2023 Legislative Update: “Better Late Than Never” Legislature Enacts Law To Protect Health Care Abortion Providers; Senate Agrees To Tax Package Reaching Deal On Alcohol Tax, Films Incentives

On Saturday March 18, the 60 day 2023 New Mexico Legislative Session came to an end at 12:00 Noon. In the last day and half, two major bills were enacted, Those bills were Senate Bill 13 protecting  abortions providers and House Bill 547, the tax package.


On Friday, March 17, the day before the 2023 New Mexico Legislature was scheduled to adjourn , the House enacted Senate Bill 13 with a vote of  38-30. All Republicans opposed the bill and 6 Democrats voted against it.  The bill is intended to shield doctors and nurses in New Mexico from out of state investigations targeting reproductive and gender-affirming care. The House action comes after the Senate passed the bill 26-16.  The bill now goes to Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham and she is expected to sign it into law.

Senate Bill 13  makes law an executive order issued by Lujan Grisham in June 2022, just days after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the landmark case of  Roe v. Wade decision allowing states to determine their own laws on abortion.  On March 16, Governor Lujan Grishma signed House Bill 7 into law that prohibits government public bodies in New Mexico from interfering with access to abortion or gender affirming care.

Senate Bill 13 centers on action originating beyond state lines.  Arizona and Texas outlaw aiding or abetting abortion.  New Mexico is increasingly serves patients from those states and elsewhere. State public agencies will  be prohibited from releasing information or otherwise cooperating with civil or criminal investigations launched from outside the state into medical providers who engage in “protected health care activity” in New Mexico, such as abortion or gender-affirming care.

A person harmed by a violation of the law could file a lawsuit seeking damages of at least $10,000 per violation.  Senate Bill 13  also make it illegal for a 3rd  party to transmit information related to a person’s or entity’s abortion or gender-affirming care with the intent to harass, humiliate or intimidate them.

It was 2021  Governor Lujan Grisham signed a bill repealing the 1969 state law criminalizing abortion  ensuring the1969 law  could not  be enforced if the Supreme Court overturned federal abortion rights. Democrats during the 2023 Legislative Session have aggressively pushed to strengthen abortion rights following the  U.S. Supreme Court decision ruling that individual states need to decide the issue of abortion.

In the 2020 Democratic primary campaigns, a woman’ right to choose and abortion played a major role in changing the makeup of the Legislature  when long serving  anti-abortion Democrats lost their Senate seats, clearing the way for the repeal of the 1969 law criminalizing abortion.


Lujan Grisham proclaimed Senate Bill 13  on abortion rights as “transformative” given the national political climate. The Governor said this:

“New Mexico stood up for science, for women, for LGBTQ families and individuals.”

Santa Fe Democrat State Representative  Andrea Romero  said the legislation adopted is designed to thwart out-of-state legal attacks. She had this to say:

“We’re in completely uncharted territory with the types of laws we’re seeing on the books now. … That’s why we’re here today — to ensure New Mexico will be a safe space for folks seeking care.”

Republican lawmakers vigorously contested the proposal attempting to stop enactment at every step. Republicans  described  Senate Bill 13  as an inappropriate strategy that would put New Mexico at odds with other states. Alamogordo Republican  Representative John Block said this:

“I don’t want New Mexico to be isolated as its own island”.

Farmington Republican Representative Rod Montoya said Senate Bill 13  would abridge free speech rights and expose anti-abortion protesters to legal liability.  Montoya also argued the bill could weaken oversight of predatory physicians or medical providers who are targeted by other states for legitimate reasons. Montoya said this:

“What we’re left to believe here is that every abortion provider is altruistic and I just don’t think we can go that far.”

The link to quoted news source is here:



On March 17, shortly after midnight,  the NM Senate  voted 33-9 to approve the final version  of a massive tax package that will  provide $500 rebates to taxpayers and a phased  in reduction to the gross receipts  tax.  A group of  3  House Representative and 3 Senators conducted several open negotiating sessions where  they agreed on changes to the state’s film incentive program and a pared-back alcohol tax hike and other tax provisions.


House Bill 547 tax package passed includes the following major provisions:

All New Mexicans who filed 2021 tax returns will get $500 rebate checks by this spring. Married couples filing jointly would receive $1,000 checks. The $500 rebates are less than the $750 rebate amount that Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham proposed.

A phased in a 0.5% point reduction in the state’s gross receipts tax over the next four years. Those tax cuts could also be automatically undone if revenue levels drop significantly.  The  tax cut represents upwards of  $1 billion a year in savings once its fully phased in by 2027.

A  20% alcohol tax increase that will impose about a 1%  per drink increase on beer  and  a two-cent per drink increase on spirits. Revenue generated by the tax will  be used to bolster alcohol treatment programs in the State.  New Mexico has the highest per capita rate of alcohol-related deaths.

Veterans and retirees will get a tax exemption on military retirement pay up to $10,000 in 2022, then increasing to $30,000 in 2024.

Expansion of  New Mexico’s film incentive program  that triples the amount of allowable incentives per film project from $5 million to $15 million  for productions by Netflix or other studios that are members of a state film partnership. The plan limit the amount of annual spending on such productions to no more than $40 million per year.

A tax break for teachers’ who purchase school supplies to an expanded child tax credit.


What is glaring from reading the enacted  House Bill 547 is the widely discussed  proposed tax exemption for accountants, architects and other professional services that had been proposed as a way to reduce tax “pyramiding,” or taxes being levied several times on the same goods or services.  The tax “pyramiding” legislation had bipartisan support and the Governor’s support. The tax pyramiding provision proposal has drawn fierce opposition from Albuquerque and other New Mexico cities and counties, however, as city officials argued it would reduce their revenue streams and complicate efforts to hire more police officers.


Legislators said they did not  agree with all parts of the tax package, but said the  good provisions outweighed the bad.

Governor Lujan Grisham had urged legislators to trim back the tax package saying it “cuts too deep, too quickly” and could lead to future spending cuts if revenue levels decline.

Rio Rancho area Republican Senate Minority Leader Craig Brandt lauded Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham for her role in helping broker a deal on the tax package and said this:

“Things happen up here; you change your mind sometimes. …  A lot of the things that I asked for I got, so I appreciate that.”

Democrat Senate Majority Leader Peter Wirth said this:

“Each of us have our own opinions, but it’s time to compromise and get this done. … I look at this is a first step —not the end.  … The tax bill also contain[s] a significant gross receipts tax reduction, and one of the key elements of that of that bill, and that gross receipts deduction is a trigger, so that we are sure that if those if the revenues go down, that gross receipts tax that’s in there, we’ll back off.”

Albuquerque area Democrat Senator Antoinette Sedillo Lopez expressed disappointment about the alcohol tax and said this:

“We had an opportunity to make transformational change to address a huge social problem in our state, and we didn’t do it.”

The link to quoted news sources are here:





Talk about cutting it close with enactment of both House Bill 547  and Senate Bill 13.  As the saying goes, “Better late than never!” The 60 day session ended on March 18 at 12 noon.  The legislative process has always been very messy, but it does work when legislator’s on both sides want it to work as evidenced with enactment of the House Bill 547 tax package.


2023 New Mexico Legislature Update: Governor Signs Reproductive and Gender-Affirming Health Care Act; Medical Malpractice Comprise Passes Legislature Forwarded To Governor Signature

On March 16, with less than two days left in the 2023 legislative session, two major bills have been enacted by the 2023 New Mexico Legislature, one which has been signed into the law by the Governor and the other on its way to the Governor for signatures


On March 16  Governor  Michelle Lujan Grisham signed House Bill 7,  the Reproductive and Gender-Affirming Health Care Act.  House Bill 7 prohibits discrimination in reproductive healthcare and gender-affirming healthcare services.  It prohibits municipalities and counties from passing ordinances that directly or indirectly discriminate against either reproductive and gender-affirming care.

It was on February 26, 2021, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham signed a bill repealing the 1969 abortion ban. The 1969 law criminalized abortion to end a woman’s pregnancy except in certain circumstances, such as rape and incest. The repeal of the 1969 law criminalizing abortion resulted in abortions being made lagal in the state

On June 22, 2021 the United States Supreme Court released its decision in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization wherein the Supreme Court  overruled and reversed the cases of Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey and 50 years of constitutional law precedence ruling  that a woman does  not have constitutionally protected right to an abortion.  The US Supreme Court ruled the authority to regulate abortion was  returned to the individual states and their elected representatives.

As a direct result of the Supreme Court’s Dobb’s decision, abortion and woman’s reproductive rights became a defining issue in New Mexico’s 2022 Gubernatorial race between incumbent Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham and Republican Mark Ronchetti. Ronchetti made abortion and imposing limits on a woman’s right to choose a center piece of his campaign and suggested a “reasonable policy” that proposed banning abortion after 15 weeks of gestation.  Lujan Grishasm for her part pushed back and said abortion was a woman’s decision and must remain legal in the state.

In response to the Dobbs decision, the cities of Clovis and Hobbs and Lea and Roosevelt counties passed anti-abortion ordinances that impact abortion clinics’ ability to apply for licenses in those political subdivisions and also place restrictions on medication abortion.

House Bill 7 enables  the attorney general or district attorneys to sue an entity responsible for a violation. The court could apply remedies, including monetary damages. The court can also apply a $5,000 civil penalty or actual damages against the entity responsible for the discrimination.

House Bill 7  is sponsored by Rep. Linda Serrato, Rep. Charlotte Little, Rep. Kristina Ortez, House Majority Whip Rep. Reena Szczepanski, and Rep. Janelle Anyanonu.

The Governor said this about the legislation:

“New Mexicans in every corner of our state deserve protections for their bodily autonomy and right to health care. …  I’m grateful for the hard work of the Legislature and community partners in getting this critical legislation across the finish line.”   



On March 16, a mere 48 hours after it was first introduced, Senate Bill 523 which amends the Medical Malpractice Act was unanimously passed by the House.  Governor Lujan Grisham and Senate leaders announced the compromise on March 14. Democratic Senate Majority Leader Peter Wirth and Republican Minority Leader Gregory Baca had been working together on this bill since a Senate committee set it aside earlier versions this month.

Changes to the Medical Malpractice Act was one of the most contentious and very emotional issues this year in the 2023 New Mexico legislature to deal with  medical malpractice claims and the need to place reasonable caps on such claims.  At the very core of the issue is the 2021 rewrite of the medical malpractice law.

The changes to the medical malpractice law centers on medical clinics that are not owned by hospitals. Surgical centers and urgent care clinics independently owned by physicians were included with larger hospital insurance coverage requirements.  The potential closure of independent clinics loomed large because of the medical malpractice insurance coverage requirements.  Much smaller, independent medical clinics are a critical part of New Mexico’s health care system network, especially in rural New Mexico.

The 2021 rewrite made it impossible for New Mexico licensed doctors to secure and afford medical malpractice insurance with a $5 million cap when they practiced in independent outpatient clinics. Some standalone emergency rooms, urgent care centers and surgical clinics with maximum malpractice payouts with an insurance coverage cap set at $750,000 would have seen the cap rise to $6 million by 2027 under the 2021 law rewrite  that included them in the same category as hospitals.  Independent outpatient clinics were faced with the crisis of being unable to obtain the medical insurance they needed to continue operating.

Senate Bill 523 places a $1 Million cap on claims for independent healthcare facilities, such as urgent care, ambulatory surgical centers, and free-standing emergency rooms that are not hospital controlled. Had the Medical Malpractice Act  not been amended, the cap would have increased to $5 Million in 2024 and resulted in the closure of many small healthcare facilities that would not have been able to afford the insurance.

With passage both the House and Senate, malpractice insurance compromise now goes to Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s desk for her signature.



Talk about cutting it close with enactment of both  House Bill 7 and Senate Bill 523.  The 60 day session ends on March 18 at 12 noon.  The legislative process has always been very messy, but it does work when legislator’s on both sides want it to work  as evidenced with enactment of the compromise Medical Malpractice Act.

The blunt truth is time has totally run out on major bills, especially the gun control measures.  Many of the gun control bills have not  even had 1  committee hearing, only a  few have made it through just 1  chamber and only House Bill 9 known as “Bennie’s Bill” dealing  with unlawful access to firearm by minor’s has been enacted and signed into law by the Governor.

2023 NM Legislative Update: Legislature Enacts Historic $9.57 Billion Budget With Politcal Drama And Sour Grapes Thrown In For Good Measure; Largest In State History; Goes To Governor For Signature And Possible Line Item Vetoes

With only two full days remaining in the 2023 New Mexico legislative session, the New Mexico House a Representatives, on a voice vote,  passed House Bill 2 and sent the $9.6 billion budget to Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham. It is the largest budget enacted in state history as a direct result of $3.6 Billion in additional revenue from oil and gas production.  Ongoing spending contained in the bill have been increased by 13.7% or about $1.2 billion over current levels.

The House vote was a concurrence with the Senate’s amendments to House Bill 2.  The Senate amendments include an additional $130 million in recurring spending for initiatives to address hunger and new investments in the New Mexico Opportunity Scholarship college tuition fund. The Senate  amendments authorized more spending than the House but the budget still has 30% in reserves projected.  House Bill 2 contains funding for 6% raise for state employees and educators, sharp increases in prekindergarten and child care assistance, higher Medicaid reimbursement rates intended to better compensate doctors and appropriates $100 million in one-time funding for a law enforcement officer recruitment fund.


The passage of House Bill 2 did come with drama.  The size of the budget was condemned and accusations of lack of transparency and behind closed doors shenanigans were made.

During the House debate, accusations were made about the way the Senate Finance Committee amended the budget and added more funding just a day after the committee had already approved the bill. The additional Senate amendment annoyed Republican senators on the committee  and those Republicans  raised questions about “behind-the-scenes deals”  and political pressure for changes that may have come from the Governor’s Office.

Artesia Republican Representative Jim Townsend and other  House Republicans expressed concern about the 14% increase in spending saying it is “troublesome” in a state where so much revenue comes from the boom-or-bust oil and gas industry. Townsend said this:

“I don’t think we can sustain it.”

Gallup Democrat Patty Lundstrom, D-Gallup,  long serving  the chair of the House Appropriations and Finance Committee before House Speaker Javier Martínez removed her at the beginning of the session,  asked  whether the Senate’s amendments were proper and admonished the Senate Committee.  Lundstrom urge the House to reject the Senate amendment and said this during debate on the house floor:

“We talk about transparency and we talk about how everybody has to see everything … that is not my impression of what happened in the other chamber.  I think it was not handled properly. … I hope the House stands its ground and doesn’t roll over for the other side. … I talked to different members on the Senate Finance Committee who said that [when] the [budget] bill rolled out, they didn’t know what was in it because of closet negotiations happening without their input. …   We may not be sure [what] shenanigans happened. …  I’m concerned when a group tries to pull the wool over the eyes of its own committee.”

Las Cruces Democrat Representative Nathan Small, who succeeded Lundstrom as Chairman of the powerful House Appropriations committee said he was comfortable with the Senate changes. Small said this:

“We are investing in education. We are investing in infrastructure. We are making the largest investment in public safety, and we are saving more money than we have ever saved before. … [The budget] leaves a reserve fund of roughly 30%. [I am keeping a] cautious eye on oil and gas revenues.”


It was on Sunday, March 13, that the Senate voted to approve House Bill 2 and the $9.6 billion budget, but it did so with amendments which required the bill to go back to the House to consider the budget as amended by the Senate.  The full Senate voted 25-16, with all Democrats except Tohatchi  Senator Shannon Pinto voting in favor and all Senate Republicans voted against the bill.

The Senate Finance Committee had approved revisions to  the budget House Bill 2  on Saturday  March 11, but the committee voted to bring back the spending plan  for additional amendments before it advanced to a full senate chamber vote later in the day. One particular budget line-item that drew strong objections was $2 million for the Department of Game and Fish to protect threatened species.  The appropriation was deleted  in  the  previous version of the budget bill and it  was restored.

Many of the budget bill changes adopted by the Senate were in response to concerns raised by the Governor’s Office after the House passed its version of House Bill 2. The areas of disagreement include proper funding levels for the Opportunity Scholarship, a tuition-free college program championed by Lujan Grisham, and child care assistance programs. The final changes also included revised budget language for how roughly $250 million should be spent to extend New Mexico’s annual public-school calendar.

Democrats and Republicans voiced frustration about the last-minute changes to the spending plan.  Some lawmakers defended the  revisions and said they were necessary to ensure a budget bill that Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham would  sign. Gallup area Senator George Muñoz, the Senate Finance Committee’s chairman, said he tried to be transparent in his handling of House Bill 2 after it passed the House last month, but acknowledged difficulty in modernizing a system that has long been shrouded in secrecy.

The last-minute Senate amendments drew sharp accusations from Republican  senators who suggested the Governor’s Office and some top lawmakers had conspired on the changes. Broadview Republican Senator Pat Woods said this during the committee hearing:

“We shouldn’t be putting the stuff in here without running it through the process, letting every legislator in the House vote for it, before we just stick it in the dadgum budget as a personal piggy-bank.”

Senate Minority Whip Craig Brandt, R-Rio Rancho, said this on the Senate floor:

“There’s a lot of us that still don’t have any idea what’s going on with the budget.”

Some Republican senators suggested the last-minute changes represented an end-run of sorts around this year’s budget-drafting efforts. Elephant Butte Republican Senator  Crystal Diamond, said during Sunday’s debate:

“It’s just unfortunate that our values and our priorities got undermined.”

The links to news sources quoted are here:








Talk about cutting it close and with politcal drama and a few sour grapes from both Democrats and Republicans thrown in for good measure.  The legislative process has always been very messy and the legislature delaying as long as it did enacting the 2023 budget did not help in the least, but that’s New Mexico politics.

The 60 day session ends on March 18 at 12 noon. The Governor has until April 7 to act on the budget and she has the power of line-item veto where she can review specific appropriations and line item.

Just two years ago, the Governor line item veto a number of capital improvement appropriations sponsored by individual legislators and all hell broke loose with threaten overrides by the legislature. To quell the controversy, a special session was held to deal with the capital improvements budget.

The Governor would be wise to talk to more than a few legislator’s before she excercise her line item veto authority.

2023 New Mexico Legislative Update: Bi Partisan Compromise Reached In Medical Malpractice Payout Claims; Governor Plays Critical Role In Negotiations

One of the most contentious and very emotional issues this year in the 2023 New Mexico legislature has been medical malpractice claims and the need to place reasonable caps on such claims. At the very core of the issue is the 2021 rewrite of the medical malpractice law.  The rewrite made it impossible for New Mexico licensed doctors to secure and afford medical malpractice insurance with a $5 million cap when they practiced in independent outpatient clinics.  Independent outpatient clinics were faced with the crisis of being unable to obtain the medical insurance they needed to continue operating.

The proposed changes to the medical malpractice law centers on medical clinics that are not owned by hospitals. Surgical centers and urgent care clinics independently owned by physicians were included with larger hospital insurance coverage requirements.  The potential closure of independent clinics loomed large because of the medical malpractice insurance coverage requirements.  Much smaller, independent medical clinics are a critical part of New Mexico’s health care system network, especially in rural New Mexico.

Some standalone emergency rooms, urgent care centers and surgical clinics with maximum malpractice payouts with an insurance coverage cap set at $750,000 would have seen  the  cap rise to $6 million by 2027 under the 2021 law rewrite  that included them in the same category as hospitals.   Urgent care centers and surgical clinics argued they will be unable to afford or even obtain malpractice insurance with a cap that high. Proposals backed by the doctors were rejected by Democratic lawmakers in both legislative chambers earlier this session.

Patient advocates challenged the  claims made by clinics and physicians and argued patients who face lifelong effects of medical procedures gone wrong deserve fair compensation. Patients and their advocates testified against  measures reducing the cap early in the session, describing heartbreaking stories of injury and death caused by medical mistakes.

Under Senate Bill 523, introduced in the Senate Tax, Business and Transportation Committee on March 14, those small, independent medical practices would see a permanent payout cap of $1 million starting in 2024.  The threat of medical malpractice claims and mandated insurance threatened to reduce  even further the State’s shortage of doctors. The state is facing a major  shortage of medical providers with the number of physicians in New Mexico falling 30% between 2017 and 2021 according to one story.


On March 14, a mere 4 days before the end of the 2023 New Mexico legislative session, Governor  Michelle Lujan Grisham  announced that a bipartisan  agreement had been reached aimed at ensuring independent outpatient clinics will be able to obtain the medical malpractice  insurance they need to continue operating in 2024.  The governor announced the new legislation during a morning news conference at the Capitol, where she was flanked by Democrat  Senate Majority Leader Peter Wirth, D-Santa Fe, and  Republican Senate Minority Leader Greg Baca, R-Belen.  The compromise is that independent clinics’ financial exposure to legal claims will increase from $750,000 next year as planned but with a $1 million cap on damages rather than the $5 million limit that had been set to take effect.

Under Senate Bill 523, a patient who files a medical malpractice claim against an independent clinic could recover up to $1 million, but the patient compensation fund, not the independent clinic, would cover the portion of the damages between $500,000 and $1 million. The $1 million cap would be adjusted for inflation, starting in 2025.  Senate Bill 523  also includes provisions excluding federal health care facilities from New Mexico’s medical malpractice law and they will not  be subject to the caps on damages. The bill also requires public tracking of claims and settlements involving outpatient clinics. The compromise is supported by the trial lawyers association and an array of groups representing doctors, hospitals and nurse practitioners.

In announcing the compromise, Governor Lujan Grisham said it was clear that under the  2021 rewrite of the medical malpractice law that small  independent outpatient the clinics could not  obtain full legal insurance with the $5 million cap but could with the $1 million compromised cap.  According to the Governor insurance companies, whom she reached out to, have confirmed they can provide coverage under the proposed changes to the law.  The compromise is  intended to strike a balance that ensures doctors can continue to practice in independent clinics and patients can obtain justice in court for medical errors.

The negotiated compromise agreement in contained in Senate Bill 523. What is impressive  is that it is jointly sponsored by the Democratic and Republican leaders in both legislative chambers which should ensure quick passage in both chambers.  The governor said Democratic and Republican leaders in the House backed the bill and had signed onto it as sponsors.

Senate Majority Leader Peter Wirth, D-Santa Fe, and Senate Minority Leader Greg Baca, R-Belen, both trial attorneys, helped produce Senate Bill 523  by overseeing last-minute talks between a physicians’ group and trial lawyers representing patients. Both Senators acknowledged that the governor helped “close the deal”.

Wirth was first approached by patient attorneys last year, he said, adding they wanted help finding common ground with medical providers.

Baca said doctors and other health care professionals had contacted him last year with concerns about the higher malpractice caps.

Senator Wirth  said  he was first approached by patient attorneys last year who said  they wanted his help finding common ground with medical providers.  The negotiations produced a bill the lawyers and doctors say they can live with.  He said the comprise they agreed is far more preferable than having lawmakers force an agreement upon them. Senate Majority Leader Peter Wirth said this:

“This is the kind of issue that really needed to be resolved by the parties. … [If the bill becomes law]  it will create stability for current providers and it creates more certainty for new outpatient facilities looking to open up in New Mexico.”

Sanator Baca said doctors and other health care professionals had contacted him last year with concerns about the higher malpractice caps. Senator Baca for his part said this about the compromise:

“We’ve come to a compromise here that is going to be workable and functional for a long time.”

The link to a quoted news sources are here:




March 14, New Mexico Political Report “Governor announces compromise-measure on medical malpractice payouts”   https://nmpoliticalreport.com/


On March 14, Senate Bill 523  won unanimous endorsement from the Senate Tax, Business and Transportation Committee. It will now be presented to the full Senate on Wednesday  March 15 and once passed it will  advance to the House.  Once it passes  the Senate,  the legislation will  have to clear at least one committee in the House of Representatives before hitting the House floor before noon Saturday, when the session ends. The passage of Senate Bill 523 will be one of the most consequential pieces of legislation enacted during the session and the House needs to act swiftly.




2023 NM Legislative Update: Senate Passed Family Medical Leave Act Killed In NM House Committee; Voting Bill Rights Act Passes Both House And Senate; Goes To Governor For Signature; Time Has Run Out On Major Legislation Stuck In Committees With 4 Days Left In Session

On March 13, and with a mere 5 days left in the 2023 legislative session, two major bills met their final fate in the New Mexico House of Representatives.  The bill killed in committee  was the  Paid Family and Medical Leave Act family and the bill passed by the full House was the Voting Rights Act.


On March 13, the House Commerce and Economic Development Committee voted 6-5  to table Senate Bill 11 known as the Paid Family and Medical Leave Act.  Senate Bill 11 had already passed the Senate.

Senate passage of  the Paid Family and Medical Leave Act  resulted in a strong, organized onslaught of opposition from business owners and organizations and was fiercely  opposed by  Republican legislators who described it as a tax on both workers and employers alike.  Several days of negotiations between bill supporters and skeptics failed to produce a compromise both sides could accept.

The House Committee vote blocks the bill from advancing any further in the House thereby effectively killing it.


Senate Bill 11  was written  by a task force featuring advocacy groups, business owners and labor union representatives that met last summer and issued a final report in October.

The program if enacted would have provided up to 12 weeks of paid time off for an employee who has a new child,  is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking or has a serious medical illness or to care for a family member with a serious medical illness.  The Department of Workforce Solutions would have administered the program. Employees would pay $5 for every $1,000 of income and employers with 5 or more employees would pay $4 for every $1,000 of income into a fund. Businesses with fewer than five employees would be exempted.  About two-thirds of the state’s roughly 44,000 businesses with more than one employee would not have to pay into the fund, though their employees would be required to do so.   Starting in 2026 the fund be used to compensate employees who qualify for the paid leave.

The formula to be paid the benefits would have been 100% of minimum wage plus 67% of wages above minimum wage. Only minimum wage earners would earn their entire pay during the paid leave. The employee requesting time off would have to show documentation to establish the request for the leave and the Secretary of Workforce Solutions can impose fines on anyone who tries to commit fraudulent claims. $36.5 million in nonrecurring funds from the general fund over the next 2 years would have been provided.  Once the program was  up and running by January 1, 2026, it  would begin paying back the state the money and it was  expected to take a full 6 years.


Opponents of Senate Bill 11 said  it was too broad and too burdensome  on small  business and questioned  whether a state fund that would be created to make leave payments could end up facing insolvency in future years.

Sponsors and supporters of Senate Bill 11 did attempt to rescue it from defeat by meeting with opponents and agreeing  to several changes before the House Commerce and Economic Development Committee met.   The concessions included clarifying that paid leave would be calculated over a rolling 12-month period and not a calendar year and limiting the size of annual adjustments for employer contributions into the fund.  Bill sponsors rejected the far-reaching changes of allowing businesses to opt in to the paid leave program.

The concessions did not satisfy opposition concerns.  Republican Rio Rancho Representative Joshua Hernandez  said during the committee hearing:

“This is just not enough to make this [bill] palatable.”

Representative Hernandez and other opponents argued the bill would be another body blow for employers, after the COVID-19 pandemic, a paid sick leave mandate on private employers that the legislature enacted last year and now in effect and the increase to the state’s $12 per hour minimum wage.


What came as a surprise to some was that 2 Democrats joined the 4 Republicans on the committee to vote to table the measure

Albuquerque North East Heights  area Democrat Representative Marian Matthews said she received phone calls from hundreds of people about the bill. It was Matthews  who cast the deciding vote to table the measure after meeting with bill sponsors over the last several days. Mathews  said this:

“This was a one-size-fits all approach. … It didn’t feel right for New Mexico.”

The other Democrat who join with the 4 Republicans to table the measure Gallup Representative Patricia Lundstrom, D-Gallup, who said of the bill:

“It’s not ready for prime time.”


Santa Fe Democrat Representative Linda Serrato said after the vote:

“It deserves to be voted on. … My goal is that this coalition keeps growing and growing.”

Allen Sánchez, president St. Joseph’s Children Hospital, which operates  the states largest home-visiting program said sees first hand the need for paid family medical leave. Sánchez sad this after the vote:

“We have recently heard legislators talk about protecting women of color [but] the tabling of [Senate Bill 11] lets down women and infants. … We assure you, we’ll be back [next year].”


Last year during the 2022 legislative session, a short 30  day session, the Voting Rights Bill failed in the Senate after passage in the House despite endorsement from Governor Michell  Lujan Grisham, Secretary of State  Maggie Talouse Oliver and Democratic leadership.  It was  Republican Senator William Sharer, R-Farmington, who effectively killed the measure last year with a filibuster on the Senate floor.

This year,  New Mexico House voted 42 to 25 to enact House Bill 4, the Voting Rights Act and  to concur with the Senate’s amendments to the bill.  The voting Rights  bill is now forwarded  to the to  Gover Michelle Lujan Grisham where she expected to sign it.

The enacted Voting Rights Act  does  the following:

Phases  in a system of automatic voter registration, such as during MVD  transactions, for citizens who are qualified to vote but aren’t registered and provided enhancements to voter registration systems and voter data privacy.

Creates a permanent absentee voter list. Voters will have the option of opting in to receive ballots by mail before every election rather than  having to apply each time.

Provides for automatic restoration of voting rights for inmates exiting prison. Under the current system, they must complete probation or parole before registering to vote again. There are 21 states that automatically restore voting rights after incarceration. Another 16, including  New Mexico, require someone convicted of a felony to complete their entire sentence, including probation and parole, before registering to vote.

 Establishes  a Native American Voting Rights Act intended to better coordinate access to the polls on tribal land and allow the use of tribal buildings as a voter-registration address for people without a traditional  address.

 Calls  for election day as a school holiday.

The  House also passed Senate Bill 43 a bill to protect election workers with broad partisan support which would make intimidation of election officials and workers a fourth-degree felony, is also headed to the governor’s desk.

The link to the quoted news source is here



The 60-day legislative session ends March 18. Democrats in the 2023 legislative session hold a 45-25 majority in the House and a 27-15 in the Senate. Given the fact that there is a mere 4 days left in the 2023 legislative session, time has  run  out on passage of other significant legislation, especially all the gun control measures,  as  legislators  are now forced to move more aggressively to complete their work. Expect Republicans to rely on the filibuster in the last few days to kill Democrat initiatives remaining to run out the clock and the Democrats have only themselves to blame given their majorities in both chambers.

Links to related news coverage are here:



Mayor Tim Keller Administration Violates NM Anti Donation Clause; Spends  $240,000 To Buy  Artificial Turf  For Privately Owned Gladiators Football Team; Turf  Installed At Rio Rancho City Events Center; High School Jock Mayor Tim Keller Does Nothing

On March 10, the City of Albuquerque Office of Inspector General released an investigation report that found that the Albuquerque Parks and Recreation and the Mayor Keller Administration spent $236,622 to purchase artificial turf  for the Rio Rancho Events Center. The purchase was for the benefit of the privately owned New Mexico Gladiators to play their home football games.

The Inspector General found that the purchase of the artificial turf “appears to be a donation/ gift” to benefit the privately owned Gladiators and found that the team’s logo with colors is emblazoned on the field reflecting ownership.  The Inspector General noted in no uncertain terms that the New Mexico Department of Finance (DFA) found the purchase of the turf violates the  New Mexico Constitution clause commonly referred to as the “anti donation clause” which strictly bars public government entities from donating to private corporations.

The executive summary of the Inspector General report states as follows:

On December 7, 2022, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) received an allegation that the City’s Parks and Recreation Department (P&R) violated the NM Anti-Donation Clause through the purchase and installation of indoor stadium turf for the Duke City Gladiators (DCG) resulting in a misuse of taxpayers’ dollars. The OIG determined that the allegations contained elements of potential fraud, waste, or abuse and that it was appropriate for the OIG to conduct a fact-finding investigation. The purpose of the investigation was to determine if a violation of Article IX, Section 14 of the New Mexico Constitution occurred concerning the purchase and installation of stadium turf for the Duke City Gladiators.

As a result of the investigation, the OIG was able to substantiate the allegation that the City’s Parks and Recreation Department violated the NM Anti-Donation Clause through the purchase and installation of indoor stadium turf for the Duke City Gladiators resulting in a misuse of taxpayers’ dollars. In part, this allegation was able to be substantiated based on a statement in a letter from the New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration (NM DFA), whereby, NM DFA’s legal counsel determined that the use of the funds would violate the terms of the appropriation and that if the City were to use the funds in the proposed manner it would also violate the New Mexico Anti-Donation Clause, N.M. Const, art. 9, § 14.

It has been reported that the Attorney General’s Office is now reviewing the Inspector General’s report.

The link to review the entire Inspector General report is here:



The report in detail describes as a “rushed” acquisition process to buy the artificial turf.  The report states that documentation reviewed by investigators shows that there were numerous City of Albuquerque employees involved in the turf purchase including at least one city attorney and the turf vendor.   The report states all knew the field turf was being purchased for use by the Gladiators in Rio Rancho. There is no mention of any City of Albuquerque employee questioning or attempting to stop the purchase

One of the most revealing interviews conducted by the Inspector General was that of an employee with the Parks and Recreation Department involved in the procurement process for the artificial turf.  The city employee said that management made it clear there was an urgency to procure the artificial turf quickly and the employee felt “absolute pressure”. The employee said that upper management “wanted this done yesterday” and indicated that there was a “big push to make it happen”.  The city employee stated that City attorneys, procurement personnel, and upper management said to “make it happen”. The employee told the Inspector General  feeling  “queasy” knowing the artificial turf  was to be installed in Rio Rancho.


A very serious finding in the Inspector General’s report was that Albuquerque Parks and Recreation Director Dave Simon provided incorrect information to the Albuquerque City Council at the January 8 meeting of the City Council. City Hall observers say it was lying.  Multiple city councilors were aware of the purchase likely because of a November, 2022 Channel 13 Larry Barker investigation report.  At the January 8, 2023 city council meeting,  councilors questioned why the City of Albuquerque would pay for artificial turf with city of Albuquerque funds and then turn around and  install it a City of Rio Rancho facility.

Simon told the city council the City of Albuquerque had contributed $74,000 to the turf purchase while the State of New Mexico contributed the $162,622 remaining balance.  The Inspector General found Simon’s representation was not true and cited records showing the city paid the entire sum and was never was reimbursed by the state for any amount.

In the 2022 legislative session, state lawmakers appropriated  $160,000 for artificial  turf playing fields at park and recreational facilities in Albuquerque. Financial documents reviewed reflect the city paid for the turf and its installation in April 2022 and prior to the City receiving the state money for its own use.


Article IX, Section 14 of the  New Mexico Constitution provides in part as follows:

“Neither the state or any county, school district, or municipality, except as otherwise provided in this constitution, shall directly or indirectly lend or pledge its credit or make any donation to or in aid of any person, association or public or private corporation … .”

The single most damaging finding in the Inspector General report involved the City of Albuquerque asking for state reimbursement of the funding for the purchase and the New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration (DFA) denying the request.  State finance officials ruled the appropriation was not legal because public money cannot be used for the benefit of a private business as per the anti-donation clause contained in the New Mexico Constitution. The DFA told the City of Albuquerque its use of the funding violated the terms of the New Mexico legislature’s appropriation to the City of Albuquerque.

The DFA told city officials, including the city attorney that if the city used the funds for the artificial  turf purchased in the manner stated  it would  violate the state’s Anti-Donation Clause. For that reason, the city’s Inspector General found it violated the state’s anti-donation clause and was a misuse of taxpayer dollars.  The Inspector General also found that the City of Albuquerque used voter approved bond money allocated for City of Albuquerque  parks and recreation facilities.  The Inspector General   concluded officials failed to make sure the purchase was cost-effective and benefited the citizens of Albuquerque.  A Parks and Recreation Department employee also told investigators there was pressure from high up in the Keller Administration to push the purchase through.


Mayor Tim Keller’s administration, the City Attorney Office, the City’s  Parks and Recreation Department  and the Gladiators’ owner disagree with the Inspector General report. According to City of Albuquerque officials, the city retains ownership of the artificial turf which also has the Keller Administration publicity logo “One Albuquerque”  on it.

City Attorney Alan Heinz wrote in a letter in response to the OIG report that City of Albuquerque  is  merely allowing the Gladiators and Global Spectrum,  the private company that operates the Rio Rancho Events Center,  to temporary use the artificial turf in Rio Rancho in exchange for “valuable consideration.” managing

The “valuable consideration” is outlined in the City of Albuquerque’s agreement with Global Spectrum and the Gladiators  and requires the team  to host and staff 14 youth events per year and for the team to provide the city 50 free tickets to each home game. The Inspector General’s investigation raised serious doubts  about whether Global Spectrum and the Gladiators were meeting those terms.

According to the Inspector General report a city employee who was supposed to know about the youth events said none were scheduled from April 2021 to January 2023  and multiple city staffers somehow involved in the turf purchase said they had never personally seen the free tickets.

Franchesca E. Perdue, a city spokeswoman with Department of Finance, said the city’s purchase of the artificial turf was done properly and said this in a statement:

“The cursory OIG report was misinformed. Under their logic, CABQ could not buy a track for the Lobos, netting for the Isotopes, or turf for the United; all of which we have done for years.

This is a City-owned resource sponsored by Albuquerque legislators. It was not a gift to a team and the City Attorney agrees it is not a violation of the anti-donation clause.  We are more than willing to work with the OIG to update their findings.”

Perdues statement “The cursory OIG report was misinformed” totally omitted the fact the it was the New Mexico Department of Finance  legal counsel that determined that the use of the funds would violate the anti-donation clause .


Gladiators owner Gina Prieskorn-Thomas disputed the Inspector General report.  She said her team has met its obligations “and then some.” She said tickets are distributed to “various youth organizations affiliated with the city” and that the youth camps have occurred as required. The Albuquerque Journal reported that  Prieskorn-Thomas said  she provides camp attendance reports directly to Albuquerque Parks and Recreation Director Dave Simon, but told the Journal should could not furnish the for review until she’d consulted with an attorney because the documents  contain children’s contact information.

Prieskorn-Thomas said she lobbied state legislators for the turf field and that it was initially supposed to go into Tingley Coliseum, a state-owned facility where the Gladiators previously played. When the pandemic prevented them from using the venue in 2021, they relocated to Rio Rancho. While there is no agreement yet to return to Tingley, she said she is in discussions with property representatives to move back.  Prieskorn-Thomas said this:

“There was never any intent for that field not to be in Albuquerque.”

Prieskorn-Thomas never said why it was alright to install the artificial turf purchased and owned by the City of Albuquerque in a State Facility such as Tingly Coliseum and  not installed in a City of Albuquerque owned facility.

Review of Keller campaign finance reports reveals that Prieskorn-Thomas donated $1,250 in her name and $250 under a company named Dark Horse Investments INC for a total of $1,500 to past Keller election campaigns.

The link to the quoted news source is here:




It was in November of 2022 that KRQE 13’s  Investigative Reporter Larry Barker first uncovered the city’s questionable spending on artificial turf for the Duke City Gladiators.  Barker contacted Democrat  Albuquerque City Councilors Louie Sanchez and Republican Brook Bassan for their reaction to the Inspector General’ report finding  that the purchase violated the state constitution.

City Councilor Louie Sanchez said this:

“That money should be spent for Albuquerque taxpayers within the Albuquerque city limits or at an Albuquerque facility.”

KRQE Investigative Reporter Larry Barker ask city Councillor Brook Basaan if the artificial turf  transactions was “by the book?”

ABQ Councilor Brook Bassan responded:

“No. No, not at all. I think that there’s nothing by the book about this. As councilors, as a mayor, as public servants to the city of Albuquerque, we are under obligation and law to make sure that we don’t break the anti-donation clause, and this clearly does that.

City administrators claimed the people of Albuquerque still benefit from that turf because the facility hosts youth activities, but the Inspector General  found that was not enough to make the purchase above board, and recommended the city try to recoup the misspent money from the Gladiators and the events center.

The Attorney General’s Office is now reviewing that report.



Review of the Inspector General Report reveals that the purchase of the artificial turf was so very wrong on a number of levels.   It does not pass the smell test for the following reasons:

FIRST: The NM anti donation clause is clear that no municipality shall directly or indirectly make any donation to or in aid of any person, association or public or private corporation in aid of any private enterprise.   The acquisition of artificial turf for the benefit of a private entity falls squarely into the very definition of what is prohibited. If the artificial turf is in fact owned by the city of Albuquerque, then the city should be charging the Gladiator’s football team and the City of Rio Rancho a fee or rent for use of the artificial turf.

SECOND: Upper management in the Keller Administration exerted immense pressure on lower-level employees to “make it happen” and Keller Administration upper management “wanted this done yesterday”.  Higher ups in the Keller Administration insisted on the purchase.

THIRD: The City’s voter approved bonds were clearly meant for spending the money raised  on City of Albuquerque facilities, but the funding was spent on an asset installed in a City of Rio Rancho facility. The field is located in the City of Rio Rancho and any proceeds or gross receipts tax on ticket sales, concessions, or merchandise are not benefiting the citizens of the City of Albuquerque but providing  a benefit to the citizens of  the City of Rio Rancho.

FOURTH: All the documents reviewed by the Inspector General clearly show  that the $260,00 was used to buy artificial turf  for use by United New Mexico with its logo on the turf even though it had no ownership interest in the turf. The City of Albuquerque , Global Spectrum L.P., and the Duke City Gladiators (DCG) documents reflect that the artificial turf playing field would be an asset of the City, the City would retain ownership, yet it was installed in a City of Rio Rancho facility  and not a City of Albuquerque  facility.

FIFTH:  All City of Albuquerque employees, especially those in the Parks and Recreation Department, knew the artificial turf would be going to Rio Rancho but they said nothing nor did they question or resist  it or make any effort to stop it from happening. Feeling “queasy” does not cut it when no attempt was made to stop the transaction or object to or sign off on it with documented  protest.

SIXTH: The City’s response to the Inspector General’s report was lame at best as it attempts to down play what happened by saying “OIG report was misinformed”.  The city  totally ignored the fact that New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration  legal counsel determined that the use of the funds would violate the terms of the appropriation and that if the City were to use the funds in the proposed manner it would also violate the New Mexico Anti-Dnation Clause, N.M. Const, art. 9, § 14.

SEVENTH: It’s painfully obvious that the Keller Administration at best mislead the City Council and at worst down right lied to the city council at the January 8 meeting when councilors questioned why the City of Albuquerque would pay for artificial turf with city of Albuquerque funds and then turn around and install it a City of Rio Rancho facility. City Councilors Louis Sanchez and Brook Basaan now raise objections in a Larry Barker interview yet do not do a  thing demanding accountability or disciplinary action for being lied to or mislead by the Keller Administration at a city council meeting. It is getting to the point that the City Council needs to place under oath Keller officials to testify truthfully before they make presentations to the city council.

Eighth: Mayor Tim Keller is a former New Mexico State Senator and a former New Mexico State Auditor. He is very familiar knows damn well how the “anti-donation” clause works and how very serious it is to violate it.  When the Inspector General reports that a Parks and Recreation Department employee told investigators there was pressure from “high up” in the Keller Administration to push the artificial turf purchase through, there is  very little doubt that pressure came from the Office of Mayor Tim Keller, perhaps even Keller himself or  Chief Operations Officer Lawrence Rael doing the Mayor’s bidding.  After all, that’s what any influential football fan and supporter of the Duke City Gladiator’s would do.


Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller makes it known to the press and the public, and even brags about, being a former St. Pius High School Quarterback. He enjoys living his glory days on the football field, so much so that he has actually showed up to LOBO Football practice field to give a “pep talk”  to the UNM football team players as the coach introduced him and then watched with glee.  Keller has also “suited up”  in a Gladiator Football Team uniform to throw around a football with the New Mexico Gladiators.  Keller has had numerous  “publicity shots” of himself  posing in a Gladiator football uniform holding a football with one head shot of him with a very serious look of determination on his face like any high school football jock would do for a year book.

In 2017, when then New Mexico State Auditor Tim Keller first ran for Mayor, he was swept into office by a landslide.  He ran for Mayor riding a wave of popularity he carefully crafted as a white knight who proclaimed he stopped “waste, fraud and abuse” of taxpayer money.  He relished uncovering “waste, fraud and abuse” by government and referring cases to authorities for prosecution.

Since becoming Mayor, Tim Keller he has virtually  ignored “waste, fraud and abuse” within city hall thereby condoning it.  On more than one occasion “waste, fraud and abuse”  has been found within the Keller Administration, especially within the Albuquerque Police Department with overtime pay scandals and Mayor Keller has never denounced it and has done nothing to curb it.

Now this. The Inspector General has “determined that the allegations [in the complaint] contain elements of potential fraud, waste, or abuse” and found that that the purchase of the artificial turf was a violation of the State’s anti-donation clause. More than a few city employees who were involved the $236,622 purchase need to be removed.  Despite what is going on, Keller is nowhere to be found, he has not been interviewed as to what he intends to do to make this right.  His silence is so typical of Tim Keller to keep low not to be seen during controversy involving his management team and it reflects his failure as a Mayor.