Albuquerque Journal Poll Results For Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, State Treasurer and Land Commissioner; Governor’s Race Closest; Democrats Lead In All Races; Republicans Win When Democrats Fail To Show Up 

On Sunday, August 28 and Monday August 29, the Albuquerque Journal released its poll in the statewide races for Governor,  Secretary of State, Attorney General, State Treasurer and Commissioner of Public Lands.

The poll was conducted by Research and Polling which for many decades has done all political polling for the Journal.  The polling firm is considered the gold standard in New Mexico political polling because of its consistent accuracy.

“The Journal Poll was based on a scientific, statewide sample of 518 voters who cast ballots in the 2018 and/or 2020 general election and who said they are likely to vote in the upcoming election. The poll was conducted from Aug. 19 through Aug. 25. The voter sample has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.3 percentage points.”

The links to the full quoted Albuquerque Journal articles are here;


On Sunday, August 28, the Albuquerque Journal released it first poll in the statewide race for Governor between Democratic Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham and Republican Mark Ronchetti.

The poll question was “If the election for Governor   was held today, who would you vote for?”

The poll results are as follows:

Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham: 47%

Republican Mark Ronchetti: 40%

Libertarian Karen Bedoni: 5%

Undecided: 8%


On Monday, August 29, the Albuquerque Journal published it poll on the state wide races for Attorney General, Secretary of State, State Treasurer and Commissioner of Public Lands. Following are the poll questions an results:


POLL QUESTION: “If the election for Secretary of State was held today, who would you vote for?”

The poll results are as follows:

Democrat Maggie Toulouse Oliver: 45%

Republican Audrey Trujillo: 33%

Libertarian Mayna Erika Myers: 4%

[Declined to Say]: 3%

Undecided: 16%


POLL QUESTION: If the election for Attorney General  was held today, who would you vote for?

The poll results are as follows:

Democrat Raul Torrez: 49%

Republican Jeremy Gay: 33%

[Declined to Say]: 3%

Undecided: 15%


POLL QUESTION: If the election for State Treasurer were held today, who would you vote for?

The poll results are as follows:

Democrat Laura Montoya: 44%

Republican Harry Montoya: 33%

[Declined to Say]: 4%

Undecided:  19%


POLL QUESTION: If the election for Commissioner of Public Lands was held today, who would you for?

The poll results are as follows:

Democrat Stephanie Garcia Richard: 46%

Republican Jefferson Byrd: 35%

[Declined to State]: 3%

Undecided: 17%


According to New Mexico Voter Registration Statistics from the New Mexico Secretary of State, as of January 31, 2022, there are a total of 1,342,690 registered voters in the state.  The breakdown of the registration numbers is as follows:

Registered Democrats: 599,242, or 44.6 %,

Registered Republicans: 414,067 or  30.8 %,

No Party or Independents:  301,598 or 22.5 %

Registered Libertarian:  13,644  or 1.0 %

Other Registrations:  14,139 or 1.1 %


When it comes to New Mexico politics and statewide races, the old saying is so very true that “Republicans win when Democrats stay home”.  Republicans tend to have higher voter participation percentages out of sure survival instinct. The significance of the independent voters also cannot be overstated in that they represent 22.5% of all registered voters in the state.

It should not come as any surprise that the New Mexico Governor’s race is the closest of all the top statewide races with a single 7% digit lead by the incumbent.  Historically, that has always been the case in New Mexico.  However, when it comes to the other statewide races, Democrats are leading Republicans by at least 10% in all the races.

Governor Lujan has yet to achieve the magic number of 50% plus one that will ensure her reelection. Notwithstanding, with two full months left in the race, she is very much in striking distance and will only have to close a 3% gap.  Ronchetti on the other hand has a staggering 10% gap to close when there is only 8% undecided.  Ronchetti will have to convince the 8% undecided to vote for him as well as convince at least 2% of the Governor’s support to change their support for her.

Lujan Grisham also has the advantage of incumbency. The last time a sitting New Mexico governor was defeated was in 1994, when incumbent Democrat Bruce King was ousted by Republican Gary Johnson. Since then, Johnson, Democrat Bill Richardson and Republican Susana Martinez have all easily won reelection to second terms.

If the poll numbers hold true over the next two months as is expected, the 2022 elections for Secretary of State, Attorney General, State Treasurer and Land Commissioner are likely over.   Voter turnout in those races will likely benefit Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s reelection prospects, of course only if Democrats get out to vote.

The forecast for Republican Marck Ronchetti is “very cloudyand there is a likelihood of a heavy monsoon rain on his parade come November 8.

At this point, the biggest danger Democrats face is a low voter turnout and apathy.

A link to a related blog article is here:

Albuquerque Journal Poll Released In Governor’s Race: Governor Lujan Grisham 47%, Mark Ronchetti 40%, Undecided 5%, Libertarian 5%; Two Months Is An Eternity In Politics; Expect McCleskey Hit Pieces Against Lujan Grisham



Albuquerque Journal Poll Released In Governor’s Race: Governor Lujan Grisham 47%, Mark Ronchetti 40%, Undecided 5%, Libertarian 5%; Two Months Is An Eternity In Politics; Expect McCleskey Hit Pieces Against Lujan Grisham

On Sunday, August 28, the Albuquerque Journal released it first poll in the 2022 Governor’s race between Democrat Incumbent Michell Lujan Grisham and Republican TV weatherman Mark Ronchetti.  The poll was conducted by Research and Polling which for decades has done all political polling for the Journal and with polling firm considered the gold standard in New Mexico political polling because of its consistent accuracy.

“The Journal Poll was based on a scientific, statewide sample of 518 voters who cast ballots in the 2018 and/or 2020 general election and who said they are likely to vote in the upcoming election. The poll was conducted from Aug. 19 through Aug. 25. The voter sample has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.3 percentage points.”

The link to the full quoted Albuquerque Journal article is here;


The poll asked the question “If the election for Governor were held today, who would you vote for? “ The results reported are:

Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham: 47%

Republican Mark Ronchetti: 40%

Libertarian Karen Bedoni: 5%


The demographics of the poll for each candidate were broken down as follows:



44% for Democrat Lujan Grisham

43% for Republican Ronchetti

3% for Libertarian Bedonie


50% for Democrat Lujan Grisham

36% for Republican Ronchetti

3% for Libertarian Bedonie



56% for Democrat Lujan Grisham

32% for Republican Ronchetti

4% for Libertarian Bedonie


42% for Democrat Lujan Grisham

46% for Republican Ronchetti

6% for Libertarian Bedonie


High school graduate:

47% for Democrat Lujan Grisham

44% for Republican Ronchetti

5% for Libertarian Bedonie

Some College or Associate Degree

40% for Democrat Lujan Grisham

44% for Republican Ronchetti

5% for Libertarian Bedonie

College Graduate

51% for Democrat Lujan Grisham

33% for Republican Ronchetti

6% for Libertarian Bedonie

Graduate Degree

58% for Democrat Lujan Grisham

32% for Republican Ronchetti

4% for Libertarian Bedonie



82% for Democrat Lujan Grisham

9% for Republican Ronchetti

2% for Libertarian Bedonie


7% for Democrat Lujan Grisham

84% for Republican Ronchetti

3% for Libertarian Bedonie


35% for Democrat Lujan Grisham

30% for Republican Ronchetti

14% for Libertarian Bedonie


According to the campaign financial reports filed with the New Mexico secretary of State, Lujan Grisham and Ronchetti have both raised and are spending significant amounts of money for their campaigns. As of last month, Lujan Grisham had more than $2.7 million in her reelection account, compared to about $1.4 million in Ronchetti’s account.  However, Ronchetti outraised Lujan Grisham during monthlong period that started before the June primary.


There are six major take ways that can be gleaned from the Alburquerque Journal Poll:


Governor Lujan Grisham was elected to her first term as governor in 2018.  She defeated former Republican Congressman Steve Pearce decisively when she received 57% of the vote compared to 43% for Pearce.  The election had an all-time voter turnout of upwards of nearly 700,000 votes cast.  Things have changed for Lujan Grisham and she is faced with a more difficult election.

Governor Lujan has yet to achieve the magic number of 51% that will ensure her reelection. Notwithstanding, with two full months left in the race, she is very much in striking distance and will only have to close a 3% gap.  Ronchetti on the other hand has a staggering 10% gap to close when there is only 8% undecided. Ronchetti will have to convince the 8% undecided to vote for him as well as convince at least 2% of the Governor’s support to change their support for her.


Both candidates have the overwhelming support from their individual parties.   Lujan Grisham has 82% support from the Democrats while Ronchetti has 84% support of Republicans.  The problem for Ronchetti and the advantage for Lujan Grisham is the desperate number of Democrats to Republicans in New Mexico. With 20% of independent voters surveyed saying they are still undecided, both candidates will now likely concentrate on the independent voters to secure a win.

The significance of the Independent voters cannot be overstated in that they represent 22.5% of all registered voters in the state. According to New Mexico Voter Registration Statistics from the New Mexico Secretary of State, as of January 31, 2022, there are a total of 1,342,690 registered voters in the state.  The breakdown is as follow

Registered Democrats: 599,242, or 44.6 %,

Registered Republicans: 414,067 or  30.8 %,

No Party or Independents:  301,598 or 22.5 %

Registered Libertarian:  13,644  or 1.0 %

Other Registrations:  14,139 or 1.1 %

The link to the Secretary of State spreadsheet on voter registration is here:


Republican Mark Ronchetti has a very serious gender gap problem that will be difficult to overcome. Both Lujan Grisham and Ronchetti enjoy essentially equal support among men, with Lujan Grisham having 44% support among men and Ronchetti having 43% among men. However, Lujan Grisham enjoys 50% support among woman and Republican Ronchetti has only 36% among women.  Abortion and woman’s reproductive rights have become the defining issue in the race for Governor.  Ronchetti’s anemic support among woman is attributed to his support to abolish all reproductive rights for woman and to start with banning late term abortions and eventually ban all abortions in New Mexico.


Not at all surprising is that Democrat Lujan Grisham has a more than comfortable lead over Ronchetti with Hispanic voters with a 25% advantage at 56% support to Republican Ronchetti’s 32%.   Amongst Anglo voters, Republican Roncheti has a 4% advantage amongst Anglos with 46% compared to 42% for Democrat Lujan Grisham. New Mexico as a whole is classified as a “minority majority” state meaning that the majority of its entire population is classified as a minority with Hispanic being the most prominent ethnicity.


When it comes to education levels, Democrat Lujan Grisham has a significant advantage over Ronchetti.  Amongst the college and graduate degree educated, Lujan Grisham has 51% and 58% support advantage respectively compared to Ronchetti’s  32% and 33% respectively.  Amongst the high school educated Lujan Grisham has a 3% advantage with 47% to 44% respectively.  Amongst the “some college or associate degree educated”, Ronchetti has a 4% support advantage with 44% to 40%.


On May 12, KOB 4 reported that a SurveyUSA poll found that Governor Lujan Grisham held a slim 4% lead over Ronchetti with at 47% to 43%.  The Lujan Grisham campaign was so alarmed that it used the poll results for fundraising.

The link to the SurveyUSA poll is here:

In addition to the New Mexico Governor’s race, the SurveyUsa poll also asked voters what issues were at the  top of their mind as they considered voting. The economy and inflation was the easy winner, with 41%of voters saying it was their most important issue. At 16%, crime led a three-issue group in second place. Climate change and water supply concerns were at 13% as fires raged across the state.

Over the las 3 months, the national and state political winds have changed dramatically and so has the voter mood benefiting democrats and Governor Lujan Grisham.  During the last 3 months, the following has occurred:

  1. The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the landmark case of Roe v. Wade abolishing a woman’s constitutional right to an abortion and setting aside woman’s reproductive rights. Ronchetti praised the Supreme Court’s ruling when it first came out and he was exposed by Albuquerque Legacy Church Pastor Steve Smothermon as holding extreme views on abortion and wanting to criminalize all abortions.
  2. Democrats have secured major approval of legislation in congress including billions for infrastructure and approval of a federal climate change law with federal monies allocated to the State.
  3. The Congressional Investigation of Donald Trump and his orchestrating the January 6 capitol riot to set aside the election has taken its toll as has the recent federal search warrant confirming he is being investigated for mishandling of highly classified documents that may have endangered or compromised the country’s national security or espionage.
  4. New Mexico is experiencing historical windfalls in the billions of surplus revenue which is now being invested by the state with the Governor announcing almost daily new infrastructure projects and how the money is being spent.
  5. There has been major decline in the state’s unemployment rate to 4.5% that the Governor can and is taking credit for.
  6. The effects of the pandemic are finally receding with Governor Lujan Grisham being given high marks for her handling of not only the pandemic crisis but also the handling of natural disasters such as the fires and flooding.
  7. Gas prices have gone down dramatically by as much as $1 per gallon.


Two months in any statewide race is an eternity in politics with the election scheduled for November 8.  Voters can expect an extreme ramping up of negative campaign ads that are even worse than what has been going on, especially from Republican Mark Ronchetti.

Least anyone forgets, Jay McCleskey is Republican Mark Ronchetti’s campaign manager and political consultant. Simply put, Jay McCleskey is the go-to guy for anyone who is Republican running for office willing to spend and do whatever it takes to win an election at any and all costs.  McClesky managed the successful campaigns of Mayor Richard Berry and Governor Suzanna Martinez as well as numerous campaigns for local and state offices

Former Republican Governor Susana Martinez was vicious in going after members of her own party who disagreed with her and she did that with Jay Mc Clesky carrying out her orders. It was reported that Southern New Mexico rancher Scott Chandler, a Republican, settled a defamation lawsuit he filed claiming political consultant Jay McCleskey and the former Republican Governor’s political action committee circulated untruthful mailers about him during the 2016 campaign. On December 15, 2021, the case was settled with McClesky’s insurance company agreeing to pay $375,000 to settle the defamation claims against McClesky.

One thing is for certain is that when you hire Jay Mc Clesky to manage your campaign, and if you do win, you can expect him to exert great influence over you until the day you leave office, as was the case with Republican Governor Suzana Martinez.  Jay McCleskey, who was not a state employee, had an office on the 4th floor of the state capitol next to the Governor Martinez.   McCleskey, who was living rent free in the Governor’s mind, thrust himself right in the middle of political appointments and government decisions.

During her first year in office, Governor Susanna Martinez was alleged to have been involved with a “play to play” controversy involving the award of a $1 Billion-dollar, 25-year, Albuquerque Downs Racetrack contract, dubbed by politicos as “The Dirty Downs Deal”. At the very center of the “Dirty Downs Deal” was Jay Mc Clesky who carried out the Governor’s orders. Allegations of nefarious conduct around the Downs lease involved political insiders, significant campaign contributions to Martinez and attempts to hide political donations and contributions to Governor Martinez or her political action committee from donors connected to the Downs.

Jay McCleskey is New Mexico’s version of Lee Atwater or Karl Rove, two of the most despicable right wing Republican bottom feeders and political consultants and strategists for the Republican Party.  McClesky has even received praises for his work from Karl Rove.  McClesky is known for his negative slash-and-burn tactics to disparage and viciously malign Democrats at all levels and he has been very successful at it in New Mexico for the last 20 years making a very lucrative living.

“political hit piece” is the lowest form of negative campaigning used by all successful bottom feeder political consultants to smear the reputation of an opponent. It’s difficult to respond to a political hit piece, especially at the end of a contentious campaign or if an opponent does not have the financial resources to respond to the lies and the liars who tell them. In New Mexico, McCleskey has elevated the “political hit piece” to an art form. His tactics are often condemned by the public and those who are the target. The problem is that negative campaigning and smear tactics work and has worked for Jay McClesky over the years.

Brace yourself New Mexico, the race for Governor of New Mexico in 2022 will likely be the most negative in the state’s history.  Should Republican Mark Ronchetti win, you can fully expect the return of shadow Governor Jay McClusky hiding behind the “green screen” of Mark Ronchetti as he pretends to know what he is talking about.


“Let the public be damned, I know what I want and what’s best for my city”; Keller Vetoes “Safe Outdoor Spaces” Moratorium; City Council Needs to Override Veto

On Friday, August 26, in a late afternoon and what amounts to a “sneaky announcement” to ensure little media attention, Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller announced he vetoed the Albuquerque City Council legislation that placed a moratorium on “Safe Outdoor Spaces.”  

Keller argued in his veto message that the city cannot afford to limit its options for addressing homelessness and said he understood how new policies sometimes take time to refine after testing.  Keller wrote in part in his veto message:

“We need every tool at our disposal to confront the unhoused crisis and we need to be willing to act courageously. … However, reasonable time, testing and piloting has not been allowed”.

The link to the quoted news source article is here:

“Safe Outdoor Spaces” are defined in the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO) as an organized, managed homeless encampments with 40 designated spaces for tents that allows for upwards of 50 people, require hand washing stations, toilets and showers, requires a management plan, 6 foot fencing and social services offered. According to the IDO, there are no prohibitions for charitable organization and churches to place Safe Outdoor Space tent encampments on their properties.

According to the Family, Community Services web site a “Safe Outdoor Space” is a lot, or a portion of a lot, developed to provide designated spaces for occupancy by tents, recreational vehicles, and/or light vehicles. Designated spaces are provided to occupants at no charge. A safe outdoor space offers social services and support facilities.


It was on Monday, August 15, the City Council passed the moratorium on a 6 to 3 vote that bars the City Planning Department from accepting or approving any pending applications for “Safe Outdoor Spaces”. Before passing the moratorium, the City Council amended the bill to ensure that the moratorium stopped the City Planning Department from approving any “pending” applications and to add language stopping the city from authorizing any “Safe Outdoor Space” on city property.  Under the legislation, a complete moratorium was to be in effect until August 1, 2023, unless the City Council enacts a separate bill removing them totally from the zoning code.

The vote was bipartisan. Voting YES for the moratorium where Republicans Brook Bassam Renee Grout, Trudy Jones, and Dan Lewis who were joined by Democrats Klarissa Peña and Louie Sanchez. Voting “NO” on the moratorium were Democrats Isaac Benton, Pat Davis and Tammy Fiebelcorn.

The vetoed legislation can be overridden by the City Council. The earliest meeting the council can act to override the veto is at its September 7 meeting.  The city council needs 6 votes to override the veto.   If the 6 councilors who originally passed the moratorium (Bassan, Renee Grout, Trudy Jones, Dan Lewis, Klarissa Peña and Louie Sanchez) remain in support, they will override Keller’s veto.


On August 8, before the council’s August 15 moratorium vote, the City Planning Department approved the Dawn Legacy Point application for a Safe Outdoor Space homeless campsite at 1250 Menaul, NE which will be used by  woman who have been “victims of sex trafficking”.   The City Planning Department unilaterally reviewed the application behind closed doors with no notice to surrounding businesses or neighborhood associations, no public hearing and no public input. The application was “fast tracked” by the Planning Department to approve the application just 8 days before the City Council was scheduled to repeal the Safe Outdoor Spaces zoning use on August 16.

Less than a half mile from the vacant land and within walking distance from the property is Menaul School, a private boarding school for 6th to 12th graders. Directly across the street from the property is the T-Mobile Call Center and a Quality Inn & Suites. Going West on Menaul and one block from the property is Carrington College and two apartment complexes. Immediately East of the Freeway is the massive TA Travel Truck Stop on University that can accommodate parking of upwards of 150 semitrucks. Within law enforcement circles, the truck stop is known for prostitution and illicit drug activity. Immediate south of the truck stop on University Blvd is the Crown Plaza Hotel.

The vacant land borders   Sunset Memorial Park to the West.  It has been reported that workers daily patrol the cemetery grounds, monitoring the activity of homeless people who have taken to lounging in the various meditative shelters provided for grieving families. The homeless are known to use the various fountains throughout the park to wash themselves or use the fountains as a toilet, despite there being an easy-to-find portable toilets located at the northeast end of the park.

As of August 26, eight separate appeals of the Dawn Legacy Point Safe Outdoor Spaces homeless tent encampment have been filed asking the City Planning Department to reverse its decision and deny the Safe Outdoor Space application of Dawn Legacy for 1250 Menaul. Appeals have been filed by the following parties:

  1. Martineztown Santa Barbara Neighborhood Association
  2. Menaul Middle School
  3. Life Roots
  4. Reuele Sun Corporation, a participant in the Menaul Redevelopment Area
  5. Crown Plaza Hotel, a participant in the Menaul Redevelopment Area
  6. T-Mobil Cell Phone Call Center
  7. Sunset Memorial Cemetery
  8. Greater Albuquerque Hotel and Lodging Association


According to the Planning Department’s website, there are other organizations that have safe outdoor space applications pending with the city. As of Friday. August 26,  proposals for 512 Wheeler SE and 715 Candelaria NE were marked as “under review. ”

Three more applications are classified as “awaiting review” by the Planning Department and those locations listed are:

5915 Bluewater NW

2626 Arizona, NE

2401 University SE

Four of the 5 pending locations are church properties, with 715 Candelaria site being private property according to county property records.

The link to the city web site listing the applications is here:


The Keller Administration has adopted a housing first policy when it comes to dealing with the homeless crisis. The city has made a huge financial commitment to help homeless or near homeless.

This past fiscal year 2021 ending June 10, 2021, the Family and Community Services Department and the Keller Administration have spent upwards of $40 Million to benefit the homeless or near homeless. The 2021 adopted city budget for Family and Community Services Department provides for emergency shelter contracts totaling $5,688,094, affordable housing and community contracts totaling $22,531,752, homeless support services contracts totaling $3,384,212, mental health contracts totaling $4,329,452, and substance abuse contracts for counseling contracts totaling $2,586,302.

The link to the 2021-2022 city approved budget is here:

Mayor Keller’s 2022-2023 approved budget significantly increases the Family and Community Services budget by $24,353,064 to assist the homeless or near homeless by going from $35,145,851 to $59,498,915.

The 2022-2023 proposed budget for the Department of Community Services is $72.4 million and it will have 335 full time employees, or an increase of 22 full time employees.

A breakdown of the amounts to help the homeless and those in need of housing assistance is as follows:

$42,598,361 total for affordable housing and community contracts with a major emphasis on permanent housing for chronically homeless. It is $24,353,064 more than last year.

$6,025,544 total for emergency shelter contracts (Budget page 102.), down $396,354 from last year.

$3,773,860 total for mental health contracts (Budget page105.), down $604,244 from last year.

$4,282,794 total homeless support services, up $658,581 from last year.

$2,818,356 total substance abuse contracts for counseling (Budget page 106.), up by $288,680 from last year.

The link to the 2022-2023 budget it here:

The 2022-2023 adopted city contains $4 million in recurring funding and $2 million in one-time funding for supportive housing programs in the City’s Housing First model and $24 million in Emergency Rental Assistance from the federal government.


With his veto and veto message, Mayor Tim Keller is essentially saying “Let the public be damned, I know what I want and what’s best for my city”. Keller no doubt thinks he is acting courageously, but what he is doing is ignoring the wishes of city residents as he tries to unilaterally enact city council policy and infringe on the preview of the city council all the while as he spends upwards of $60 million a year to deal with the homeless.   With his veto, Keller ignores that the moratorium, as well as pending repeal legislation, is a direct result of severe public backlash and outcry by city residents and neighborhood associations that refuse to support Safe Outdoor Spaces.

It was Mayor Tim Keller who in his Apri 1 proposed city buget, which was approved by the city council, that initially came up with the “Safe Outdoor Spaces” concept when he included and received city council approval of $950,000 in his 2022-2023 budget for establishment and development of the city sanction tent encampments. For Keller to say now that “reasonable time, testing and piloting has not been allowed” is ludicrous and just false seeing as his Family and Community Services Department has been working behind the scenes and behind closed for over a year to get them up and running.

Albuquerque City Counselor Brook Bassan, who initially supported Safe Outdoor Spaces but the reversed herself because of constituent backlash, said it best when she cited public outcry as a major factor in her own backtracking and said this:

“Working to allow these safe outdoor spaces to happen is saying that we do not pay attention to the majority of Albuquerque residents who are saying they don’t want these and they don’t need them because we need to come up with a different solution, whatever that may look like.”

The millions being spent each year by the city to deal with the homeless with the “housing first” policy should be more than sufficient to deal with housing the homeless, yet Keller demands and want more from the public.  Safe Outdoor spaces encampments violates the city’s “housing first” policy by not providing a form of permanent housing and with reliance on temporary housing.

Safe Outdoor Spaces are not the answer to the homeless crisis. “Safe Outdoor Spaces” will be a disaster for the city as a whole. They will destroy neighborhoods, make the city a magnet for the homeless and destroy the city’s efforts to manage the homeless through housing.

The homeless crisis will not be solved by the city, but it can and must be managed. Safe Outdoor Spaces represent a very temporary place to pitch a tent, relieve oneself, bathe and sleep at night with rules that will not likely be followed. The answer is to provide the support services, including food and permanent lodging, and mental health care needed to allow the homeless to turn their lives around, become productive self-sufficient citizens and no longer dependent on relatives or others.

With his veto of the Safe Outdoor Space moratorium, Mayor Keller has lost credibility and public trust because of his stubbornness.  What Mayor Tim Keller has done is to try and cram Safe Outdoor Spaces down the throats of the City Council who are the policy makers as well as the community as a whole to promote his own political agenda.

Mayor Tim Keller has mishandled the homeless crisis, including the closing of Coronado Park. Safe Outdoor Spaces and Coronado Park are Mayor Keller’s symbols and legacy of failure as the city deals the most the city’s most vulnerable population, the homeless.

The public needs to make their opinions known and tell the city council to override Mayor Keller’s Veto on September 7.

The email addresses and phone numbers to contact each City Councilor and the Director of Counsel services are as follows:

CITY COUNCIL PHONE: (505) 768-3100



Upwards of 8 Appeals  Filed With City Planning Appealing The  Dawn Legacy Safe Outdoor Space Encampment For Woman Victims Of Sex Trafficking; Dawn Legacy City Approved Application Allowing  Sex Offenders Defective Violating  City Ordinance; Keller And Company “Let The Public Be Damned”

On July 30, Dawn Legacy Point filed the first application ever for a ‘Safe Outdoor Space’ homeless encampment. The homeless encampment is intended to provide accommodations for upwards of 50 women who are homeless and who are “sex-trafficking victims” and other vulnerable populations.  The homeless encampment is  to be located on vacant land at 1250 Menaul Blvd, NE which consists of two large parcels of property owned by the city with an assess value of $4, 333,55.

On August 8, the City Planning Department approved the Dawn Legacy Point application for a Safe Outdoor Space homeless campsite at 1250 Menaul, NE for.   The City Planning Department unilaterally reviewed the application behind closed doors with no notice to surrounding businesses or neighborhood associations, no public hearing and no public input. The application was “fast tracked” by the Planning Department to approve the application just 8 days before the City Council was scheduled to repeal the Safe Outdoor Spaces zoning use on August 16.

Less than a half mile from the vacant land and within walking distance from the property is Menaul School, a private boarding school for 6th to 12th graders. Directly across the street from the property is the T-Mobile Call Center and a Quality Inn & Suites. Going West on Menaul and one block from the property is Carrington College and two apartment complexes. Immediately East of the Freeway is the massive TA Travel Truck Stop on University that can accommodate parking of upwards of 150 semitrucks. Within law enforcement circles, the truck stop is known for prostitution and illicit drug activity. Immediate south of the truck stop on University Blvd is the Crown Plaza Hotel.

The vacant land borders   Sunset Memorial Park to the West.  It has been reported that workers daily patrol the cemetery grounds, monitoring the activity of homeless people who have taken to lounging in the various meditative shelters provided for grieving families. The homeless are known to use the various fountains throughout the park to wash themselves or use the fountains as a toilet, despite there being an easy-to-find portable toilets located at the northeast end of the park.


The following parties have been identified as filing, or in the process of filing, appeals of the Dawn Legacy Point Safe Outdoor Spaces homeless tent encampment, asking the City Planning Department to reverse its decision and deny the Safe Outdoor Space application of Dawn Legacy for 1250 Menaul:

  1. Martineztown Santa Barbara Neighborhood Association
  2. Menaul Middle School
  3. Life Roots
  4. Reuele Sun Corporation, a participant in the Menaul Redevelopment Area
  5. Crown Plaza Hotel, a participant in the Menaul Redevelopment Area
  6. T-Mobil Cell Phone Call Center
  7. Sunset Memorial Cemetery
  8. Greater Albuquerque Hotel and Lodging Association


During the June 6, 2022 City Council meeting that approved the Safe Outdoor Space amendment to the Independent Development Ordinance (IDO), and amendment was offered and approved that prohibits sex offenders from being allowed to be tenants and the use of any Safe Outdoor Space.  The amendment also requires a 24 hour, 7 day a week on site security/administration at Safe Outdoor Space encampments.

The adopted amendment to the Integrated Development ordinance provides as follows:

“4-3(C)(9)(g) Each Safe Outdoor Space shall include a management plan or security agreement to ensure the safety of individuals occupying the designated spaces. Proof of the plan or agreement shall be required with the application for a Safe Outdoor Space. The plan or agreement shall indicate on-site support on a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week basis.  The management plan shall, at a minimum, include the following: i. No person who is a registered sex offender shall be allowed to stay in a Safe Outdoor.”  

The City of Las Cruces operates a Safe Outdoor Space encampment known as Camp Hope. Camp Hope has adopted and implemented registration forms, intake forms and promulgated extensive rules and regulations for tenants, including a security plan for its use. The Las Cruces Camp Hope rules and regulations allow sex offenders to use Safe Outdoor Space encampment so long as they registered with the Sherriff and notify schools within a mile of the encampment.

It was on August 8 that Dawn Legacy application was approved for the Safe Outdoor space.  The Dawn Legacy application attaches to it as its own adopted rules and regulations those used by the City of Las Cruces Camp Hope to operate the Dawn Legacy Safe Outdoor Spaces at 1250 Menaul, NE, thereby allowing it for use by registered sex offender.   The Dawn Legacy applications is rendered defective given that it has failed to provide rules and regulations and has failed to provide a 24/7 management plan or security agreement that is specifically tailored to the 1250 Menaul, NE encampment.


It was on June 6, the Albuquerque City Council enacted upwards of 100 amendments updating the Integrated Development Ordinance. The legislation passed on a 5 to 4. One of the amendments was for city sanctioned homeless encampments called “Safe Outdoor “Spaces”.

“Safe outdoor spaces” will permit 2 homeless encampments in all 9 city council disitricts with 40 designated spaces for tents, they will allow upwards of 50 people, require hand washing stations, toilets and showers, require a management plan, 6-foot fencing and social services offered. Although the Integrated Development Ordinance amendment sets a limit of two in each of the city’s 9 council districts, the cap would not apply to those hosted by religious institutions.

On June 22, just a few weeks after the Safe Outdoor Space amendment was passed, two bills were introduce, one to stop the city from accepting or approving safe outdoor space applications and the other will eliminate “safe outdoor spaces” from the zoning code altogether.

During the June 22 meeting the council did not act on the 2 bills and failed to enact the legislation that was to provide for rules and regulations promulgated by the Keller Administration for “Safe Outdoor Spaces”. June 22 was the last meeting of the City Council before it went on “summer break” until August 1.

The city council’s failure on June 22 to take any action on either the bills stopping the application process or repealing the land use resolution resulted in “Safe Outdoor Spaces” becoming a permissible land use on July 28. This allowed a very short time period of 3 weeks to allow individuals and organizations to apply for Safe Outdoor Spaces.

Any Safe Outdoor Space application the city approved could move forward because the land use locks in at the time of a completed application. Complicating matters and making things even worse for the city council is that Mayor Tim Keller out maneuvered the city council and refused to issue a suspension or moratorium on the applications to give the City Council time to reconsider and repeal the Safe Outdoor Space IDO Amendment.


On Monday, August 15, the Albuquerque City Council passed on a 6 to 3 vote a moratorium that bars the City Planning Department from accepting or approving any pending applications for Safe Outdoor Spaces. Under the legislation, a complete moratorium is in effect until August 1, 2023, unless the City Council enacts a separate bill removing them totally from the zoning code.

Before passing the moratorium legislation, the City Council amended the bill to ensure that the moratorium stopped the City Planning Department from approving any “pending” applications and to add language stopping the city from authorizing any “Safe Outdoor Space” on city property.  The prohibition to stop the city from authorizing “Safe Outdoor Spaces” on city own property was likely in reaction in part to the City Planning Department approving a Safe Outdoor Space Homeless campsite application made by Dawn Legacy Point to be located at 1250 Menaul Blvd, NE.

The tent encampment is to be located on two parcels of city own open space lots at 1250 Menaul, NE. The city sanctioned encampment is intended to provide accommodations for “sex-trafficking victims” and other vulnerable populations.

Still pending before the city council is another resolution that will totally eliminate and prohibit “Safe Outdoor Spaces” from the Integrated Development Ordinance altogether. The City Council will likely vote on the legislation eliminating or prohibiting Safe Outdoor Spaces from the IDO within a month to 6 weeks.

Under the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO), appeals of zoning application approvals must be filed within 15 days from when an application is approved and the dealine for filing an appeal was  within 30 days of filing of the appeal, the city must hold on the appeal.


This entire sordid mess involving the Dawn Legacy application approval amounts to nothing more than “LET THE PUBLIC BE DAMNED” by the Keller Administration.   It is a very sad commentary when at least 8 appeals have been generated for appellants to jump through loopholes to appeal a decision by the City Planning Department.  Sources have also confirmed that the Planning Department resisted taking the appeal filings and went so far as telling applicants they did not have the proper forms or did not have standing to appeal.

There is no getting around it. What the Planning Department did does not pass the smell test. The Dawn Legacy application approval was as sneaky and underhanded as it gets. The planning Department decided it had the authority to simply grant the application before the City Council votes to repeal Safe Outdoor Spaces on August 15.

With acquiescence from Mayor Tim Keller, the Planning Department approved the Safe Outdoor Space on city owned property valued at $4,333,500 to be operated by Dawn Legacy Point and subsidized by the City to house women in tents who are victims of “sex trafficking and exploitation”. It is something that progressive Democrat Keller should be absolutely ashamed of with “sex trafficking and exploitation” victims being housed in tents as a housing solution thereby being exploited again by denying them proper housing.

What is being created at 1205 Menaul, NE is a location for victims to become victims once again. The actual location is troubling and has the potential of becoming a magnet for crime, prostitution or illicit drug trade. It’s located in close proximity to a truck stop known amongst law enforcement for prostitution and illicit drug activity.

It’s directly across the street from a major call center, a motel suite and is walking distance of Menaul Boarding School and apartments. Occupants of the ‘Safe Outdoor Space’ are obviously not confined and would be free to go and come as they pleased and could easily wind up uninvited wherever they want to go. This includes the truck stop and disrupting the peaceful use and enjoyment at nearby locations or engaging in illicit activity.

Safe Outdoor Spaces are not the answer to the homeless crisis. “Safe Outdoor Spaces” will be a disaster for the city as a whole. They will destroy neighborhoods, make the city a magnet for the homeless and destroy the city’s efforts to manage the homeless through housing.

The homeless crisis will not be solved by the city, but it can and must be managed. Safe Outdoor Spaces represent a very temporary place to pitch a tent, relieve oneself, bathe and sleep at night with rules that will not likely be followed. The answer is to provide the support services, including food and permanent lodging, and mental health care needed to allow the homeless to turn their lives around, become productive self-sufficient citizens and no longer dependent on relatives or others.

Mayor Keller has lost credibility and public trust.  What Mayor Tim Keller has done is to cram Safe Outdoor Spaces down the throats of surrounding property owners. Mayor Tim Keller has mishandled the homeless crisis, including the closing of Coronado Park. Safe Outdoor Spaces and Coronado Park are Mayor Keller’s symbols and legacy of failure as the city deals the most vulnerable homeless population, female victims of “sex-trafficking”.





We Can All Thank Mayor Tim Keller For KRQE Nightmare Neighbor

On August 8, KRQ News did a story about a residential property in Four Hills where neighbors are dealing with a trashed-out property and some proclaiming they have a nightmare neighbor.  Below is the unedited news story followed by the link:

“People living in a quiet Four Hills neighborhood are dealing with what some call a nightmare neighbor. The house is barely visible, and the front yard is filled with furniture, appliances, and trash.

The mess is four years in the making. Neighbors said not only is the house unsightly, but it’s also a huge safety risk.

“I see it getting much worse unless the city steps in immediately,” said one neighbor.

The house is in the Four Hills neighborhood. At the house, you can barely see it. It’s covered by couches, bookcases, construction material, and toppled basketball hoops.

“It’s been ongoing for about four years now, and the owner, she brings things home just on a daily basis,” that neighbor said, “It’s oddball things. It’s tires. It’s refrigerators. It’s pallets. It’s basketball hoops. It’s, you name it, she brings it home.”

The City of Albuquerque explained that they’ve received 25 calls about the home so far this year. When KRQE visited the house Wednesday, a city vehicle showed up. An employee got out, walked toward the home, but realized there was no clear path, and left.

The owner of the house is listed as Jessica Rhiger. According to court records, she was charged with a zoning violation for the mess in April, failed to show up to court, and a warrant was issued for her arrest. Neighbors said the house is dangerous and are calling on the city for help.

“It’s a dangerous situation. I truly feel that it is. I would like the city to step in as soon as possible, like I said before, this home catches on fire and takes out a neighborhood.”

KRQE asked the city what their next step is, but they did not give any details. The homeowner does not have a criminal record other than DWI.”


It’s disgusting to see stories like this about residential homes that are trashed out by homeowners and who violate city codes, ordinances and nuisance laws and the city gives  the neighborhood excuses saying it cannot do much, which is a lie and it has not always been the case.

From 2002 to 2009, the Safe City Strike Force was created to combat blighted, nuisance residential and commercial properties.  Deputy City Attorney Pete Dinelli was the Director of the Strike Force and oversaw a team of 30 to 40 representatives from the City Attorney, the APD code teams, Fire Department and Fire Marshal’s Office, the Planning Department code inspectors, the Family Community Services and DA’s Office.

Together, the Strike Force took enforcement action against 75 to one 150 properties a week, mainly residential properties.  Over 8 years, the Safe City Strike Force took civil enforcement action against some 7,500 properties, both commercial and residential properties.

Mayor Tim Keller dismantled and defunded the Safe City Strike Forced 5 years ago saying it did not fit into his “ONE ALBUQUERQUE” philosophy and slogan. Keller replaced the Strike Safe City Strike Force with a very watered-down program that is a low key “conciliatory approach” dealing with substandard properties and property owners and slum lords.  Experience shows that “conciliatory approach” with slum lords and irresponsible property owners who do not want to spend the time, money nor want to make any effort to take care of their properties simply does not work.

No thanks Mayor Keller for being more concerned about public relations, imagery and slogans and not clean and safe neighborhoods.


Mark Ronchetti’s Sinister Goal Is To Deny A Woman’s Reproductive Rights; Responding To A “Trash Talk” Journal Guest Column That Opposes a Right To Choose; A Woman’s Reproductive Rights On November Ballot

“A Stronger New Mexico”, a political action committee linked to the Democratic Governors Association, released a TV ad which asserts Republican candidate for Governor Mark Ronchetti “opposed a woman’s right to control her own body ‘at all stages’ and praised” the U.S. Supreme Court “for giving that power over women to politicians like him.” The ad claims “governors get power over abortion rights” with Roe v. Wade overturned.

The TV ad also links Ronchetti to a 2020 endorsement for US Senate from “National Right to Life”, the nation’s largest anti-abortion group, when it says “Extremists who’d outlaw abortion even in cases of rape and incest said he’s their choice for New Mexico, which makes Ronchetti the wrong choice for governor.”

In response to the “A Stronger New Mexico” TV ad, Ronchetti  released his own rebuttal TV ad on abortion. The ad is entitled “You Deserve the Truth”. It has Ronchetti sitting on a leather couch, ostensibly in his home, wearing an open collar shirt and blue gens, as he speaks directly into the camera and “over articulating” his words, as he tends to do, and exposing his TV weatherman “bleached” white teeth. Ronchetti says this in the ad:

“You deserve to know where candidates stand and not be scared by false ads. … The governor supports abortion up to birth. … That’s extreme. … I’m personally pro-life, but I believe we can all come together on a policy that reflects our shared values. … We can end late-term abortion while protecting access to contraception and health care.”

The on-screen graphics say first that Governor Lujan Grisham  supports abortion “up to moment of birth” and that she made New Mexico the “late-term abortion capital of U.S.” The ad goes on to say Ronchetti proposes banning abortion after 15 weeks of gestation, with exceptions for rape, incest, and to preserve the life of the mother.”


On Sunday, July 10, the very conservative Republican pastor Reverend Steven Smothermon of Legacy Church during his Sunday church service, exposed Mark Ronchetti’s new moderate stand as nothing more than ruse to get elected. Ronchetti’s new stance on abortion is approving abortion for up to 15 weeks of pregnancy and in cases involving rape, incest and when a mother’s life is at risk. This is what Smothermon preached and said from his pulpit:

I know Mark Ronchetti came out, and some people are very upset, because he said I think [abortion] is reasonable up to 15 weeks. . . I know a lot of us got mad. I did too. I had a long talk with him for hours. I said, dude right out of the gate you blew it and he said here’s what I was trying to do. I know what you were trying to do but you didn’t do it and here’s what he said.

He said, ‘listen, I just want to start with getting rid of partial birth abortion in the whole state’–which we should be happy with–and he said ‘but I can’t just go in and do it 100 percent because we won’t ever get elected.’ He said I just want to start but his goal would be to end abortion in New Mexico. Just so you know.

How do I know that? Because I talked to him for hours and I said I won’t support anybody that believes in killing a baby ever. I don’t care how much you are right on other issues. That one issue is enough for me because if you don’t believe in life, something’s wrong.

The full video of the Smothemon sermon can be viewed with comments on Ronchetti starting at 27:10.

Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s campaign was quick to seize upon Smothermon’s revelations and called Ronchetti a liar who is trying to trick voters to get elected. Kendall Witmer, a spokeswoman for Lujan Grisham’s campaign had this to say:

[“Ronchetti is] dangerous for women who depend on abortion health care. The rights of women to make decisions about their own bodies in New Mexico depends on reelecting Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham.”

“Lujan Grisham told CNN  New Mexico doesn’t have any restrictions on abortion, which she supports. There are no restrictions, she told CNN’s Jake Tapper, because “this is a privacy right and a personal decision between a woman and her doctor, and to interfere in any of these medical decisions creates … unknown, untold reductions in civil liberties for any number of individuals, including women’s access to contraceptives.”

The link to the quoted news source material is here:

In 2021, in anticipation of Roe v. Wade being overturned, Governor Lujan Grisham worked and lobbied the New Mexico legislature to repeal the state’s 1969 criminal law that made abortion a crime so that the state law could not become enforceable. In June, Lujan Grisham issued an executive order aimed at protecting patients and providers from lawsuits and arrest warrants filed in other states.


On Sunday, July 31, the Albuquerque Journal ran a guest column that was a hideous, inflammatory attack on New Mexico, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, the New Mexico Legislature and all of its citizens who support a woman’s right to choose and a woman’s reproductive rights. The guest column was written by Stephan Helgesen who says he is a retired career U.S. diplomat who now resides in Tijeras, New Mexico.  According to the Journal biographical foot note, Helgeson has lived and worked in 30 countries for 25 years and is the author of 12 books and has written more than 1,200 articles on politics, economics and social trends.

Following is the full, unedited column with link to  the Albuquerque Journal:

HEADLINE: New Mexico has become the land of disposable life


“Get ready my fellow New Mexicans, your state is soon to become the abortion equivalent of the ubiquitous 7-Eleven convenience store thanks to a progressive governor and a doctrinaire Democratic Legislature that care more for living voters than womb-bound future ones.

Tough words admittedly, but it’s time we all took the gloves off and stopped hiding behind a sense of fair play or giving the left the benefit of the doubt when it comes to their real attitudes toward human life. Truth is, their actions show they care more about protecting their ideology than protecting innocent life.

This whole “reproductive health care argument” and a “woman’s right to choose” is just a smoke screen for a self-centered egotistical bias toward women who don’t want to suffer the inconvenience of bearing a child. While I’m willing to admit there are instances when an abortion can be morally justified – in cases of rape and incest and when there is a real and present danger to the health of the mother – those instances are few and far between the millions of abortions that occur every year in the USA.

It pains me to say it, but we have become a nation of blame-shifters. “It was his fault that I got pregnant!” “Of course I knew what a missed menstrual period means, but I knew that I could always get an abortion if I was pregnant, so no big deal.”

Now that the Supreme Court has reversed the Roe versus Wade decision of 1973, we will soon see if our states will also avoid their responsibility to protect human life, or, as with the recent easing of marijuana laws, they will see dollar signs in the continuance or expansion of their abortion industry.

New Mexico will probably become a one-stop shop for out-of-state expectant mothers. “Come to New Mexico. Bienvenidos. End your pregnancy here in just 24 hours and use the rest of your time to see our glorious Land of Enchantment. See the sights. Taste our culture that celebrates life in all its forms.”

What hypocrisy. The native peoples of New Mexico have always revered life. Elizabeth Terrill wrote a piece for the Navajo Times in which she said, “As a Native American woman, I know this (that life is sacred and begins at conception) to be true at a fundamental level. It has taken centuries for our Native peoples to be afforded the human rights that all people deserve by their very nature.

Precisely because of our history of being discarded and disdained, we have an obligation to stand for those who are today being denied the rights that we have fought so hard to obtain.”

How did our state go from one that respected and revered indigenous people’s cultural and religious beliefs about the sanctity of life to an abortion sanctuary state? The answer is simple – politics, simply politics.

A true-blue state, New Mexico has sold its morals for 30 pieces of silver and the prospect of being viewed as progressive rather than a state steeped in traditional values. Human life is expendable. Women must have the sovereign right to decide who lives and who dies, and the state has the responsibility to uphold those new moral rights. That’s basically what Senate Bill 10 passed in the 2021 legislative session says.

Given the laws being passed in neighboring states limiting abortions, we are bound to see an influx of abortion tourism. This will please the pro-abortion zealots, but it will really please organizations like Planned Parenthood that stand to do a land office business.

Abortion gold has been found in them thar hills. At a time when the left is steadfastly protecting the lives of (undocumented) immigrants pouring into our country it strikes me as paradoxical that we are willing to sever the lifelines of the innocent and vulnerable unborn. Is this the new New Mexico True? If so, count me out.”


After reading the inflammatory Helgeson guest column, this author was  compelled to respond directly to Stephan Helgesen as well contact the Albuquerque Journal editors to question why the column was published in the first place  given the inflammatory and many falsehoods contained in the guest column.

Following is the email exchange that ensued:

Date: 8/2/22  From Pete Dinelli, To  Stephan Helgesen, Subject: Helgeson Trash talking; Albuquerque Journal guest column

“ Mr. Helgeson

I read your opinion column published by the Albuquerque Journal on Sunday,  July 31 with the link here:

Why the Albuquerque Journal editors would even publish it is astonishing given how offensive it was to the State, which is the reason for me sending this email  to the Journal editors.

Your column  is replete with  rhetoric and downright lies that you are trying to pawn off as legitimate  commentary.  It  really amounts  to nothing more than offensive, inflammatory rhetoric, including the following:

“Get ready my fellow New Mexicans, your state is soon to become the abortion equivalent of the ubiquitous 7-Eleven convenience store thanks to a progressive governor and a doctrinaire Democratic Legislature that care more for living voters than womb-bound future ones.”

“This whole “reproductive health care argument” and a “woman’s right to choose” is just a smoke screen for a self-centered egotistical bias toward women who don’t want to suffer the inconvenience of bearing a child.”

“While I’m willing to admit there are instances when an abortion can be morally justified – in cases of rape and incest and when there is a real and present danger to the health of the mother – those instances are few and far between the millions of abortions that occur every year in the USA.”

“… we have become a nation of blame-shifters. “It was his fault that I got pregnant!” “Of course I knew what a missed menstrual period means, but I knew that I could always get an abortion if I was pregnant, so no big deal.”

“New Mexico will probably become a one-stop shop for out-of-state expectant mothers.”

“Come to New Mexico. Bienvenidos.  End your pregnancy here in just 24 hours and use the rest of your time to see our glorious Land of Enchantment. See the sights. Taste our culture that celebrates life in all its forms.”

“A true-blue state, New Mexico has sold its morals for 30 pieces of silver and the prospect of being viewed as progressive rather than a state steeped in traditional values. Human life is expendable. Women must have the sovereign right to decide who lives and who dies, and the state has the responsibility to uphold those new moral rights.”

“Abortion gold has been found in them thar hills. At a time when the left is steadfastly protecting the lives of (undocumented) immigrants pouring into our country it strikes me as paradoxical that we are willing to sever the lifelines of the innocent and vulnerable unborn. Is this the new New Mexico True? If so, count me out.”


For a man who is supposedly a retired career U.S. diplomat and who has lived and worked in 30 countries for 25 years, author of 12 books and has written more than 1,200 articles on politics, economics and social trends, your column reflects that of an obscene right-wing fascist who has no tolerance for Democrats, no tolerance for human rights, no tolerance for civil rights and especially no tolerance for constitutional rights of woman. You even managed to bring up your dislike or undocumented immigrants in your column on abortion.

Your column amounts to nothing more than trash talking of a state that you show an absolute ignorance and disdain for including the people who have lived here all of their lives and dealing with all of its problems.   You sound like so many of those who move to the state and then proceed to try and save us from ourselves.  We do not need saving from people that are the likes of you who are intolerant.

At the end of your column you say “Is this the new New Mexico True? If so, count me out.”  I would like to take you up on that and ask that you count yourself out and  move to Texas, Mississippi  or Florida, or perhaps  even  Afghanistan or Iran where woman have no rights and treated as chattel,  and  where you and your right-wing ideology will fit in just fine. Just think, if you were to move to Afghanistan you could offer your diplomatic skills to the Taliban.”

Date: 8/3/22:   From Stephan Helgesen;  To: Pete Dinelli;  Subject: RE: Helgeson Trash talking Albuquerque; Journal guest column

Interesting response. It is precisely what I expected from someone like you.


Date: 8/3/22:  From: Pdinelli;  To: Stephan Helgesen;  Subject: RE: Helgeson Trash talking Albuquerque; Journal guest column

Thanks for agreeing with my assessment of you and what you stand for and not taking issue with it.

Date: 8/3/2022: Subject:  Helgeson Trash talking Albuquerque Journal guest column; From: Stephan Helgesen;  To: P Dinelli

“Are you kidding! I know you and have followed your failed political career over the years and dismiss you and your far-out opinions. I have nothing but pity for you and the far-left looney characters that you align yourself with.  But, since I am a Christian and see life as sacred I will pray for yours along with all the aborted babies that negligent mothers have destroyed since Roe versus Wade in 1973 (62 million in case you didn’t know it).”


Date: 8/3/2022:  Subject: Clownish, right wing Pseudo Christian; From: P Dinelli; To:   Stephan Helgesen

Mr. Helgeson:

Failed political career?  Now that’s rich and clownish coming from a right-wing fool such as yourself.   You have not lived in New Mexico long enough to know me nor who I am.  Otherwise, you would know practicing law has been my career for 42 years and not politics.  This includes   being a successful prosecutor for 15 years with high conviction rates, having my own successful  law firm, being an elected city councilor, being a judge, and being Chief Deputy District Attorney,  Deputy City Attorney and Chief Public Safety Officer.

You on the other hand really have nothing to show for  as a failed diplomat, otherwise you probably would open that big mouth of yours and tell the whole  world  what you actually accomplished during your 25 years globetrotting.  Instead, you embellish your credentials.  The only “far out opinions” and looney characters are  pseudo-Christians such as yourself who I will never have pity for. You’re such a hypocrite when you say “life is sacred” and then say in your Journal column you have no problem with exceptions for rape and incest.  There are no exceptions for Christians such as Pastor Steve Smothermon.

Please look in a mirror so you can see what a real loser looks like.

Date:  8/4/2022:  Subject:   Re: Clownish, right-wing pseudo christian; From: Stephan Helgesen; To:  PDinelli

The last word is yours. Go in peace.



There are many who believe what is published in the Albuquerque Journal as guest commentary should be simply ignored.  Still others believe that no one reads the Albuquerque Journal and so why even bother challenging anything the paper publishes in its editorial sections.  Such beliefs are misplaced, short sighted and are dangerous. Political propaganda, such as what Stephan Helgesen wrote, that goes unchallenged is viewed as the truth by too many who are just plain lazy to seek the truth.

Way too many believe that our first amendment right of free speech does not have any limitations and that one is allowed to just simply lie and distort facts and that it is somehow protected free speech.  Our former President Donald Trump is one such person who believes lying is “free speech” as he promotes the big lie that he won the election in 2020.   It led to a January 6, 2021 attempted coup to overthrow our democracy. Michelle Obama famously said, “when they go low, we must go high” but that only gets you so far.  Lies and extremism must be dealt with and challenged aggressively and assuredly, otherwise they will be accepted as the truth by those unwilling to even try and find out what the truth really is.

Discourse as reflected in the Journal Helgesen guest column that promotes intolerance, promotes hate and distrust of others, and that denigrates women and seeks to deny basic civil rights and human rights and a woman’s right to choose and to have control over her own health care decisions must be challenged in no uncertain terms, even if only published in the Albuquerque Journal.

There is absolutely no doubt that the July 31 inflammatory Albuquerque Journal Stephen Helgeson guest column combined with the outing of Republican Mark Ronchetti’s and his intention to ban all abortions are clear evidence of what New Mexico Republicans are really up to when it comes to abortion and woman’s reproductive rights.

A Mark Ronchetti ad blasts the Governor saying she lied about his record to defund the police saying it’s dangerous when a Governor lies.  Failing to disclose is lying.  Ronchetti can proclaim all he wants that he supports a “reasonable approach” to abortion when the truth is Ronchetti confessed behind closed doors that there is absolutely “nothing reasonable” about what he wants and what he will advocate for if he is elected.  The truth is Mark Ronchetti lied to the public about his intent to destroy a woman’s reproductive rights in order to get elected.

Woman’s rights are under siege by the right-wing New Mexico Republican Trump Party and the Trump US Supreme Court.  Make no mistake, a woman’s right to choose and their reproductive rights in New Mexico are on the 2022 ballot in the form of the Governor’s race.

Behind the bleached teeth, phony grin of TV personality Mark Ronchetti is a dark and sinister political agenda to destroy a woman’s reproductive rights to the point that his campaign lapel pin might as well be a coat hanger.