attacks for good measure to make a point.  Ultimately, there were no major gaffs by either candidate and the debate did not produce a clear winner.

On a personal note, Ronchetti’s open mouth, clenched white teeth and rapid delivery of rhetoric was annoying and downright exhausting to watch. Ronchetti refrained from his childish, weird facial gestures and grimacing he used to react to the Governor’s answers in the first live TV debate.

Governor Lujan Grisham for her part was noted to be sitting during the debate, and not standing like Ronchetti. The likely reason for the Governor sitting is that she is nursing an injury to her left knee and is wearing a brace in public.  The Governor appeared annoyed and impatient at times during the debate, but still managed to appear poised and professional.

Given the amount of campaign funding still available to both candidates, voters can expect the campaign ads to become even more negative over the next remaining weeks. Given the 5 polls, Governor Lujan Grisham is on her way to winning a second term as Governor.

Early voting has already begun, and the election is November 8. Please vote.


Homeless Becomes Issue In Governor’s Race; Quantifying the Number Of Homeless State Wide; “Tough Love” Approach To Homeless Must Include Civil Commitment Hearings For Mentally ILL and Drug Addicted

On September 30, the first debate between Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham and TV Weatherman personality Republican Mark Ronchetti was held and sponsored  by Channel 4.  Dominating the debate were heated exchanges and disputes on such issues as abortion, crime, the criminal justice system, the economy and public education. Notwithstanding, both the Governor and Ronchetti found common ground on the issue of homelessness.  Both said they would crack down on certain activities while expanding services to those willing to utilize them.


Governor Lujan Grisham for her part said she would push for legislation to restrict panhandling and criminal trespassing in the upcoming 2023 legislative session. She  said her administration is working to address the affordable housing shortage in the state.  She said plans are underway to build 6,000 new houses around New Mexico.   She also said he state was working to expand substance abuse treatment programs in the state but pointed out some homeless reject treatment options. Lujan Grisham had this to say about those homeless who refuse treatment options:

“We’re going to need to do a little tough love and that’s going to mean probably more options for mandatory treatment.  …  I plan to propose in the next legislative session restrictions on panhandling and trespass for this population.”

Lujan Grisham said during the debate that more than half of New Mexico’s homeless population are teenagers.

Lujan Grisham spokeswoman Nora Meyers Sackett said the governor’s plan is  a comprehensive approach to homelessness and said:

“These proposals will seek to build on the work the governor has done to invest in housing and improve and increase access to behavioral health services throughout New Mexico.”


Republican Mark Ronchetti for his part said treatment programs need to be expanded, but insisted bigger steps are also needed.  Ronchetti spokesman Ryan Sabel after the debate said Ronchetti supports a robust homeless shelter system and service delivery centers to provide medical care, substance abuse treatment and other services. Sabel said this:

“Ronchetti believes we can be compassionate and protect our communities from the proliferation of homeless camps that give other cities/states a bad reputation, hurt economic development and make neighborhoods less safe.”

During the debate, Ronchetti called for a ban on “tent cities.”  City sanctioned “Safe Outdoor Spaces” for homeless tent encampments has become a hotly disputed topic in the City of Albuquerque. He said Albuquerque was following down the same path as other western cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland and Seattle.  Ronchetti had this to say:

“New Mexico cannot be allowed to be someone’s campground, and we’ve seen it here in the Albuquerque area.”

Th link to quoted news source material is here:



On August 31 the Albuquerque Journal reported the results of a   poll on the various issues voters felt were serious issues facing the state. In the poll, respondents were read a list of five issues facing New Mexico and asked to state if they felt each one was a “very serious problem, somewhat serious problem, minor problem, or no problem at all.” The specific issues asked about in the poll were Crime, Homelessness, Quality of Education, the Strength of the State’s Economy, and Covid 19. According to the poll, Homelessness  was rated as follows:

Very Serious: 77%, Somewhat Serious: 16%, Minor: 4%,  No Problem: 1%   Don’t Know/Would Not Say: 2%

Each year, the City of Albuquerque commissions a Citizen Perception Survey to assess residents’ satisfaction with various City services and issues relating to crime, homelessness, and public safety. In early August, the City released Citizen Perception Survey.

The issue of homelessness was found to be a major challenge in Albuquerque.

70% feel the City is doing a poor job of addressing homelessness, 9% of residents gave the  City Government positive marks for addressing the homelessness issue and 20% gave a mixed or neutral rating.

The percentage of residents who give the City positive scores for addressing homelessness had risen from 13% in 2019 to 29% in 2020 but it fell  by 20% and is  9% currently.


Each year the “Point in Time” survey is conducted to determine how many people experience homelessness on a given night in Albuquerque, and to learn more about their specific needs. The PIT count is done in communities across the country. The New Mexico Coalition to End Homelessness (NMCEH)  is contracted by the city to do the survey.  NMCEH released the 2022  PIT report breaking down the demographics of the homeless population in Albuquerque.

The PIT count is the official number of homeless reported by communities to the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to help understand the extent of homelessness at the city, state, regional and national levels.

The PIT count requires the use of the HUD definition of “homelessness”. PIT counts only people who are sleeping in a shelter, in a transitional housing program, or outside in places not meant for human habitation. Those people who are not counted are those who do not want to participate in the survey, who are sleeping in motels that they pay for themselves, or who are doubled up with family or friends

The PIT count includes a “Sheltered Count”, “Unsheltered Count” and a “Transitional Housing Count.”

The Sheltered Count is the count of people experiencing homelessness who are sheltered in emergency shelter and transitional housing on a single night.  Sheltered homeless also include homeless “residing in an emergency a motel paid through a provider or in a transitional housing program.” It does not include people who are doubled up with family or friends.

The Unsheltered are defined as those who encamp in neighborhood open space areas, alleys, parks, high-traffic areas and points of congregation, meal service sites, and general service sites.   The Unsheltered Count uses surveys and street outreach to account for individuals and families experiencing unsheltered homelessness on the night of the count.

The Housing Inventory Count (HIC) is  an inventory of provider programs within a Continuum of Care that provide total numbers of beds and units dedicated to serving people experiencing homelessness.  There are 5  homeless Program Types:

Emergency Shelter

Transitional Housing

Rapid Re-housing

Safe Haven

Permanent Supportive Housing

The PIT report is 40 pages long and includes graphs and pie charts outlining the statistics reported.  You can review the entire report at this link:



January 31, 2022 was the date selected to conduct the 2022 Point in Time Survey which was released in August. The 2022 Point In Time Report provides what it referred to “balance of the state” statistics where the Albuquerque Homeless numbers were excluded.

The total estimated number of households experiencing homelessness in Balance of State on January 31, 2022 were reported are as follows:

Totals of HOUSEHOLDS with one child, without children and with only children:

Emergency Shelters:  574

Transitional Housing: 70

Unsheltered: 366

TOTAL: 1,010

Page 17, Point in Time Survey

The total estimated number of INDIVIDUALS with one child, without children and with only children experiencing homelessness in the Balance of State on January 31, 2022 :

Emergency Shelters:  785

Transitional Housing: 107

Unsheltered: 391

TOTAL: 1,283

Page 17, Point in Time Survey

The total estimated number of people counted during the Balance of State Point-in-Time counts from 2009 – 2022 are as follows:

2009:  1,471

2011:  1,962

2013:  1,648

2015:  1,342

2017:  1,164

2019:  1,717

2021:  1,180

2022:  1,283

Page  18, Point in Time Survey

The data for the “UNSHELTERED” is broken-down as follows:

Total Unsheltered Chronically Homeless : 14%

Veterans: 9%

First Time Homeless: 23%

Homeless due to domestic violence: 10%

Adults with serious mental illness: 43%

Adults with substance use disorder: 40%

Page  18, Point in Time Survey


MALE:  74%


Page 19, Point in Time Survey


Under Age of 18: 1%

18 to 24: 10%

24+ : 1%

 Page 20, Point in Time Survey


Non-Hispanic: 60%

Hispanic/Latin: 40%

Page 21,


White: 63%

Native American: 28%

African American: 5%

Mix  Races: 4%

Page 21, Point in Time Survey


The 2022 PIT report did provide a separate breakdown of Albuquerque’s homelessness separate from that of the state numbers.  On January 31, 2022 Albuquerque’s homelessness is reported as follows:

Albuquerque Emergency sheltered:  940   (New Mexico  Emergency Sheltered:  785)

 Albuquerque Unsheltered:  197  (New Mexico Unsheltered: 366)

 Albuquerque Transitional housing:  174  (New Mexico Transitional Housing: 107)



What Governor Lujan Grisham said in the debate about the homeless who refuse treatment merits repeating:

“We’re going to need to do a little tough love and that’s going to mean probably more options for mandatory treatment.”

What the Governor is referring to are laws that deal with when and under what circumstances formal civil commitment hearings can be initiated for 3-day, 5-day and 30-day observation and diagnostic evaluations for the mentally ill and the drug addicted.  Such processes and procedures can be utilized to deal with the homeless and to ensure that they get the medical treatment and counselling services they need.

The link to review the applicable New Mexico state statutes NM Statute §43-1-1 (2019), NM Stat § 43-1-1 (2019), NM Stat § 43-1-11 (2020) on civil mental health commitments is here:



District Attorney across the state can and should dedicate resources in the form of attorneys that will assume the filing of civil mental health commitment pleadings for such hearings as prescribed by law. The New Mexico Public Defender should also be called upon by the Courts to provide a defense where and when it is needed. The New Mexico legislature should fully fund such an initiative

A greater emphasis must be made to get those homeless who are not in the criminal justice system the medical care and assistance they need without criminal prosecution and warehousing in the county jail.  A civil mental health commitment court for the homeless to deal with the mentally ill and the drug addicted who pose a threat to themselves, their family and the general public must be established.

In  Albuquerque, one single specialty court designated as the “Outreach, Veterans and Homeless Court” or “OVH Court” should be created.  A program of cross deputization of City Attorney’s by the Bernalillo County District Attorney to allow them to file civil mental health commitment petitions in State District Court in misdemeanor and felony cases can be created.

The Criminal Division of the State District Court should assign a District Court Judge to deal exclusively with mental health commitment hearings with the help of Metro Judges and the consolidation and the assistance of “Metro Court Outreach Court” and the “Metro Community Veterans” court under one court that is established in both Metro Court and State District Court using both court’s resources including courtrooms.

APD is ostensibly doing its job with resources it has when it comes to the homeless.  Since the beginning of 2022 there have been issued 2,308 citations to the homeless and it has issued 614 trespassing notices with 3 trespassing stops revealing outstanding warrants.  However, much more can be done with the coordination of resources and placing an emphasis on dealing with the mentally ill and the drug addicted. The Metro Court should establish an identical court procedure that it has with the Metro Traffic Arraignment Program that when the officer issues a citation to the homeless person, a Notice and date and time of hearing is also provided in the citation itself.

Both the City Attorney and the Bernalillo County District Attorney could dedicate resources in the form of attorneys that will assume the filing of civil mental health commitment hearings as allowed by law. A program of cross deputization of City Attorney’s by the Bernalillo County District Attorney to allow them to file civil mental health commitment petitions in State District Court in misdemeanor and felony cases needs to be created. The New Mexico Public Defender must be called upon by the Courts to provide a defense where and when needed.

Two New Polls Reveal Governor MLG Leads Ronchetti; KOB 4 Survey USA Poll: MLG 53% to Ronchetti 37%; Public Policy Polling:  MLG  48% to Ronchetti 40%; Time Very Short For Ronchetti As 5 Polls Has Governor Leading As Early Voting Begins October 11

As of October 11, there have now been a total of 5 polls conducted by the news media in the 2022 race for New Mexico Governor. All 5 polls have Democrat Governor Lujan Grisham leading Republican Mark Ronchetti by as low of only 3% and as high as 16%.  This blog article reports on all 5 polls.

SECOND  “4 Investigates” Poll


On October 9, KOB 4 released its second poll it commissioned with Survey USA. Polling of 570 likely voters showed Democratic Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham with a 16-point lead over Republican Mark Ronchetti.  The results of the poll are:

Democratic Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham: 53%

Republican Mark Ronchetti:  37%

Libertarian Karen Bedonie:  3%

Undecided: 7%

According to the KOB 4 Survey USA poll likely voters are strongly motivated by abortion. 17% said it’s the issue that will most influence their vote with Governor MLG polling at 86% among that crowd.   22% chose the economy as most-influential issue, but ahead of all others

76% percent of likely voters told SurveyUSA that abortion will be at least somewhat of a factor in their vote. While support for MLG fades, Ronchetti’s increases depending on how passionate voters say they are about abortion, but the Governor still holds a 35% point lead in this group, again with 3 out of every 4 likely voters polled.

New Mexico opinions on abortion seem similar to national numbers. Survey USA asked which position on abortion was closest to the ones held by respondents to the poll.

31% said it should only be allowed to save the mother’s life or in cases of abortion or incest

20% said it should be allowed up to 15 weeks and banned after, which the same exceptions

7% said it should be banned in the third trimester of a pregnancy

27% said there should be no restrictions

5% were unsure (a percentage that likely includes those who favor a total ban)

Ronchetti performs strongest among voters who are concerned about inflation and the economy.  Inflation-focused voters prefer Republican Ronchetti by 12%. Voters who say the economy is their biggest issue favor Ronchetti by 18%.



On October 9, the on-line news agency NM Political Report released a poll it commissioned with Public Policy Polling (PPP). The poll of 806 voters was conducted by Public Policy Polling on October 6 and 7 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 points. In the poll, Incumbent Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham continues to lead the gubernatorial race, with the support of just under 50 percent of likely voters.

The results of the PPP poll are:

Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham: 48%

Republican Mark Ronchetti: 40%

Libertarian Karen Bedonie: 7%

According to NM Political Report, this is an increase in the gap between the two top contenders from a June  NM Political Report poll which showed Lujan Grisham leading with 45% of supporters to 42% for Ronchetti and 9% for Bedonie.

The poll is slightly higher than the average of polls at Real Clear Politics which shows Lujan Grisham leading by 6.7 points.

According to NM Political Report:

“As has been the case in previous polls, Lujan Grisham’s lead is buoyed by support among women. Of those polled, 52%  of women say they will vote for Lujan Grisham, while 36% say they will vote for Ronchetti and 6% for Bedonie. Men very slightly favor Ronchetti, 43% to 42% over Lujan Grisham with 8% backing Bedonie.”

A breakdown of the PPP poll is as follows

Lujan Grisham secured  81%  of Democrats while 14% of Democrats support Ronchetti and 1 percent support Bedonie.

Ronchetti secured  74% of Republicans, Lujan Grisham secures the support of 11% of Republicans  and Bedonie secures  9 percent or Republicans.

Ronchetti has a slight lead among other parties and independents, with 39% percent backing him , to 36% for Lujan Grisham and 14% for Bedonie.

Lujan Grisham also continues leading among Hispanic or Latino voters, 55% who support her, while 31%  support Ronchetti and 10% support Bedonie.

Ronchetti leads among white voters, with 47% of support compared to 43%  for Lujan Grisham and 5%  for Bedonie.

Among other races and ethnicities, Lujan Grisham leads 49% to 27% over Ronchetti, with 7% supporting Bedonie.

The link to the quoted news source is here:


On September 15, KRQE NEWS 13 published the latest of 3 polls in the New Mexico Governor’s race.   KRQE commissioned  Emerson College Polling on the New Mexico Governor’s race as well as issues facing the state. The results of the poll in the Governor’s race is as follows:

Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham   48%

Republican Mark Ronchetti:  43%

Undecided: 5.2%

FIRST KOB  “4 Investigates” Poll

On September 14, KOB Channel 4 published a “4 Investigates Poll” on the New Mexico Governor’s race it commissioned with Survey USA.  The results of the poll in the Governor’s race revealed that Democrat Governor Michell Lujan Grisham has now busted out a double-digit lead over Republican Mark Ronchetti.  The results of the poll reported are:

Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham: 48%

Republican Mark Ronchetti: 36%

Libertarian Karen Bedonie: 5%

Undecided: 11%

The link to the KOB 4 report is here:



On Sunday, August 28, the Albuquerque Journal released it first poll in the 2022 Governor’s race between Democrat Incumbent Michell Lujan Grisham and Republican TV weatherman Mark Ronchetti.  The poll was conducted by Research and Polling which for decades has done all political polling for the Journal and with polling firm considered the gold standard in New Mexico political polling because of its consistent accuracy.


The poll asked the question “If the election for Governor were held today, who would you vote for? “ The poll results reported were:

Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham: 47%

Republican Mark Ronchetti: 40%

Libertarian Karen Bedoni: 5%


Abortion is considered the defining issue in the governor’s race. On August 29, the Albuquerque Journal released it poll on the issue.

The poll asked the question “WHICH COMES CLOSEST TO YOUR VIEW ON ABORTION” The results were as follows:

It should always be legal:  35%

It should be legal with some limitations: 22%

It should be illegal except for rape, incest, or to save the mother’s life: 25%

It should always be illegal: 12%

Don’t know: 2%

None of these/won’t say: 4%


 Averaging out all 5 of the polls reflects that Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham polling average is 48.8% compared to Ronchetti’s 39.2%. Ronchetti has yet to surpass 40% to 43% in any of the polling which is essentially the Republican base in New Mexico. Lujan Grisham has busted the magic 50% plus one in only 1 poll but that is likely changed during the last month of the campaign in that Ronchetti has stalled and the momentum is clearly on her side. The Albuquerque Journal is scheduled for release on October 30 its final poll and it will likely predict Governor Lujan Grisham winning with the margin being the only mystery.

Governor Lujan Grisham has led in the polls throughout the race and she has busted out a two-digit lead over Ronchetti in the Survey USA poll poll twice. There are only 30 days left before the November 8 general election and early voting started on October 11. The last live TV debate will be on Wednesday October 12 on Channel 7 and anything can happen including missteps by the candidates.  Both candidates have hefty amounts of campaign cash that make it certain that the negative ads will continue but will not likely have a major impact on the final outcome.


The Real Character Of  A Candidate Revealed When Press And Cameras Were Not Around; Vote To Elect Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham To A Second Term

A few weeks ago, after I posted a picture of myself with Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, I was asked by a very close friend what she is really like. I was able to respond without any hesitancy and said she is a person of compassion and decency that genuinely cares about people and how they are treated.

With that said, I told my friend what I witnessed some years ago when I attended an invitation only fundraising event for then Congresswoman Michelle Lujan Grisham. The event was in the evening and held at a private residence with about 60 people attending.  A staff person was at the front door to check in people with Lujan Grisham already inside.

Once inside, I found myself standing about 15 feet from her as she talked to another. Supporters were waiting outside to hear her speak. Soon, her staff person approached her and pulled her aside to talk to her.  I was still close enough to overhear the conversation, but she was not aware that I was watching nor could hear her.

The staff person told Lujan Grisham that a person who also knew me and who I was familiar with, and one known by many to suffer from mental health problems and hostile outbursts, had showed up at the front door wanting to attend the event. The person was a Democrat and known to be highly critical of Lujan Grisham and me as well. The aide did not know the person, he only had a name, and described the person as being on foot and his personal hygiene was less than desirable.  He was not dressed properly for the event. The aide asked Lujan Grisham if he should deny the uninvited person access and send him away. Congresswoman Lujan Grisham without hesitation said NO, he was to be let in.  She further instructed her aide to talk to him in private and make sure he got something to eat and to make sure he got home safely given that it was already night time and he was on foot.

Having been around and even having worked for elected officials and candidates for office for at least 50 years, which is way too many years, I have found that it is when the press, the cameras and a crowd are not around that a public figure reveals what they truly are as a person, what they really stand for, and their character. Lujan Grisham over her entire public service career has always paid special attention to behavioral health care.  She has especially done so over the last 4 years trying to rebuild our mental health care system destroyed by her Republican predecessor.  Her one act of kindness I witnessed in private at a political event earned my respect and support. She has earned a second term.


Governor Lujan Grisham (61) was born and raised in New Mexico. Lujan Grisham previously served as the U.S. representative for New Mexico’s 1st congressional district from 2013 to 2019. Lujan Grisham served as the state Secretary of Health from 2004 to 2007 and as Bernalillo County commissioner from 2010 to 2012. She was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2012. In 2016, Lujan Grisham was selected as the chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. She won the Democratic nomination for governor of New Mexico in 2018 and defeated Republican Steve Pearce on November 6, 2018 in a landslide.

Lujan Grisham’s priorities during her first term have been dealing with the Corona Virus pandemic, public education reform, funding from K thorough 12 and college education funding, rebuilding the state’s mental health care system destroyed by her predecessor, creation of the “Early Childhood Department”, revitalization and funding of the “Children Youth and Family Department”, increase funding for law enforcement to deal with crime and enactment of anti-crime measures just to mention a few.

Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham was personally asked to submit for publication on this blog an article outlining her positions on the major issues facing New Mexico.  Following is her position on the major issues prepared by her campaign.  The issues are listed by this blog in the order considered important for the election:


Every woman and every New Mexican deserve access to reproductive health care.  That is why Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham continues to be a champion for women’s health care. In 2021, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham made history by repealing New Mexico’s 50-year-old criminal abortion statute, protecting New Mexicans access to abortion and ensuring women and their families have the right to make their own choices about pregnancy and reproductive health.  Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham also funded the expansion of postpartum coverage under Medicaid from 60 days to 12 months, guaranteeing New Mexico’s new mothers can focus on themselves and their babies in the first year of life.  In 2022, the Governor signed legislation eliminating the “tampon tax,” ensuring necessary feminine hygiene products are affordable. With Michelle as governor, New Mexico remains a safe haven for reproductive health care and women’s rights.  No politician, no voter and no government has any right to tell a woman what she can do with her own body when it comes to a woman’s right to an abortion and her personal reproductive rights.


Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham believes that every New Mexican deserves to feel safe in their community. From her first days in office, the Governor has executed an all-of-the-above approach to public safety, including addressing the root causes of crime, and ensuring law enforcement offices across New Mexico have the resources and the tools they need to keep communities safe.

In order to promote public safety, New Mexico must address the root causes of crime. That’s why Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham has taken critical steps to reduce poverty, invest in behavioral health and addiction services, remove financial barriers to higher education and career training, and bring more jobs to New Mexico. When New Mexicans have the resources, they need to thrive, crime rates go down.

Governor Lujan Grisham has been consistent in her support of the dedicated men and women who protect New Mexicans every day.  The Governor knows that keeping communities’ safe starts with law enforcement officers who answer the call to serve their communities, doing everything from knocking on senior’s homes in Chama when the power goes out during a winter storm, to cracking down on driving under the influence, to keeping violent offenders off of Albuquerque’s streets.

Governor Lujan Grisham implemented 16% pay raises for state police officers and made critical investments into our law enforcement, allocating over $100 million to give law enforcement in New Mexico communities, large and small alike, the tools they need to keep New Mexicans safe. Governor Lujan Grisham championed funding to hire, recruit, and retain law enforcement officers, build new facilities and improve existing ones, create a new state-of-the-art crime lab, repair and replace critical protective and analytical equipment, and acquire new vehicles for law enforcement officers.

Keeping New Mexicans safe also means keeping guns out of the hands of criminals and keeping violent offenders off our streets. For the past two years, Lujan Grisham has passed bipartisan crime legislative packages that increase the sentencing for gun crimes, particularly for felons, in order to deter gun violence.  Governor Lujan Grisham championed many measures that will save New Mexican lives and curb the scourge of gun violence.

The Governor pushed for universal background checks for gun purchases and signed legislation known as the “red flag law” that allows the courts to temporarily disarm individuals who are at risk of harming themselves or others. While balancing the right to bear arms and public safety, Governor Lujan Grisham is making sure fewer New Mexicans suffer from violent acts of crime.


As a grandmother and mother, Michelle Lujan Grisham understands that New Mexico’s children are the key to New Mexico’s future.  The Governor has prioritized education throughout her career in public service, fighting to ensure that every New Mexico student, no matter where they live or what their background is, has access to the high-quality education they deserve.

From day one in the governor’s office, Michelle Lujan Grisham worked tirelessly to deliver an education moonshot, investing over $1 billion into New Mexico’s education system. Governor Lujan Grisham will never stop fighting for New Mexico’s students, parents, educators, and schools.

A product of New Mexico’s public schools’ system, Lujan Grisham is dedicated to uplifting every student, parent, educator, and school in New Mexico. Lujan Grisham led the effort to ensure every New Mexico school has the resources they need to serve their students.  She made New Mexico the first state in the nation to create an innovative way to send investments to schools with concentrated poverty and doubled the number of community schools.

In response to the Yazzie v. State of New Mexico landmark public education decision that ruled the state of New Mexico violated the constitutional rights of at-risk students by failing to provide them with an education, Govern Lujan Grisham undertook to fully fund the state’s efforts to reform the State’s public education system and she was highly successful.  It has taken a full 4 years to get the job done.

Lujan Grisham succeeded in securing over $1 Billion dollars for public education during the 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 legislative sessions. In addition to the dramatic increases in public education funding, Lujan Grisham administration created  the Early Childhood Department, issued mandates to the Children, Youth and Families and Public Education departments, and increased the number CYFD social workers by at least 125.

An Early Childhood Trust Fund of $320 million was also created.  The base pay for teachers was increased by upwards of 20% and have risen to $50,000, $60,000 and $70,000 depending on the level of years of teacher experience.  During the 2022 New Mexico legislative session, more than $70 million was allocated to tribal entities to help offer culturally relevant lesson plans and access to virtual and after-school programs for those studentsThe money will be used to create culturally relevant learning programs, including Native language programs, for students in the K-12 system.

Governor Lujan Grisham partnered with sovereign nations, tribes, and pueblos to make long-awaited investments in education in tribal communities and because of the Governor’s efforts, New Mexico is now leading the nation in setting aside funds for bilingual and multicultural education.


In her campaign for governor, Governor Lujan Grisham promised to be a champion for New Mexico’s educators, and she has kept her promise. Under Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s leadership, New Mexico teachers received the most significant back- to-back raises for educators in 15 years and has successfully reduced teacher vacancies by nearly 25% in 2019. This year, the Governor delivered a 7% salary increase and a base pay increase for every New Mexico educator, making New Mexico teacher wages the highest in the region. Governor Lujan Grisham​​ also put tens of millions of dollars toward scholarships for educator training programs, helping more than 3,000 New Mexico teachers this year alone.

New Mexicans have long called for universal pre-k and affordable childcare.   Governor Lujan Grisham delivered by expanding affordable, high-quality childcare to thousands of New Mexico families and secured permanent funding to ensure New Mexico will continue to provide families with affordable options for their children’s education for decades to come. Lujan Grisham established universal pre-k for four-year-olds and greatly expanded pre-k for three-year-olds.

Governor Lujan Grisham has made New Mexico a national leader in guaranteeing 100% tuition-free higher education for all New Mexico students.  The Governor is eliminating barriers to higher education like student debt and burdensome fees that keep too many students, no matter their age, background, or family situation, from getting the training and the job they want and deserve.  By creating and funding the Opportunity Scholarships and restoring the promise of the Lottery Scholarships, Lujan Grisham expanded scholarships for 2-year, 4-year and certificate programs, helping tens of thousands of New Mexico students attend college for free.


Governor Lujan Grisham is making New Mexico’s economy work for the everyday New Mexican.

Lujan Grisham’s top priority has been growing and diversifying New Mexico’s economy because she knows industry and job opportunities all across the state are critical to ensuring that New Mexico families and communities thrive. By supporting small businesses, helping to create thousands of jobs, and spurring the investment of billions of dollars in New Mexico’s economy, Governor Lujan Grisham is delivering on her promise to grow and diversify New Mexico’s economy.

During Lujan Grisham’s tenure, New Mexico has ranked in the top 10 for job growth in the country overall.  As one of her first actions in office, Governor Lujan Grisham redesigned New Mexico’s economic development tools, which have helped create over ten thousand jobs in every corner of our state. That’s a record high for New Mexico, and with the Governor’s support it will only go higher.

Governor Lujan Grisham has prioritized making New Mexico more business friendly. As a result of Lujan Grisham’s leadership, exciting new companies, such as NET FLEX,  NBC Universal and 828 Productions invested heavily in New Mexico and established New Mexico partners dramatically increased their investments. In was in 2019 that Governor Lujan Grisham signed into law legislation that funded and gave tax incentives to companies to collaborate with the state through partnership agreements.  The 2019 legislation raised the 2011 cap on what the state could pay out to film and TV productions from $50 million to $110 million per year.  It also authorizing the spending of up to $225 million to pay down an accumulated backlog in film incentives.

Netflex, NBC Universal and 828 Productions have all announced major projects and investment in the state.  Netflix announced a 300-acre expansion in the state with a commitment to spend another $1 billion over 10 years, doubling the company’s original commitment to the state. NBCUniversal also opened a production facility in Albuquerque with a commitment to $500 million in direct production spending over the next 10 years and 330 full-time-equivalent jobs. On August 13, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham announced that California-based 828 Productions is relocating its headquarters to Las Cruces joining Netflix and NBCUniversal as film partners within the state.  828 Productions plans to invest $75 million to build a 300,000-square-foot studio and 20-acre back lot over the next six years, creating at least 100 high-paying jobs in Las Cruces.  828 Productions has purchased a 7,500-square-foot office building in downtown Las Cruces.  It will be used for training, post-production and visual effects work. It is also hiring for key positions.

Governor Lujan Grisham cut red tape making it easier for businesses to thrive and encouraging hundreds of businesses to relocate to our state. Working alongside business and community leaders, Lujan Grisham has helped create a real pipeline of jobs and opportunity in our state and making New Mexico the frontier of economic growth under her leadership.  Governor Lujan Grisham is not just focused on attracting exciting new businesses and entrepreneurs to New Mexico, she’s also making sure we’re using New Mexico’s powerful economic tools to grow our small businesses right here at home.  Lujan Grisham efforts have also supported the expansion of homegrown companies like Bueno Foods in Albuquerque and Saputo Dairy in Las Cruces.


Governor Lujan Grisham kept her campaign promise to legalize cannabis, partnering with small businesses, advocates, and legislators to create an entirely new statewide economic industry in New Mexico that prioritizes homegrown microbusinesses and local producers. Thanks to Governor Lujan Grisham, legalization has paved the way for a new economic driver in New Mexico. It is a new industry that is creating over 11,000 new jobs, raising an estimated $20 million in revenue for the state in the first year, and amounting to over $318 million in annual sales of recreational cannabis. Legal cannabis is going to create thousands of jobs and serious tax revenue for local governments to support local services in every corner of New Mexico.

On March 31, 2021 in a special session of the New Mexico legislature, the state became the 18 state to legalize recreational cannabis.  New rules and regulations governing licensing, production and sales of recreational marijuana have now been fully implemented and commercial sales began on April 1. According to the state’s Cannabis Control Division, the state’s cannabis industry in August brought in $24.2 million in adult-use sales, a new record high, surpassing July’s adult-use sales of $23.5 million. Overall sales numbers, which includes medical cannabis transactions, stood at nearly $40.7 million in August, according to the data. That number is up from July’s overall sales of $40.3 million, which at the time was also a record high.

With new investments in vocational training, higher education and certificate programs, Governor Lujan Grisham is also building a workforce right here at home that will strengthen and grow New Mexico’s economy for years to come. Through New Mexico’s Job Training Incentive Program, Governor Lujan Grisham helped companies train over 5,000 workers while earning competitive salaries. New Mexico’s workforce is the powerhouse of our economy which is why Governor Lujan Grisham has made strides for workers.

Lujan Grisham raised New Mexico’s minimum wage and transformed New Mexico’s Public Employee’s Retirement Association (PERA) retirement pension funds giving workers the comfort they need to ensure that when retirement comes, their pensions will be safe and secured. She also passed legislation guaranteeing paid-sick leave for every employee in the state, giving every New Mexican the chance to make a living wage so they can support themselves and their families.


Governor Lujan Grisham knows that for far too long, New Mexicans have been forced to choose between their putting food on the table and their health.  Lujan Grisham is committed to making affordable, high-quality, and comprehensive health care available to every New Mexican, from urban to rural to tribal communities. Governor Lujan Grisham will continue to address endemic issues in New Mexico’s healthcare system in order to make accessible and affordable health care a reality for all.

Governor Lujan Grisham understands that the best way to make health care accessible to New Mexicans is to lower the cost of health care. By establishing the Health Care Affordability Fund, Lujan Grisham reduced the cost of health insurance and medical expenses for tens of thousands of New Mexico families. Governor Lujan Grisham also took critical steps to protect safeguards under the Affordable Care Act for New Mexicans so that the 337,000 New Mexicans with preexisting conditions would never have to face a denial of coverage or higher price due to no fault of their own.

New Mexicans across the state struggle with the high cost of prescription drugs. Under Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, New Mexico became the third state in the country to cap monthly insulin copayments, lowering health care costs for New Mexicans living with diabetes. Michelle Lujan Grisham also signed legislation to allow New Mexico to import lower-cost prescription drugs from Canada, one of the first states in the country to do so. These health care measures will get New Mexicans the medicine they need at a cost they can afford.


Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham believes that health care is not comprehensive without affordable, high-quality behavioral health treatment. From day one, Lujan Grisham has taken decisive action to rebuild the state’s behavioral health system after it was fraudulently destroyed by the previous Republican Martinez administration. In 2013, more than 160,000 New Mexicans received behavioral health services, with most of those services funded by Medicaid. In June 2013, under the direction of the former Republican Governor, the Human Services Department (HSD) cut off Medicaid funding to 15 behavioral health nonprofits operating in New Mexico alleging Medicaid fraud overbilling.  In early 2016, following exhaustive investigations, the Attorney General cleared all 15 of the healthcare providers of any wrongdoing and exonerated all of them of fraud. Even though the Attorney General found no fraud and cleared the nonprofits of wrongdoing, the damage had been done to the nonprofits. With the Medicaid funding freeze, many of the 15 nonprofits could not continue and just went out of business leaving many patients without a behavioral health service provider especially in rural New Mexico.

In addition to working with providers to establish new services and new networks, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham eliminated copays for behavioral health services, making sure behavioral health is affordable and accessible to all New Mexicans.  Lujan Grisham eliminated copays on behavioral health visits, so that mental health care and addiction counseling could be affordable for New Mexicans. All of Governor Lujan Grisham’s work to lower costs for families and workers and invest in critical services has lifted countless New Mexicans out of poverty.

As a caregiver herself, Michelle Lujan Grisham personally knows the importance of and the strength and resilience it takes to provide for New Mexico’s seniors. Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham signed legislation to invest millions to improve and deliver high quality services for New Mexico’s seniors and create automatic low-cost retirement savings options.


Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham understands that climate change is an existential threat facing our planet and we cannot kick the can down the road to future generations. Lujan Grisham has taken decisive action to protect New Mexico’s land, air, and water, and she will continue to take bold action to address the climate crisis, create clean energy jobs, and protect the Land of Enchantment’s critical natural resources. Under Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s leadership, New Mexico has become a national leader in the fight against climate change and now countries across the globe are looking to New Mexico for leadership.

As one of her first acts in office, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham signed landmark energy legislation setting bold statewide renewable energy standards and establishing a pathway for a low-carbon energy transition.   Lujan Grisham joined New Mexico to the U.S. Climate Alliance and adopted the goals of the Paris Climate Accord. Governor Lujan Grisham also committed New Mexico to conserving 30% of all land by 2030, ensuring New Mexicans’ access to the open spaces the Land of Enchantment is known for. With every step, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham has protected New Mexico’s natural resources, increased access for outdoor recreation, and built the state’s climate change resilience.

On March 10, 2022 Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced that Universal Hydrogen has chosen a 50-acre parcel of property northeast of the passenger terminal at the Albuquerque International Sunport to build a manufacturing and distribution center in New Mexico with a goal of hiring hundreds of employees in Albuquerque.   The location includes access to a runway and the potential future reclamation of a rail spur south of the Sunport. Universal Hydrogen is a manufacturer and distributor of hydrogen storage modules, assembles airplane retrofit kits and performs aftermarket maintenance services, and manage administrative activities.  Universal Hydrogen is a company with a mission to enable carbon-free fuel and reduce the climate impact of air travel. New Mexico will be at the heart of the company’s mission to decarbonize hard-to-abate greenhouse gas emissions in aviation, ground transportation, and heavy industry to help the United States meet the Paris Agreement goals. The company also has facilities in California, Washington State, and Toulouse, France.

Throughout her tenure, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham has aggressively pursued polluters and established rules that will reduce harmful emissions and create even more jobs through detecting and capping gas leaks that harm our air. By adopting stringent methane reduction rules, Lujan Grisham eliminated clean venting and flaring in New Mexico and committed the state to capturing 98% of all-natural gas waste by the end of 2026. Under Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, New Mexico now has the most controlled greenhouse and methane requirements in the country.

Governor Lujan Grisham is putting New Mexico at the forefront of the clean energy industry that will produce good jobs and a bright future for New Mexicans. Since Lujan Grisham took office, New Mexico has more than doubled its wind energy capacity and is one of the largest economies for solar energy


Michelle Lujan Grisham believes that as governor, the most important aspect of her job is making sure New Mexicans have what they need to thrive. That’s why Michelle has delivered for New Mexico’s families and businesses by putting money directly into their pockets and addressing the issues they care about most. From cutting the state Gross Receipts tax and the Social Security tax, to passing tax credits for New Mexico’s middle class, to lowering the cost of everyday needs like prescription drugs and childcare, Governor Lujan Grisham is saving money for every New Mexican.

Governor Lujan Grisham is making a difference by making sure that families prosper. Lujan Grisham cut taxes for New Mexico’s middle class in one of the most comprehensive tax overhauls in the country, putting money in the pockets of more than 550,000 New Mexican families. Governor Lujan Grisham Michelle is leading the ​​way with the most significant and progressive reform of the tax code in a generation, creating meaningful change for average New Mexicans.

Governor Lujan Grisham isn’t just helping families, she also cut taxes for every single New Mexican and New Mexico business. This year, Lujan Grisham brought Republicans and Democrats together to implement the first Gross Receipts Tax cut in 40 years, saving New Mexicans $195 million in the first year alone. She also signed legislation repealing most Social Security taxes to get relief straight to New Mexico’s seniors, saving them an average of $730 per year.

Making sure New Mexicans feel relief and can thrive is about more than tax cuts, it is also about making everyday items and services affordable. That is why Governor Lujan Grisham raised New Mexico’s minimum wage for the first time in a decade and guaranteed paid sick leave for all New Mexican workers and so no New Mexican would ever have to quit their jobs due to a medical emergency.

She also cut the cost of prescription drugs, reduced premiums, and eliminated copays for behavioral health. Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham also implemented universal pre-k and ensured every New Mexican who wants to go to college, or a certificate training program can do so – for free. Michelle even helped families in need cover their utility bills by getting homeowners the assistance they need Michelle is helping all New Mexicans grow right here in our state.


Governor Lujan Grisham led one of the most effective COVID-19 responses in the country, defying New Mexico’s odds and leading to lower case numbers and fewer deaths than neighboring states like Arizona and Texas. While other states had limited test availability and result delays, New Mexico was one of the first states to begin and maintain a widespread COVID-19 testing program to limit the spread of the virus. Through the uncertainty of the pandemic, Governor Lujan Grisham mobilized New Mexico’s response to COVID-19 more effectively than many other states.

Governor Lujan Grisham demonstrated fearless and diligent leadership in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, saving lives and protecting New Mexico’s booming economy. Throughout the pandemic, Lujan Grisham’s priority was keeping New Mexicans safe and ensuring New Mexico businesses received the support that they needed. Her strong leadership and decisive actions saved the lives of countless New Mexicans.


The general election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 8 and early voting begins on Tuesday, October 11.  Please vote for the election of Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham to a second term.