APD Spokesman Drobik’s $192,973 Overtime Pay Tip Of Iceberg; “Denied Access” Reason Media Reluctant To Report; Where Is Our Champion To Combat “Waste, Fraud and Abuse” Mayor Tim Keller?

You know that a police department is being mismanaged when a public information officer (PIO) becomes the news instead of responding to the news agencies with information on criminal cases. What is even worse is when a Police Oversight Board … Continue reading

The Rise And Fall Of Governor Susana Martinez And Her 8 Year Legacy Of Failure

Outgoing New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez was interviewed by TV Channels 4, 7, and 13 regarding her 8 years in office that ends December 31, 2018. You can view all three of the interviews at the below links: https://www.krqe.com/news/politics-governement/outgoing-gov-martinez-reflects-on-her-time-in-office-with-news-13/1671051768 https://www.koat.com/article/gov-martinez-looks-back-at-8-years-in-office-accomplishments-regrets-whats-next/25659323 … Continue reading