First “Safe Outdoor Space” Approved; Councilor Fiebelkorn And Her City Paid Aide Gaslight Critics Of “Safe Outdoor Spaces”; Contact City Council And Demand They Vote No On August 15 To Repeal “Safe Outdoor Spaces”

It was on June 6 that the City Council enacted a series of amendments updating the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO). One of the amendments was the “Safe Outdoor Spaces.” The legislation passed on a 5 to 4 vote. Voting YES to allow Safe Outdoor Spaces were Democrats Isaac Benton, Pat Davis and Tammy Feibelcorn and Republicans Brook Basan and Trudy Jones. Voting NO were Republicans Dan Lewis, Renee Grout and Democrats Louis Sanchez and Klarissa Pena. Mayor Tim Keller signed off on the legislation making it law.

“Safe Outdoor Spaces” are organized, managed homeless encampments with 40 designated spaces for tents that allows for upwards of 50 people, require hand washing stations, toilets and showers, require a management plan, 6 foot fencing and social services offered. The Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO) sets a limit of two in each of the city’s 9 council districts. The cap does not apply to religious institutions.

After tremendous public outcry and objections to Safe Ourdoor Spaces, Republican City Councilor Brook Bassan, who had voted “YES” and previously voiced support for safe outdoor spaces, did an about face and changed her mind. On June 22, Bassan introduced two bills, one bill to stop the city from accepting or approving safe outdoor space applications and the other to eliminate “safe outdoor spaces” from the zoning code altogether.

During the June 22 meeting the council did not act on the 2 bills and failed to enact the legislation that was to provide for rules and regulations promulgated by the Keller Administration for “Safe Outdoor Spaces”. The city council’s failure on June 22 to take any action on either the bills stopping the application process or repealing the land use resolution resulted in “Safe Outdoor Spaces” becoming a permissible land use on July 28. Applications have been filed for the land use, with one approved by city planning behind closed doors on August 8 without notice to the public nor a public hearing.


On August 10, the City of Albuquerque approved the first “safe outdoor space” for homeless camps. The address of the site is 1250 Menaul Blvd, NE and is an open space area that borders I-25. The applicants have said that encampment is intended to provide accommodations for “sex-trafficking victims” and other vulnerable populations.

On July 30, Dawn Legacy Point filed the first application ever for a Safe Outdoor Space homeless. On August 8, the City Planning Department approved the application for a homeless campsite at 1250 Menaul, NE. Dawn Legacy Point said the homeless encampment will provide accommodations for upwards of 50 woman who are homeless and who are “sex-trafficking victims” and other vulnerable populations.

The City Planning Department unilaterally reviewed the application behind closed doors with no notice to surrounding businesses or neighborhood associations, no public hearing and no public input. The application was “fast tracked” by the Planning Department to approve the application just 8 days before the City Council was scheduled to repeal the Safe Outdoor Spaces zoning use on August 16.


There is no getting around it. What the Planning Department did does not pass the smell test. The application approval was as sneaky and underhanded as it gets. The planning Department decided it had the authority to simply grant the application before the City Council votes to repeal Safe Outdoor Spaces on August 15.

With acquiescence from Mayor Tim Keller, the Planning Department approved the Safe Outdoor Space on city owned property valued at $4,333,500 to be operated by Dawn Legacy Point and subsidized by the City to house women in tents who are victims of “trafficking and exploitation”. It is something that progressive Decorate Keller should be absolutely ashamed of with “trafficking and exploitation” victims being housed in tents as a housing solution thereby being exploited again by denying them proper housing.

What is being created at 1205 Menaul, NE is a location for victims to become victims once again. The actual location is troubling and has the potential of becoming a magnet for crime, prostitution or illicit drug trade. It’s located in close proximity to a truck stop known amongst law enforcement for prostitution and illicit drug activity. It’s directly across the street from a major call center, a motel suites and is walking distance of Menaul Boarding School and apartments.

Less than a half mile from the vacant land located at 1250 Menaul Blvd, NE and within walking distance from the property is Menaul School, a private boarding school for 6th to 12th graders. Directly across the street from the property is the T-Mobile Call Center and a Quality Inn & Suites. Going West on Menaul and one block from the property is Carrington College and two apartment complexes.

Occupants of the Safe Outdoor spaces are not confined and will be free to go and come as they please and could easily wind up as uninvited wherever they want to go. This includes the truck stop and disrupting the peaceful use and enjoyment at nearby locations or engaging in illicit activity.

Dawn Legacy Pointe board chair Kylea Good bragged that the approval represents years of “behind-the-scenes work” with the Keller Administration and others going along to get approval at the exclusion of the public. Why bother going public and being transparent when you can sneak around city hall with the Mayor’s support to get something you want and the general public be damned.

It’s repulsive and irresponsible when applicants Kylea Good and Brad Day proclaim that the Safe Outdoor Space encampment will be for “sex-trafficking victims”. When the words “trafficking and exploitation” are used, what is being talked about are woman who are victims of crime such as kidnapping or forced prostitution. They are saying that they want to provide tents in city sanction encampments to woman who have already been victimized believing they are somehow acting compassionate. Victimized women need actual, compassionate treatment and permanent housing that is safe and secured and not living in a tent city.


Democrat City Councilor Tammy Fiebelkorn has told media outlets that she wholeheartedly supports Safe Outdoor Spaces. In June she told Channel 7:

“this is an opportunity for us to give [the homeless] a space that they can camp that’s not in our residential areas, in city parks, or on open space.”

Fiebelkorn has never mentioned the need to provide other services to assist the homeless who are mentally ill and those who are drug addicted and only concentrates on where the homeless camp. What Democrat City Councilor Tammy Fiebelkorn and her paid city hall aide have done is to taken to viciously attacking and gaslight lighting vocal critics who oppose Safe Outdoor Spaces. Both have exhibited an astonishing level of arrogance and intolerance for anyone who may disagree with their political agenda.


On June 27, the on line news agency the New Mexico Sun published the following column entitled “Community organizer: City council aide ‘called me a Nazi’ written by staff reporter David Beasley:

“A policy aide to Albuquerque City Councilor Tammy Fiebelkorn accused a “housing first” advocate of wanting to throw the homeless into concentration camps.

In a recent phone call about Albuquerque’s acute homelessness problem, an aide to city council member Tammy Fiebelkorn essentially called long-time community organizer, activist and policy analyst Valere McFarland a Nazi who wants to “put the homeless into concentration camps,” McFarland said.

McFarland is requesting an apology from the aide, Laura Rummler.

According to McFarland, Rummler said during the phone call, “I know who you guys are. You want to put the homeless into concentration camps, away from the city, away from services, away from jobs,” McFarland wrote in an email to Fiebelkorn and other city officials.

“Ms. Rummler thus called me a Nazi,” McFarland wrote. “I demand a formal apology from Ms. Rummler. I do not take this statement lightly. She should not be in a position of interacting with the public. I believe she needs to be disciplined, if not outright terminated for the comment she made to me and the unprofessional way in which (she) spoke to me.”

According to the email, a copy of which was provided to the New Mexico Sun, McFarland placed a call to Fiebelkorn’s office Monday to follow up on a previous message encouraging the mayor and city council to suspend any consideration of zoning permit applications for the city’s tenuous plan for sanctioned homeless encampments across the city called “Safe Outdoor Spaces” (SOS).

With a doctorate in education policy studies, McFarland is an experienced public policy expert and civil rights activist. She has worked internationally as well as for many years in Hawaii and New Mexico where she joined and built coalitions to challenge and confront issues involving equity in education and environmental causes.

In Albuquerque, McFarland is an active member of Women Taking Back Our Neighborhoods (WTBON), a group founded in 2018 to inform the public and demand greater accountability from elected and other civic leaders for preventing crime on Central Avenue, in neighborhoods and in public parks. McFarland has also advocated for animal and environmental causes.

McFarland recently co-wrote an opinion piece published by the New Mexico Sun arguing that the city of Albuquerque should pursue a “housing first” approach to Albuquerque’s homelessness problems called The Campus Model.

The National Alliance to End Homelessness describes “housing first” as an approach prioritizing housing for people experiencing homelessness as well as emphasizing flexibility, support services and individual agency.

The New Mexico Sun previously reported that the city’s sanctioned encampments plan, first added to the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO) albeit without budget and operational rules in place in early June, has faced citizen-led opposition. City councilors are now planning an Aug. 15 vote to remove the Safe Outdoor Spaces encampment scheme from the IDO.

Fiebelkorn represents Albuquerque’s District 7 including the mid-heights, uptown and parts of the near northeast heights. Elected to the city council in December 2021, Fiebelkorn is serving her first term on city council.

McFarland said an apology has not yet been issued from Fiebelkorn’s office for Rummler’s comments.”

The link to the New Mexico Sun Article is here:


On August 4, the New Mexico Sun published a second article written by staff reporter T.H. Lawrence relating to the unprofessional conduct of City Council aide Laura Rummler. Following is the unedited article:

HEADLINE: “Albuquerque activist: Rummler’s conduct is deplorable and should not be tolerated from any city employee’

“An Albuquerque resident who spoke to City Council aide Laura Rummler in late July said she was dismayed by the way she was spoken to by the city employee.

However, another citizen, who has dealt with the city in the ongoing debate over homelessness, isn’t surprised by the ill treatment.

The New Mexico Sun recently reported that Rummler, who works in Councilor Tammy Fiebelkorn’s office, was dismissive and demeaning to policy expert Valere McFarland when McFarland called Fiebelkorn’s office July 25 to follow up on a previous message encouraging Mayor Tim Keller and the council. She asked them to suspend any consideration of zoning permit applications for the city’s tenuous plan for sanctioned homeless encampments across the city called “Safe Outdoor Spaces” (SOS).

McFarland detailed her thoughts in a May 12 memo to city officials.

“You can and should do better for what is the most beautiful city in the United States,” she wrote.

“Albuquerque is unmatched with its geographical beauty, location, perfect climate but, most of all, the generous hearts of its citizens. Why would you even consider such an unworkable from the get-go plan that threatens to harm the citizens who pay your salaries? Please slow down and consider plans that work.”

According to McFarland, Rummler said, “I know who you guys are. You want to put the homeless into concentration camps, away from the city, away from services, away from jobs.”

McFarland described the exchange in an email to Fiebelkorn and other city officials.

“Ms. Rummler thus called me a Nazi,” McFarland wrote. “I demand a formal apology from Ms. Rummler. I do not take this statement lightly. She should not be in a position of interacting with the public. I believe she needs to be disciplined, if not outright terminated for the comment she made to me and the unprofessional way in which [she] spoke to me.”

Colleen Aycock, an Albuquerque citizen advocate, said these kinds of comments are not acceptable.

“This conduct is deplorable and should not be tolerated from any city employee, much less one who represents a city councilor elected to serve by listening to all ideas, and acting in, the best interest of all citizens,” Aycock told the New Mexico Sun.

She said such remarks are not really a surprise.

“Laura Rummler previously worked as policy analyst for Councilor Don Harris, District 9, and that should say it,” Aycock said.

She is a founding member of Women Taking Back Our Neighborhoods, which has opposed city efforts to expand sanctioned homeless camps. McFarland, a former Albuquerque resident who said she plans to return to the city, also is a member.

The citizen activist group was formed in 2018 with an expressed goal of informing the public and demanding greater accountability from elected officials and civic leaders to prevent crime and keep communities safe. Aycock has been notably public about her concerns about homeless encampments where drug use and dealing were common.

The New Mexico Sun previously reported that the city’s sanctioned encampments plan, first added to the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO) albeit without budget and operational rules in place in early June, has faced citizen-led opposition. Councilors are now planning an Aug. 15 vote to remove the Safe Outdoor Spaces encampment scheme from the IDO.

Harris served 16 years on the council before choosing not to run for another term in 2021. Critics said he was not fully involved in city business in his later years on the council, including missing meetings and departing when some were still in progress.

Aycock said while she has mostly dealt with Rummler via emails, and said they were mostly routine, she was surprised when Rummler tried to take the reins during a 2021 meeting in the Foothills district to discuss neighborhood concerns. Samantha Martinez, a crime prevention specialist based in the Albuquerque Police Department crime prevention specialist, organized a meeting for the Foothills Area Command.

Aycock said it was a packed meeting, with 125-130 people in attendance, including members of Women Taking Back Our Neighborhoods. Rummler appeared to be upset they were present, she said, and made an announcement.

“She said this meeting was solely for people wanting to start neighborhood associations,” Aycock said.

That caused several members of the WTBON to leave, but Aycock said she and some of the group stuck around. Someone asked Rummler why she was involved in a police meeting, wondering what her role was.

She explained what a policy analyst was and said she worked for Councilor Harris. That caused someone to say it appeared she soon would be out of work, since Harris was not seeking re-election.

There were some candidates for the district 9 seat present, and Rummler said perhaps one of them would hire her. Aycock said that seemed out of place at such a meeting.

“And it was more tacky than unprofessional,” she said.

Fiebelkorn represents Albuquerque’s District 7 including the Mid-Heights, Uptown and parts of the near Northeast Heights. She was elected to the City Council in December.

Neither Fiebelkorn nor Rummler responded to emails requesting comments.


On June 1, 2 and 3, a remarkable exchange of emails occurred between City Councilor Tammy Fiebelkorn, who has been in office for 6 months, and Pete Dinelli. The purpose of the contact by Dinelli was to request Fiebelkorn’s assistance in removal of a homeless encampment. What occurred was a brush off by Councilor Fiebelkorn telling Dinelli he needed to follow the process of calling 311 and Fiebelkorn revealing her support for “Safe Outdoor Space” city sanctioned homeless encampments. Fiebelkorn went far as to make a remark that reveal that she is a sexist. Following is the email exchange:


Following is the series of email exchanges:

Date: 6/2/2022 4:38:31 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Request to evict unlawful encampment
From: Tammy Fiebelcorn
To: Pete Dinelli

Hi Pete,
Thanks for reaching out. Have you reported this encampment to 311? If not, please do. As you probably know, the city has a decampment policy and process that begins with a report to 311. Please feel free to cc my office on that report so we can monitor progress and make sure the city process is working.

Date: 6/2/2022 5:06:55 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Clean up accomplished
From: Pete Dinelli
To: Tammy Fiebelkorn

Councilor Fiebelkorn:
Thank you for your email. I am disappointed that you told me I needed to call 311 when I was contacting you as my city councilor. I feel it was your responsibility to do something. Your staff could have sent 311 a request based on the information I sent. I do not need you to monitor anything because the work got done. …

Date: 6/2/2022 5:09:02 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Clean up accomplished
From: Tammy Fiebelkorn
To: Pete Dinelli

There is a process at the city to deal with these types of issues and I will always encourage people to use that process.

Date:6/2/2022 5:22:50 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Clean up accomplished
From: Pete Dinelli
To: Tammy Fiebelkorn

Councilor Fiebelkorn:
You do not have to explain the process of 311 to me. My wife worked for 311 and she was the Senior Administrative Assistant for 10 years. I also took and handled referrals from 311 as Chief Public Safety Officer or Deputy City Attorney dealing with nuisance properties.

With all due respect, your emails are a brush off. Your constituents are allowed to contact you and not just 311 and ask and expect your help which is something you have yet to fully learn and understand.

Have a nice evening.

Date: 6/2/2022 5:31:44 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Clean up accomplished
From: Tammy Fiebelkorn
To: Pete Dinelli

I am fully aware of my role as City Councilor. Mansplaining of my responsibilities is not welcome or needed. I will continue to work to ensure that the city processes work for everyone – not just people who reach out me directly.

Date: 6/2/2022 6:02:12 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Your sexist offensive remark
From: Pete Dinelli
To: Tammy Fiebelkorn

Councilor Fiebelkorn:
Your sexist remark is just as offensive as your arrogance thinking you know it all. Like it or not, you are my city councilor and its obvious you have your own personal agenda. You are hostile to anyone who disagrees with you and could not careless what your constituents think.

Date: 6/2/2022 6:46:27 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Your sexist offensive remark
From: Tammy Fiebelkorn
To: Pete Dinelli

Thankfully, most constituents of D7 are kind, caring people who are interested in working together to make positive change. I’ll keep working for and with them.

Tammy Fiebelkorn

Date: 6/2/2022 10:41:17 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Try asking them what they think
From: Pete Dinelli
To: Tammy Fiebelkorn

Councilor Fiebelkorn:

I agree with you that your constituents are kind, caring people, so do please keep working with them and for them. Please ask the handful of constituents you work with if they are okay with having “living lots” or “safe outdoor spaces” in their neighborhood and if they want homeless encampments on city parks like Jerry Cline Park and if they tell you no, please tell them to call 311.

Date: 6/3/2022 11:21:17 AM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Try asking them what they think
From: Tammy Fiebelkorn
To: Pete Dinelli


I have active dialogue with D7 constituents all the time and work with them on a variety of projects. When there is a problem that should be taken care of by basic city services, I ask them to use the city system to report the problem so that we can ensure that all city services are running properly. If they aren’t running properly, my office intervenes. If they do run properly, that’s great news all around.

In terms of upcoming legislation, that is obviously not a city service and I welcome all input from constituents. Overall, the community response to Safe Outdoor Spaces has been positive in our district. Of course, there are people like you who continue to say that they would be located in residential areas or city parks – which is blatantly false – so there is some education needed.


Date: 6/3/2022 12:32:56 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Doubt you have any dialogue; City map showing where “living lots” and “safe outdoor spaces” will be allowed
From: Pete Dinelli
To: Tammy Fiebelkorn

Councilor Fiebelkorn:

“You are wrong when you say “the community response to Safe Outdoor Spaces has been positive in our district.” You obviously have not talked to those who live around Jerry Cline Park and those who post on Next who have been upset about the homeless encampments at the park, including those within the Mark Twain Neighborhood Association.

The only education needed here is that of you. A map prepared by the city detailing where “living lots” and “safe outdoor space” zoning would be allowed for encampments revealed numerous areas in each of the 9 City Council districts that are in walking distance to many residential areas. Upwards of 15% of the city would allow for “safe outdoor spaces as a “permissive use” or “conditional use”. Under the law, once such permissive uses are granted, they become vested rights and cannot be rescinded by the city council. … . “


Fiebelkorn has been in office a mere 6 months. The freshman city councilor and her city paid aide have exhibited a level of arrogance and hostility that is beyond comprehension towards anyone who oppose or question their actions. Both act in an unprofessional way when they speak to members of the public and constituents who they do not agree with their agenda.

It is hard to take Fiebelkorn serious when she says “I have active dialogue with D7 constituents all the time and work with them on a variety of projects”. The only active dialogue Fiebelkorn is known for is talking to her progressive democrat supporters and animal rights supporters who tell her she is doing a great job. What she has done is ignore problems her district is confronted with, especially crime. When she ran for city council, a major plank of her platform was animal rights and the city’s high crime rates and public safety were essentially ignored.


City Councilor Tammy Fiebelkorn has ostensibly trained her little minion Laura Rummler, who is paid upwards of $70,000 a year as a legislative analyst, to gaslight anyone who dares to take issue with Fiebelkorn and to brow beat concerned citizens

City Councilor Tammy Fiebelkorn is fitting in nicely by not being so nice with the existing Albuquerque City Council given that she is exhibiting more than a few nasty little traits of some other city councilors and in particular Democrat City Council Isaac Benton, who is the current city council President. He has the reputation of brow beating constituents and city officials during city council meeting or in private. When Benton does not like what you say, he brushes you off or cuts you off or simply ignores you.

City Councilor Tammy Fiebelkorn needs stop and listen to those she disagrees with and maybe, just maybe, she might learn a thing or two and realize she does not know it all. Being an elected city councilor is the most difficult because you are so close to the garbage cans. Public service as an elected official and as a government employee is about listening, even listening to those you do not like or care for in any way and even help if you can.

The public and voters have the right to contact their elected officials directly and to voice their concerns and not be brow beaten and subject to sexist insults nor to insults and gaslighting. Voters have the right to ask for help with a problem and not be told to follow “the process.” It’s called constituent services.

Private citizens have every right to question the job performance of any city councilor, their support staff and if any city council does do not like it, they have no business running and holding office. With any luck, Tammy Fiebelkorn will be a one term City Councilor and her Laura Rummler will be out of a city job.


One thing that is now known for certain is that Tammy Fiebelkorn is a sexist. She makes up her mind up in a vacuum without educating herself on what her constituents actually want. Her assistant Laura Rummler is even worse when she viciously attacks a member of the public that she disagrees with essentially calling that person NAZI and refusing to apologize. Rummler is a city employee, is not an elected official and her disrespect for McFarland was totally unacceptable meriting termination.


The homeless crisis will not be solved by the city, but it can and must be managed. Safe Outdoor Spaces represent a very temporary place to pitch a tent, relieve oneself, bathe and sleep at night with rules that will not likely be followed. Safe Outdoor Spaces are not the answer to the homeless crisis. The answer is to provide the support services, including food and permanent lodging, and mental health care needed to allow the homeless, and yes those who are the victims of human trafficking, to turn their lives around, become productive self-sufficient citizens, no longer dependent on relatives or others.

“Safe Outdoor Spaces” will be a disaster for the city as a whole. They will destroy neighborhoods, make the city a magnet for the homeless and destroy the city’s efforts to manage the homeless through housing. If the City Council allows for “safe outdoor spaces” zoning, it will be a major setback for the city and its current policy of seeking permanent shelter and housing as the solution to the homeless crisis.


On Monday, August 15, the Albuquerque City Council will be meeting and will be voting on repealing the Safe Outdoor Spaces amendment to the Integrated Development Ordinance. Voters and residents are urged to contact and voice their opinion and tell all city councilors to vote YES on the repeal of Safe Outdoor Spaces. Their phone numbers and email address are:

CITY COUNCIL PHONE: (505) 768-3100

CITY COUNCIL EMAILS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

New Mexico Sun Dinelli Opinion Column: “Albuquerque’s Gibson Medical Center should be Homeless Hospital & Rehab Center”; Establish a Homeless Specialty Court

On August 9. 2022, the online news outlet New Mexico Sun published a Pete Dinelli guest opinion column entitled “Albuquerque’s Gibson Medical Center should be Homeless Hospital & Rehab Center”. Below is the column followed by the link:

HEADLINE: “Albuquerque’s Gibson Medical Center should be Homeless Hospital & Rehab Center”
By Pete Dinelli
Aug 9, 2022

The city has a moral obligation to help the homeless who suffer from mental illness and drug addiction. The highest and best use for the Gibson Medical Center facility is a hospital and a mental health facility. It’s a purpose for which it was originally built for and already allowed by zoning.

Each year the “Point in Time” (PIT) survey is conducted to determine how many people experience homelessness in Albuquerque and to learn about their specific needs. The 2021 PIT found 30.19% of the homeless self-reported as having a serious mental illness, 25.5% self-reported as substance abusers with a whopping 55.69% combined total.

On July 25, Mayor Tim Keller announced the complete closure of Coronado Park because of felony crime at the park. Closure will result in the displacement of upwards of 120 homeless. A large percentage suffer from mental illness and/or drug addiction. Not one will be housed in the Gateway Homeless Shelter planned for the Gibson Medical Center. The shelter is yet to be opened. It is mired in appeals to stop an overnight shelter. Many homeless refuse “shelter housing” offered by the city especially sheltering in the west side 24-7 facility which is a vacated jail facility.

The city can convert the Gibson Medical complex into a “Homeless Behavioral Health Hospital And Drug Rehabilitation Treatment Center” and abandon its efforts to create a Gateway “overnight homeless” shelter. A Homeless Behavioral Health Hospital and Drug Rehabilitation Treatment Center will fill a void and provide a facility that is desperately needed to provide medical and mental health care to the homeless.

The Homeless Behavioral Health Hospital And Drug Rehabilitation Treatment Center needs to be staffed with full time physicians, counselors, social workers and mental health experts to provide the needed care to the homeless who are suffering from addiction or mental illness. Services and medical and mental health care at the center should be offered to the homeless with a “self-commitment” component for a period of time that will guarantee access to the necessary medical and mental health services. The Bernalillo County Commission should assist with funding from the behavioral health tax for the hospital. [The University Of New Mexico Hospital could operate the facility with its hospital licensing with a Memorandum of Understanding.]

There are two Bernalillo County Metropolitan “specialty courts” already in existence known as “Outreach Court”, formerly named Drug Court, and the “Veterans Court”. Both Courts deal in one form or another with the mentally ill and/ or the seriously drug addicted who are homeless providing support services. The courts place an emphasis on diversion programs, counseling programs, providing medical and mental health assistance and to some extent housing. Both courts involve to some extent the disposal of pending criminal charges without incarceration and instead probation.

Notwithstanding the courts, a greater emphasis must be made to get those homeless who are not in the criminal justice system the medical care and assistance they need to turn their lives around without criminal prosecution and warehousing in jails. Much more must be done to initiate civil mental commitment hearings to deal with the mentally ill and the drug addicted who pose a threat to themselves, their family and the general public.

Since the beginning of 2022 there have been issued 2,308 citations to the homeless and it has issued 614 trespassing notices with 3 trespassing stops revealing outstanding warrants. APD and the Albuquerque Community Safety Division that relies on social workers with outreach to the homeless can assume the responsibility to identify those homeless and drug addicted who are criminal offense repeat offenders.

Both the City Attorney and the Bernalillo County District Attorney must dedicate resources in the form of attorneys that will assume the filing of civil mental health commitment hearings as allowed by law. A program of cross deputization of City Attorney’s by the Bernalillo County District Attorney to allow them to file civil mental health commitment petitions in State District Court in misdemeanor and felony cases needs to be created. The New Mexico Public Defender must be called upon by the Courts to provide a defense where and when needed.

One single specialty court designated as the “Outreach, Veterans and Homeless Court” or OVH Court should be created. The Criminal Division of the State District Court should assign a District Court Judge do deal exclusively with mental health commitment hearings with the help of Metro Judges and the consolidation and the assistance of “Metro Court Outreach Court” and the “Metro Community Veterans” court under one court that is established in both Metro Court and State District Court using both court’s resources including courtrooms.



The New Mexico Sun is part of the Sun Publishing group which is a nonprofit. The New Mexico Sun “mission statement” states in part:

“The New Mexico Sun was established to bring fresh light to issues that matter most to New Mexicans. It will cover the people, events, and wonders of our state. … The New Mexico Sun is non-partisan and fact-based, and we don’t maintain paywalls that lead to uneven information sharing. We don’t publish quotes from anonymous sources that lead to skepticism about our intentions, and we don’t bother our readers with annoying ads about products and services from non-locals that they will never buy. … Many New Mexico media outlets minimize or justify problematic issues based on the individuals involved or the power of their positions. Often reporters fail to ask hard questions, avoid making public officials uncomfortable, and then include only one side of a story. This approach doesn’t provide everything readers need to fully understand what is happening, why it matters, and how it will impact them or their families.”

The home page link to the New Mexico Sun is here:

Mayor Tim Keller “Sneaks” Approval Of “Safe Out Door Space” On City Land Valued At $4,333,500 To House Women In Tents Who Are Victims Of “Trafficking And Exploitation”; No Notice, No Approval Hearing For Public

On August 8, according to the city’s website that provides the listing and locations for the applications for “Safe Outdoor Spaces”, the City of Albuquerque Planning Department approved the Dawn Legacy Pointe’s application for a new Safe Outdoor Space Homeless campsite to be located at 1250 Menaul, NE. The city sanctioned encampment will is intended to provide accommodations for “sex-trafficking victims” and other vulnerable populations.

“Safe Outdoor Spaces” are organized, managed homeless encampments with 40 designated spaces for tents that allows for upwards of 50 people, require hand washing stations, toilets and showers, require a management plan, 6 foot fencing and social services offered. The Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO) sets a limit of two in each of the city’s 9 council districts. The cap does not apply to religious institutions.

The link to the city web site is here:

It was on July 30, Dawn Legacy Pointe applied for a Safe Outdoor Space at 1250 Menaul Blvd, NE. The Dawn Legacy Pointe application is for 40 maximum spaces with 50 people as the proposed maximum number of occupants. All the encampment residents will not be confined to the area and will be able to go and come as they please without restrictions.

Kylea Good, who chairs the Dawn Legacy Pointe board, said that the approval represents years of “behind-the-scenes work” on the project. Good said it a project that is greatly needed and she said:

“It’s this moment you feel is just life-changing for so many people.”

Brad Day, an advocate for Safe Outdoor Space and local businessman assisting Dawn Legacy Pointe, told the Albuquerque Journal the public, private and nonprofit sectors have collaborated on the project. He said the nonprofit Street Safe New Mexico is financially overseeing Dawn Legacy Pointe while the new organization gets set up. Day said several businesses also have assisted with the project in some way, including Scott’s Fencing, Cabela’s, Rick Bennett Architectural, Consensus Planning and John and Gavino Lopez Carpentry.

According to Day, both the city of Albuquerque and Bernalillo County are making some financial contributions, too, he said.

The links to related news coverage and quoted news source material are here:


Family and Community Services Department spokeswoman Katie Simon confirmed the city will be providing financial assistance for safe outdoor space operators but had not finalized specific amounts. Simon had this to say:

“We are working with all our Safe Outdoor Space applicants to ensure that they have the resources to comply with the operations plans for each [approved] space.”

It was Mayor Tim Keller who initially proposed the idea of “Safe Outdoor Spaces” in his 2022-2023 city budget. The 2022-2023 proposed budget released on April 1 provides major funding to deal with the homeless. The current budget includes a total of $950,000 for safe outdoor spaces/encampments. The budget approved includes the following line-item funding:

“$750,000 for proposed “safe outdoor spaces”. … If approved by Council, will enable ultra-low barrier encampments to set up in vacant dirt lots across the City. There is an additional $200,000 for developing other sanctioned encampment programs.”

City voters also approved $500,000 for encampments as part of last fall’s $140 million bond package.


According to an August 1 Albuquerque Journal article, Dawn Legacy Pointe is still in its infancy. Kylea Good is the board chairwoman. She said that Dawn Legacy Pointe submitted corporation formation paperwork to the New Mexico Secretary of State and that it will eventually seek 501c3 status from the IRS. Until then the local nonprofit “Street Safe New Mexico” is overseeing its finances.

Good said it will cost an estimated $120,000 to $180,000 to operate the 1250 Menaul Blvd, NE. cite its first year. Family and Community Services Director Carol Pierce said that although the project’s budget is not final, the City of Albuquerque intends to help cover the operating costs.

Dawn Legacy Pointe has made it clear that it intends to provide accommodations for “sex-trafficking victims” and other vulnerable populations. Kylea Good said it would likely be easy to find people and most likely women, though it will not exclude men, willing to stay at the camp. She said she hoped to have the encampment up and running by October and she told the Journal:

“I wouldn’t be surprised if we maxxed out. The truth of the matter is it’s not like we’re looking at just one area. There’s a lot of [human] trafficking and exploitation that goes on around that area of Menaul, but you have a whole city that is dealing with it.”

Brad Day, a local businessman and advocate for safe outdoor spaces, is advising Dawn Legacy Pointe. He told the Journal:

“We did all the documents, and now what we’re going to do is basically work on the logistics of getting all the stuff we need, the tents, the sleeping bags, the air mattresses, get the fence built.”

The link to the full unedited Journal news article is here:

Dawn Legacy Pointe is not a religious activity organization. Dawn Legacy Pointe said the site could be ready for tenants in the next 30-45 days.


It was on June 6 that the City Council enacted a series of amendments updating the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO). One of the amendments was the “Safe Outdoor Spaces.” The legislation passed on a 5 to 4 vote. Voting YES to allow Safe Outdoor Spaces were Democrats Isaac Benton, Pat Davis and Tammy Feibelcorn and Republicans Brook Basan and Trudy Jones. Voting NO were Republicans Dan Lewis, Renee Grout and Democrats Louis Sanchez and Klarissa Pena. Mayor Tim Keller signed off on the legislation making it law.

Under the enacted amendment Safe Outdoor spaces are allowed in some non-residential and mixed-use zones and must be at least 330 feet from zones with low-density residential development. Under the IDO amendment, Safe Outdoor Spaces are allowed for up to two years with a possible two-year extension.

After tremendous public outcry and objections to Safe Ourdoor Spaces by her constituents, Republican City Councilor Brook Bassan, who had voted “YES” and previously voiced support for safe outdoor spaces, did an about face and changed her mind. On June 22, just a few weeks after helping pass the Safe Outdoor Space amendment, Bassan introduced legislation to repeal the IDO amendment and she introduced two bills. One bill introduced would stop the city from accepting or approving safe outdoor space applications and the other will eliminate “safe outdoor spaces” from the zoning code altogether. Bassan wants to bar the city from accepting or approving Safe Outdoor Space applications for a full year unless it officially removes them from the zoning code sooner than that.

During the June 22 meeting the council did not act on the 2 bills and failed to enact the legislation that was to provide for rules and regulations promulgated by the Keller Administration for “Safe Outdoor Spaces”. June 22 was the last meeting of the City Council before it went on “summer break” until August 1.

The city council’s failure on June 22 to take any action on either the bills stopping the application process or repealing the land use resolution resulted in “Safe Outdoor Spaces” becoming a permissible land use on July 28. This allowed a very short time period of 3 weeks to allow individuals and organizations to apply for Safe Outdoor Spaces. Any Safe Outdoor Space application the city approves now can move forward because the land use locks in at the time of a completed application. Complicating matters and making things even worse for the city council is that Mayor Tim Keller out maneuvered the city council and refused to issue a suspension or moratorium on the applications to give the City Council time to reconsider and repeal the Safe Outdoor Space IDO Amendment.

During the August 1 City Council meeting, Republican City Councilor Brook Basaan successfully pushed for an expedited vote on the moratorium bill. With support from Republican City Councilors Renee Grout, Trudy Jones, Dan Lewis and Democrats Klarissa Peña and Louie Sanchez, Bassan was able pull the bill out of the Council’s standard committee process. Voting against the measure were Democrats Isaac Benton, Pat Davis, Tammy Fiebelkorn. The vote on the moratorium is now scheduled for an August 15 vote.


Less than a half mile from the vacant land located at 1250 Menaul Blvd, NE and within walking distance from the property is Menaul School, a private boarding school for 6th to 12th graders. Directly across the street from the property is the T-Mobile Call Center and a Quality Inn & Suites. Going West on Menaul and one block from the property is Carrington College and two apartment complexes.

At Sunset Memorial Park, workers daily patrol the grounds, monitoring the activity of homeless people who have taken to lounging in the various meditative shelters provided for grieving families. The homeless are known to use the various fountains throughout the park to wash themselves or use the fountains as a toilet, despite there being an easy-to-find portable toilets located at the northeast end of the park.

Directly West and bordering the property is Sunset Memorial Park and Cemetery. Immediately East of the Freeway is the massive TA Travel Truck Stop on University that can accommodate parking of upwards of 150 semitrucks. Within law enforcement circles, the truck stop is known for prostitution and illicit drug activity. Immediate south of the truck stop on University Blvd is the Crown Plaza Hotel. It’s ironic that a few years ago it was proposed that the city buy the Crown Plaza Hotel for about $8 million and dedicate it as a homeless shelter.


The property located at 1250 Menaul Blvd, NE is zoned NR-LM. NR-LM stands for “NON-RESIDENTIAL – LIGHT MANUFACTURING ZONE DISTRICT (NR-LM)” Section 2-5(C)(1) of the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO) provides that “the purpose of the NR-LM zone district is to accommodate moderate-intensity commercial, light assembly, fabrication, and light manufacturing uses, while buffering adjacent lower-intensity, Residential and Mixed-use zone districts from the traffic, noise, and other impacts of those uses.”

Page 49 of the Integrated Development Ordinance found here:

Allowable uses for property zoned NR-LM are provided in table 4-2-1 of the Integrated Development Ordinance. Table 4-2-1 lists “Safe Outdoor Spaces” as a CT (Conditional Primary, Temporary use) for property zoned for mix use and T (Temporary) use on property zoned “non-residential”.


Under normal procedures and precedent, when an application for a “special use” or “conditional use”, which includes Safe Outdoor Spaces, is made by a private entity the City Planning Department assigns the application to a zoning hearing examiner to determine if it will be approved. Public notice is then given to surrounding property owners and the general public. A notice of zone change must be posted on the property and adjoining landowners and neighborhood must be given the opportunity to attend and be heard by the zoning hearing officer. The hearing officer decision can be accepted or rejected by a private entity or appeal the decision to the Land Use Planning And Zoning Committee and ultimately the City Council. The city council has the final and ultimate authority. Normally it is a six month to a year process to secure a zone change and it can take even longer.


Real property records researched and reviewed Valere McFarland, a community activist and member of Women Taking Back Our Neighborhood found that 1205 Menaul, NE, totals more than 15 acres in two plots. One plot is 11.73 acres plot and a second plot is 3.89 acres. Both plots are owned by the city of Albuquerque and have a combined assessed value of $4,333,500.

According to Bernalillo County Assessor’s Office records reviewed, following are the plot numbers and assessed value of the land:

Parcel ID Property 1 located at 1205 Menaul, NE:

Plot Number 101505924018931414CA
City of Albuquerque
11.7263 acres including a warehouse

Parcel ID Property 2 located 1205 Menaul, NE:

Plot Number 101505927224131420CA
City of Albuquerque
3.8890 acres
5,717 sq. ft. warehouse is on the property, assessed value unknown.


There is no getting around it. What Keller did and what has happened does not pass the smell test. The approval of the Dawn Legacy Point application for a Safe Outdoor Space is as about as sneaky and underhanded as it gets for Mayor Tim Keller to intentionally exclude the general public from participating in a land use planning and zoning process.

With Keller acquiescence, the City Planning Department has approved a Safe Outdoor Space on city owned property valued at $4,333,500 to be operated by a third party and subsidized by the City to house women in tents who are victims of “trafficking and exploitation”. It is something that so called progressive Mayor Tim Keller should be absolutely ashamed of with the treatment of victims of “trafficking and exploitation” being encouraged to live in tents as a housing solution and exploited once again by denying them proper housing.


The general public and the voters can thank Republicans Brook Bassan and Trudy Jones being the swing votes that have now allowed Safe Outdoor Spaces to become a reality. Republican Backtracking Basaan has lost much of her credibility and respect from her constituents. Republican Trudy Jones has earned the reputation of speaking out of both sides of her mouth and one who cannot be trusted by her constituents.

Republican Trudy Jones is a former realtor who has enjoyed significant financial support over the years from the Real Estate and the Development community. Privately, Jones told many of her constituents she opposed Safe Outdoor Spaces but she then turned around and voted YES to support the IDO amendments.

One of the most nefarious votes by the Albuquerque City Council occurred in late 2017 and its was the rush to vote for the final adoption of the Integrated Development Ordinance before the municipal election and the election of a new Mayor. Many neighborhood associations had requested the City Council to delay its enactment until after the 2017 Mayors race and the City Council ignored the request.

Republican Trudy Jones was a major supporter and advocate of the Integrated Development Ordinance. Jones has a history of having no problem with city planning holding meetings and granting variances without public input. In 2019, it was Jones who sponsored R-19-150 wherein the Development Review Board (DRB) was granted discretionary power under the IDO to hold hearings and grant variances without the requisite standards of notice and the right to be heard.

Under the Jones sponsored legislation, the term “to hold public hearings” was changed to “hold meetings” and “variance” was replaced with “waiver.” The changes diminished the public hearing process and discredited zoning policy making in favor of neighborhoods. It is a policy change without public engagement favoring one sole stakeholder, the development community or landowner. The IDO blatantly removes the public from the development review process.


What has occurred with the Dawn Legacy Pointe application for a Safe Outdoor Space is that it was “fast tracked” by the City Planning Department with the blessing of Mayor Tim Keller to approve the application just 5 days before the City Council can repeal the Safe Outdoor Space amendment on August 16. Confidential sources have confirmed that Brad Day met with Mayor Tim Keller after the application was granted and they celebrated the approval in the Mayor’s Office.

The City of Albuquerque Planning Department unilaterally decided that it would review the Dawn Legacy Point application behind closed doors without any public input, without notice and without a public hearing. Ostensibly, it decided it had the authority under the IDO to simply grant the application before the City Council votes to repeal Safe Outdoor Spaces on August 15.

A major contributing factor no doubt with the decision is that the City owns the property and ownership gives the city the right to use the property as it sees fit. Coronado Park is a prime example when Mayor Keller essentially unilaterally decided to use the park as a DeFacto homeless encampment in violation of city ordinances and nuisance law.

Kylea Good, who chairs the Dawn Legacy Pointe board, even bragged that the approval represents years of “behind-the-scenes work” with the Keller Administration and others going along to get approval at the exclusion of the public. Why bother to go public and be transparent when you can sneak around city hall with the Mayor’s support to get something you want and the general public be damned.


What is truly repulsive and totally irresponsible is when Kylea Good and Brad Day proclaim that the Safe Outdoor Space encampment at 1205 Menaul will be for “sex-trafficking victims” and other vulnerable populations. Good went so far as to say it will likely be occupied by woman first and said:

“I wouldn’t be surprised if we maxxed out. The truth of the matter is it’s not like we’re looking at just one area. There’s a lot of [human] trafficking and exploitation that goes on around that area of Menaul.”

When the words “trafficking and exploitation” are used by Good, she is talking about woman who are victims of crime such as kidnapping or forced prostitution. She is saying that she wants to provide tents in city sanction encampments to woman who have already been victimized believing she is somehow acting compassionate when such woman need actual, compassionate treatment and permanent housing that is safe and secured and not living in a tent city. What Mayor Tim Keller, Kylea Good and Brad Day are creating is a location for victims to become victims once again.


It’s the actual location of 1205 Menaul, NE that is the most troubling. The encampment has the potential of becoming a magnet for crime and prostitution or illicit drug trade given that it is in close proximity to a truck stop known for prostitution and illicit drug activity amongst law enforcement. Then there is the fact that it is directly across the street from a major call center and a Quality Inn & Suites and within walking distance of Menaul Boarding School and apartments. Occupants of the Safe Outdoor spaces are not confined and are free to go and come as they please and could easily wind up uninvited wherever they want to go, including the truck stop, and disrupt the peaceful use and enjoyment at any one of those locations or engage in illicit activity themselves.


The homeless crisis will not be solved by the city, but it can and must be managed. Safe Outdoor Spaces represent a very temporary place to pitch a tent, relieve oneself, bathe and sleep at night with rules that will not likely be followed. Safe Outdoor Spaces are not the answer to the homeless crisis. The answer is to provide the support services, including food and permanant lodging, and mental health care needed to allow the homeless, and yes those who are the victims of human trafficking, to turn their lives around, become productive self-sufficient citizens, no longer dependent on relatives or others.

“Safe Outdoor Spaces” will be a disaster for the city as a whole. They will destroy neighborhoods, make the city a magnet for the homeless and destroy the city’s efforts to manage the homeless through housing. If the City Council allows for “safe outdoor spaces” zoning, it will be a major setback for the city and its current policy of seeking permanent shelter and housing as the solution to the homeless crisis.

A Mayor loses credibility and public support when they cram a political agenda down people’s throats. What Mayor Tim Keller has done is to cram a Safe Outdoor Space on property zoned “NON-RESIDENTIAL – LIGHT MANUFACTURING” and down the throats of surrounding property owners. The disastrous ART Bus Project is Mayor Richard Berry’s legacy of failure. Mayor Tim Keller’s mishandling of the homeless crisis, including the closing of Coronado Park, and now Safe Outdoor Spaces, is becoming Mayor Keller’s symbol and his dark legacy of failure when dealing with the most venerable homeless population. Just think of it, we have 3 more years this kind of failed leadership ahead of us.



On August 15, City Council will meet and consider the repeal of Safe Outdoor Spaces. The email addresses and phone numbers to contact Mayor Tim Keller and Interim Chief Administrative Officer Lawrence Rael and each City Councilor and the Director of Counsel services on or before August 15 and to express an opinion on the Legacy Point application are here:

MAYOR’S OFFICE PHONE: (505) 768-3000
CITY COUNCIL PHONE: (505) 768-3100


Housing Women In Tents Who Are Victims Of “Trafficking And Exploitation”

On August 9, 2022, the online news outlet “The New Mexico Sun” published an article entitled “Critic of Albuquerque’s SOS encampments says ‘women need actual, permanent housing” written by its staff reporter Andy Nghiem. Below is the unedited article followed by the link:

“Two days after the City of Albuquerque began accepting applications for its Safe Outdoor Spaces (SOS), and after months of public debate on the controversial topic, the City received its first request for a campsite.

Dawn Legacy Pointe, a newly formed organization focused on assisting victims of sex trafficking and other at-risk groups, applied to operate a SOS at 1250 Menaul NE, west of Interstate 25, according to an Aug. 1 report by the Albuquerque Journal. A SOS, according to the report, is a managed site with restrooms, showers and storage spaces where homeless individuals can stay in tents or cars. The site on Menaul would accommodate 50 people, the maximum allowed, if approved, the Journal reports.

DLP is still a fledgling organization, and only submitted its formation paperwork to the New Mexico Secretary of State in the past weeks, according to the Journal. DLP will seek 501(c)3 status; until then local nonprofit Street Safe New Mexico is overseeing its finances. Operating its SOS will cost between $120,000 to $180,000, according to estimates.

The City plans to help with the operating costs, according to Carol Pierce, the director of Family and Community Services for the City.

DLP board chair Kylea Good told the Journal that she “wouldn’t be surprised if we maxxed out” in terms of occupancy.

“The truth of the matter is it’s not like we’re looking at just one area,” Good said in the report. “There’s a lot of [human] trafficking and exploitation that goes on around that area of Menaul, but you have a whole city that is dealing with it.”

Critics of the City’s plan to allow managed encampments on vacant lots has drawn push-back from some in the community, including attorney Pete Dinelli, who served in municipal and state government for 27 years and publishes a blog on politics. In a blog published Aug. 2, Dinelli called Good’s comments to the Journal “pretty damn amazing.”

“When she uses the words ‘trafficking and exploitation’, she is talking about woman who are victims of crime such as kidnapping or forced prostitution,” Dinelli wrote in the blog. “She is saying that she wants to provide tents in city sanction encampments to women who have already been victimized believing she is somehow being compassionate when such women need actual, permanent housing that is safe and secured and not living in a tent city.”

Dinelli claims that although the address of the DLP site has been reported, the reports failed to mention the businesses or school also located in the area. Dinelli listed a T-Mobile call center, a Quality Inn & Suites, a vacant building, a truck stop and two apartment buildings, as well as a cemetery.

“It is likely only those in the vicinity who will not object to the Safe Outdoor Spaces homeless encampment are those at Sunset Memorial Park and Cemetary (sic),” Dinelli wrote.

The City of Albuquerque notes on its website that in addition to restrooms and showers, SOS sites must offer support services such as education and job training and have a management and security arrangement including 24/7 onsite support. Security fencing is also required, according to several published reports.

Not everyone is convinced these measures are sufficient, however.

“All the encampment residents will not be confined to the area and will be able to go and come as they please without restrictions,” Dinelli wrote.

The future of SOS sites is still uncertain, the Journal reports. Although the City Council approved the plan in a 5-4 in June, council member Brook Bassan has withdrawn her support and has introduced measures to eliminate SOS and the council could vote to outlaw them in the next few weeks, according to the Journal. A repeal might not be sufficient to quash an SOS which has submitted a completed application, however.

“Even if the city ultimately repeals them,” the Journal reports, “an organization could cement its ability to run a safe outdoor space for years by submitting a complete application while they are legal.”

The link to the New Mexico Sun article is here:

APD Makes Arrest In Connection With Killing Of Four Muslim Men; Muslim Community Breaths Sigh Of Relief

On August 9, the on line news outlet “The New Mexico Sun” published the news article entitled in part “Albuquerque Police Department makes an arrest in connection with killing of four Muslim men.” The article was written by NM Sun staff reporter George Willis. Following is the full, unedited article with the news source links:

Headline: “Albuquerque Police Department makes an arrest in connection with killing of four Muslim men: ‘We’ve never seen something like this’.

“Albuquerque Police have arrested Muhammad Syed, 51, in connection with two of the four homicides of Muslim men in the area.

Syed, according to KRQE News, was taken into custody on Monday in Santa Rosa, a town about 118 miles east of Albuquerque, where the murders took place. According to APD, Syed is charged with the July 26 shooting of Aftab Hussein and the Aug. 1 shooting of Muhammad Afzaal Hussain. APD connected Syed to those two cases through bullet casings recovered at the respective crime scenes and several guns recovered in the case.

“A tip from the community is what helped lead us to this subject, and what helped us eventually find the car that we put out just two days ago to the public,” APD Deputy Commander Kyle Hartsock told KRQE News. “Hundreds of tips have come in that have been thoroughly reviewed; dozens of interviews took place.”
About the same time Syed was being arrested in Santa Rosa, APD was searching his home near Gibson and Carlisle. Police said multiple guns were found inside Syed’s home, while another gun was found in his car.

The capture came from a tip after the Council on American Islamic Relations increased the reward to $10,000 for information leading to an arrest in connection with four homicides of Muslim men in Albuquerque since November. The latest murder occurred last Saturday, the third killing within a span of two weeks.

Naeem Hussain, 25, was found dead hours after attending a funeral service for two of the three previous victims. Muhammad Afzaal Hussain, 27, Aftab Hussein, 41, and Mohammad Ahmadi 62, were all “ambushed with no warning,” according to KOB4 News.

“We have never seen something like this — something so systematic — something happening over a long period of time, targeting multiple people with a killer who is still at large,” Edward Ahmed Mitchell, CAIR Deputy Director, told KOB4 News last week. “We encourage anyone with information to contact local or federal law enforcement. This violence must be stopped. Now, this is absolutely insane. It’s absolutely unacceptable, and it must end right away.”

Albuquerque police held a press conference Saturday to announce it was working with the FBI to find the persons responsible for the murders.

According to KOAT 7 Action News, Albuquerque police said the first homicide occurred on Nov. 7, 2021, when Ahmadi, who is from Afghanistan, was killed outside of a business he and his brother ran at 1401 San Mateo Blvd. The second homicide of Aftab Hussein, took place on July 26 in southeast Albuquerque.

The third homicide took place on Aug. 1 when Muhammed Afzaal Hussain was killed in southeast Albuquerque. Naeem Hussain was killed on Aug. 5 on Truman Street and Grand Avenue in northeast Albuquerque.

“The motives are still being explored, fully, to understand what they are,” Hartsock told KRQE News.

The link to the New Mexico Sun article is here:


It was hundreds of tips from within the Muslim community that led to Syed’s arrest as well as executed search warrants. APD Deputy Commander Kyle Hartsock had this to say:

“Hundreds of tips have come in at the very least that have been thoroughly reviewed and gone through, dozens of interviews took place. … We started to focus in on Mr. Syed and … secured a search warrant for his residence near Gibson and Carlisle in Southeast Albuquerque. As we were getting ready to execute that search warrant, we saw him load into a vehicle [and] as a matter of fact, a vehicle we believe was used in the homicides that we put out on the poster – and we followed him. … Multiple firearms were recovered from that home that are continually being tested … But, right now, we believe that at least one of them inside the home and one of them inside the car that was pulled over are matching to our two crime scenes on Rhode Island and Cornell.”

New Mexico State Police, APD and the FBI stopped Syed’s car outside of Santa Rosa, about 115 miles from his home, and he was taken into custody as a SWAT team executed a search warrant on the apartment he shared with his family. When he was stopped, Syed told police he was going to Houston to find a new place to live for his family because of the recent violence against Muslims in Albuquerque, according to a criminal complaint filed in Metropolitan Court. All he had with him was clothing, shoes and a gun.

The link to quoted news material is here:


During the Agust 9 news conference, APD Deputy Commander Kyle was asked questions about whether the conflict was due to tensions between members of different sects of Islam. Syed is a Sunni Muslim and his daughter is reportedly married to someone who practices Shia Islam. Hartsock said Syed’s motives for the shootings are still being investigated.

APD investigators disclosed evidence shows Syed knew the victims “to some extent” and “an interpersonal conflict may have led to the shootings.” After he was arrested, Syed told investigators he has known Naeem Hussain since 2016 and recognized Aftab Hussein from parties in the community,” according to a criminal complaint filed. Hartsock said this:

“We do have some information about those events taking place. … But we’re not really clear if that was the actual motive or if it was part of the motive, or if there’s a bigger picture that we’re missing. So what’s really important is we’re still investigating.”

The link to quoted news source material is here:


The four victims whose murders law enforcement say may be connected are:

Mohammad Ahmadi, age 62.

Mohammad Ahmadi was the first homicide that happened on November 7, 2021. In that incident, Ahmadi was killed outside of a business he and his brother ran at 1401 San Mateo Blvd. Ahmadi was a Muslim man from Afghanistan.

Aftab Hussein, age 41.

Aftab Hussein was the second homicide that happened on July 26, 2022 in southeast Albuquerque. Aftab Hussein was found with apparent gunshot wounds in the 400 block of Rhode Island. A criminal complaint filed in Metropolitan Court revealed that the suspect had hidden behind a bush near where Aftab Hussein typically parked his car, waited for him to get home and then shot him multiple times through the bush. He later died as a result of his injuries. Aftab Hussein was from Pakistan.

Muhammad Afzaal Hussain, age 27.

Muhammed Afzaal Hussain was the third homicide, and he was killed on August 1 in southeast Albuquerque. The shooting was a drive-by while he was walking near his apartment. He was found on a sidewalk in the area of Cornell Street and Lead Avenue. Muhammad Afzaal Hussain worked on the planning team for the city of Española. He had studied law and human resource management at the University of Punjab in Pakistan before receiving both master’s and bachelor’s degrees in community and regional planning from the University of New Mexico, according to a news release. Muhammad Afzaal worked on the campaign of Congresswoman Melanie Stansbury and she said this:

“He was a member of our campaign team. A kind, funny, brilliant, amazing young man from Pakistan who came to the United States to pursue his career and his life’s dream.”

Naeem Hussain, age 25.

Naeem Hussain was the fourth homicide which occurred on August 5. Naeem Hussain who was found dead by APD police officers who responded to reports of a shooting just before midnight in the area of Truman Street and Grand Avenue. Naeem Hussain migrated as a refugee from Pakistan in 2016. According to his brother-in-law, Ehsan Shahalami, Hussain fled persecution as a Shia Muslim and had just become a US citizen last month. He opened his own trucking business this year and was described as being a kind, generous and hardworking person. The day he was killed, he had attended a funeral for the two recent victims and expressed fear about the shootings, according to a spokesman with a mosque in Albuquerque.

Three of the men, Muhammad Afzaal Hussain, Aftab Hussein and Mohammad Ahmadi, were all ambushed with no warning, fired on and killed according to APD Homicide Investigations Commander Hartsock. Police have also said that they have determined there is a connection between the two deaths.

Links to quoted news sources are here:


The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) issued a statement in response to the arrest:

“We welcome the arrest of a suspect in this horrific shooting spree and we commend law enforcement for their efforts at the local, state and federal levels. We hope the news that this violence has been brought to an end will provide the New Mexico Muslim community some sense of relief and security.

Although we are waiting to learn more about these crimes, we are disturbed by early indications that the alleged killer may have been targeting particular members of the Shia community. If this is true, it is completely unacceptable, and we encourage law enforcement to file any appropriate hate crime charges against the suspect. Acts of hateful, sectarian violence against followers of the Shia tradition and any other group have no place in our communities, our country or anywhere else. American Muslims are and must be united against all forms of hateful bigotry, including anti-Shia bias.”

Hours after police announced the arrest of Syed, the Muslim community went forward with an interfaith prayer and memorial service to remember the 4 men who were killed. Hundreds of people attended the vigil held at the Islamic Center of New Mexico. The memorial service was attended by clergy representatives from numerous faiths including the Jewish, Christian, Sikh, Quaker, and Mennonite faiths and others who spoke at the vigil giving words of support. Also in attendance and who spoke were Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, Mayor Tim Keller, accompanied by his wife Kirsten Keller who did not speak. Mark Ronchetti, the Republican candidate for Governor also attended but did not speak.

Tahir Gauba, public relations for the Islamic Center of New Mexico had this to said this:

“This is the beauty of Albuquerque this is why I’m proud to say I grew up in this city. … We are hurting right now because our young brilliant stars, shining stars, young men died for no reason. … the Albuquerque Muslim community will sleep in peace tonight [knowing a suspect is behind bars].”

Aneela Abad, general secretary of the Islamic Center of New Mexico, said this:

“What made [Albuquerque] … better and made a difference are friends like you, so thank you so much for your support, continue to do that, because that is what make us better humans.”

Ahmad Assed, a defense attorney and president of the Islamic Center of New Mexico, thanked law enforcement on behalf of the Muslim community and said he had teared up with gratitude as he heard about their work.

“We hope and pray that things are brought to a conclusion and there’s closure for the families soon. … We respect, certainly, the criminal justice system and the presumption of innocence, and we understand that this is just the beginning.”


This is a city and state that is historically known for embracing its ethnic and cultural diversity and welcoming immigrants. As a person whose grandparents were Italian immigrants and who is half Hispanic, who was born, raised and who has lived in Albuquerque for a lifetime, who has raised a family and who has made a living practicing law, I am extremely sickened and very angry to see what our city has become.

The never-ending saga of record-breaking homicide rates, violent crime rates, drug and property crime rates, the increasing homelessness numbers, and now targeted hate crimes, has become our norm. This is not, this must not be, who we are as a community.

The expected expression of outrage and sympathy expressed by our elected officials when a violent crime occurs and then self-adulation when an arrest is made, is simply not enough. What we must demand and expect in no uncertain terms is swift justice. We must demand that our elected officials, and yes our law enforcement, do a better job.

Yes, APD and law enforcement did its job by apprehending Muhammad Syed for the killings and they are to be commended. But what about the other 70 plus murders that have occurred this year with the city on track to break last year’s record of 117 homicides?

Our elected officials must do a better job when dealing with our crime rates and they must be held accountable when they make promises and then fail to keep them which is what has happened in the city for the last 8 years. The carnage must be stopped and justice must be served.

Coronado Park Homeless Encampment Still Open; No Visible Progress Made Closing; Governor Lujan Grisham Expresses Desire For State To Purchase Coronado Park To Build State Facility For All Service Providers

On June 27, calling it “the most dangerous place in the state of New Mexico” Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller held a press conference standing in front of Coronado Park to announce its closure and to discuss his reasons for ordering the parks closed and saying it was imperative even without a fully formed plan for how to do it and what happens next.

The primary reason Keller gave for closure of the park was the extent of the crime. According to APD in the last two years there have been at least five homicides, 16 stabbings and 20 assaults. In 2021 APD responded to 651 calls at the park, and as of July 21, 2022 there have been 312 calls for service.

Keller said this:

“We’re not going to wait any longer. We have all the evidence we need that says that we have to do something different. … It is not going to be something where every question is answered, and every plan is thought out. … We do not have the luxury of a perfect plan. … At this point, if we don’t close the park now, it will never be a park again. … There was unanimous consensus that at a minimum, temporarily, this park has to close. … This is the first step. We welcome everyone to help us problem-solve, but someone has to step up and make a decision … And that’s what people elected me to do.

City officials have said that upwards 120 people camp nightly at the park. Homeless occupants will be told of other housing options offered by the city. The city will continue to offer services and housing options to those using Coronado Park, including making limited property storage available to those who are interested or in need of it.

Keller said the immediate closure of the park will be “messy” and that dispersing park residents could create other problems. Keller said that no decision had been made about the park’s specific closure date. He also said no long-term plans have been made for the property but said options include reopening it as a park, using it for the neighboring fire station’s expansion or turning it into a “safe outdoor space” which is a managed site with rules, toilets and showers where people who are homeless can legally camp.

The links to quoted news sources are here:


Mayor Keller’s decision to close Coronado Park was a dramatic 100% reversal from when he gave excuses why he could not close Coronado Park. It was an astonishing admission of failure when Mayor Tim Keller said this about Coronado Park:

“[The federal courts] will not allow us to just walk in and arrest someone because they’re homeless and the current situation beats the alternative. … It is not lost on me that we created Coronado Park because Wells Park said, ‘We don’t want these folks in our neighborhood,’ and we agree with them. And that’s why they were all grouped to one area. … So you also got to remember the alternative. You can’t have it both ways — you want to close Coronado Park, you are going to open all of Wells Park neighborhood to something none of us want to see.”

Link to quoted news source:


On August 8, KOAT TV Target 7 reported that Coronado Park remains open, things have only gotten worse at the park and no visible progress has been made closing it. Following is the full transcript of the news story entitled “It’s starting to get worse’: Eight days into August, Coronado Park Still Not Closed”:

“Rio Bravo Brewery sits at 1912 2nd Street in North West Albuquerque.
“Some people don’t like the idea that it has concertina wire across the top,” said Rio Bravo Brewery c0-owner Denise Baker.
The brewery didn’t always have wiring.
“They’ve thrown trash. They’ve slept out here. And so, we’ve had to add cameras. You’ll notice we have cameras almost every spot in the place,” Baker said.
The precautions at the brewery are now needed.
“It’s starting to get worse,” Baker said.
That’s because the business is right across the street from Coronado Park.
“The vandalism has increased. We’ve had people smoking fentanyl in our bathrooms,” Baker said.
The increased vandalism and drug use in the area are affecting business.
“You ask, does it hurt our revenue? Well, definitely,” she added.
The problems with the park and the areas surrounding it are known.
“At some point, you just have to say you’re going to do something and that’s what we’re doing,” Mayor Tim Keller said at a press conference at Coronado Park on July 26, the day he announced the park was going to close.
“We must get started doing it, and that’s what August is going to be all about,” Keller said.
Keller said the park would begin to be cleared in August.
“It is still open and it’s worse now,” said Baker.
Baker says since the announcement was made, more people experiencing homelessness have moved back into an area of the park they once were not camping in.
“Now that they know the park’s closing, they’re taking residency in the dog park,” she said.
Target 7 wanted to get some clear answers. After a press conference yesterday about the recent violence against Muslim men, we confronted Keller about the park.
“Just given what we’ve been dealing with on Sunday, I don’t have nothing new. So stay tuned. You know, obviously, I have certainly been dealing with this for the last few days, so I do not have the latest on that. But I do know that everyone is working on a plan,” he said when asked for an update.
Baker says that with an answer like that, she is skeptical if the park will close this month, or at all.
“I just feel like he is pushing it down further, hoping it’ll silence the masses and we’ll quit asking for it,” Baker said.”

The link to the Target 7 News Report is here:


On August 4 an event was held for Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham where she spoke as she campaigns for reelection. It was held at a private home in the far Noth East heights and attracted a large, standing room crowd, of enthusiastic supporters wanting to hear her speak. The Governor spoke for approximately 45 minutes, and she exhibited an exceptional grasp of the issues including efforts to diversify the economy, economic develop and job creation, crime reduction efforts, rebuilding our mental health system, reducing taxes, protecting a woman’s right to choose and pointing out that much has been accomplished even while dealing with crisis after crisis after crisis such as the pandemic, the wildfires and flooding.

During her comments, the Governor took time to discuss crime in Albuquerque and how she is committed to programs to reduce the city’s out of control violent crime rates. While discussing the City’s crime, Governor Lujan Grisham in particular brought up the closure of Coronado Park. In what can only be considered a surprise announcement, the Governor said that her administration wants to purchase Coronado Park. Her plan is to build a facility or complex on the land for service providers to the homeless which would include private providers and state and city providers so that there will be one centralized location for services being provided. The Governor’s idea merits serious discussion. The reaction from the audience was positive. The Governor did not disclose exactly how far along the purchase plans are or if it was just an idea or if the city has been approached.


It should come as absolutely no surprise to anyone that no visible progress has been made closing Coronado Park and that things are only getting worse in the area. After all, Keller said that no decision had been made about the park’s specific closure date and just said “sometime in August”. Keller also admitted that the immediate closure of the park will be “messy” and that dispersing park residents could create other problems. This is what happens when you have no plans in place before making announcement and when you presume something will happen when you give an order.

Mayor Tim Keller has admitted that it is he who had the biggest hand in creating “the most dangerous place in the state of New Mexico” and creating the cesspool of crime known as Coronado Park. It was nauseating to see Mayor Keller being very dismissive of the Channel 7 reporter. Keller virtually walked away from him acting annoyed at being questioned and deflecting blame for not knowing what was going on with the closure of the park. Keller proclaimed he was dealing with another city crisis and the serial killings of the 4 Muslim men. Keller said this on camera as he was walking away:

“Just given what we’ve been dealing with on Sunday, I don’t have nothing new. So stay tuned. … I have certainly been dealing with for the last few days, so I do not have the latest on that. But I do know that everyone is working on a plan.

Keller needs to be reminded what he said a few months ago before he decided to close the park:

“It is not lost on me that we created Coronado Park because Wells Park said, ‘We don’t want these folks in our neighborhood,’ and we agree with them. And that’s why they were all grouped to one area.”

Grouping the homeless, as Keller said, in a city park should never have been considered as an option to deal with the homeless crisis given all the resources the city is spending to help the homeless. This so called “grouping” coming from a mayor who for his entire first term made dealing with the homeless crisis a corner stone of his administration. A Mayor whose administration spent $40 million in 2022 and will spend $60 million in 2023 to provide assistance to the homeless. A Mayor who saw to it that the city purchased the 529,000 square-foot Lovelace Hospital facility on Gibson for $15 million to have it converted into a Gateway Shelter and who made the westside shelter a 24-7 facility.

Keller has essentially “pivoted” from a crisis he has created known as Coronado Park to another crisis he will have to deal with when it comes to closing the park without any plan dealing those that are being displaced. Simply put, Coronado Park is an embarrassment with the city violating its own ordinances and nuisance laws by allowing overnight camping and criminal conduct in the park thus creating a public nuisance both under state law and city ordinance.

Coronado Park is the symbol of Keller’s failure as Mayor to deal with the homeless crisis. Perhaps Mayor Keller should pick up the phone and call the Governor and attempt to sell Coronado Park to the state in order to bail himself out of a crisis he has created.

It’s clear we have a Governor that actually knows what to do to deal with and solve a crisis as opposed to a mayor that creates a crisis and tries to solve it without a plan of action thereby making it even worse.